International Student Transfer Policy
Table of Contents |
Status | CURRENT |
Classification* | INTERNAL |
Department | INTERNATIONAL |
Review | Mar 11, 2024 |
Notes |
Transfer Requests
A student should only apply to transfer to another registered training provider after completing six calendar months of their *principal course. Requests to transfer providers is to be completed in the international section of the Withdrawal Form (with accompanying letter documents). If approved the student will be issued with a Letter of Release.
*The principal course is the main course of study to be undertaken by a student where the student visa has been issued for multiple courses, and is usually the final course of study. The first six months is calculated as six calendar months from the date a student commences their principal course of study.
Students who meet specific conditions may also be able to transfer within their restriction period. After completing six (6) calendar months of the principal course, an international student can transfer without needing to meet one of these conditions.
A student should only apply to transfer to another registered training provider after completing six calendar months of their *principal course. Requests to transfer providers is to be completed in the international section of the Withdrawal Form (with accompanying letter documents). If approved the student will be issued with a Letter of Release.
*The principal course is the main course of study to be undertaken by a student where the student visa has been issued for multiple courses, and is usually the final course of study. The first six months is calculated as six calendar months from the date a student commences their principal course of study.
Students who meet specific conditions may also be able to transfer within their restriction period.
International Student Transfer Policy
In the first six (6) calendar months from the date an international student commences their Principal Course*, they can only transfer to or from another Registered Training Organisation (RTO) under specific conditions. The timeframe of when these conditions apply is called the Restriction Period, see the following illustrations for explaining the Restriction Period.
*The Principal Course is the main course of study to be undertaken by an international student, where the student visa has been issued for multiple courses, the principal course is generally the final course of study.
Scenario 1 – Restriction Period where the student has one enrolment
Scenario 2 – Restriction Period where the student has multiple enrolments
Note: the restriction period changes with the principal course. i.e. if the principal course start is postponed, the restriction period gets extended.
After completing six (6) calendar months of the principal course, an international student can transfer without needing to meet one of these conditions. All transfer requests must include evidence and each will be subject to approval as per the conditions outlined in this policy. Transfer requests will be kept on record for at least two (2) years after the student ceases to be enrolled at Strategix.
Request to Transfer to another RTO
International students who wish to transfer to another RTO prior to completing six (6) calendar months of their principle course of study, can only do so once they have obtained a Release Letter from Strategix under “certain circumstances” or if one of the “conditions” outlined are met. The “certain circumstances” in which Strategix may grant the transfer request are:
Compassionate or compelling grounds exist, for example but not limited to:
Serious illness or injury with a medical certificate produced
Immediate family illness
Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents
Major political upheaval or natural disaster in their home country
A traumatic experience i.e. witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime or accident (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ report)
Where Strategix was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit or the student has failed a prerequisite unit and therefore faces a shortage of relevant units for which they are eligible to enrol
Strategix has failed to deliver the course as outlined in the written agreement
The student’s reasonable expectations about their current course are not being met (such as correspondence between the student and Strategix or marketing materials given to the student prior to enrolment, and setting particular expectations about the course)
The student was misled by Strategix or a Strategix education or migration agent regarding the course, and the course is deemed to be unsuitable to their needs and/or study objectives
The student will be reported because they are unable to achieve satisfactory course progress at the level they are studying, even after engaging with Strategix’s intervention strategy to assist them
An appeal (internal or external) on another matter results in a decision or recommendation to release the student.
In the following “conditions” an international student does not require a Release Letter:
Strategix or the course in which the student is enrolled has ceased to be registered
Strategix has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the overseas student from continuing their course with them
Any government sponsor of the student considers the change to be in the overseas student’s best interests and has provided written support for the change. This usually applies where the student’s study in Australia is sponsored by the government of another country.
All transfer requests must include applicable evidence:
A valid and unconditional Letter of Offer from another registered training provider (mandatory)
Evidence to support any claims made by the student in the Transfer Request Form (this may include emails between staff and the student, evidence of meetings with support staff or documents provided by psychologists, counsellors or medical practitioners)
Evidence that the student was misled when enrolling in the course (this may include emails, official documents, marketing materials, etc.).
