Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure
Status | CURRENT |
Classification* | INTERNAL |
Department | ALL |
Review | Jul 17, 2023 |
Notes | South Australia Funding Student Withdrawal Procedure to be reviewed - add in instructions for NR-AP result etc |
Withdrawals and Cancellations - Handbook, Info Sheet
In some instances, a student’s circumstances may change, affecting their ability to successfully complete a course. They may wish to withdraw from a course. To withdraw from a course or qualification, you must notify Strategix of your intention to withdraw and reason for withdrawal, using the following methods:
Type of Student | Process |
QLD Funded | Use the Withdrawal Form, send us an email or give us a call. |
QLD User Choice (traineeship) | Complete the ATF-034 Cancel a registered training contract (by all parties) form. |
International Student Visa Holders | Complete the Withdrawal Form and supply evidence to support your request. |
Self-Funded / Fee for Service | Complete the Withdrawal Form and supply evidence to support your request. |
VET Student Loans | Complete the Withdrawal Form. |
SA-Funded | Use the Withdrawal Form, send us an email or give us a call. |
NSW-Funded | Use the Withdrawal Form, send us an email or give us a call. |
NSW Traineeships | Complete the Cancellation of Apprenticeships or Traineeships by Consent (Mutual Cancellation) Form. |
Info Sheet
Withdrawal requests received from a student are reviewed and either approved or denied within ten (10) business days from the date of submission. You will be notified of the outcome of your withdrawal request via email. If your enrolment is withdrawn, Strategix will document the reasons for the withdrawal and advise the relevant regulating and funding bodies as per their requirements. The date of the withdrawal will reflect either the date that the request was received by Strategix or the date on which Strategix has processed the withdrawal.
After the withdrawal request has been approved, Strategix will finalise any outstanding assessments and outcomes and, where applicable, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for any subjects you have completed. This will be actioned within 21 days of the notification of your intention to withdraw. Note: You will only receive certification for completed subjects if you have paid any fees related to the subject/s included in their Statement of Attainment.
Should a refund be applicable, it is processed and assessed through the Refund Request Form.
International Students
Important: A student must consider whether a change in enrolment may breach the conditions of their visa. Refer to the Department of Home Affairs website change in situation information.
When a request is received which relates to one of the following reasons, there are specific requirements which must be met by the student for the withdrawal to be approved, these reasons and conditions include:
Students wishing to transfer to another training provider who fall within the restriction period must meet the conditions outlined in the International Student Transfer Information Sheet
Students who wish to return to their home country must provide clear evidence that they intend to return to their home country. If the request is made within the first six months of the study for their principal course and the student is unable to provide evidence, the withdrawal request may not be granted. In addition, a withdrawal request may not be granted if the application coincides with likely reporting for breach of visa conditions
If the student has any outstanding fees.
Decisions to approve or deny a withdrawal request are to be actioned by the International Manager in line with the relevant procedures. Students who are unable to provide supporting evidence and or meet any conditions may be denied the opportunity to withdraw. The student must continue their studies and attend classes on all scheduled days until a final decision is made (this includes any appeal period).
Formal Appeal Period – 20-Day Cooling Off Period
If a withdrawal or transfer request is denied or the student is issued with an International Student - Cancellation Warning email, the withdrawal process must not continue past this stage until the appeals timeframe (20 working days) has passed and the student did not access the appeals process, an appeal has been lodged and a final decision was made, or the student withdraws their appeal.
The same applies even if an international student’s misbehaviour is grounds for immediate expulsion, unless the international student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk, wherein the student will not be offered an opportunity to appeal.
If the decision made by Strategix to cancel their enrolment is appealed, the outcome is processed as per the Sheet and the student must continue to study in line with their visa requirements. Where the appeal is successful, you will be sent a Confirmation of Withdrawal email and provided with a Letter of Release.
Notify Regulatory Authority
Strategix will cancel the students CoE and/or record the Transfer Request.
Cancellations - Handbook, Info Sheet
If you breach Strategix’s policies and procedures or code of conduct, you may be cancelled from your course, as part of disciplinary action.
Strategix also reserves the right to cancel your enrolment based on, but not limited to:
Reaching/passing the end point of your scheduled duration and you have not indicated you would like an extension
Failing to meet the minimum engagement requirements or lack of attendance
Lack of academic performance or breach of course progress
Not completing vocational placement in the required timeframes
A breach of visa conditions (international students)
Failing to pay fees
Not meeting assessment submission deadlines.
Strategix will provide you with sufficient written warnings about any of the above and a failure to respond or act on these written warnings will trigger Strategix to cancel your enrolment.
Info Sheet
In most cases, you will be issued with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email explaining the reason/s for the decision. You then have 14 days to reply to this notice. You may then have an opportunity to implement corrective action to show your engagement in the course. If there is no reply or corrective actions are not performed, you will be cancelled.
In cases where your health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk, Strategix retains the right to withdraw you immediately and not provide an opportunity for you to appeal the decision. This may include, but is not limited to, if you:
Are missing
Have medical concerns, severe depression or psychological issues which lead Strategix to fear for your wellbeing
Have engaged or threaten to engage in behaviour that is reasonably believed to endanger yourself or others
Are at risk of committing a criminal offence.
