WorkReady Funding Procedure
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Review | Mar 11, 2024 |
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WorkReady Funding Procedure
Steps | Person Responsible |
Information Session | Enrolment officer, Student and Employers |
Induction | Enrolment officer and Student |
Enrolment | Enrolment officer and Student |
Participant Agreement | Student |
Participant Account Creation | Enrolment Officer |
Eligibility and entitlement check | Enrolment officer and Student |
Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN) | Enrolment officer, Student and LSS |
ESP/JAP Referral | Enrolment officer and Student |
Administrative tasks | Administrative Assistant |
Enrolment Confirmation | Administrative Assistant |
Commencement | Trainer and Student |
Invoicing | Accounts and Payee |
Completion | Trainer and Student |
Information Session
Students are given all relevant information pertaining to the chosen course of study, including:
Specific industry requirements
Course details (incl. units, assessment methods and course expectations)
Career and study pathways
Industry requirements (i.e. Police check, food safety training)
Minimum course requirements (foundation skills)
Funding and entitlements.
All information regarding the funding and entitlements is included in the WorkReady Information Sheet.
Students must be informed of all this information prior to committing to the course and signing the Participant Agreement.
The induction of students into Strategix must include the following information:
Couse details and requirements
Site induction - safety
Student support
Access to student information and records
Fees and refund policy
Legislation (Privacy, Anti-discrimination, etc.)
Assessment policy and procedures
RPL and credit transfer
Vocational Industry Placement (where required).
This information can also be found on our website and in the student handbook available to all students upon enrolment, included in all enrolment information emailed to every student and each class must have a copy on hand.
Students complete the electronic enrolment form, ensuring details are represented as displayed on their identification.
To assist in the confirmation of eligibility students are required to supply evidence of the eligibility criteria for WorkReady. This evidence must be collected and stored against the students’ portfolio. Evidence does not need to be in colour.
Participant Agreement
Students must read and acknowledge the Participant Agreement. The training account number must be written on the Participant Agreement on the day it is completed.
Once done individually PDF the signed WorkReady Participant agreement, saving the file in the following format:
Save a copy of the completed Participant Agreement onto the student’s aXcelerate profile.
Participant Account
After the student has agreed to and signed the Participant Agreement, each student must be searched for a current registration on the Skills and Employment Portal.
Where a student does not have a previous participant record, create a new participant on the Skills and Employment Portal. This is created by Strategix by entering the basic contact information (full name, date of birth, address and contact details), when doing this follow the instructions given on the Create Participant Profile and Training Account Guide.
Eligibility and Entitlement Check
After verifying or creating the participant, the student is assessed to determine eligibility for, and their entitlement to, subsidised training. Once the participant is located on the Skills and Employment portal, select View History and screenshot this page. This must be saved in the portfolio under ‘7. Eligibility Check’.
Eligibility criteria are included in the WorkReady Information Sheet.
Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN)
The UAN is required for all prospective participants seeking access to a subsidised training place in a full qualification under WorkReady. The UAN process occurs prior to every confirmation of enrolment and after Strategix has confirmed the individual’s initial WorkReady eligibility and entitlement. The sequence of events details the process.
The UAN includes:
Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) – LLN testing (Reading and Numeracy).
Login details:
Password: Strategix01
Please note, for all Cert III courses, use the Reading and Numeracy tests initially and where a student scores a 1, they can complete the Reading and Numeracy Indicator (SRNI) as a secondary test
To assist students in undertaking the CSPA assessment refer to the CSPA Fact Sheet (PDF)
Student Questionnaire – student must complete the student questionnaire in WorkReady Learner Support Record
A Suitability and Support Need Checklist - the findings of the questionnaire must recorded in WorkReady Learner Support Record. Assessment of suitability will include the student achieving an ACSF working level 2 in reading and numeracy on the Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) test (see table below)
Learning and Support Report – must be completed after the completion of the CSPA, student questionnaire, enrolment interview, Suitability and Support Needs Checklist and the trainer/enrolment officer completing an interview. Record details in the online Learning Support Report. Once complete, save the file onto the student's aXcelerate profile using the following format:
Where a student scores an:
Exit level 2 on the Reading and Numeracy testing, they may continue and commence the course.
