Employer Handbook

Employer Handbook



Welcome to Strategix


Welcome to Strategix Training Group and congratulations on your decision to participate in nationally recognised training and assessment. Strategix Training Group is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO number: 31418, CRICOS number: 03623M) and provides training and assessment services throughout Australia. We are committed to providing you and your employees with an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience that will result in students acquiring skills and knowledge which can be applied in the workplace.

We are committed to and encourage the following values and culture:

  • Inclusiveness – we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality

  • Quality – we strive for excellence through continuous improvement

  • Empowerment – we respect each individual’s right to self-determination

  • Participation – we endeavour to match the person to the best training option for them.

Our staff possess the qualifications and experience necessary to provide students with expert solutions to meet their training needs. Our courses are VET (Vocational Education and Training) accredited courses. A VET accredited course has been assessed by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) as compliant with the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

So what does all that mean for students? It ensures the qualification/s gained with us:

  • Are nationally recognised throughout Australia

  • Meet an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need

  • Provide appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for assessment

  • Meet national quality assurance requirements

  • Are aligned appropriately to the AQF where it leads to a qualification.

All of Strategix’s qualifications are specifically designed to meet the needs and demands of industry employers. A student who successfully completes a course with Strategix will have the required knowledge and skills to make a valued contribution to the workforce.

Each qualification includes core and elective subjects. To be successful, students must complete the required number of core and elective subjects, as indicated in the appropriate course flyers. Subjects are made up of several components, including, Elements and Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions.

The qualification and subject information that is discussed during your employee’s enrolment can be viewed at www.strategix.edu.au or https://training.gov.au. Training.gov.au is the official national register of information on vocational education and training (VET) in Australia.

About this Handbook

This handbook includes information to assist you through your journey with us. The policies and procedures in this handbook are to be adhered to by all students/clients and employers of students, and by doing so you will help build a positive experience and a great place to study for all students.

Throughout the duration of this handbook “Strategix Training Group” is referred to as “Strategix”.

Code of Practice

This Code of Practice outlines what you can expect from Strategix. We have adopted the following policies as a benchmark of excellence in training development and service provision:

  • We will maintain a high standard of professionalism and expertise in the delivery of the course

  • We have policies and procedures that promote excellence in client service standards

  • We aim for continual improvement in all we do and value your feedback as part of this process

  • We have effective management and administrative practices

  • We are committed to principles of access and equity and will not unlawfully discriminate against clients and ensure as far as possible that learning experiences are positive and free of discrimination or harassment

  • We strive to protect everybody’s health, safety and welfare

  • Our policies and procedures ensure that you are treated fairly and receive all reasonable assistance to successfully complete your course once accepted for enrolment

  • We will deal fairly and constructively with any concerns and complaints about our services

  • We have a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy that outlines our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people involved in our courses

  • We will provide suitably qualified trainers and assessors

  • We are committed to providing clean, comfortable facilities suitable for adult learning

  • We will provide relevant, accurate and current information

  • In order for us to provide appropriate teaching methods and materials, we offer opportunities for individual input into learning needs.

Roles and Responsibilities

During the training process, there may be a number of parties involved, including:

  • Student (trainee)

  • Employer

  • Strategix

  • Government Departments (State and federal)

  • Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) – Traineeship only.

The student, employer and RTO must work co-operatively. A list of responsibilities can be found below. In addition to these responsibilities, any other expectations of the student, employer and RTO agreed to by the parties in the service agreement, and enrolment documentation will be detailed at the required point in the engagement process.

The student’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Undertaking all training and assessment contained in the Training Plan

  • Working with the RTO and employer to achieve competence in required skills

  • Abide by the student code of conduct – Student Handbook.

The employer’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing on-the-job skill development by providing workplace tasks that relate to the subjects within the qualification

  • Working with the RTO and student/trainee to support the achievement of competence in required skills

  • Provide the necessary resources, facilities and equipment to meet the training package requirements, where the employer is unable to provide these, Strategix will work with the employer to make alternative arrangements

  • Complete all required documentation in a timely manner.