Superseded Qualification
Where a training package is superseded, you will be given the opportunity to complete your qualification within the teach-out period. Where this is not possible or suitable, you may choose to transfer to the new qualification as per Strategix policies and procedures. Students who do not indicate their intent to transition to the new qualification will be withdrawn.
Student Withdrawal Policy
The withdrawal process may be initiated by:
A student's request, or
Strategix’s intent to withdraw.
Student Request
A student wishing to cancel their enrolment in a course may request to be withdrawn at any time. In cases where a student informs a staff member of their intent to withdraw from a course, the staff member must talk with the student and identify the reasons surrounding the decision. If the reasons are issues that can be addressed internally (e.g. student support services, further education/assistance), the staff member should attempt to resolve the issue with the student to enable them to continue with their course.
If the student still wishes to withdraw or if the reason is something external that is out of the control of Strategix (moving, personal reasons, etc.), students should be encouraged to complete a withdrawal form.
Withdrawal requests received from a student are to be reviewed and approved or denied within ten (10) working days from the date of submission.
Note: Some funding requirements mandate a Withdrawal or Cancellation form (as stipulated in this procedure). Students must ensure any applicable regulatory requirements are met prior to withdrawal.
Strategix’s Intent to Withdraw
Strategix may intend to cancel a student’s enrolment based on, but not limited to:
Reaching/passing the endpoint of their scheduled duration and not indicating they would like an extension
Failing to meet the minimum engagement requirements or lack of attendance
Lack of academic performance or breach of course progress
Not completing Vocational Placement in the required timeframes
Misbehaviour and/or breach of the Student Code of Conduct or Strategix’s Policies
A breach of visa conditions (international students)
Failure to pay fees.
In most cases, the student will be issued with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email explaining the reason/s for the decision. The student has 14 days to reply to this notice. The student may then have an opportunity to implement corrective action, if there is no reply or corrective action is not performed, they will be cancelled.
In cases where the student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk, Strategix retains the right to withdraw a student immediately and not provide an opportunity for the student to appeal the decision. Evidence to support the claim must/will be recorded on the student’s file.
This may include, but is not limited to when the student:
Is missing
Has medical concerns, severe depression or psychological issues which lead Strategix to fear for the student’s wellbeing
Has engaged or threatens to engage in behaviour that is reasonably believed to endanger the student or others
Is at risk of committing a criminal offence.
Superseded Qualification
Where a training package is superseded, students will be given opportunity to complete their qualification within the teach-out period. Where this is not possible or suitable, students must indicate their willingness to transfer to the new qualification as per the Students who do not indicate their intent to transition to the new qualification will be withdrawn.
Re-enrolment After a Withdrawal
Where a student has been withdrawn and they wish to recommence studies, they can complete the re-enrolment process as per the Enrolment Policy and Procedure or the
Note: Online students failing to meet participation or progress requirement may be cancelled without notice. Re-enrolment will require further approval and payment of fees.
QLD VET Investment Student Withdrawal Procedure
QLD VET Investment Programs - Students funded through the following:
Certificate 3 Guarantee
Boost (BW3)
Higher Level Skills (HLS)
Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW)
Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) Funding
Foundation Skills (Skills for Work).
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Students are encouraged to complete the withdrawal form via Strategix’s website. Whether the withdrawal form is used or not used, there must be detailed notes entered into aXcelerate by the dealing staff member using the file note “General – Cancellation” and the note must be sent to the appropriate administrative assistant for processing. | Disengaged Students
After the attempts to contact/re-engage the student, the administrative assistant will issue the student with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email. The email outlines the:
If the student does not respond or re-engage within 14 days, the administrative assistant will proceed with Step 2 of this withdrawal process. |
Online students failing to meet progress requirements may be cancelled without notice. Re-enrolment will require further approval and payment of fees.
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Upon receiving a request to withdraw from the student or after the cancellation warning period has passed without a response from the student, the administrative assistant must review the student’s profile to ensure the enrolment status is In Progress, not Tentative.
Face-to-Face, Structured Online and Workplace Enrolments
The Trainer will decide on the suitability to claim withdrawn for the student before continuing to the next step.
Open student enrolment on Cloud Assess
Open each unit
Referring to the Unit Outcome guide, record the outcome for each unit
Withdrawn = Attempted or completed AT LEAST one assessment not including commencement/learner activities*
*Please note: Attempted means the student must have started answering questions within the assessment part. Check attempt # as this may be more than one (1) attempt if In ProgressNot Assessed = Did not undertake any of the assessments for this Unit OR only completed the Commencement Activity.
Withdrawn units will appear in the To Quality Check section for Review.
