Student Progress Policy and Procedure

Student Progress Policy and Procedure









Mar 11, 2024


To be reviewed when international reviewed to confirm definitions of at risk, high risk and unsatisfactory course progress.

*See Information classification policy


While studying with Strategix, students must maintain satisfactory course progress. This is a condition of enrolment and for international students, a condition of their student visa. Students who are enrolled in an online/distance course may not be required to meet course progression requirements, but are given a designated duration as online courses have been developed to be completed as self-paced study.


Student Progress Policy


While studying with Strategix, students must maintain satisfactory course progress. This is a condition of enrolment and for international students, a condition of their student visa. Students who are enrolled in an online/distance course may not be required to meet course progression requirements, but are given a designated duration as online courses have been developed to be completed as self-paced study. Throughout this procedure, the term “Students” does not include those who are enrolled in online/distance study.

The course structure, assessment and expected duration are outlined in the:

  • Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS)

  • Marketing material

  • Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement and/or

  • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and the induction

  • Student Handbook

  • International Prospectus.

The progression requirements may be adjusted in some circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Exceptional circumstances

  • Compassionate or compelling grounds, for example, but not limited to:

    • Serious illness or injury with a medical certificate produced

    • Immediate family illness or bereavement again with documentation produced

    • Natural disaster

    • Mental trauma

    • Being the victim of a serious crime.

  • Due to a Progression Plan

  • An approved deferral or suspension

  • Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Satisfactory Course Progress

Students must satisfactorily complete 100% of learner and assessment activities by the end of the Unit of Study (UoS) or assessment due date in order to maintain satisfactory course progress.

Progress Monitoring

Strategix monitors progression to ensure students are able to complete their course/s. When a student’s progress drops, it can be improved. Students identified as not being ‘on track’ will receive support to rectify the situation.


Students who do not satisfactorily complete 100% of the required assessment parts by the end of the UoS or due date, are defined as being ‘at risk’. At-risk students are assigned a risk rating of either Low or High Risk.

Risk Rating


Low Risk

Majority of Assessment activities completed and are able to catch up during breaks or subsequent UoS.

High Risk

Incomplete assessment, unable to be caught up in subsequent UoS. For example, when a student has not demonstrated competency in fifty percent (50%) or more of enrolled subjects in one (1) unit of study.



Risk Rating



Risk Rating

Low Risk + Low Risk

Was Low Risk in prior UoS and is also Low Risk in a consecutive UoS.


Low Risk + High Risk

Was Low Risk in prior UoS and is High Risk in a consecutive UoS.


High Risk + Low Risk

Was High Risk in prior UoS and is Low Risk in a consecutive UoS.


High Risk + High Risk*

Was High Risk in prior UoS and is High Risk in a consecutive UoS.


*High-Risk International students who fail to follow the Progression Plan for consecutive units of study will receive an Intention to Report email.

The risk level of a student is determined by:

(Completed subjects / Course requirements) = Course Progress

For example:

Completed Subjects*

Required Subjects

Course Progress

Risk Rating

Completed Subjects*

Required Subjects

Course Progress

Risk Rating





UoS1 = 3 + UoS2 = 4

UoS1 = 5 + UoS2 = 6



UoS1 = 4 + UoS = 5

UoS1 = 5 + UoS = 6






Not at risk

*Where a subject includes Vocational Placement, if the ‘required’ assessment activities/parts are complete at the end of the UoS, it is determined as being complete at the time of assessment

Low-Risk students receive an email to notify them of their outstanding assessments parts from the trainer. The email will outline what is required by the student in order to catch up and in what timeframe it is expected to be accomplished by.

High-Risk students are to receive an Progression Meeting Request email inviting them to attend a meeting to discuss anything which may be hindering their studies and to initiate a Progression Plan or discuss a possible suspension of studies.

Refer to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039166631 for further instructions.


High-risk students who fail to follow the Progression Plan and meet any requirements outlined in the meeting (for two consecutive units of study) are deemed as making Unsatisfactory Course Progress. For international students, unsatisfactory progression is a breach of their visa conditions.

A student, who was at-risk in a unit of study who is able to meet the requirements of the Progress Support email or Progression Plan by the due date will no longer be considered at risk.

Ongoing Monitoring

Strategix constantly monitors student progress to ensure students are able to complete their course/s. At the end of each Unit of Study trainers/assessors conduct a more thorough review of students to determine if the student are meeting their course progression requirements.


Student Progress Procedure



Person Responsible


Person Responsible


Recording/Monitoring Course Progress

Trainer/Assessor, Administrative Assistant


Meetings and Intervention Strategy

Trainer/Assessor, Management


Post Progression Meeting - Ongoing Monitoring

Trainer/Assessor, Management


Appeals and Withdrawal

Trainer/Assessor, Management


Reporting Student (International Students only)

Student Liaison Officer, Management

Recording/Monitoring Course Progress

Trainers and administrators are to record accurate information in order to determine the students’ progress through the course. Trainers must implement due dates for assessments as per the Unit of Study (UoS) and/or the Assessment Release Schedule. However, in all instances, students must be afforded additional attempts and time where required. Everyone learns differently and reasonable adjustment may be used to ensure the desired outcome. Course structures are only a guide, individuals may take longer if required. Where students have time constraints (International and Traineeships), additional study visas or extensions may need to be applied.

