Employability Skills Training (EST) Policy and Procedure
Status | current |
Classification* | INTERNAL |
Department | EST |
Review | Jun 1, 2024 |
Notes | Review if continuing to deliver in 2024 - RFFR requirements, fraud plan and annual training etc. |
Employability Skills Training (EST) Policy
Employability Skills Training (EST) is a complementary program administered by the Department that enhances the work readiness of EST Participants. EST provides intensive pre-employment training through 2 different blocks of targeted training. Participants can undertake one or both blocks in any order.
An Eligible EST Participant must be aged 15 years and over, and meet one of the following conditions:
Be participating in Workforce Australia Online, Workforce Australia Services or Yarrabah Employment Services, and either in receipt of:
Income support payments that are subject to Mutual Obligation Requirements, or
Disability Support Pension and has compulsory participation requirements.
Be participating in Transition to Work (TtW) Services
Be participating in Disability Employment Services (DES) in the employment assistance phase.
There is no limit to the number of times a Participant can undertake EST if the Provider considers that the Participant would benefit.
Requirement | Description |
Continuous Improvement |
Fees |
Course Outlines | Providers must develop and retain course outlines for all Courses that describe the:
Scheduling |
Class Size | Maximum of 20 participants attending. Out of employment region referrals can be accepted where the individual is deemed suitable in the pre-commencement activities/engagement. |
Service Delivery Plan | Providers must have a Service Delivery Plan targeted at Eligible EST Participants and Participants, and a Service Delivery Plan targeted at Employers, at a minimum. Service Delivery Plans must:
Providers must retain the Department’s written approval of the Service Delivery Plans and retain the Service Delivery Plans. |
Endorsement of Block 2 Specialist Course | Prior to delivering a Specialist course, Strategix must submit the following to the Department, in accordance with the Key Contacts Protocol:
Note: If a Provider has a reasonable justification for not being able to obtain endorsement from a relevant industry association, the Department will accept endorsement from a relevant and appropriate Employer. Refer to the EST Guidelines for details. Industry Endorsement: Specialist course outlines, including major updates, must be endorsed by a relevant industry association to:
Hybrid/Online Courses | Providers must have and retain written approval from the Department before creating hybrid or online Courses and must:
Rolling Intakes | Rolling intake courses will be considered for Training Block 1 Courses and Training Block 2 Generalist Courses in limited circumstances, for example, in a location where there is insufficient demand to offer non-rolling intake courses. Providers must seek approval from the Department before creating rolling intake Courses by completing the Rolling Intake Request Form and submitting it to the Department in accordance with the Communication Protocol. |
Pre-Commencement Activities | Conduct activities to determine whether the participant is eligible and suitable for the course. If the student is not suitable, see EST Guidelines, Section 1.7.4 |
Initial Assessment | Providers must work with participants to complete and retain an initial assessment so the course can be tailored to their needs. The initial assessment must document:
Attendance |
EST Participant Survey | The Department’s IT System sends all EST Participants a short, voluntary online survey on the second last day of their EST course. Participants receive a link to the survey via their Workforce Australia Online for Individuals inbox, and to their email account, where one has been provided. Providers are encouraged to allow time during the course for EST Participants to complete the survey, noting completion is voluntary. |
Resume Update |
Final Assessment | Providers should assess the progress and performance of EST Participants throughout the Course and update the assessment at the end of the course. The Assessment must:
If the Provider is unable to complete a comprehensive Assessment due to insufficient attendance, the Provider must complete the Assessment to the best of its ability and retain records of the reason why the assessment was lacking. Send the final assessment within 5 Business Days of the participant exiting the Course or the Course End Date, to:
Providers must retain a copy of the final Assessment for each EST Participant. |
Completion | A student is completed when:
Course Management | Create each Course in the Department’s IT Systems to facilitate Referrals of Eligible EST Participants and Payments no later than 2 weeks before the Course Start Date.