Can find by searching tag (initials of Course Coordinator, e.g. AH), student name or course
The Course Coordinator confirms the correct outcome has been recorded by reviewing the student’s progress in the unit and the guidelines of the Unit Outcome Guide. Approve or reject all withdrawns:
If correct - select Approve
If incorrect - select Reject and record comment, “Insufficient attendance or work completed, please result as NOT ASSESSED”
This automatically pushes the result through to aXcelerate
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Select all Withdrawn units
Calculate hours of participation for each unit:
Face-to-face enrolments:
Access class matrix and select View Attendance Mode. Review dates attended and compare against Course Release Schedule
Allocate 6 hours for each day attended for the unit. For example, if CHCDIV001 is delivered over 2 days, this unit is allocated 12 hours (6 hours x 2 days)
If more than one unit is delivered on the day, you will need to pro-rata attendance hours. For example, in Education Support, CHCDIV001 and CHCDIV002 are delivered on the same day and each unit is allocated 3 hours (6 hours / 2 units)
If no attendance is recorded, allocate 1 hour per assessment started/completed.
Structured online enrolments:
Access class matrix and select View Attendance Mode. Review dates attended and compare against Course Release Schedule
Allocate 3 hours for each day attended for the unit. For example, if CHCDIV001 is delivered over 2 days, this unit is allocated 6 hours (3 hours x 2 days)
If more than one unit is delivered on the day, you will need to pro-rata attendance hours. For example, in Education Support, CHCDIV001 and CHCDIV002 are delivered on the same day and each unit is allocated 1.5 hours (3 hours / 2 units)
If no attendance is recorded, allocate 1 hour per assessment started/completed.
Workplace enrolments:
Open Student activities
Apply Duration to each subject listed.
Update hours for all Withdrawn units in aXcelerate student enrolment. Please note, this must be a whole number, rounding up, for example 1.5 hours would be entered as 2 hours.
Note: Where a student has missed attending classroom or structured online sessions, yet has completed the assessment activities on Cloud Assess, calculate the hours of attendance by 1 hour for each assessment activity completed. An assessment activity does not include the commencement, learner or induction activities.
Important - Re-enrolments: If this is not the first enrolment for the student in the qualification, double check the attendance dates as well as the dates recorded in the timeline logs in Cloud Assess to ensure there is sufficient evidence for a Withdrawn during this enrolment period.
If the student has not participated in learning or assessment for the unit after the new enrolment date, no Withdrawn should be claimed.
Apply an appropriate withdrawn date. The date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect either:
The date that the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or
The date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix-initiated withdrawal).
Finalise the enrolment:
Once subjects are updated, the qualification is set to ‘cancelled’, there must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification and a Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure
A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation. Ensure the correct withdrawal date is entered and the reason for withdrawal is selected. Save the email before sending it to the student and course coordinator (if required)
Cancel from any Current/Future Workshops
Review and open any current/future workshops in the Workshop Participation Record on the student’s profile
Select student’s name
Select action Cancel Booking from drop down list
Untick Withdraw from related subjects box
Select Add New Status.
Online Enrolments
The Course Coordinator will decide on the suitability to claim a withdrawn for the student before continuing to the next step:
Extend the eLearning end date of each unit in aXcelerate (this will ensure it is viewable in the portal)
Login to Moodle
Select Users, and use the filters to search for the student’s profile
Select the student's name from the list (double click on their name to open their profile)
Under the Course detail sections, a list of units will appear (if all units do not appear, double check the eLearning dates in aXcelerate).
Open each unit in a new tab (hold Ctrl down while you click on the unit or right-click and select “open link in new tab”)
Under the Reports section select ‘All logs'. You will then see the time/date logs
To calculate: Add the time from the first and last entry for the date. Do this for each new date. Then sum all the values together for your total.
Example: One of the dates logged is the 10th of August - If the first entry on 10th of August is 8am and the last entry for the 10th of August is 5pm then the total for that date is 9 hours. Look at other dates logged and add.
Keep in mind: This calculation is only an estimate. This estimate calculation is sufficient for determining the hours against withdrawals on units.
Note: If the total time for the unit shows less than 15 minutes, this is not sufficient evidence for a Withdrawn and should be recorded as N.R. in aXcelerate
Important - Re-enrolments: If this is not the first enrolment for the student in the qualification, double check the dates recorded in the logs to ensure there is sufficient evidence for a Withdrawn during this enrolment period. If the student has not participated in learning or assessment for the unit after the new enrolment date, no Withdrawn should be claimed.
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Set all as N.R.
Set all units that had hours as W
Update hours for all Withdrawn units in aXcelerate student enrolment. Please note this must be a whole number, rounding up. For example, 1hr 30 mins would be entered as 2 hours.
Apply an appropriate withdrawn date by updating the activity end date for all units. The date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect either:
The date that the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or
The date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal).
Finalise the enrolment.
Note: Updating the end date of the units will close off the student’s access to them. The elearning portal link itself should not be deleted. When a withdrawn outcome is applied, the link should always be kept as it may need to be verified in the future. If a student re-enrols/transitions into a new course and requests for the previous course to be removed from their portal, please check with Quality before doing so.
Once subjects are updated, the qualification is set to ‘cancelled’, there must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification and a Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure.
A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation. Ensure the correct withdrawal date is entered and the reason for withdrawal is selected. Save the email before sending it to the student and course coordinator (if required).
QLD User Choice Student Withdrawal Procedure
Apprenticeship and traineeship program funded by the Queensland Government.