Students are monitored progressively throughout a Unit of study (UoS). If at any stage the student is identified as falling behind, the trainer must initiate contact with them. Trainers and administrators access information through the Assessment platforms and Student Management System, including, but not limited to:








Enrolment status

Current enrolment

Course information

Course start and end date, Unit of Study information


Subject outcomes previously completed, CTs


Subject outcomes previously completed, CTs


Attendance at college/academy

Cloud Assess

Student login

Student completed work

Assessment activities

Progress of assessment activity (submitted, in progress, not/satisfactory)


Subject outcomes previously completed, CTs


Attendance at college/academy


Student login

Student completed work

Learner and Assessment activities

Progress of assessment activity (submitted, in progress, not/satisfactory)


Subject outcomes previously completed, CTs


Attendance at college/academy

If the course progress equals 100%, the student is on track.

Risk Rating

Email to Send

Risk Rating

Email to Send

Low Risk

Progression Support

High Risk

Progression Meeting Request

Unresolved Low Risk + Low Risk

Progression Support

Unresolved Low Risk + High Risk

Progression Meeting Request

Unresolved High Risk + Low Risk

Progression Support

Unresolved High Risk + High Risk

Progression Meeting Request

x2 consecutive unresolved High Risks

Cancellation Warning (Domestic) or Intention to Report (International)

Any students identified as being a low risk, are to be sent a Progression Support email. The email contains a reminder of progression requirements and outlines what the student is required to complete and by what date or requests the student to attend a Progression Meeting to formally address any concerns. The email is sent via aXcelerate by the trainer/assessor and academy/college manager.

Students who receive a Progression Support email are expected to meet the requirements outlined in the email and continue with their normal course progress requirements as per Step 3 - Post Progression Meeting - Ongoing Monitoring of this procedure. Where applicable, these students skip Step 2 - Progression Strategy.

Any students determined to be high risk will receive a Meeting Request email and are expected to progress through step 2 of this procedure prior to moving on to step 3. In addition to the requirements outlined in the meeting, they must continue with their normal course progress requirements for each unit of study (unless a suspension of studies is required).

Meetings and Progression Strategy

Where required, the Trainer will issue a request for a Progression Meeting to formalise the process and actions required by the student to either ‘Catch-up’ or return for further training and assessment assistance. Refer to the Student Progression Intervention Policy and Procedure for full instructions.

Post Progression Meeting - Ongoing Monitoring

After receiving a Progression Support email or a Progression Meeting, it is the student’s responsibility to:

  • Follow the Progression Plan, which may include attending additional catch-up days

  • Continue to maintain acceptable course progression

  • Follow through on any assistance offered

  • Maintain contact with the trainer to monitor/discuss ongoing progression if there are any ongoing concerns.

Once the timeframe specified in the Progression Support email or the Progression Plan has passed or the student catches up with the required assessment/s (whichever comes first), the trainer determines the outcome of the intervention and follows the required action:

Outcome of Students Progress

Action Required

Subsequent Actions

Outcome of Students Progress

Action Required

Subsequent Actions

Resolved Low or High Risk

‘Catch-up’ or Progression Plan completed and no further action required.


Unresolved Low Risk

Process continues as per Step 1.


Unresolved High Risk

See https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039166631

Cancelling or Reporting**

x2 consecutive unresolved High Risks

Cancellation Warning (Domestic) or Intention to Report (International)**

Cancelling or Reporting**

*Extension: If a student has met the requirements of the Progression Plan but still requires more time, they may be eligible for an extension. Extensions are applied as per the student handbook and the Training and Assessment Policy and Procedure. Refer to the information below for further information on international students and extensions.

Effects of an Extension for an International Student

Extensions are applied as per the Student Handbook. Where an extension involves an international student, the CoE will be affected. The decision to extend a CoE is determined on a case-by-case basis and may require a new student visa.

A course/enrolment duration can only be extended for an international student if:

  • The assessment shows that there are compassionate or compelling circumstances and there is evidence to support this assessment

  • Strategix has implemented, or Strategix is in the process of implementing, a Progression Plan for the international student who is at risk of not meeting course progress requirements

  • An approved deferral or suspension of the international student’s enrolment has occurred.

In the likelihood that an extension is granted and the student’s visa expiry date is prior to completion of the course, the DoS must inform the student by email and verbally that they will need to apply for a new Student visa (subclass 500) to complete their study. More information about the Student visa (subclass 500) is available on the Department of Home Affairs website https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas.

Any changes to the duration of their course are recorded on the student's file and the DIBP will be notified through PRISMS.

**Strategix Initiated Cancelling or Reporting: When Strategix intends to withdraw a student’s enrolment, the withdrawal is actioned as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure.

Appeals and Withdrawal

When the student is notified of Strategix’s intent to withdraw or report and the student has decided to appeal, the appeal is processed as per the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure.

Reporting of Students (International ONLY)

An international student will be reported where:

  • The internal and external complaints processes have been completed and the breach has been upheld

  • The international student has chosen not to access the internal complaints and appeals process within the 20 working day period

  • The international student has chosen not to access the external complaints and appeals process

  • The international student withdraws from the internal or external appeals process, by notifying Strategix in writing.

The International Manager will notify the student immediately and the student will be reported for unsatisfactory course progress as soon as practicable through PRISMS.


  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • SNR 1.8 to 1.12

  • CRICOS 6, 8

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:

  • International Prospectus

  • Student Handbook

  • STG 1.012 - Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure

  • STG 1.039 - Conducting Assessment Policy and Procedure

  • STG 3.023 - Student Withdrawal Procedure

  • STG 4.016 - Student Attendance Policy and Procedure

  • STG 4.019 - Attendance and Progression Action Guide

  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth)

  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

  • Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 (Cth)

  • Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Regulations 2001 (Cth)

  • National Code of practice for providers of Education Services for Overseas Students 2018 (Cth)

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