Strategix’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing training and assessment in accordance with the Training Plan

  • Ensuring that the employer and apprentice/trainee are updated on progress against the Training Plan

  • Notifying the employer, apprentice/trainee and the state training authority regarding any issues that may affect the successful completion of the Training Contract

  • Explaining and offering recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer to the apprentice/trainee and their employer

  • Ensuring that in developing the Training Plan, the workplace requirements are taken into consideration and the employer and apprentice/trainee understand the relationship between work tasks to be performed and the subjects to be achieved

  • Identifying in the Training Plan any subjects that are required in the achievement of the qualification that cannot be achieved in the workplace due to the work of the organisation and how these will be delivered and assessed by the RTO

  • Identifying in the Training Plan any subjects that are required to be delivered fully in the workplace, who will deliver the training and how these are to be monitored and assessed

  • Providing the employer and apprentice/trainee with details of how they access the RTO’s training and assessment dispute mechanism.

During the training and assessment process, Government Departments and Agencies have a responsibility to:

  • Regulate courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met

  • Provide direction and determine key areas of skills shortages and allocate funding where required

  • Develop policies to ensure students are protected

  • Collect, monitor and evaluate the outcomes of students and the effectiveness of training

  • Supervision of apprentices and trainees in the workplace.

An Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provides free Australian Apprenticeship support services to apprentices and employers. They will take care of the following:

  • Training contracts and enrolment

  • Administrative support

  • Payment processing employer-based incentives and funding

  • Regular contact.

Continuous Improvement

Strategix is committed to providing the best possible product and service to our clients and students. Each client/student will be provided with an opportunity to make comments and recommendations on their experience with us during and after they have engaged our services. Assessments may contain a student feedback form, via which students can provide feedback after completing the course. On occasion, we will send out student surveys.

We encourage all of our clients and students to provide us with progressive feedback in relation to their experience with us. Feedback and comments may be sent to office@strategix.com.au.

Workplace Health and Safety

Strategix recognises its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for all its staff, students and guests and is committed to providing effective and ongoing workplace health and safety measures.

To minimise risks and effectively deal with any hazard, Strategix:

  • Has regular inspections of its premises to ensure adequate fire and evacuation safety measures are in place

  • Ensures staff are trained to use emergency equipment and are subjected to regular and ongoing fire and evacuation drills

  • Ensures staff and students are aware of emergency evacuation procedures.

To help Strategix create a safe and secure environment, students are requested to follow all emergency, safety and security procedures and instructions relating to the training site at all times. Clients are required to provide Strategix team members with the necessary training and inductions required for the individual delivery sites. Where a site requires specific safety considerations, the client is required to inform Strategix as soon as practicable before training and assessment commence.

Client Engagement


In the initial stages of the relationship, Strategix will provide you with all of the relevant information required to make an informed decision on engaging our services. This information is available in this Handbook, on the Strategix website and in marketing material.

Marketing and Advertising

Strategix will promote and market our training programs and services with integrity, accuracy and professionalism. No false, misleading, vague or ambiguous statements will be made. Client and student permission is gained in writing prior to the use of any material, footage or recordings made by Strategix during the training course. No reference to other providers will be made. All marketing materials will reference our RTO Provider Number and CRICOS Number.

Strategix does not guarantee that:

  • A learner will successfully complete a training product on our scope of registration

  • A training product can be completed in a manner not consistent with the requirements of training packages

  • A learner will obtain a particular employment outcome where this is outside the control of Strategix.

Strategix does not sell information for any purpose, including marketing purposes. Strategix may use the information for internal marketing analysis and marketing. If you do not wish to receive marketing materials, you can contact Strategix and request to opt-out of our marketing or you can unsubscribe from our marketing emails when/if you receive them. Please inform Strategix if you are listed on the official Do Not Call Register.