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal/Cancellation of Traineeship | Administrative Assistant |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal/Cancellation of Traineeship |
In line with regulatory requirements, a student must complete official forms upon withdrawal. This form is used to apply to the department to cancel the training contract of an apprenticeship or traineeship where both parties mutually agree “ATF-034 Cancel a registered training contract (by all parties)”. The form is located at under section C. | Disengaged Students When a Strategix staff identifies that a student no longer works for an employer and the employer and/or student has not informed Strategix or for any other valid reason (serious misconduct etc.), the administrative assistant:
Online students failing to meet participation or progress requirements may be cancelled without notice. Re-enrolment will require further approval and payment of fees.
Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action
Upon receiving a request to withdraw or after the cancellation warning period has passed without a response from the student, the administrative assistant must review the student profile to ensure there is nothing outstanding.
To ensure the User Choice requirements are met, the administrative assistant assesses and checks all documentation/information in relation to the student’s enrolment, including:
What to Check | Evidence | What to Look For | Where is the Evidence Found |
Enrolment Information | aXcelerate notes detailing:
| All note types are in the student’s profile. |
Eligibility Evidence | As per funding requirements. | All evidence is saved against the portfolio of the student. |
Participation |
| Check all evidence has been recorded. |
Finance Details |
| Payment or Purchase order required. |
| Ensure the data is recorded on the student’s profile. |
Assessment Materials |
| Ensure we have copies of the evidence. |
Determine Subject Outcomes
Subject outcomes are entered differently depending upon if the student withdrawal falls under either situation 1 or situation 2.
Situation 1
If the student falls under the following situations:
Had their training contract cancelled prior to any training provision commencing*
Withdrawn/discontinued within the probationary period prior to any training provision commencing*
Changed to another SRTO prior to any training provision commencing*
Achieved a qualification through an alternative pathway and has subsequently entered the corresponding apprenticeship/traineeship for that qualification, and only requires a completion certificate to be issued for the apprenticeship/traineeship**
Received all training and assessment required from a different SRTO under their previous training contract, then entered into a new training contract, and only require a completion certificate to be issued for the apprenticeship/traineeship**
Gained the entire qualification through RPL.**
*Must have the following evidence:
An induction checklist (or similar document) supporting the apprentice/trainee has been inducted into the apprenticeship/traineeship
The training plan for the apprentice/trainee has been fully developed.
**Must have the evidence as listed above and in circumstances where an apprentice / trainee may have gained the entire qualification via a Recognition of Prior Learning pathway, the supplier must first, prior to the supplier submitting any SRTO2 claim for payment, confirm with a regional office departmental representative that the apprentice’s / trainee’s training contract will be approved by the department.
The administrative assistant:
Ensures sufficient evidence is on file
Sets subjects to outcome identifier ‘81’ – Non-assessable activity – satisfactorily completed.
Situation 2
Where the student has participated in training and/or assessment:
The Trainer determines the suitability to claim withdrawns for the student:
Open student enrolment on Cloud Assess
Open each unit
Referring to the Unit Outcome guide, record the outcome for each unit
Withdrawn = Attempted or completed AT LEAST one assessment not including commencement/learner activities*
*Please note: Attempted means the student must have started answering questions within the assessment part. Check attempt # as there may be more than one attempt in progressNot Assessed = Did not undertake any of the assessments for this Unit OR only completed the Commencement Activity.
The Course Coordinator confirms the correct outcome has been recorded by reviewing the student’s progress in the unit and the guidelines of the Unit Outcome Guide. Withdrawn units will appear in the To Quality Check section for Review. Find by searching tag (initials of Course Coordinator, e.g. AH), student name or course:
If correct, e.g. it meets the requirements - select Approve
If incorrect - select Reject, record comment “Insufficient attendance or work completed, please result as NOT ASSESSED”
This automatically pushes the result through to aXcelerate.
Course Coordinator sets hours for withdrawn units:
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Select all units with sufficient evidence to W - Withdrawn (40)
Calculate hours of participation for each unit and record in the Hours field for applicable units:
Open Student Activities, access information on attendance or trainer visits for each unit. If attendance is recorded, use it to allocate attendance hours for that unit. For example: A trainer visited site for a half-day to deliver the unit, therefore allocate 4 hours for attendance for that day
If no attendance is recorded, allocate 1 hour per assessment started/completed in Cloud Assess
Note: This must be a whole number, rounding up, e.g. 1.5 hours would be entered as 2 hours.
Important - Re-enrolments: If this is not the first enrolment for the student in the qualification, double check the attendance dates as well as the dates recorded in the timeline logs in Cloud Assess to ensure there is sufficient evidence for a Withdrawn during this enrolment period.
If the student has not participated in learning or assessment for the unit after the new enrolment date, no Withdrawn should be claimed.
Set the withdrawn date. Note: The date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect either the date that the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal) or the date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal)
Course Coordinator sets subjects with insufficient evidence to N.R. - Not Reported for AVETMISS (0).
Finalise Enrolment
Once subject outcomes are updated, the qualification is set to ‘cancelled’ and there must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification and a Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure.
A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation. Ensure the correct withdrawal date is entered and the reason for withdrawal is selected. Save the email before sending it to the student and trainer (if required).
Fee for Service and PaTH Program Student Withdrawal Procedure
Students who are paying for the course through their own means. This section is also relevant for students who are Free of Charge or completing the PaTH program.