Exit Course- Digital Participant | If an Exit is requested, the Provider should discuss the reason for the Exit with the student to determine whether any issues can be addressed so they can continue their participation. If an Exit is requested by a Workforce Australia Services Online Participant for a reason other than finding Employment, the Provider must advise the EST Participant to discuss the reason for the Exit with the DSCC, and the DSCC will end the Referral as required. The Provider must not end an EST Participant’s Referral for Workforce Australia Services Online Participant requested Exits for a reason other than finding Employment. |
Exit Course- Workforce Australia Participant | For EST Participants with a Referring Provider, the Provider must not end Referrals for EST Participant requested Exits before discussing the requested Exit with the Referring Provider. |
Exit Course - Completed | For EST Participants who do not Exit the Course before the Course End Date, the Provider must end the EST Participant's Referral in the Department's IT Systems within 5 Business Days of the Course End Date if the Referral was made through the Department's IT Systems. |
Safety | Notify the Department of any WHS incidents, etc. Maintain copies of Incident Reports. Refer to EST guidelines - 3.7 Reporting and Managing Incidents |
Feedback |
Self-Assessment Report | Providers must complete and submit to the Department, in accordance with the Key Contacts Protocol, a self-assessment report at the end of each Performance period or as directed. Refer to Est Guidelines, 5.3 Self-Assessment Report |
Marketing | Providers must use the Workforce Australia masterbrand in the delivery of Services and in accordance with the Workforce Australia Brand Style Guide for Providers (the Brand Style Guide). |
Fraud |
Additional RFFR Requirements | Refer to the Workforce Australia - Part A Universal Guidelines and Right Fit for Risk (RFFR) requirements. |
Block 1 Requirements
Training Block 1 Courses help EST Participants develop job search and workplace skills. After participating in a Training Block 1 Course, EST Participants should be able to demonstrate the following Learning Outcomes:
Use a variety of techniques and strategies to seek and apply for work
Identify opportunities in the local labour market
Understand Employer expectations
Prepare a résumé
Prepare a job application, including preparing a cover letter, addressing selection criteria, and preparing video applications, as relevant, to entry-level opportunities in the local labour market
Complete an online psychometric and aptitude screening test
Prepare for an in-person and virtual job interview
Manage their digital footprint
Apply conventions of online etiquette
Apply the 10 skill areas described in the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework to the workplace.
Training Block 1 Courses may offer Industry Awareness Experiences and accredited training to support the Learning Outcomes. Training Block 1 courses must be delivered as either Youth Courses or 25 Plus Courses unless the Department provides written approval for the delivery of an All Ages Course. All Ages Courses will be considered in limited circumstances, for example, in a location with insufficient demand to make offering separate Youth Courses and 25 Plus Courses feasible. Providers wishing to create an All Ages Course must submit a written request to the Department in accordance with the Key Contacts Protocol.
Block 2 Requirements
Training Block 2 Courses help EST Participants understand industries that are in demand or have emerging opportunities in their local labour market. After participating in a Training Block 2 Course, EST Participants should be able to demonstrate the following Learning Outcomes:
Use the most suitable techniques and strategies to seek and apply for work in the industries covered
Understand the duties, requirements, career prospects and Employer expectations of the industries covered
Tailor a résumé to the industries covered
Tailor a job application to the industries covered, including preparing a cover letter, addressing selection criteria, and preparing video applications, as relevant, to the industries covered
Complete an online psychometric and/or aptitude screening test, as relevant, to the industries covered
Prepare for an in-person and virtual job interview for the industries covered
Use technology relevant to entry-level employment opportunities in the industries covered.
There are 2 types of Training Block 2 Courses:
Generalist Courses: Give EST Participants a taste of a few different industries to help them decide whether an industry is right for them. The industries must have entry-level Employment opportunities in the local labour market and may include accredited training. Additional Learning Outcome:
Understand their interest in and aptitude for the industries covered.