Strategix has an internal Marketing Policy and Procedure which outlines the requirements for marketing material as stipulated by the regulating authorities and legislative requirements. Strategix creates and manages its marketing material in line with its Marketing Policy and Procedure. If you would like to review the policy and procedure, please feel free to request a copy.


Once a decision has been made to engage Strategix, the client will be required to complete a number of documents to ensure the program and expectations are outlined prior to enrolling students. These may include:

  • Service Agreement

  • Employer Resources Assessment

  • Resources and Facilities Checklist

  • Subject Selection Form.

Service Agreement

The service agreement is a record of the negotiated details of the agreement between Strategix and yourself. The document must be signed by approved parties on behalf of both organisations and will contain your details, training frequency, pricing and funding options being accessed.

Employer Resource Assessment (ERA)

An employer resource assessment must be performed on the delivery site for each qualification being delivered as a traineeship or apprenticeship. The assessment ensures that there is sufficient equipment, facilities, range of work and supervision available for trainees.

Resources and Facilities Checklist (RFC)

The resources and facilities checklist ensures that you have the necessary facilities and equipment available for the student to participate in training and practice and be assessed on the performance and knowledge requirements of a subject. Each qualification and delivery site will require its own RFC to be completed.

Subject Selection Form

Strategix maintains a range of courses that are flexible and designed to meet the needs of its clients and students. Subject selections have been made in consultation with industry representatives, training professionals and employers. In some instances, subjects may not be suitable for the client or student, in these instances, Strategix has the capacity to address those needs through the inclusion or importing of additional subjects into the course (additional costs may apply for the development of additional materials).

Each course will require an individual subject selection sheet to be completed. Subjects may be changed during the course with approval from the Compliance team.

Course Fees

Course fees and student contribution amounts are advised prior to the commencement of any course of study at Strategix. Payment amounts, methods and details can be found in the information sheets attached to the enrolment documentation, the Service Agreement and on the Strategix website.

Refund Policy

Strategix will refund any fees paid according to the guidelines published in the information sheet for the relevant funding source and as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure. The information sheet is provided upon enrolment and is contained within the enrolment form.

Grievances and Complaints

Strategix encourages clients to informally resolve complaints/appeals as the majority of situations can be addressed and resolved at this level. In the event that a complaint/appeal arises, Strategix requests that students first speak to their Trainer/Assessor or Course Coordinator.

If the issue cannot be resolved informally, a more formal Grievance Procedure can be undertaken. Please refer to Strategix’s Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Information for further details.

Privacy and Confidentiality


Strategix has developed its policy in line with the Privacy Act 1988 including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) to ensure that:

  • Personal information is only collected where necessary to fulfil the organisation's functions

  • Those giving personal information are informed of the purpose of collection and how their personal information will be used

  • Records containing personal information are kept secure and protected from loss or misuse

  • Individuals are informed of the right to access their own personal information

  • Permission is obtained from individuals before their image is used on publications or websites.

Strategix follows strict confidentiality policies and does not discuss or disclose any information about a student’s situation. Information that relates to their participation in Strategix training courses may be required by regulatory bodies such as ASQA and any other relevant government agencies or an Officer of the Law.

Students' personal information (including the personal information contained on an enrolment form and in training activity data) may be used or disclosed by Strategix for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. Strategix may disclose student’s personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

  • School – if students are in secondary school undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship

  • Employer – if enrolled in training paid by an employer

  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies


  • The Student Identifiers Registrar

  • Organisations conducting student surveys and researchers.

Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

  • Issuing statements of attainment or qualification, and populating authenticated VET transcripts

  • Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys

  • Acknowledging how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information

  • Administering VET, including programme administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

All participants have the right to access their personal records. We have a responsibility to record and report student details to Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies where students attend government-funded courses and/or accredited courses. This reporting is used for proof of attendance and complies with national standards. Other than for reporting purposes, students’ personal information will not be passed on to any third party without written consent. It is a student’s right not to provide full personal details, on the understanding that they may not be entitled to the full services provided with our accredited training.

