Participate in Vocational PlacementSTEP 1: InductionDuring induction, you will be informed of the VP requirements, including but not limited to: Requirements to have a current Police and/or Working with Children Check Attendance requirements Time limitations to completing VP Host employer dress requirements Information on Vocational Placement Agreement forms.
STEP 2: Student PreparationObtain a Police and/or Working with Children check. You must update Strategix with its details when it comes through Meet with suitable hosts to secure a location to complete your placement. Refer to the Find a VP Host section below for tips Read and sign the Vocational Placement Agreement Form and provide it to your host employer to also sign it. Upload the completed Form to your learning and assessment portal as instructed. This must be done before you start VP Provide your host with a copy of your Police and/or Working with Children Check (where required) Read through the VP assessment requirements on your assessment and/or learning portal *Certificate III Individual Support students only: Individual support students must complete instruction in manual handling covered in the workplace health and safety subject and on the practical days. Failure to attend both of these days may mean that you cannot start VP on the scheduled date.
Please note: The placement of students in VP is at the trainer’s discretion. The trainer may postpone your VP if they feel that you do not have the necessary foundational knowledge and skills to complete VP successfully and safely. STEP 3: Attend and Complete VPAttend VP as scheduled in the Course Release Schedule Ensure the following is completed: Follow all obligations set out by Strategix and the host, e.g. code of conduct etc. Complete VP within 10 weeks of the last class date or you may be withdrawn from the class, unless previously negotiated with and approved by Strategix management.