Error Example | Reason/Issue | Fix |
Outcome Code cannot be 105 if the enrolment start date has passed | Unit is currently set to NoSt - Not yet started (105), with an the Activity Start Date set to a date in the past. | Check if student has commenced the unit - look on cloud assess or moodle.
Mandatory field Student Given Names must not be blank | The student only has one name | Okay to leave as is if the name is correct for the student. Okay as per AVETMISS requirements. However, Mandatory field Student Surname must not be blank is not ok as per AVETMISS requirements. If a surname is missing and the student only has one name, move the name to the surname, the USI will still verify in this format. |
Mandatory field Course Fee must not be blank | There is not currently the option in aXcelerate to put $0 per hour in the finance model. The coordinator has had to individually update each subject. | See instructions outlined in https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038642224/Scope+Management+Policy+and+Procedure#Finance-models---WA-Fee-Free-Coursesfor a work around. |
Mandatory field USI must not be blank | The student who has been reported with accredited training is Missing USI. Important: A missing USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | Must obtain a USI, we cannot choose to not report competencies for VET accredited training. The only allowance for not reporting an outcome is where the Fees have not been paid. |
USIĀ for this contact has not yet been verified in aXcelerate | A USI has not been verified. A USI must be verified to ensure that training data is not submitted against a USI which belongs to someone else. Important: An unverified USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | The USI must be verified prior to submitting the data. |