Specialist Courses: Focus on a single industry to help EST Participants build industry-specific skills and provide a pathway for EST Participants to entry-level employment opportunities in the industry or a formal training program. Specialist Courses should offer accredited training to support the Learning Outcomes. Additional Learning Outcome:
Be equipped for entry-level employment opportunities in the industry covered.
Providers contracted to deliver Training Block 2 Courses must offer both types of Courses.
Accredited Training Block 2 - Generalist Course
FSKLRG003 | Use short and simple strategies for career planning |
FSKLRG007 | Use strategies to identify job opportunities |
FSKLRG011 | Use routine strategies for work-related learning |
BSBPEF101 | Plan and prepare for work readiness |
Industry Awareness Experiences
Block 2 Courses must offer Industry Awareness Experiences relating to the industries covered to support the Learning Outcomes. Industry Awareness Experiences aim to:
Provide EST Participants with insight into the tasks and duties of an industry
Highlight the expectations of working in an industry
Expose EST Participants to a work-like environment in a practical way
Connect EST Participants with Employers in industries that are in demand or have emerging opportunities in the local labour market.
Examples of Industry Awareness Experiences include guided tours of workplaces arranged with an Employer and Inbound Employer Visits.
Providers must use a Competent Person to undertake a written Activity Risk Assessment & Participant Risk Assessment before an EST Participant starts in a Specified Industry Awareness Experience and retain a copy of the Risk Assessment and any controls implemente. Risk Assessments must include:
ID and name of the course
Details of the activity and/or tasks to be undertaken
The risks of the activity and/or tasks and the appropriate actions to mitigate the identified risks
The risks for each Participant and the appropriate actions to mitigate the identified risks
The name and signature of the Competent Person who undertook the Risk Assessment
The date the Risk Assessment was undertaken.
Strategix must maintain a Register of Competent Persons to undertake Risk Assessments. It must contain:
Relevant training, qualification or experience.
Providers must review risks regularly and take appropriate actions to address any changes. If there are any changes to a Specified Industry Awareness Experience, and/or if there are any changes to the risks for a Participant, Providers must use a Competent Person to update the Risk Assessment as required and take appropriate actions to address any changes.
Note: Any accredited training must not disadvantage the student to access other funding.
Employability Skills Training (EST) Procedure
Step | Responsibility | |
1 | Develop Service Delivery Plan and Course Outline | Manager (M) |
2 | Create Course on Department’s System | Course Coordinator (CC) |
3 | Enrol Student | Course Coordinator (CC) |
4 | Complete Induction and EST Assessment | Trainer (T) |
5 | Induction and Initial ASsessment (Day 1) | Trainer (T) |
6 | Interview Students | Trainer (T) |
7 | Deliver Course | Trainer (T) |
8 | Complete Course | Trainer (T) |
9 | Issue Certificates and Completions | Course Coordinator (CC) |
10 | Monitor and Review Course and Course Requirements | Manager (M) |
11 | Withdrawals | Course Coordinator (CC) |
Develop Service Delivery Plan and Course Outline (M)
Before delivering a course, a Service Delivery Plan must be developed and submitted to the department for approval. See the requirements above for information on what must be included in the Plan. Save the Department’s approval in the EST folder.
Course Outline
Develop a course outline that describes the:
Learning outcomes of the course
Teaching strategies that will be used to achieve each Learning Outcome.
Course Outlines are created and stored on the Course Release Schedules Google sheet.
Online/Hybrid Course and Rolling Intakes ONLY
You must seek approval from the Department before creating an online/hybrid/rolling intake course. Refer to the policy above for further details.
Specialist Courses ONLY
If it is a specialist course, we must first obtain endorsement from an industry association and submit the information to the Department, prior to delivery. Submit:
The consultation process in the design and development of a Specialist Course outline
Evidence of endorsement:
Course outline that was endorsed
Name of the industry association that provided the endorsement
Name and position of the industry association member that confirmed the endorsement
Date of the endorsement.
