Term | Definition / Explanation |
AASN | Apprenticeships Australia Support Network |
ACSF | Australian Core Skills Framework |
AHC | Annual Hours Curriculum |
AISS | Apprenticeships Info - Self Service (QLD) |
AllevE8 | The AllevE8 Program is a School to Work Transition Program for Year 12 students wanting to enter within the Health and Community Services Industry. |
AQF | Australian Qualifications Framework |
ASQA | Australian Skills Quality Authority |
ASTAS | Australian Student Tuition Assurance Scheme |
AVETMISS | Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard. AVETMISS is the national data standard which ensures the consistency and accuracy of VET activity information. AVETMISS is authorised by the Ministers responsible for Skills and administered by NCVER. |
BDO | Business Development Officer – The BDO representative Strategix and is the main point of contact with the ILO. |
CoE | Confirmation of Enrolment |
Cohort Go | Used by Strategix for refunds to international students in order to reduce international transfer fees when actioning refunds |
CoS | Course of Study |
Contact Owner | A term used in Hubspot, it refers to the the Strategix team member who is responsible for managing the relationship with the Contact on behalf of Stratetgix at that time. Contact Owners typically change for students as they move from the sales team to the Course Coordinators. |
CPS | Contracted Program of Study – WA government specific |
CRICOS | Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students |
CSPA | Core Skills Profile for Adults |
CT | Credit transfer |
DIBP | The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection |
DOS | Director of Studies |
Term | Definition / Explanation |
DebitSuccess | Strategix’s chosen direct debit service provider. |
DTET | Department of Trade, Employment and Training |
DIBP | The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection |
DoS | Director of Studies |
ELPL | English Language Proficiency Levels |
ERA | Employer Resource Assessment |
ESOS Act | Education Services for Overseas Students Act |
ESP | Employment Service Provider |
Fee For Service | Referring to students who are paying for the course out of their own funds |
Financial Hardship | A sudden drop in income and/or a dramatic increase in expenses such as:
GenR8 | GenR8 is an award-winning School to Work Transition Program for Year 12 students wanting to enter the transport, logistics and supply chain industry. |
Genuine Student | A Genuine Student is considered a genuine temporary entrant to Australia for the purpose of study as defined by the Department of Home Affairs. |
GTE | Genuine Temporary Entrant |
HRIS | Human Resources Information System |
IELTS | International English Language Testing System is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. |
ILO | Industry Liaison Officer sometimes referred to as VET Coordinator – The ILO is the schools Representative who works with the students and the RTO. |
International Education Agent | An individual person or organisation acting as an approved representative of SIC for the purpose of recruitment of international students via an individual International Education Agent Agreement. |
International Education Agent Agreement | A legal agreement between the College and an International Education Agent, outlining the obligations and responsibilities of all parties to the agreement. |
International Education Principal | The owner or individual with delegated authority from the agency to sign an individual agency agreement. |
Intervention Plan | The strategy used to assist students who are at risk of falling under the minimum level of satisfactory progress as defined in this document |
JAP | Job Active Provider |
Term | Definition / Explanation |
LaNCA | Literacy and Numeracy Comprehensive Assessment |
LLN | Language, literacy and numeracy |
LNA | Learner Needs Analysis |
LSS | Learner Support Services |
LUI | Learner Unique Identifier – A number issued by Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), training completed will count towards the students their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding – The formal agreement between two or more parties. |
National Code 2018 | National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. The National Code is a legislative instrument and forms part of the ESOS Framework. |
NCVER | National Centre for Vocational Education Research ( |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme |
Notification of Enrolment (NoE) | Process followed through STS online to determine some eligibility requirements, submit student details to the department, gain a quote (cost) and create a Commitment ID #. |
OSHC | Overseas Student Health Cover |
Term | Definition / Explanation |
PIT | Priority Industry Training – WA government-specific funding program |
PRISMS | Provider Registration and International Student Management System. PRISMS is a secure system for providers (in this case Strategix) to:
Prospective International Student | A person who intends to become, or who has taken any steps towards becoming an 'overseas student' or 'intending overseas student' as defined by the ESOS Act. |
Reasonable Adjustment | Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making changes to the assessment method/s to assist a learner with a disability or impairment. A reasonable adjustment can be as simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities, or installing a particular type of software on a computer for a person with vision impairment. Reasonably adjusting training and assessment for access and equity reasons may be, but not be limited to:
RFC | Resource and Facilities Checklist |
RTO | Registered Training Organisation |
RPL | Recognition of prior learning |
SAS | Skills Assure Supplier |
SOA | Statement of Attainment |
SoP | Statement of Purpose |
SQW | Skilling Queenslanders for Work – State government funding under the VET Investment Program (DESBT). |
SRNI | Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Indicator |
SRTO | Supervising Registered Training Organisation |
SSNC | Suitability and Support Needs Checklist |
STS Online | The NSW Department’s portal |
Term | Definition / Explanation |
TAS | Training and Assessment Strategy |
Tuition Protection Service (TPS) | The TPS is an initiative of the Australian Government to help international students and eligible domestic students access a VET Student Loan (VSL), FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP (HELP) loan, whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. |
UAN | Upfront Assessment of Need |
UOS | Unit of Study. Strategix uses the term ‘Unit of Study (UoS)’ to define a study period within a course. The Unit of Study contains multiple subjects included in a course. |
USI | Unique Student Identifier. A USI links to an online account that contains all of a student’s training records completed from 1st January 2015. The USI must be provided to and verified by Strategix before a student can access government funding, report a competent outcome or be issued with or receive a statement of attainment or qualification. |
VET | Vocational Education and Training |
Vocational Placement (VP) | Vocational Placement provides students with the opportunity to apply the theory and skills they learned while studying in a professional workplace. |
VP Host | An organisation that agrees to have a student complete VP with them. |
VSL | VET Student Loans |
WWCC | Working with Children Check, differs between states. Refer to WWCC Application. |