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant, Compliance Manager, Department Manager |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Students are encouraged to complete the withdrawal form via Strategix’s website. Whether the withdrawal form is used or not used, there must be detailed notes entered into aXcelerate by the dealing staff member using the file note “General – Cancellation” and the note must be sent to the appropriate administrative assistant for processing. | In most cases, Strategix will issue a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email explaining the reason/s for the decision.
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Students completing a Diploma and who are paying through a Payment Plan or Fee for Service agreement are processed in the same way as a VET Student Loans student. The Accounts department needs to be notified to refund any prepaid Fee for Service Units of Study where withdrawal occurred prior to the relevant census date. Refer to VET FEE HELP, VET Student loans and/or Higher Level Skills (HLS) Student Withdrawal Procedure.
Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action
When a student initiates the withdrawal or Strategix intends to withdraw the student, the administrative assistant must complete pre withdrawal checks to ensure:
The student has met all the enrolment requirements
Assessments and unused materials are returned
There are no outstanding assessments to be resulted
There are no outstanding monies/fees
There are no refunds due and, if so, processed as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.
Once all the above checks are complete the date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect the date that the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal).
Note: For the eLearning portal (Moodle), updating the end date of the units will close off the student’s access to them. The eLearning portal link itself should not be deleted. When a withdrawn outcome is applied, the link should always be kept as it may need to be verified in the future. If a student re-enrols/transitions into a new course and requests for the previous course to be removed from their portal, please check with Quality before doing so.
Once subjects are updated, the qualification is set to ‘cancelled’. There must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification and a Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure. A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation.
VET FEE HELP/VET Student loans Student Withdrawal Procedure
Diploma students are funded through the VET Student Loans or VET FEE HELP scheme.
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant, Compliance Manager, Department Manager |
3. Formal Appeal Period (If Withdrawal Initiated by Strategix) | Administrative Assistant, Department Manager |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Students must complete the withdrawal form via Strategix website. If the student expresses their intent to withdraw prior to the census day of a course, they will not incur a charge on that census date. | Students funded through VET Student Loans must be actively engaged in their course and signify to Strategix on a regular basis that they intend on continuing with their course. The following will be considered when determining if a student is actively engaged in the course:
Informal evaluation of a student’s engagement occurs continuously throughout the course through the monthly phone call process with student support officers (online students), and through regular contact with trainers (on-campus students). Formal evaluation of a student’s level of engagement takes place prior to commencing a new unit of study, as per below:
Disengaged Students In order to avoid being withdrawn, students have up to 28 days to confirm (through email or phone) their desire to continue to remain enrolled. They also must submit assessment tasks within the 28-day warning period. The student has 28 days from the date of being notified to appeal the decision before the cancellation takes effect. Once the 28 days have passed, the administrative assistant will proceed with Step 2 of this withdrawal process. Prior to Commencement |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
A student who withdraws from a subject on or before the census date will not incur a VET Student Loans debt for the tuition fees for that unit. Students who have requested VET Student Loans Assistance and who remain enrolled after the published census date will incur a VET Student Loans debt. A student who withdraws from a subject after the published census date for that subject will incur a VET Student Loans debt for that subject.
For information on special circumstances requirements for students and re-crediting of fees see the For information about the refund of any upfront payments see the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.
To ensure the above requirements are met, the below steps must be completed:
Steps | Group A* | Group B** | Person Responsible |
Update subject outcomes | Set non-competent subjects to N.R. - Not Reported for AVETMISS (0) | Set non-competent subjects to W - Withdrawn (40) | Administrative Assistant |
Update Finance Details | Clear the fees from the Unit of Study which have been withdrawn from prior to census, and; Update the Completion Status to “0 – Do not report for Vet Fee Help” Click Submit. | Leave the fees as is for the UoS which have been withdrawn from after to census, and; Update the Completion Status to “1 - Withdrew without academic penalty (after census)” Click Submit. | Administrative Assistant |
Update enrolment status to ‘Cancelled’ and click update | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Administrative Assistant |
Cancel Campus-based students from the workshop | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Administrative Assistant |
*Group A: Students who have withdrawn prior to the census date of the relevant Unit of Study
**Group B: Students who have withdrawn after the first census and have a USI
Formal Appeal Period (If withdrawal Initiated by Strategix)
Where Strategix initiated the withdrawal, a student has 28 days to make a formal appeal from the date the enrolment was set to cancelled and the student was notified of the outcome. Appeals are processed as per the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure.
International Student Withdrawal Procedure
Students studying on a student visa.
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
2. Formal Appeal Period | Administrative Assistant, Department Manager |
3. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant, Compliance Manager, Department Manager |
4. Notify Regulatory Authority | Administrative Assistant, Department Manager |
Important Information for Students
Prior to withdrawing, a student must consider whether a change in enrolment may breach the conditions of their visa. Refer to the Department of Home Affairs website:
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
International students must complete the withdrawal form via Strategix’s website if they intend to withdraw and must provide Strategix with evidence supporting their reason for withdrawal. When a request is received which relates to one of the following reasons, there are specific requirements which must be met by the student for the withdrawal to be approved, these reasons and conditions include:
In addition, a cancellation request may not be granted if:
Decisions to approve or deny a withdrawal request are to be actioned by the International Manager in line with the relevant procedures*. | Withdrawals
Performance or Attendance Breaches
*Students who are unable to provide supporting evidence and or meet any conditions may be denied the opportunity to withdraw. The student must continue their studies and attend classes on all scheduled days until a final decision is made (this includes any appeal period). All correspondence should be recorded on aXcelerate.
2. Formal Appeal Period – 20-day Cooling Off Period
If a withdrawal or transfer request is denied or the student is issued with an International Student - Cancellation Warning email the withdrawal process must not continue past this stage (Step 2 of this procedure), until the appeals timeframe (20 working days) has passed and the student did not access the appeals process or an appeal has been lodged and a final decision made or the student withdraws their appeal. Refer to the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure.
This same applies even if an international student’s misbehaviour is grounds for immediate expulsion, unless the international student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk, wherein the student will not be offered an opportunity to appeal.
3. Process Withdrawal
If the decision made by Strategix to cancel their enrolment is appealed the outcome is processed as per the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure and the student must continue to study in line with their visa requirements.
If the outcome of the appeal results in the decision for the student to be withdrawn the following administrative tasks are to be conducted:
Students who are transferring providers and who meet the conditions in the International Student Transfer Policy are to be provided with a Letter of Release
Subjects where training was commenced, but not completed are set to “Withdrawn (40)”
Subjects where training has not commenced are set to “Not Reported for AVETMISS (0)”
Withdrawal dates in aXcelerate are to be set as the date the withdrawal process was finalised (after any appeals have been finalised etc.).
Once subjects are updated the qualification is set to ‘cancelled’ (ensure there is no “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification) and a Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure. A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is sent to notify the student of the cancellation and provide any important information (i.e. Informs student they will need to contact).
4. Notifying Regulatory Authority
The administrative assistant is to cancel the student's CoE and/or record the Transfer Request on PRISMS.
South Australia Funding Student Withdrawal Procedure
South Australian Government Funded Students
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant, Compliance Manager, Department Manager |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Students are encouraged to complete the withdrawal form via Strategix’ website. Whether the withdrawal form is used or not used, there must be detailed notes entered into aXcelerate by the dealing staff member using the file note “General – Cancellation” and the note must be sent to the appropriate administrative assistant for processing.
| Disengaged Students
After the attempts to contact/ re-engage the student, the administrative assistant will issue the student with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email. The email outlines the:
If the student does not respond or make contact in 14 days, the administrative assistant will proceed with Step 2 of this withdrawal process. |
Note: Online students failing to meet participation or progress requirement may be cancelled without notice. Re-enrolment will require further approval and payment of fees.
Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Upon receiving a request to withdraw from the student or after the cancellation warning period has passed without a response from the student, the administrative assistant must review each student's profile to ensure there is nothing outstanding as per the following Pre-Withdrawal Checks.
Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action
When a student initiates the withdrawal or Strategix intends to withdraw the student, the administrative assistant must complete pre-withdrawal checks to ensure:
The student has met all the enrolment requirements
Assessments and unused materials are returned
There are no outstanding assessments or units to be resulted in the learning portal
There are no outstanding monies/fees
There are no refunds due and if so, processed as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure
Face to Face and Online Enrolments
If enrolment is in progress and the units have an outcome of CA - Continuing activity:
The Course Coordinator records the Withdrawn/discontinued (40) outcome for all units not completed
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Select all applicable units (ensure no Competent units are selected)
Using the Bulk set all below fields, update:
Status to Withdrawn
Hours to 1
Activity End Date to either the date the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or the date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal).
Change enrolment status to cancelled
Click ‘update enrolment’
Follow the steps below to Finalise the Enrolment
Note: If a student is withdrawing and we have previously reported a unit as CA the unit must be resulted as either W or C it cannot be NR. If the unit is resulted as withdrawn then they must have 1hr entered. This will also apply to any courses done on moodle (e-learning) where all units were originally set as CA. These will need to be resulted as withdrawn with 1hr beside each unit if they weren't completed.
If enrolment is tentative or in progress and the units have an outcome of NR - No Result:
No Withdrawn outcomes are to be applied. All units should remain as NR
Using the Bulk set all below fields, update:
Activity End Date to either the date the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or the date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal).
Follow the steps below to Finalise the Enrolment
Finalise the Enrolment:
If Cloud Assess, deactivate enrolment and user account
Once subjects are updated, the enrolment is to be set to ‘cancelled’, there must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification. A Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure.
A Confirmation of Withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation. Ensure the correct withdrawal date is entered and the reason for withdrawal is selected.
Cancel from any Current/Future Workshops
Review and open any current/future workshops in the Workshop Participation Record on the student’s profile
Select student’s name
Select action Cancel Booking from drop down list
Untick Withdraw from related subjects box
Select Add New Status
Close the Training Account:
Log into the Skills and Employment Portal
Select Training Account and Training Account Search
Find Training Account by entering in student’s details to search
Select Edit Training Account
Scroll down to the bottom of the Training Account to the Summary Information field, select the status ‘Closed’ and provide a reason. Examples may include: ceased training services, or is no longer enrolled in the course
NSW Smart and Skilled Student Withdrawal Procedure
New South Wales Government Funded Students
Steps | Person Responsible | |
1 | Student Requests Withdrawal/Strategix initiates withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
2 | Review Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
3 | Determine Subject Outcomes | Trainer and Administrative Assistant |
4 | Process Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
5 | Notify Regulatory Authority | Administrative Assistant |
Student Requests Withdrawal/Strategix Initiates Withdrawal
A withdrawal will follow either path A or B.
A. Student Requests Withdrawal | B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Traineeships Students and employer must complete the Cancellation of an apprenticeship or traineeship by consent form. The form can be found under the heading “Apprenticeships and Traineeships on the following webpage:
Academy Students wishing to withdraw must advise Strategix through the Withdrawal Form, email or phone. Once received, the Course Coordinator must confirm with the student the intended date for withdrawal, then proceed to the Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action step. | Disengaged Students Reasonable attempts include:
After the attempts to contact/ re-engage the student, the administrative assistant will issue the student with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email. The email outlines the:
If the student does not respond or make contact in 14 days, the administrative assistant will proceed to the next step. |
Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Upon receiving a request to withdraw from the student or after the cancellation warning period has passed without a response from the student, the administrative assistant must review each student's profile to ensure there is nothing outstanding as per the Pre-Withdrawal Checks table below.
Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action
When a student initiates the withdrawal or Strategix intends to withdraw the student, the administrative assistant must complete pre-withdrawal checks to ensure:
The student has met all the enrolment requirements
Assessments and unused materials are returned
There are no outstanding monies/fees
There are no assessments still to be marked, if so, ask the trainer to review and outcome the units
There are no refunds due and if so, they are processed as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.
NSW Determine Subject Outcomes
Once the checks have been completed, the administrative assistant must determine Strategix’s eligibility to claim any withdrawn outcomes in accordance with the Smart and Skilled requirements. Withdrawn claims for funding will only be valid where actual hours of training and assessment delivered are identified.
The Trainer initially determines the suitability to claim withdrawns for the student (based only on the Outcome Guide on Cloud Assess, not any funding requirements):
Open student enrolment on Cloud Assess
Open each unit
Referring to the Unit Outcome guide for NSW (this guide is different from QLD), record the outcome for each unit
Withdrawn = Attempted or completed AT LEAST one assessment (1 assessment includes commencement/learner activities)*
*Please note: Attempted means the student must have started answering questions within the assessment part. Check attempt # as there may be more than one attempt in progressNot Assessed = Did not undertake any of the assessments for this unit
The Course Coordinator confirms the correct outcome has been recorded in Cloud Assess by reviewing the student’s progress in the unit and the guidelines of the Unit Outcome Guide. Withdrawn units will appear in the To Quality Check section for Review. Find by searching tag (initials of Course Coordinator e.g. AH), student name or course:
If correct, i.e. it meets the requirements - select Approve
If incorrect - select Reject, and record comment “Insufficient attendance or work completed, please result as NOT ASSESSED”
This automatically pushes the results through to aXcelerate as either a W or NR
Set the enrolment status to ‘cancelled’. Check there is no date recorded for “Actual Completion” against the qualification.
Note: Enrolment status will need to be updated prior to updating any units to NYS as aXcelerate won’t show the cancelled status as an option with a NYS unit.
The Course Coordinator then confirms the correct outcome has been recorded in aXcelerate, based on funding requirements - see helpful hint below
Course Coordinator checks attendance and/or completed commencement activities* for NR units:
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Open Student Activities, access information on attendance or trainer visits for each unit:
If attendance is recorded or commencement activity completed, set unit as W, allocate attendance hours for that unit and set end date as the withdrawal date:
Example: Trainer visited site for half-day to deliver the unit, therefore allocate 4 hours for attendance for that day. Student attended class on 1day so allocate 6 hours for that day. Note this must be a whole number, rounding up, e.g. 1.5 hours would be entered as 2 hours
If no attendance is recorded and no commencement activity completed, set unit as NYS and set the start and end date back to the original end date (should be future dated).
Course Coordinator sets hours for withdrawn units:
Open student enrolment in aXcelerate and select Set All Subjects
Select all units with sufficient evidence to W - Withdrawn (40)
Calculate hours of participation for each unit and record in the Hours field for applicable units:
Open Student Activities, access information on attendance or trainer visits for each unit. If attendance is recorded, use it to allocate attendance hours for that unit. Example: trainer visited site for half-day to deliver the unit, therefore allocate 4 hours for attendance for that day
If no attendance is recorded, allocate 1 hour per assessment started/completed in Cloud Assess
Note, this must be a whole number, rounding up, e.g. 1.5 hours would be entered as 2 hours.
Set the withdrawn date. The date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect either:
The date that the student elected to end their training. This is usually the date the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or
The date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal).
TRAINEESHIPS - please see Quality for individual advice on claiming withdrawals for students.
ACADEMY - If you are not sure how to assess the above or the student’s participation is not covered by the above, see the Quality Team for help.
Subjects with sufficient evidence/having completed the commencement activity will be set to W - Withdrawn (40), i.e. student attended class or participated in assessment.
Subjects with no attendance are set to NYS.
Helpful hint - If we have started reporting a student (updated units from NR to CA/NYS/CT), we cannot go back to an NR outcome as it will stop reporting the data to NSW.
In most situations, when processing a withdrawal:
Units previously set to CA should be updated to W
Units previously set to NYS should be updated to NYS (may have been updated to NR from Cloud Assess)
No units should be NR at this stage
You can double check the history of what was entered by looking at the enrolment’s Student Log.
Process Withdrawal
Once subject outcomes have been updated:
Issue the Statement of Attainment to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure within 30 days of notification of withdrawal
Send the Strategix - Confirmation of Withdrawal email to notify the student of the cancellation
Provide the student with a statement of fees that includes all fees applied and any fees refunded
Provide the student with an updated Training Plan, including outcomes achieved for each unit.
Notify Regulatory Authority (Traineeships only)
The administrative assistant is to notify the Training Services regional office within 14 days of the notification of the discontinuation of training.
Skills Ready (WA) Withdrawal Information
Western Australia funded students
Steps | Person Responsible |
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant, Trainer, Sales Team |
1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal | Administrative Assistant |
3. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks | Administrative Assistant |
A withdrawal will follow either path 1A or 1B.
1A. Student Requests Withdrawal | 1B. Strategix Initiates Withdrawal |
Students are encouraged to complete the withdrawal form via Strategix’ website. Whether the withdrawal form is used or not used, there must be detailed notes entered into aXcelerate by the dealing staff member using the file note “General – Cancellation” and the note must be sent to the appropriate administrative assistant for processing.
| Disengaged Students
After the attempts to contact/re-engage the student, the administrative assistant will issue the student with a Cancellation of Enrolment – Warning email. The email outlines the:
If the student does not respond or re-engage within 14 days, the administrative assistant will proceed with Step 2 of this withdrawal process. |
2. Process/Review Withdrawal – Administrative Tasks
Upon receiving a request to withdraw from the student or after the cancellation warning period has passed without a response from the student, the administrative assistant must review each student’s profile to ensure there is nothing outstanding as per the Pre-Withdrawal Checks below.
3. Pre-Withdrawal Checks/Action
When a student initiates the withdrawal or Strategix intends to withdraw the student, the administrative assistant must complete pre withdrawal checks to ensure:
The student has met all the enrolment requirements
The student has completed more than one (1) days of training or participated in significant training
Assessments and unused materials are returned
There are no outstanding assessments to be resulted
There are no outstanding monies/fees
There are no refunds due and if so, processed as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure, or for the
Once the checks have been completed the administrative assistant must determine the Strategix’s eligibility to claim any withdrawn outcomes. Withdrawn claims for funding will only be valid where actual hours of training and assessment delivered are identified.
Participation evidence must be retained, including:
Submission of work by the Student in the correct module/unit of competency enrolment*
Evidence of Student’s participation in learning components.
Dispatch or provision of assessment/assignment material by the provider to the Student is not accepted as evidence that participation has occurred in the associated training.
The date of the withdrawn outcome must reflect either:
The date that the request was received by Strategix (student-initiated withdrawal), or
The date the withdrawal was finalised (Strategix initiated withdrawal).
Once subjects are updated:
The qualification is set to ‘cancelled’ and there must not be an “Actual Completion” date recorded against the qualification
A Statement of Attainment is to be issued to the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure
A Confirmation of withdrawal email is also sent to notify the student of the cancellation
Provide the student with any identified refunds.
Outcome Codes
Number | Code | Description | Payment due |
10 | W-FP | Student withdraws after some participation | 70% |
11 | W-P | Discontinued - Strategix withdraws student after disengagement after participation | 70% |
100 | W-N | Never commenced - no participation | 0% |
Refer to the for more information on outcome codes.
Important - Unsuccessful Enrolments: Students who have enrolled but never commenced should not be included in our reporting. Our completion rates are affected by these unsuccessful enrolments, and therefore should be avoided wherever possible.
Outcome Code W-N (100) - Never Started - no participation should not be used for the entire enrolment (with no other Outcome Codes), or with only Outcome Code CT (60).
Students who are reported with these combinations are considered ‘yet to start’ and have not commenced any units within the enrolment.
When processing a withdrawal in this instance, all units should be outcomed as NR (0) - Not Reported for AVETMISS.
The ‘Do Not Report AVETMISS’ box should not be ticked at the unit level or the enrolment level, unless advised by the department. If unsure, check with the quality team.
The date of withdrawal reported must reflect the date the Service Provider has determined that the student has withdrawn from training and not be backdated to the last day the student engaged in training.
Authority |
| See Funding |
Regulatory Documents |
| List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document |
Approved By | Name here | Details / Decisions: |
Related Documents
Withdrawal form
Transition and Teach out Policy and Procedure
Student Enrolment Procedure
International Enrolment Procedure
Complaints and Appeals Procedure
Student Review Requirements & Re-Crediting a FEE-HELP Balance Policy
International Student Transfer Policy
Student Progress Policy and Procedure
Student Attendance Policy and Procedure