Create a Course on the Department’s System & in Axcelerate (CC)
Create each Course in the Department’s IT Systems to facilitate Referrals of Eligible EST Participants and Payments no later than 2 weeks before the Course Start Date.
Duplicate the EST course template in aXcelerate and update with new course details.
Enrol Student (CC)
Download the Referral List from ESS Web
Add students to Trainer Spreadsheet. Record:
Course ID and name
Participant’s job seeker ID and name
Name of the person creating the record.
Email student’s the invite to enrol with Strategix in the course. This is sent out the Friday before the course starts using the Referral list
Complete the student’s enrolment as per Enrolment Policy and Procedure and confirm the student is eligible and suitable for the course (Pre-commencement activities requirement)
If the student enrolling is an online student in a non-approved online course, you must record the reason the participant cannot participate in person in aXcelerate in the Notes.
Induction and Initial Assessment (Day 1 & 2) (T)
Day 1 is a busy day where your time as a trainer will be split between working with those that have enrolled and started their tasks and making contact with those that haven’t yet enrolled or may be having technical difficulties. You will need to be flexible in the way that you approach Day 1 as the more students you can get sorted out today, the easier the rest of Week 1 will be. However, these activities will generally also extend to Day 2. Some suggested tasks for Day 1 & 2 include:
Send the template from aXcelerate titled "EST - Block 1 Welcome/Induction" to all the students in the intake
Check enrolments and compare them to the Referrals List. Make contact with those that haven’t enrolled yet
Set up Zoom sessions for the day - you may need to organise multiple Zoom sessions throughout the day to help the students use Cloud Assess or enrol in the course
Send reminder text messages to students about completing their induction and tasks in their Welcome email. You may need to remind them to check their junk email etc. if they haven’t received it
If you have any students in the incorrect class (region-based), refer to Course Coordinators to transfer to the correct class
Check Supervisor App is working (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.gov.employment.supervisor&hl=en&gl=US&pli=1) and that students are appearing in the class.
Ideally, students should complete on Day 1:
EST Assessment - Initial - Google Form
LLN Quiz. Note, there can be issues with accessing this on smartphones, you can direct them to the local library or to use a friend’s computer etc.
Induction on Cloud Assess (student should watch the video and then complete the checklist).
For students who are ready to start the training on Day 2, they can be sent the Day 2 template which has a small activity for them to complete.
Interview Students (T)
During the first week, you must meet with each student individually to review their answers to the questionnaires and their LLN results, and record how the course will be tailored to meet their needs:
Open the EST Initial Assessment (Responses) spreadsheet:
Go to the Mapping tab:
Search for the student’s name
Review responses to questions and LLN results:
If no results are appearing, this means the student has either not done the LLN quiz yet or there is a technological difficulty. You can look up their results on the LLN Robot and enter in manually or ask the student to complete it if they haven’t yet.
Select appropriate actions from the How the Course will be Tailored to Suit Student Needs that meet the student’s needs. Select ALL that apply by selecting each option one by one, they will automatically be added to the cell
Insert Course ID in Column S - Look up on the Referrals Spreadsheet.
Deliver Course (T)
Trainer delivers course as per Course Release Schedule and reviews student progress regularly:
EST Block 1 Course Release Schedule - no accredited units
EST Block 2 Course Release Schedule - Generalist with accredited units.
Trainer to perform a daily risk assessment of the training classroom and any equipment or areas used by the students during the course.
Resources found here and on Cloud Assess - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1ZAKLXh8SKoCBHYE-pZ2-2JHpUlemwPxp.
EST Daily Trainer Checklist
The EST schedule runs across 13 days. The EST Trainer can use this daily checklist to see what needs need to be done from day 1 to day 13.
