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Student Attendance Policy

nameStudent Attendance Policy

Attendance Requirements

Maintaining satisfactory attendance is vital to ensure students receive satisfactory training and assessment. Students must attend sufficient contact hours to be able to complete the learning and assessment activities and remain enrolled. Additionally it is also a visa condition for all international students.


Note: Attendance requirements outlined in this document do not apply to students enrolled in an Online course which is self paced. Students in a Structured Online course must meet the requirements within this document.

In addition to receiving this information during the course inductions, students receive attendance information, course structures, expected duration and schedules prior to enrolment within:

  • Marketing materials

  • Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreements and/or

  • Confirmations of Enrolment (CoE)

  • The Student Handbook

  • The International Prospectus.

Satisfactory Attendance


Satisfactory Attendance = Being in attendance of all “scheduled course contact hours” per week.

The term “scheduled course contact hours” mentioned above, will be referred to “contact hours” throughout this document, the contact hours for a course refers to all scheduled:

  • Face to face classes

  • Course-related information sessions

  • Supervised study sessions

  • Mandatory and supervised work-based training (Vocational Placement)

  • Assessment sessions

  • Structured Online tutorials (domestic students only).

Attendance may only be adjusted/put on hold in exceptional circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Compassionate or compelling grounds - including but not limited to:

    • Serious illness or injury with a medical certificate

    • Immediate family illness or bereavement (with documentation produced)

    • Natural disaster

    • Mental trauma

  • Change of study mode/load (full time or part time) or Change of study course delivery method (online or face-to-face)

  • Change to delivery schedule or training plan (deferral or RPL or Credit Transfer application).

International Students

To maintain satisfactory attendance, international students must ensure they attend a minimum of 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.

The contact hours must be face-to-face activities and/or approved work placement where the qualification stipulates Vocational Placement. It does not include online or external activities.

ELICOS students cannot allow attendance to drop below 80%.

Attendance Monitoring

Strategix monitors attendance to ensure students complete their course/s within the specified and expected duration. When attendance drops below 100%, it cannot and will not increase to a higher percentage. Strategix uses several means to monitor attendance, including:

  • Attendance reports (marked daily)

  • Automated tracking in aXcelerate

  • Classroom attendance monitoring

  • Progression monitoring

  • Quarterly attendance reports

  • Targeted monitoring of students who are “at risk”

  • Targeted monitoring of students who are on an Intervention Plan or Catch-up Strategy.

At Risk

Students who do not maintain satisfactory attendance are not meeting their course requirements and are assigned a risk rating of either Low Risk or High Risk.

Risk Rating


Low Risks

Missed sporadic days that have had catch-up strategies implemented/followed

Students who have explained absences that maintain sufficient progress in their course

High Risks

Students who’s attendance drops below an acceptable level

Students unable to catch-up due to missing practical sessions or inability to re-do the activity in the course schedule

Excessive unexplained absences

Students who are absent for 4 or more consecutive days

Consequences of Unsatisfactory Attendance

Consequences of unsatisfactory attendance may include:

  • Progression Support Email

  • Catch-up activities

  • Intervention Meeting

  • Intervention Plan

  • Cancellation Warning

  • Mandated reporting (international students) and or cancellation.

Catch-up Strategy

When contact hours are missed, the student must:

  • Demonstrate that sufficient catch-up time/attendance/activities are completed, or

  • Attended subsequent/additional sessions to complete designated activities (particularly practical activities)

  • Under some circumstances, follow either a Catch-up Strategy or an Intervention Plan.

A Catch-up Strategy can be implemented for a face to face course where a student is absent from contact hours for a maximum 4 consecutive days.

Intervention Plan

When a student is absent for 5 or more consecutive days and/or their attendance drops to 80% (international) or 70% (domestic), whichever occurs first, an intervention meeting and/or follow an Intervention Pan must occur. Intervention Meetings and Intervention Plans are implemented as per the Intervention Information Sheet.

The intervention meeting is an opportunity to discuss the reasons surrounding the lack of attendance and to develop an Intervention Plan. The Intervention Plan must be followed to throughout the reminder the course or until the plan is fulfilled.

Intent to Cancel

When a student reaches the point where they are no longer able to complete their course in the expected duration Strategix will notify the student as follows:

  • Domestic students - Are notified through the Strategix - Cancellation Warning email, they may have their studies deferred, extended or cancelled

  • International students - Will be notified through the Intent to Report email. Up to this point the student must have been following an Intervention Plan and been reminded of their attendance and progression requirements. They may have the option to defer, extend or cancel, but there are limitations of the options available to the student due to visa restrictions outlined in the Student Progress Information Sheet.




Student Attendance Procedure


  • Continue to maintain acceptable attendance

  • Follow/Meet any Intervention Plan, which may include attending additional catch-up days

  • Follow through on any assistance offered

  • Maintain contact with the trainer to monitor/discuss any ongoing concerns.

Appeals and Withdrawal

When a determination has been made to withdraw a student and cancel their enrolment, the student is notified of Strategix's intent to withdraw them through the Strategix - Cancellation warning (Domestic Students) or the Notice of Intention to Report (International Students). The student has may have an opportunity to appeal the decision, the appeal is processed as per the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure.