Strategix will not disclose information for any other purpose, other than the primary purpose, unless Strategix reasonably believes that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious and imminent threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or safety.

Disclosure to Organisations

Strategix may be requested to make personal information available to authorised Australian and State agencies when required. Specific examples are:




Has the authority to request information regarding student details under section 196 of the Social security Administration Act 1999.*


A request must be submitted by the police in writing. Exceptions may arise where there is an emergency. Verification of police identity must occur.

Job Network Providers

Job Active Providers provide referrals and payment for students are entitled to attendance and student outcomes.*


Where the student is engaged by their employer, information regarding attendance and results may be given.*

Australian Apprenticeship Centres

Where the student is an Australian Apprentice, information regarding attendance and results may be given.*

State Regulators

Where a student receives government funding, information regarding enrolment and training activity data are given.*

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

Where a student is completing Nationally recognised training, information regarding enrolment and training activity data may be given.*

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Where a student is completing Nationally recognised training, information regarding enrolment and training activity data are given *

Commonwealth officers and the Secretary

Where a student is participating in the VET Student Loans program, information will be shared with the Secretary (person responsible for the administration of VET Student Loans).

*Included in the student enrolment declaration. As part of the enrolment procedure students have already provided permission for Strategix to collect and distribute information to parties directly involved in their training and assessment.

These organisations may access students' information free of charge and be distributed without any further permission from the student. Where the student is no longer engaged with the service, department or employer, permission must be sort from the student.

Data Breach

A data breach is the unauthorised access or disclosure of personal information, or loss of personal information. In the unlikely event of a data breach, Strategix has a data breach response plan to ensure fast and effective action is taken to reduce the impact and limit any negative consequences. If the data breach is likely to result in serious harm to one or more individuals, Strategix will inform all relevant parties and individuals involved.

Student Information Release

This section details information about the disclosure of and access to academic records and student files collected by Strategix in relation to past, present and prospective students. It is to ensure the security of student information is maintained in accordance with the Strategix Privacy Policy.

It addresses two areas:

  • Providing students access to their:

    • Training records (Certificates and Statements of Attainment)

    • Assessment.

  • Providing information to third parties, including:

    • Government departments (Centrelink, Job Active Providers, Police)

    • Employers and recruitment agencies

    • Parents/Guardians/Spouses.

Nature of Requests

The nature of requests for information is limited to:

  • Attendance details

  • Academic progress e.g. assessment results

  • Personal details e.g. address, telephone numbers, USI

  • Student support needs

  • Visa information and compliance

  • Enrolment status

  • Reprint of certificates/statements of attainment

  • Completed assessment materials and student file/s.

Age of Students

Students over 18 years of age:

  • Information will not be released without prior consent from the student except in extraordinary circumstances

  • Privacy laws give the student the right to consent to disclosure without parental consent and information will not be released without prior consent from the student except in extraordinary circumstances.

Where a student has an intellectual disability and is unable to judge the consequences of disclosure the guardian or parental consent will be obtained prior to information release.


A cost of $80 is required to be paid prior to the retrieval and issuance of a student file.

Student Records Management

Strategix is committed to maintaining complete and accurate records of its students’ administrative and academic activities. Strategix regards the authenticity, integrity and currency of its student records as paramount and has secured hardcopy and electronic systems in place to ensure student records are managed in an efficient and secure manner.

Student records may be in multiple formats including electronic documents, hard copy files, e-mails, spreadsheets, legal contracts and agreements. Student records pertaining to academic, financial and administrative requirements are recorded and stored securely on a web-based Student Management System and internal server, which is backed up daily.

Senior Management, in consultation with administration staff, is responsible for ensuring that the entry of all student records is accurate. This includes student enrolment forms, fees paid, refunds made and assessment results. An internal audit of all operational procedures including student records is undertaken annually.