The circumstances in which Strategix may refuse a transfer request are, if the student:
Does not meet the requirements as stated above and they have not provided sufficient evidence to substantiate their claims
Has not commenced study in the principal course they are enrolled in
Shows little or no evidence that the student has made a sufficient effort to use Strategix support services or has not given the opportunity for that support to have effect
Has applied for the same course with another provider that has lower fees
Is using the process to avoid being deported or reported for failure to meet Strategix’s progress and attendance requirements
Is applying to another registered provider to undertake a lower level qualification or program from what they had enrolled in at Strategix
Has outstanding debts owing to Strategix
Is deemed to have merely ‘changed their mind’ about studying the course at Strategix
Has made decisions after enrolling at Strategix regarding their travel, accommodation or employment requirements that impact on the conditions of their course requirements.
An international student can request to transfer to another RTO through completing the international student section of the Withdrawal Form.
Requests to Transfer (change) Courses within Strategix
A request to change a chosen course is governed by the following:
Students who have been issued with a student visa are not able to change their course to a lower level qualification, e.g. drop from a Diploma to Certificate III
For a course change after a student has commenced, the student:
Must maintain their course progress and attendance requirements in their current course while any request to transfer is being processed
Will incur a $250 penalty fee in addition to all other standard course related fees (withdrawal fee, enrolment fee, course cost etc.)
Prior to arriving in Australia, students are allowed one (1) course change (including any changes to the Confirmation of Enrolment) which will not incur a penalty fee, any additional changes will incur a $100 penalty fee
When a student has not yet commenced, they should notify Strategix at least 28 business days prior to commencement. Any requests inside of 28 days prior to commencement may result in the student being required to commence their original course (maintaining progression and attendance requirements) before the course change can be finalised.
Requests to Transfer from another RTO
Strategix will ensure international students wishing to transfer from another RTO course prior to completing six (6) calendar months of their principal course of study will not be enrolled; except where:
The releasing RTO has issued the student a Release Letter and/or recorded the date of effect and reason for release in PRISMS
The releasing RTO, or the course in which the student is enrolled, has ceased to be registered
The releasing RTO has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the student from continuing their course with that RTO
Any government sponsor of the student considers the change to be in the student’s best interests and has provided written support for the change. This usually applies where the student’s study in Australia is sponsored by the government of another country.
Students wishing to transfer from another RTO are identified during enrolment and are taken through steps to ensure the above requirements are met.
This process is outlined in International Enrolment Policy and Procedure.
Term/Statement | Explanation |
‘Compassionate or Compelling’ circumstances | ‘Compassionate or compelling’ circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the international student and which have an impact upon the student’s course progress or wellbeing. |
PRISMS | Provider Registration and International Student Management System PRISMS is a secure system for providers (in this case Strategix) to: Issue 'Confirmations of Enrolment' to overseas students intending to study in Australia (the Department of Immigration and Border Protection requires these to issue a student visa), and Report changes in course enrolment. |
Restriction Period | The student’s restricted transfer period starts from visa grant and ends 6 months from their principal course start date, 6 months from their first schools course start date, or when the visa is cancelled or ceased, whichever comes first. The restricted transfer period changes with the principal course start date. As an example, if the principal course is postponed by a month, then the principal course start date is also extended by a month. Likewise, if the principal course is replaced with a CoE in a different course, then the restriction period also changes, if the new principal course start date is changed. |
Release Letter | A letter provided to the student by the current RTO which allows a student to transfer to another RTO |
ESOS | The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, or ESOS Act, establishes legislative requirements and standards for the quality assurance of education and training institutions offering courses to international students who are in Australia on a student visa. |
ESOS Agency | From 1 July 2016 ASQA is the ESOS agency for all NVR registered training organisations (within the meaning of the NVETR Act) in all states and territories. |
Registered Training Organisation (RTO) | Registered training organisations (RTOs) are those training providers registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver vocational education and training (VET) services. RTOs are recognised as providers of quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications. |
Principle Course | The principal course of study is first determined at visa grant for a student. Where the visa grant is for one enrolment, then that enrolment becomes the principal course of study. Otherwise, if the visa is granted for a package of more than one enrolment, the principal course of study is the highest AQF qualification. If there is more than one enrolment at the highest AQF level, then the principal course of study is the enrolment with the earliest proposed start date. |
Authority |
| See Funding |
Regulatory Documents |
| List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document |
Approved By | Name here | Details / Decisions: |