Intervention Policy and Procedure

Intervention Policy and Procedure









Mar 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy



Intervention Information

An intervention may be required when a student is determined to be at risk of not being able to progress or complete their course due to:

Intervention Meeting

An intervention meeting is used to discuss/determine:

  • What may be hindering a student’s progress and or progression

  • Any compassionate or compelling circumstances that may have contributed to the student becoming at risk

  • Language, literacy and numeracy support requirements

  • Highlight to the student the importance of meeting progression and or attendance requirements to avoid being withdrawn from the course (international students may also be reported)

  • If a student is able to complete their studies in the designated timeframe

  • The best option/s for the student moving forward. Which may include an Intervention Plan, Withdrawal/Cancellation, Deferral or Extension

  • Obtain any information required to develop an Intervention Plan (where applicable).

Where applicable, obtain evidence/proof of reason, refer to “Supporting Evidence Guide” section below.

Possible Outcomes of an Intervention

If, during the meeting, a deferral of enrolment is considered necessary due to compassionate or compelling circumstances, the student will be provided with the opportunity to implement it as per the Deferral Information Sheet.

If, during the meeting it is determined that the there are no compassionate or compelling reasons for the lack of attendance, or; if a student’s attendance continues to drop to 70% or less, these students will be informed of Strategix’ intent to cancel and their enrolment may be cancelled. Students may only have an opportunity to appeal if Strategix makes a determination to cancel their enrolment and their attendance is above 70%. Withdrawal/cancellations are actioned as per the Withdrawal and Cancellation Information Sheet.

Where an extension is considered it is applied with consideration to the requirements within the Student Handbook, the Training and Assessment Information Sheet and the Extension Information Sheet.

Supporting Evidence Guide

When determining whether compassionate or compelling circumstances exist, Strategix will consider documentary evidence provided to support the claim, and will keep copies of these documents in the student’s file.

The purpose of Supporting Evidence is to prove to Strategix (and the Department of Home Affairs for an international student) of any “compassionate or compelling” circumstances which have affected course attendance and or progression. “Compassionate or compelling” circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the overseas student and which have an impact upon the overseas student’s course progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the overseas student was unable to attend classes

  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible a death certificate should be provided)

  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the overseas student’s studies; or

  • A traumatic experience, which could include:

    • involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; or

    • witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the overseas student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports)

These are only some examples of what may be considered compassionate or compelling circumstances and the evidence which can be provided. Strategix will use professional judgement to assess each case on its individual merits.

Intervention Policy


Strategix pro-actively monitors student progress by reviewing assessment submissions, attendance and performance in class, during skills observations and on placement. An intervention may be required when a student is determined to be at risk of not being able to progress or complete their course due to:

  • Lack of attendance as outlined in the Student Attendance Information Sheet

  • Lack of progression on theory, skills or placement as outlined in the Student Progress Information Sheet

  • Not achieving outcomes of units of competency or objectives of placement

  • Deferral/extension of studies

  • Compassionate or compelling circumstances

  • Misconduct or safety concerns.

Students identified as at risk will be contacted and a meeting will be arranged to discuss any issues they may be experiencing and what assistance and corrective actions are required to support the student. An Intervention Plan will be developed to monitor and facilitate student progress.

Intervention Plan and Meeting Procedure


Any student identified as at risk will be contacted as per this Procedure and an Intervention Plan developed to support their continuing enrolment in the course. The meeting will:

  • Determine underpinning issues including any evidenced compassionate/compelling circumstances or LLN requirements

  • Highlight the seriousness of the lapses or events that have led to the intervention

  • Lead to the development of, and agreement by all parties to, an Intervention Plan, with monitoring actions.

The purpose of an Intervention Plan is to assist and support students to fulfil their academic and clinical responsibilities. It is to be engaged when a student has been identified as not achieving the desired outcomes of a unit of competency or when the assessor/supervisor deems them to be at risk of failure or not achieving the learning objectives of practice during placement.


Person Responsible


Person Responsible


Intervention Meeting

Trainer, Student, Department Manager


Develop Intervention Plan




Trainer, Student


Review Intervention Plan

Trainer, Department Manager, Student

Intervention Meeting

Prepare for Meeting

In preparation for the meeting, the meeting holder will:

  1. Invite attendees via email or phone

  2. Prepare information, including:

    • Evidence of lack of attendance or progression

    • Previous catch-up or intervention plans

    • Any relevant information or correspondence.

  3. Prepare a proposed action plan – See https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039166631.

Review the information below to help you prepare for the meeting.

Hold Meeting

A Consultation Meeting is held between the trainer/assessor and manager/head of discipline. The points covered in the consultation meeting will be to:

  • Determine the focus of the intervention meeting

  • Develop an Intervention Strategy

  • Consider any compassionate or compelling circumstances that may have contributed to the student becoming at risk.

The Intervention Plan may include, but is not limited to:

  • Support for implementing effective study strategies and time management skills

  • Trainer-directed support

  • Learning, literacy and numeracy support

  • Accessing counselling support services

  • Referral to any other support services available.

Ensure the location is private (no interruptions) and the student is comfortable in their surroundings. The student and trainer must be in attendance, however, where the student feels, they may have a support person in attendance with them and the college or academy manager may request attendance as well. For Diploma of Nursing students, the Head of Discipline must also be in attendance.

Strategix’s goal is to ensure the completion of the student, however, the student must meet their requirements. Where a student is struggling or is not meeting their responsibilities, we must DISCUSS this with them and we must ensure they are aware we are only interested in them completing and meeting their requirements.

Disciplinary procedures are a last resort and will only be implemented where a student fails to meet the requirements of the course, Visa obligations and intervention or catch-up plans. Any disciplinary actions must be discussed with and approved by the relevant department manager.

Discussion must include:



Compassionate or Compelling Reasons

Misconduct or Safety Concerns



Compassionate or Compelling Reasons

Misconduct or Safety Concerns

Current attendance rate

Status of progression. Specific examples must be provided.

Current circumstances

Misconduct or unsafe practices. Specific examples must be provided.

Attendance requirements

Progression requirements

Impact on study and course requirements

Impact of actions on student, Strategix and other parties

Reason for non-attendance

Reasons for falling behind

Options for student

Reason for action

Corrective actions

Corrective actions

Support services available

Corrective actions

Intervention Plan and catch-up strategies. Plan is specific and detailed.

Follow up and monitoring of attendance, progress and behaviour

Consequences of not meeting the Intervention Plan

Record Outcome of Meeting

Record the meeting minutes in aXcelerate and provide a copy to attendees. Where a Plan is used, the aXcelerate template/s are to be used.

Develop Intervention Plan

The trainer/assessor is to access the Intervention Plan template on aXcelerate and input the content of the Plan which was determined as a result of the Intervention Meeting. The Intervention Plan must include:

  • The reason for the intervention, e.g misconduct, lack of attendance or progress, etc. with specific details

    • The Plan should identify which of the student's unsatisfactory academic or clinical progression requires further support and guidance.

  • Any relevant corrective actions and expected completion dates:

    • If there is a safety concern, the Department Manager must initiate incident and risk management for the student or their conduct in class or on placement

  • Catch-up strategies to be implemented by the student. For example:

    • Reading activities to be completed independently

    • Learner activities to be structured and completed independently

    • Attendance of additional sessions

    • Returning to a subsequent course to complete the learner and assessment activities

    • Apply extensions to assessment tasks to allow sufficient time

    • Additional placement blocks or shifts, as can be arranged with consideration of costs and availability of further placements

    • Other (as determined by the trainer/assessor).

  • Support strategies to be implemented by Strategix. For example:

    • English language support for oral and written comprehension

    • Assistance with academic skills such as essay and report writing, meeting assessment requirements and research skills

    • Attending a study group during the scheduled break between study periods or at a time nominated by the trainer

    • Counselling with a student support officer for assistance with personal issues or compelling circumstances (international students)

    • Additional time in the Clinical Laboratory to practise skills

    • Accessing counselling support services

    • Support for implementing effective study strategies and time management skills

    • Referral to any other support services available

    • Mentoring by the trainer.

  • Review date for the Intervention Plan

  • Consequences of not meeting the requirements of the Intervention Plan

  • Signatures of attendees.

Once the content of the plan has been added to the template, click save and email. A copy of the Intervention Plan will be automatically saved on aXcelerate once sent.


Trainer Responsibilities:

  • Ensure the student has progressed through the Intervention Plan activities prior to sitting any assessment related to the activities missed

  • Where applicable, record and monitor attendance of any catch-up activities included in the Intervention Plan.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Ensure they follow the requirements outlined in the corrective actions, catch-up strategies and support strategies

  • Advise the trainer on the completion of each action item.

Students who do not complete the activities run a risk of not achieving competence and as such should be encouraged to complete the activities.

Administrative Assistant Responsibilities:

Where required a student may be required to return to an additional course to complete their practical activities. The administrative assistant must transfer the student into the new class and ensure all data has been transferred (maintaining their original commencement dates and outcomes). The administrative assistant must ensure the students are clearly directed (via email) as to what they are required to attend and complete.

Review Intervention Plan

At the nominated Review Date, the trainer and department manager (if needed) must meet with the student to discuss the progress made and review the effectiveness of the strategies and corrective actions implemented. Where the student has actioned the requirements as listed on the Intervention Plan and the trainer is satisfied that they are performing at the level required for the course they are enrolled in, the Intervention Plan may be completed. If the Intervention Plan has not had the desired effect, the Plan must be reviewed and additional action items discussed and implemented by repeating the steps in this procedure.

  • Upon the completion of the Intervention Plan by the student, the trainer is to send a copy of the completed Intervention Plan to the student (through the template).


  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • CRICOS 7.2, 8.6 - 8.9, 8.12, 8.16

  • SNR 1.1, 1.4, 2.2


Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards, 2017 Standard 6.4

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


  • Intervention Plan template – aXcelerate

  • Intervention Plan template - Diploma of Nursing - aXcelerate

  • Student Progress Policy and Procedure

  • Student Welfare Policy and Procedure

  • Student Handbook

  • Student Attendance Policy and Procedure

  • Recording Attendance Policy and Procedure

  • Deferral Policy and Procedure

  • Student Withdrawal Procedure

  • Training and Assessment Policy and Procedure

  • Extension Policy and Procedure