QLD - Higher Level Skills Fact Sheet

QLD - Higher Level Skills Fact Sheet


Funding Details

Strategix Training Group is an approved Skills Assure Supplier, this means you may be able to access funding while studying with us. The Higher Level Skills Program is one type of funding offered by the QLD Government.

In this document, you will find all the relevant funding information and how it relates to eligible students. If you choose to enrol and apply for funding, you will receive both a tentative enrolment email and a confirmation of enrolment which will provide you with the specific times, locations and requirements for your enrolment.

If you complete a course under the Higher Level Skills arrangements, you will no longer be eligible to access further funding under the Higher Level Skills Program.

You will receive and be required to complete a student training and employment survey within three months of completing or discontinuing the qualification.

For independent information please access the department’s Higher Level Skills Student Factsheet.


Accepted Eligibility Evidence


Date of Birth

QLD Residency

Australian Citizenship

NZ Citizenship

Australian Permanent Residency

Australian Temporary Residency

Queensland Driver licence






Queensland Adult Proof of Age Card






Queensland Heavy vehicle or marine licence






Pensioner Concession Card







Health Care Card







Commonwealth Seniors Health Card







Medicare card (Green)






Interim Medicare card (Blue)







Reciprocal Health Care card (Yellow)













Australian citizenship certificate






Birth certificate










Front and Back of card required to be retained if being used as evidence of address


Approved by contract management as acceptable evidence in addition to those listed in the PQS Audit Evidence Guide.

Must display a QLD Address to be valid as evidence.

Blue Medicare card must be accompanied by the necessary Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection / Department of Home Affairs documentation, visa and work permit on the pathway to permanent residency.


Must be an Australian Citizen or hold a New Zealand birth certificate, birth extract or passport if used as evidence of Australian or New Zealand citizenship.


Additional Evidence
Additional evidence to support Queensland residency includes:

  • Australian Electoral Commission document (e.g. acknowledgement of electoral enrolment letter or electoral enrolment card)

  • Contract of property purchase, lease / rental document, mortgage/land ownership certificate

  • Electricity, gas or telephone account issued in the last six (6) months

  • Queensland local government rates notice

  • Queensland Driver Licence or Queensland Driver Licence Receipt

  • Bank statement issued within the last six (6) months

  • Official letter from Centrelink or the Australian Government Department of Human Services

  • Australian Taxation Office assessment / Tax-file number confirmation notice

  • Notice from the Court issued the last six (6) months (must contain seal/stamp). **


Fees and Charges

Delivery Methods and Fees

  • The pricing may vary for different delivery methods (online, campus and workplace)

  • The price tables list the fees and charges due prior to any outcome being reported.

Campus (Face-2-Face) Delivery

Students must attend the nominated days and weeks at a Strategix venue and vocational placement where required.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Concessional Fee

Cost Per Unit


Certificate IV in Youth Work






Individual Support - Disability Skill Set





Online Delivery

Course delivered online with face-to-face or online practical sessions and vocational placement where required.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Concessional Fee

Cost Per Unit


Certificate IV in Youth Work





*Please enquire for course availability

Fees may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party (but not by Strategix). If you are required to pay fees personally, you will be given a payment advice that details the total amount due and a payment schedule.

Refund Policy

Course Details and Requirements

Training Timeline/s

Qualification Code

Qualification Name



VP Requirement

Special Requirements


Certificate IV in Youth Work

26 weeks

12 months

Task Based

Students are required to obtain the site-specific clearances to participate in Vocational Placement, this may include Disability clearance, Blue Card or criminal history check.


Individual Support - Disability Skill Set

7-12 weeks**


Task Based

Students are required to obtain the site-specific clearances to participate in Vocational Placement, this may include Disability clearance, Blue Card or criminal history check.

*Students are afforded additional time and opportunities where required (assessed on a case-by-case basis).

Delivery Location/s

Learner Support Services

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