Access to Records and Files

Students may access their:

  • Academic records for up to 30 years after the completion of their course of study

  • Student files for up to 6 months after the completion of their course of study.

Academic records retained include:

  • Enrolment details

  • Course details

  • Subject outcomes

  • Certification issued.

Student files retained include:

  • Enrolment documentation

  • Participation evidence

  • Submitted assessments

  • Training Record book.

Student Journey


To ensure students and employers are able to make an informed decision about study options with us, we ensure transparency by providing all the important information multiple times prior to enrolment and commencement. The information is provided through:

  • Marketing material

  • Website

  • Contractual documentation

  • Student Handbook

  • Policies and Information Sheets

  • Enrolment Form (information sheets included in the form and the links provided)

  • Enrolment Success email (notification upon completion of enrolment form)

  • Tentative enrolment email

  • Confirmation of enrolment email

  • Induction.


A representative from Strategix can personally assist with enrolments. Students will be given information about training and asked to complete a number of forms. These forms provide Strategix with the necessary details to determine:

  • Suitability for the course of study

  • Eligibility for funding

  • Credit transfer or recognition of prior learning that may be awarded

  • Required learner support services.

Because our courses are VET accredited and nationally recognised, students must meet and agree to specific government and regulatory requirements. This section outlines what is required in order to enrol with a provider who offers VET accredited courses.

When students submit their enrolment, they will receive a notification that enrolment has been received and is being processed. Once they have provided Strategix with any required documentation (relevant to state funding requirements and/or USI creation/verification) and have been successfully enrolled, you will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

A USI number links to an online account that contains all of a student’s training records completed from 1st January 2015 onwards. The USI must be provided to and verified by Strategix before a student can access government funding, report a competent outcome, or be issued with, or receive, a statement of attainment or qualification.

If a student already has a USI, this must be provided to Strategix during enrolment, alternatively, upon completing the enrolment form, consent is requested for Strategix to apply for a USI on the student’s behalf. If a USI is created by Strategix, the student will be notified of this via email or SMS.

Strategix requires one of the documents below to create and/or verify a USI:

  • Australian Driver’s Licence

  • Medicare card

  • Australian Passport

  • Australian Visa (with non-Australian Passport)

  • Australian birth certificate

  • Certificate of Registration by Descent

  • Citizenship Certificate

  • ImmiCard.

The personal details on the Enrolment Form must match the identification. When creating the USI, it will be created as per the information displayed on the identification. If the details on the enrolment form and USI do not match, Strategix will be unable to verify the USI. Strategix is not able to issue a qualification or certificate without a USI being verified first.

The following details are used to create a USI:

  • First name and family name

  • Date of birth

  • Country of birth

  • Town/City of birth

  • Gender

  • Mobile number and/or email address.

Develop Training Plan

A Training Plan is a formal document that outlines how, when and where training and assessment will occur. It can be used as a guide to monitor students’ progress towards achievement of the qualification. Once developed, the Training Plan is signed off by the trainer/assessor, the supervisor/employer (if applicable) and the student.

Training Plans are reviewed on a regular basis throughout the course of study to ensure the effectiveness and validity of the subject selection and monitor the progress of the qualification. The reviews are generally completed every 3 to 6 months depending on the funding source, contract requirements, client requirements and student progress.


We love to see our students succeed, that is why we give all students the best support we possibly can. Students will participate in a range of learner needs analysis activities during the enrolment and induction process. These may include language, literacy and numeracy testing, enrolment questions, and observations of staff.

Where we identify a student who may require additional support during the course, there may be additional units and class time needed to successfully achieve their qualification.

Learner Support Services

Strategix trainers provide students with real-time assistance for any learner support needs. Students are required to disclose all needs that may impact their learning and participation prior to the commencement of training. Our staff are always happy to help you whenever possible. If students are facing problems of any kind, please do not hesitate to contact a Strategix team member.

Training and Assessment

We will ensure that an effective learning environment is maintained at all times. The environment will be characterised by:

  • An effective training-learning relationship and rapport between workplace trainer/assessors and students

  • Teamwork, communication, feedback and cooperation between all involved

  • Openness, honesty, trust, respect and supportiveness

  • Sufficient time to practice and understand the content of the course

  • Quality training and assessment materials

  • Appropriate facilities, equipment and resources

  • Flexibility in training and assessment methods to meet your needs

  • Ensuring all trainers have the requisite training and technical skills, experience and attitudes

  • Consultation with industry regularly to ensure that:

    • Our training and assessment continue to meet industry needs and standards

    • Materials and strategies are aligned with the industry through consultation with companies, industry associations and government

    • Our trainers’ experience is current through participation in industry release programs.

You must provide Strategix team members with access to students and equipment to carry out the training. This includes time off work for classroom sessions and access to students to conduct sign-ups, training and complete the required documentation. This is in accordance with ASQA SNRs and NVR standards.

Using the schedule provided in the Training Plan, training and assessment will be provided on a continuing basis. The methods used will depend on the student and employer's particular circumstances and preferences. Your trainer/assessor will conduct sessions at appropriate times throughout the course.

Students will have access to their course records, which will serve as a Record Book of their achievements and competencies, at the commencement of the course.

Students may be afforded additional time to practice skills and develop knowledge based on their individual learner characteristics.


In line with competency-based training methodology, the assessment will be progressive, with an emphasis on demonstrating competence and practical application of skills and knowledge. Students must:

  • Be assessed against all of the tasks identified in the elements of the subject

  • Demonstrate they are capable of performing these tasks to an acceptable level.

A student may be deemed competent if they display the following standards:

  • Ability to perform relevant tasks in a variety of workplace situations or accurately simulated workplace situations

  • Understanding of what they are doing and why when performing tasks

  • Ability to integrate performance with understanding, to show they are able to adapt to different contexts and environments.

All students will complete assessments. Assessments will contain both theory and practical activities. It is expected that students successfully complete 100% of assessment activities to achieve competence in the chosen qualification.

Assessment Process

How students will be assessed and what the assessor will be looking for will be made clear at the beginning of each subject. Assessment due dates are communicated by the trainer/facilitator where required.

To gain competence in a subject, all subject requirements must be met and all evidence must be submitted. This must be completed correctly and assessed by an assessor and marked as competent before the subject can be recorded as competent in the student profile and contribute toward the qualification.

Evidence may be collected in a variety of ways, these may include:

  • Questioning – short answer and essay based

  • Observation

  • Portfolios

  • Workplace projects

  • Case studies

  • Third-party testimonials

  • Vocational placement tasks.

Assessment Validation

Strategix employs a system of validation to ensure students are being appropriately assessed, ensuring:

  • Materials and activities are appropriate to the industry

  • Materials and activities meet the requirements of the training package

  • The assessment is of an acceptable assessment level for the recipient

  • The responses of students and their subsequent result/s meet all criteria as outlined in the Marking Guide and Training Package.

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Strategix trains and assesses students from all walks of life. Some students have had previous experience, some have not had any experience, some have undertaken similar training in the past and some are new to training in a specific area.

Students who have completed other nationally recognised training or who, through prior learning and experience, have gained the same skills/competencies stipulated for the subjects in the course, may be granted Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer (CT) upon substantiation of that claim (evidence-based).

Students applying for CT must send certified copies of their transcript of results or must bring original transcripts to Strategix to sight as evidence of their CT application. Students are guided by their facilitator throughout this process to ensure all CT requirements are met.

Credit will be granted for all relevant qualifications/certificates issued by a Recognised Training Organisation.

Students applying for RPL will be provided with an RPL document (inclusive of instructions) explaining what they need to do and what evidence is needed for their RPL application. Students are guided by their facilitator throughout this process to ensure all RPL requirements are met.

Vocational Placement

If the course has a mandatory vocational placement component, students are required to undertake specific activities as part of their training course.

Vocational placement requirements may be attached to individual subjects or a qualification. Employed students may complete the vocational placement assessment activities within their workplace as part of their usual tasks and roles.

For further information about vocational placement, refer to the Vocational Placement Student Guide. For information regarding the rights of a Vocational Placement student, access the Fair Work website.

Working with Children Check and Police Check (where applicable)

Some courses require students to perform a Working with Children Check or a National Police Check to complete the vocational placement component of the course.


Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the trainer/facilitator on a case-by-case basis. Requests for extensions are to be submitted in writing via email to the trainer/facilitator at least 48 hours prior to the assessment due date. If an assessment is not submitted by the due date, and no extension has been granted, a ‘Competency Not Achieved’ (CNA) result will be awarded for the assessment.

Students may be afforded additional time to complete assessments where they have not had sufficient time to adequately practice tasks as required.


Student course fees include an initial assessment plus one resubmission of assessment tasks. If a student is still assessed as “not yet competent” for a particular subject/s, then subsequent re-sits or resubmissions of assessments may incur a fee. The cost must be paid prior to the re-assessment being undertaken.

Academic Misconduct

Any student found to be engaging in academic misconduct will be the subject of disciplinary action which may include removal from the course. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion and any other conduct by which a student:

  • Seeks to gain, for themselves or any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which they are not entitled

  • Improperly disadvantages any other student.


Students completing a course and gaining a qualification is important to us, this section details what happens in relation to the completion of the course and obtaining the appropriate certification.

For students to be successful and complete the course/qualification they must:

  • Attend all required days

  • Complete all assessments

  • Successfully complete vocational placement hours and tasks/projects (if applicable)

  • Meet the requirements of the training package and be assessed as competent for each subject included in the course or qualification.

Once the above requirements have been met, a USI has been provided to Strategix and all course fees are paid, students can be issued with their qualification.


Qualifications and statements of attainment are sent to students via email as a digital certificate attachment. Printed copies are issued when requested.

Security Statement

To preserve authenticity and protect from fraudulent copies, qualifications and statements of attainment issued by Strategix contain multiple security features. Strategix complies with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Strategix has policies and procedures in place to ensure that:

  • Students receive the certification documentation to which they are entitled

  • AQF qualifications are correctly identified in certification documentation

  • AQF qualifications are protected against fraudulent issuance

  • A clear distinction can be made between AQF and Non-AQF qualifications

  • Certification documentation is used consistently

  • Students are confident that the qualifications they have been awarded are part of Australia’s national qualifications framework.

Each certificate contains:

  • A unique certificate number: This can be used to verify the authenticity of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment. Verification can be done by contacting Strategix by phone or for those issued electronically, this can be done via Strategix’s website https://strategix.edu.au/validate/

  • A watermark

  • Signature

  • Security Seal (Diplomas).

All Qualifications/SOAs go through quality, validity and accuracy checks to ensure:

  • The correct certificate type has been issued

  • The correct certificate template has been used

  • The date and content are correct

  • The certificate is being issued to the correct student.


Costs involved in the issuance/re-issuance of a qualification/statement of attainment:

Issuance of


Digital First Print


Digital Reprint


Paper First Print


Paper Reprint


Withdrawals, Cancellations and Discontinuations

In some instances, a student’s circumstances can change and this affects their ability to successfully complete the course/qualification they are undertaking with Strategix.

A student should advise Strategix in writing if they are unable to successfully complete a course/qualification, stating the date they wish to withdraw and providing Strategix with feedback as to why they are withdrawing.

Before the withdrawal can be finalised, all outstanding assessments need to be assessed and outcomes applied where due, in order for the student to gain recognition for all completed subjects. Withdrawing students may be issued with a Statement of Attainment (where applicable) for their completed subject/s within 21 days of notification of their intention to withdraw.

If there has been a breach of policies and procedures set out by Strategix, a student may be required to withdraw from a course/qualification with Strategix due to disciplinary actions taken against a student.

Strategix reserves the right to withdraw a student’s enrolment in the event that a student does not adhere to the assessment submission deadlines provided to the student as part of their training and assessment schedules. Strategix will provide a student with sufficient written warnings regarding their assessment submissions and a student’s failure to respond to and act on these written assessment submission warnings will trigger Strategix to cancel and/or withdraw a student’s enrolment.

Strategix reserves the right to withdraw a student when a student becomes disengaged. Strategix attempts to contact disengaged students multiple times in various ways prior to cancelling their enrolment. The ways used to attempt contact are by phone, email, text, letter and through emergency contact details provided.

In the event that a student’s enrolment is withdrawn, cancelled or discontinued, Strategix will document the reasons and also advise the student and relevant regulating and funding bodies as per their requirements.

A student can obtain a formal Statement of Attainment at no additional cost if their enrolment is withdrawn, cancelled or discontinued prior to completing their qualification, provided they have paid any fees related to the subject/s included in their Statement of Attainment.

Legislative Requirements


Strategix will meet all legislative requirements of State and Federal governments. Workplace health and safety and workplace industrial relations standards will be met at all times.

State Legislation

The following information lists the State and Commonwealth legislation that may be relevant to you. More information on the legislation can be accessed by talking with your assessor, or through the internet by visiting the following links:

The current relevant acts include:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011

  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

  • Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001

  • Fair Work Act 2009

  • Queensland Industrial Relations Act 2016

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992

  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975

  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984

  • Workplace Relations Act 1996 & Workplace Regulation 1996

  • Copyright Act 1968 & Copyright Regulation 1969

  • Privacy Act 1988 & Privacy Regulations 2013.

Contact Details


In the first instance, students should address all correspondence to their allocated Trainer/Facilitator. In the event that your enquiry or request is unable to be addressed to the above-mentioned, you may also use the following contact details:

Postal Address

PO Box 3535 Loganholme QLD 4129


1300 872 464 (1300 training)


07 3207 9960


enquiries @strategix.edu.au

In the event of an emergency, please contact emergency services via 000.

Training Process

Certificate 3 Guarantee/Fee for Service/Short Course

Approximate Timeline


Action Required

Approximate Timeline


Action Required

As arranged

Student enrolment and induction

Sign documentation required

Within 6 weeks of enrolment

Student handover

Students receive materials

As arranged

Training & assessment begins

Assist STRATEGIX trainers to access students and facilities. Sign off record books as required.

Within 30 days from Signed SA/QFS*

Invoice - Strategix

Pay within 30 days as per service agreement.

As appropriate


Sign completion paperwork as required.

1 month after completion


Students receive their qualifications.

Invoice - Strategix

Pay within 30 days as per service agreement.

*Short courses require payment prior to the commencement of the course.

New Entrant and Traineeship Process

Approximate Timeline


Action Required

Approximate Timeline


Action Required

0 months


Sign documentation as required.

0-3 months after enrollment

Phone contact - DET

Respond to questions regarding
the training.

1-3 months after enrollment


File approval letters from Dept. of Training for each Trainee.

As scheduled, as soon as practicable after government approval

Training & assessment begins

Assist STRATEGIX trainers to access trainees and facilities. Sign off record books as required.

*6 months after enrollment

Commencement claim form

Complete the Commencement Claim form.

6 months after enrollment

Invoice - Strategix

Pay within 30 days as per service agreement.

6 months after enrollment

Phone contact - AASN

Respond to questions regarding the training from Australian Apprenticeship Support Network.

As appropriate


Sign completion paperwork as required.

*1 month after completion


Trainees receive their qualifications.

Completion approval

File completion letters from the Department (DTET) for each trainee.

Completion claim form

Complete the Completion Claim form.

Invoice - Strategix

Pay within 30 days as per service agreement.

*Claim forms are the responsibility of the employer and are only applicable to New Entrant Students enrolled into a traineeship within the first 3 months of full-time or 12 months of part-time employment.


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