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See /wiki/spaces/ISMS/pages/625377424


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See Departments (create page)


nameUSI Policy (Internal)


All students completing nationally recognised and accredited training must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes students doing Vocational Education Training (VET) when they are still at school (VET for secondary students). Students who do not have a USI cannot receive their qualification or statement of attainment until a USI has been provided to Strategix and verified.

The USI provides students access to an online record of the training they have done since 1 January 2015. The portal allows students to produce a comprehensive transcript of their training. This can be used when applying for a job, seeking a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training.

This procedure outlines how staff are to use the USI Organisational Portal and/or aXcelerate to create/verify a USI, update student details on the portal, or view/verify USI Transcripts.

Students wishing to create their own USI must refer to

A USI is for life, a student must not have more than one USI. Where a student already holds a USI Strategix must not create a new one, in this case a student must be referred to the USI portal to retrieve their USI. If a second USI is created it will be cancelled by the USI registrar and Strategix will not be able to report results against it.




nameUSI Organisational Portal Tasks (internal)

USI Organisational Portal

The USI Organisation Portal is to be used to:

  • Conduct a search for an Existing USI

  • View/Verify USI Transcript

  • Update a Students Personal Details

Note: A personal MyGovID account is required to access the USI Organisation Portal, if an account holder

Existing USI Search

  1. The “Existing USI Search” tool is used to search and retrieve an existing USI for a student without having to match all personal and contact details exactly as they appear in the student’s USI account.

  2. To search for a student’s USI:

  3. Select the “Existing USI Search” tool to proceed to the search page.

  4. Confirm permission has been received from the student to locate their USI by clicking the box, once ticked the search Details and Criteria will appear. Note an email or text will be sent to the student once the search results provide a USI.

  5. Enter the mandatory field details (Family Name, Date of Birth and Gender) as shown on the student’s aXcelerate profile, this must match the Students ID.

  6. Enter the “Optional Criteria” details and select “Search”, it is best to search with one of the optional criteria’s at a time, this has a higher chance of receiving a result. Only search multiple details if more than one USI record is found.

  7. If the Search provides the USI for the student, this needs to be entered and verified in aXcelerate.

  8. If there is no match, a ‘No USI Record Found’ message will be displayed. This result could be due to the following:

    1. The searched could have been done with the wrong information

    2. The student may have entered incorrect details into the portal (E.g. “Siew-Ing Lee” could be “Siew Ing Lee” or “Siew Lee”)

When there is no record, continue to search in various combinations of the names. If there are not obvious variation of the name, work with the student to confirm their details or to obtain the USI.

If the search displays the USI after a search with a variation of the name (the name being different from what’s in aXcelerate and on the students ID), the student must update their name on the USI portal profile to match their ID. Do not update the name in aXcelerate to match the USI portal.

View/Verify Student Transcript

Transcripts include any nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) which the individual has undertaken since 1 January 2015 and which has been reported by the training provider.

To view a student's transcript the student must set the permission from their USI account, refer to the this link on how students can provide Strategix with access.

Once permission has been given the administrative assistant must:

  1. Log into the USI portal

  2. Select “View Transcript”

  3. Enter the students USI and Click “View Transcript”

  4. If the student has Competencies reported, a list of units will be displayed under the heading/s of the Training Provider/s which delivered the units.

Updating a Students Personal Details

The “Find USI” function is used to update personal details in a student’s USI account. In order for Strategix to find a student's USI account the student must set the permission from their USI account to for Strategix to view/edit their records.

Only one personal detail fields can be changed at a time. If updating the case (uppercase or lowercase) of the student's name, identification is not required. Current identification is required to update:

  • First/Given Name

  • Family/Last Name

  • One Name

  • Date of Birth

This link shows how students can provide Strategix with access.

Once permission has been approved, the administrative assistant must:

  1. Log into the USI portal

  2. Select “Find USI”

  3. Enter the USI or as many details as possible to help find the correct USI account and click “Search”

  4. If access was given, click “Update” next to the field to be updated. Update the required field with the details (as per the ID) and click “Next”

  5. Follow the Directions as prompted for type of change
