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*See Information classification policy




Privacy and Confidentiality


Strategix has developed this Privacy Policy in line with the Privacy Act 1988 including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) to ensure that:

  • Personal information is only collected where necessary to fulfil the organisation's functions

  • Those giving personal information are informed of the purpose of collection and how their personal information will be used

  • Records containing personal information are kept secure and protected from loss or misuse

  • Individuals are informed of the right to access their own personal information

  • Permission is obtained from individuals before their image is used on publications or websites.

Your personal information may be used or disclosed by Strategix for the purposes outlined in Strategix’s Privacy Policy.

Strategix follows strict confidentiality policies and does not discuss or disclose any information about a student’s situation. Information that relates to their participation in Strategix training courses may be required by regulatory bodies such as ASQA and any other relevant government agencies or an Officer of the Law.

Strategix may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

  • School – if you are a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship

  • Employer – if you are enrolled in training paid by your employer

  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies, including but not limited to NCVER and Registrar (Student Identifiers Registrar).

All participants have the right to access their personal records. We have a responsibility to record and report your details to the Department of Education and Training (DET) where you attend government-funded courses and/or accredited courses.

This reporting is used for proof of attendance and complies with national standards. Other than for reporting purposes, your personal information will not be passed on to any third party without your written consent. It is your right not to provide your full personal details, on the understanding that you may not be entitled to the full services provided with our accredited training.

Services Australia Information

  • We may disclose your personal information to Services Australia (the Agency) where this is required or authorised by Australian law

  • Information about your enrolment with us may be disclosed if you are claiming or receiving a payment from Services Australia

  • You are still required to notify Services Australia of any change in circumstances that may affect your payment

  • Personal information disclosed to Services Australia is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. More information about the way that Services Australia handles personal information can be found at .

Strategix will not disclose information for any other purpose, other than the primary purpose, unless Strategix reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent serious and imminent threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or is a serious threat to public health or safety.

Disclosure to Organisations

Strategix may be requested to make personal information available to authorised Australian and State agencies when required. Specific examples are:



Centrelink / Services Australia

Has the authority to request information regarding student details under section 196 of the Social Security Administration Act 1999.*


A request must be submitted by the police in writing. Exceptions may arise where there is an emergency. Verification of police identity must occur.

Job Active Providers

Job Active Providers that provide referrals and payment for students are entitled to attendance and student outcomes.*


Where the student is engaged by their employer, information regarding attendance and results may be given.*

Australian Apprenticeship Centres

Where the student is an Australian Apprentice, information regarding attendance and results may be given.*

State Regulators

Where a student receives government funding, information regarding enrolment and training activity data is given.*

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

Where a student is completing nationally recognised training, information regarding enrolment and training activity data may be given.*

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Where a student is completing Nationally recognised training, information regarding enrolment and training activity data is given. *

Commonwealth officers and the Secretary

Where a student is participating in the VET Student Loans program, information will be shared with the Secretary (person responsible for the administration of VET Student Loans).

*Included in the student enrolment declaration. As part of the enrolment procedure, students have already provided permission for Strategix to collect and distribute information to parties directly involved in their training and assessment.

These organisations may access students' information free of charge and distribute it without any further permission from the student.

Where the student is no longer engaged with the service, department or employer; permission must be obtained from the student.





Strategix Training Group (Strategix) ensures the best practice with regard to the collection; handling and maintenance; storage; and access, release and destruction of personal information. Strategix is bound by and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as outlined in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.


How does Strategix collect information?

Provided by

How Provided

Student Information



In person


Via Strategix website

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit

Enrolment Form

Identity Document (e.g. Drivers Licence, Medicare Card)

Vocational Placement Agreement

Police Check

Working with Children Check

Student Surveys

The Department of Education and Small Business Training (QLD funded students)

Apprenticeships Info Self Service (AISS check)

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (Apprentices)

Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO) Notification

Community Organisation

Funding Approval Letter

Workplace (existing worker students)

Training Plan

Employer Resource Agreement

Debitsuccess (students on a payment plan)

Information on the Debitsuccess portal which is shared with Strategix:


Scheduled Payments

Debitsuccess Call History with student

Contract and details entered/completed

International Education Agents


Tuition Protection Service


School (VET in School)

Student Letter/s

Employee and/or Contractor’s Information

Employee or Contractor



FORM 14.001 - New Staff Form

FORM 14.011 - Human Resources Information Sheet (HRIS)

FORM 14.033 - Application for employment


Superannuation Choice Form

Tax File Number Declaration Form

Current/Previous Employer

Employee’s performance information

What if I don’t wish to provide personal information?
Students – Generally, with the exception of nationally recognised training, you have no obligation to provide any personal information requested by us. However, if you choose to withhold requested personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the products and services that depend on the collection of your information.


USI Privacy Notice




Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)

The Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are contained in schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), outline how most Australian and Norfolk Island Government agencies, all private sector and not-for-profit organisations with an annual turnover of more than $3 million, all private health service providers and some small businesses (collectively called ‘APP entities’) must handle, use and manage personal information.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia's vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER)

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research is an Australian non-profit owned by the Commonwealth and state and territory ministers responsible for vocational education and training.

The Student Identifiers Registrar

The Student Identifiers Registrar is a Commonwealth statutory office established by the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and is responsible for administering the USI initiative nationally. The Registrar is appointed by the Commonwealth Skills Minister in consultation with the ministers responsible for skills in states and territories. Jason Coutts is the Student Identifiers Registrar

The USI Office located in the Federal Department of Education and Training assists the Registrar. The USI Office manages the USI Registry System which creates and stores the USIs.

Australian Government Department Home Affairs

The Department of Home Affairs is the Australian Government interior ministry with responsibilities for national security, law enforcement, emergency management, border control, immigration, refugees, citizenship, and multicultural affairs.


Used by Strategix to provide students with access to flexible payment plans to suit their individual education journey.

Debitsuccess manages the payment plans, this involves processing all billing files, handling any student billing enquiries and following up any failed payments on behalf of Strategix.

International Education Agent

Also known as international student recruitment agencies. The International Education Agent works with international students to locate a training provider in Australia.





  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • List here

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:
