The secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose of collection and the student would reasonably expect Strategix to use or disclose the information
The student has consented to the release of the information
Strategix has confirmed the identity of the individual consenting to the release of information (refer to 100 Point Identification Check).
The student concerned is reasonably likely to have been aware, or has been made aware that information of that kind is usually passed to that person, body or agency
Strategix reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent serious and imminent threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or safety
Strategix believes that the use or disclosure of information is reasonably necessary for prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or punishment of criminal offences, breaches of the law, or serious improper conduct.
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100 Point Identification Check Identification must be current and should include at least one type of photographic ID and identification that contains a signature and date of birth.
Under 18
Students over 18 years of age – information will not be released without prior consent from the student except in extraordinary circumstances
Students under 18 years of age – privacy laws give the student the right to consent to disclosure without parental consent and information will not be released without prior consent from the student except in extraordinary circumstances
Where a student has an Intellectual Disability and is unable to judge the consequences of disclosure the guardian or parental consent will be obtained prior to information release.
Enrolment documentation
Participation evidence
Submitted assessments
Training Record book.
title | 100 Point Identification Check |
100 Point Identification Check
Identification must be current and should include at least one type of photographic ID and identification that contains a signature and date of birth.
Primary documents
Birth Certificate
Citizenship Certificate
Current Australia Passport
Expired Australian Passport which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding two years
Current passport from another country or diplomatic documents
Secondary documents – must have a photograph and a name. The first item from this list is worth 40 points. Any additional items used are worth only 25 points each
Current driver photo licence issued by an Australia state of territory
Identification card issued to a public employee
Identification card issued by the Australian or any state government as evidence of a person’s entitlement to a financial benefit
Identification card issued to a student at a tertiary education institution
Document – must have name and address
Document held by a cash dealer giving security over property
A mortgage or other instrument of security held by a financial body
Council rates notice
Document from current employer or previous employer within the last two years
Land Titles Office record
Document form the Credit Reference Association of Australia
Document – must have name
Current credit card of account card from a bank, building society or credit union
Current telephone, water, gas or electricity bill
Foreign driver’s licence
Medicare card
Electoral roll compiled by the Australian electoral Commission
Lease / rent agreement
Current rent receipt from a licensed real estate agent
Records of a primary, secondary or tertiary education institution attended by the applicant within the last 10 years
Records of a professional or trade association of which the applicant is a member
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Student Information Release Procedure: