Step | Person Responsible |
Integrate and Pull Course Intakes | Administrative Assistant |
Prepare/ Review aXcelerate | Administrative Assistant |
Pull Enrolments | Administrative Assistant |
Cloud Assess adjusted to reflect CT’s | Administrative Assistant |
Release Induction Unit | Administrative Assistant - check with Induction procedure if this is now the trainer or still coordinatorDeactivate Course |
Remove Credit Transfers | Administrative Assistant |
Integrate and Pull Course Intakes
To pull an intake to Cloud Assess:
Navigate to the Select Intakes area
Select the orange Integrate button on the top right-hand side, and select Pull Intakes from the drop-down list
In the Search field, type in either the qualification code or title
Find the applicable course that matches the new course created in aXcelerate
Search the course location/ any other specifics to narrow down the list
Note: The Code will match the “ClassID=” in the aXcelerate URL for the Course Matrix. ie. https://strategix.app.axcelerate.com/management/management2/rto/rtoClassDrilldown.cfm?ClassID=XXXXXXX
Once the course is found, select Create (the word create in the ‘Linked To’ column will then change to an orange hyperlink with the same Class ID Code)
Select the hyperlink
The intake has now been created and linked to aXcelerate. Now, the details will need to be updated:
Click the 2 dots in the right-hand corner next to Details, and select Edit Intake from the drop-down list
Path: Select the applicable Path from the drop-down
Note: This is important for bringing over the correct units and course materials. If you are unsure which path to select, please check with your supervisor.
Tags: Enter in your initials eg. AH
This is a useful search function to filter enrolments and units later)
Default Assessors: Start typing the trainer name, and select from the list
Intake Contacts: Start typing your name, and select from the list
This will send any updates about the course to the selected email address. ie. When all units in an enrolment have been completed
Leave the Default Third Parties and AUD$ fields blank, and leave the toggle buttons set as they are
Select Save.
Add resources to the intake:
Select Resources
Select Link Folder
Click on the drop-down, and use the box to search the name of the course and select
Select Link Folder (the folder should now appear)
Enrol a dummy student (this allows the trainer to view all units and assessments):
Select Enrolments
Select 2 dots in the right-hand corner, and select Create enrolment manually from the drop-down list
Learner: Use the search field to find “AAA Ricky AAA Ricky Roller (trainer student)”
Select Save.
Select 2 dots in the right-hand corner next to the Search field, and select Add Unit Enrolments manually from the drop-down list
Use the box in the top left-hand corner to tick all units
Untick any units not required
Note: Check this unit list and number of units matches the list in the Course on aXcelerate
Select Add Unit Enrolments
The little arrow at the top left will take you back to the course.
To prepare a course on axcelerate prior to pulling enrolments over:
Course - Matrix view
Update for each student:
In progress status
Add all units
Add all workshops
Tentative status
Update enrolment details
- Refresh matrix view
If all NRs are dark grey, this means the outcome has been entered. If white, need to update.
Pull Enrolments
In order to link a student enrolment from aXcelerate to Cloud Assess, the enrolment needs to be synced and the student will need to be provided with access. In Cloud Assess, this is referred to as “pulling” the enrolment/student.
To pull enrolments to Cloud Assess:
Navigate to the Select Intakes area
Use the search field to find the course
Select the hyperlink for either the Code or Title
Select the orange Integrate button on the top right-hand side, and select Pull Enrolments from the drop-down list
Pull enrolments
Enrolment date from: Leave blank (remove the default date for today)
Note: This relates to the Enrolment Date field in the aXcelerate enrolment. Leaving this blank will ensure all enrolments are pulled over regardless of when they enrolled
Select Pull Enrolments
A green box should appear stating “Integration is processing in the background. Updates will be available shortly”. Keep refreshing this page until all student's names appear
Ensure the list on Cloud Assess matches the Tentative & In Progress list on the aXcelerate Course list
Activate all enrolments
Tick the box on far right-hand side at the top (beside Third Parties) to tick all
Select Bulk Actions, and select Activate from the drop-down list
A confirmation box will pop up “Do you want to activate the enrolments that you have SELECTED, or ALL enrolments on this Intake?”. Select which one applies at the time
A green box should appear stating “Enrolments have been activated for selected learners.”
Send login details to all students
Tick the box on far right-hand side at the top (beside Third Parties) to tick all
Select Bulk Actions, and select Add from the drop-down list
A confirmation box will pop up “Do you want to activate the users you have SELECTED or ALL users in the list?” Select which one applies at the time
A green box should appear stating “Ability to login has been granted for selected users.”
To check, the Login? column for all students should have a green tick
Note: This process automatically sends an email with login instructions to the students
Cloud Assess adjusted to reflect CT’s
If a student has a CT, this subject needs to be removed from the list of subjects they need to complete on Cloud Assess.
Tick the box on the right-hand side to select the unit/s
Select Bulk Actions, and select Delete unit Enrolments & Records from the drop-down list
A warning box will appear:
- Type DELETE into the box and select Yes, Delete Unit Enrolments
Release Induction Unit
Navigate to the Intakes area
Use the search field to find the course
Select the hyperlink for either the Code or Title
Select the Units tab
Scroll down to find the Induction unit
Click on plus symbol to expand (Induction checklist then comes up under the ‘assessment’ section)
Click on plus symbol again
Click the Release button for all students
Deactivate Course
aXcelerate Course Clean-up
When courses are not closed off they will sit as active and create a backlog of courses. This results in extra work for someone else to clean up at a later date. This is not an ideal situation but when it happens it needs to be addressed.
To clean up the courses in aXcelerate only archive if all conditions can be met:
All students have cancelled, withdrawn or completed
Ok to Archive
All students have been issued with a SoA / Certificate and paid their fees where applicable*
Ok to Archive
There will be no further enrolments into the course
Ok to Archive
It is not a FOC/Trainer course
Ok to Archive
It is not a course template
Ok to Archive
Remove Credit Transfers
If a student has a Credit Transfer (as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/l/cp/nDmNhMj8), this subject needs to be removed from the list of subjects they need to complete on Cloud Assess:
Select the student’s First Name or Last Name to open the enrolment
Select Enrolment on the top left-hand side
Tick the box on the right-hand side to select the specific unit/s to be removed
Select Bulk Actions, and select Delete unit Enrolments & Records from the drop-down list
A warning box will appear:
Type DELETE into the box and select Yes, Delete Unit Enrolments
Info |