Record Attendance Daily
Provide the daily QR code(s) (2 codes for sessions longer than 4 hours/day) to students in attendance to self-report attendance. If the student participates in any way in the sessions, by attending the Zoom or attempting activities or assessments, they are marked as in attendance
The trainer must record attendance by 1 pm each day in aXcelerate and in the Supervisor App. aXcelerate will send attendance records to any applicable referring providers
Students have the first 3 days to enrol and attend. If they don’t, they cannot start
Students are encouraged to contact the Department or referring provider if they are unable to attend class
If a student does not attend within 7 Business Days of the Start Date of the course the Trainer must notify the Course Coordinator who will end the student’s referral to the course and notify the student and referring provider (if relevant).
Provide Industry Awareness Experience - EST Block 2 ONLY
The trainer organises an industry awareness experience with the local industries covered in the course. Examples of Industry Awareness Experiences include guided tours of workplaces arranged with an Employer and Inbound Employer Visits. Prior to implementing an experience, the trainer must first complete a risk assessment of the experience.
Complete Course (T)
The trainer confirms that the student has completed their assessment on Cloud Assess and attended at least 80% of the hours of the course (10 out of 12 days)
Complete the Final Assessment by recording the student’s progress using the EST - Block 1 Final Assessment Report template on aXcelerate. Attach the student’s resume to the template
Send a copy of the final assessment (including their updated resume) to the student and referring provider, within 5 business days of the end of the course (or exit from the course).
Issue Certificates and Completions (CC)
Course Coordinator completes student’s enrolment and issues statement of attainment as per Issuance Policy and Procedure (only for Block 2)
Course Coordinator updates the Department’s system with completions.
Monitor and Review Course and Course Requirements (M)
Invite participants and relevant industry liaisons to complete the Trainer Evaluation SURVEY
Manager is to regularly review survey results and action continuous improvement initiatives
Manager is to maintain a training matrix for annual fraud training
RFFR team to monitor compliance with Right Fit for Risk (RFFR) requirements.
Where a student voluntarily withdraws, finds employment or Strategix determines that they are not suitable for the course, the student must be referred to Digital Services to inform them of their withdrawal. Strategix cannot remove them from the course.
EST Deed Requirements
Change in Control
Strategix must not, without the Department's prior written consent, cause or allow to occur a Change in Control.
Strategix must, within 10 Business Days of 1 July each year, or at any other time that the Department requests, provide to the Department an insurance declaration form, in the form required by the Department. The following insurances are required:
Public Liability Insurance
Workcover for each state we deliver training in for our staff
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Professional indemnity
Personal accident insurance
Cyber risk insurance.
Declarations are to be completed each financial year and sent to Strategix’s EST contact:
Working with Children Safety:
Must comply with all applicable Working with Children Laws in the delivery state:
Implement, and ensure that all Child-Related Personnel implement, the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
Put into place and update, at least annually, an appropriate risk management strategy to manage risks identified through the risk assessment
Complete and update, at least annually, a risk assessment to identify the level of responsibility the Provider and Child-Related Personnel have for Children and the level of risk of harm or abuse to Children
Provide training and establish a compliance regime to ensure that all Child-Related Personnel are aware of, and comply with:
The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
The Provider's risk management strategy
Applicable Working with Children Laws, including in relation to Working With Children Checks
Relevant legislation relating to mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect.
Provider must not allow any of its Personnel, any Subcontractor or any potential Supervisor to participate in the Services if a relevant check shows that they have been convicted of a crime and a reasonable individual would consider that the conviction means that the individual would pose a risk to other individuals involved in the Services
Indigenous Procurement Policy
The Provider must use reasonable endeavours to increase its:
Purchasing from Indigenous Enterprises; and
Employment of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons,
in the delivery of the Services.
The Provider must:
Within three months after the Deed Commencement Date, develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy which is designed to:
Attract, develop, and retain Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons as employees within the Provider’s Own Organisation; and
Encourage the procurement of goods and services, as relevant, from Indigenous Enterprises; and
Implement and maintain that strategy for the Term of the Deed.
Authority |
Regulatory Documents |