Exit Level 1 on the Reading and Numeracy testing, we can test their suitability further by administering the SRNI, if a student is assessed as being:
Suitable to complete the course, they may continue and commence the course
Not suitable, they must be referred to the LSS for further testing (LaNCA)
Exit Level 0 on the Reading and Numeracy testing, they must be referred to the LSS for further testing (LaNCA).
The following tables provide further details and contact information.
CSPA Results
ACSF Exit Level | Reading | Numeracy |
Pre 1 | To be referred to SYC | To be referred to SYC |
ACSF 1 | Complete the LaNCA test, then refer to SYC | Complete the LaNCA test, then refer to SYC where required |
ACSF 2 | May require assistance during course | May require assistance during course |
ACSF 3, 4 & 5 | May require assistance during course | May require assistance during course |
Contact details of LLN service providers:
SYC | Contact | Role | Region | Phone Number | |
Diane Brennan | Case Manager | Northern Adelaide | 0417 832 204 | ||
Megan Clarke | Case Manager | Southern Adelaide | 0436 294 547 |
The learner support service will help the student with all support needs including LLN courses. The student will be subjected to further testing via the LaNCA. Only after the support plan is finalised can the student be reengaged with the RTO (if able to do so).
For students who undertake the LaNCA, SYC will invoice Strategix for $200 per person. This is to be paid in accordance with the invoice terms.
Reimbursement of these fees will be paid directly to Strategix by DIS quarterly (Q3 January – March, Q4 April – June, Q1 July – September and Q2 October – December) after the LNN Service Provider has submitted the CSPA Interpretation Report (electronically).
ESP/JAP Referral
If the student is a registered job seeker, ensure that Part A and B of the online Employment Service Referral Form has been received.
An ESP/JAP must ensure Part A and Part B is completed to trigger automatic workflow of the form to the email address of the nominated training provider. When requesting the referral form, provide the following details to the ESP/JAP:
Job seeker details
ESP/JAP details
Course name (Cert III in Food Processing or Cert III in Individual Support
Training provider name (Strategix Training Group)
Training provider email (
Course start and end dates (remember to use the intake date and the courses are 21 weeks Individual Support and 12 weeks Food Processing)
Job plan
Select the appropriate responses to the standard questions.
Once completed the student must fill in their section/s and the declaration is completed.
The form will automatically be sent to to be completed by the RTO.
A strategix team member must complete Part C to trigger automatic work flow of the finalised form back to the ESP to advise them of the assessment outcome. The form is to be completed by ticking the appropriate boxes, signed on behalf of Strategix.
Save the PDF of the referral form against the student’s aXcelerate profile in the following format for ease of recognition.
Administrative Tasks
Potential students who have completed the Upfront Assessment of Need process and are deemed suitable for the course are able to move forward to the next stage of the enrolment process.
The admin tasks are completed as per Step 4 of Student Enrolment Procedure and include:
Enter finance codes into aXcelerate (15, WRG, SFAAPP0461 – S4A SA)
Collection of any required eligibility evidence as outlined in the WorkReady Information Sheet
Attach identification to the student’s aXcelerate profile. When doing so make sure files are saved in the following format for ease of recognition
Create training account on Skills and Employment Portal
Check and save a screenshot of the student's history from the Skills and Employment Portal
Processing of credit transfers
Co-contribution fee processed
Setting up of student and enrolment on the assessment platform
Police Check (where required).
Enrolment Confirmation
Students will be set to in progress on aXcelerate and issued with a confirmation of enrolment once the following has occurred:
Successful registration on Skills and Employment Portal
Eligibility check (history check and requirements met)
Successful completion of UAN and actions carried out
Submitted all required evidence (ID)
Finalised co-contribution fees or accepted payment plan conditions
Verification of USI
Receipt of ESP/JAP referral form.
The student must:
Commence within 30 days* of training account creation
Complete a unit within 90 days of commencement
Complete a Work Placement declaration (where required).
*Where student does not commence training within 30 days, the training account must be closed and the enrolment terminated. Students may then restart at the information session and follow the whole procedure again.
Issue invoices using the finance model for the relevant course. Invoices are to be generated and sent to the student or JAP/ESP within 30 days of commencement of the course. Payment terms are as per Fee Collection Policy.
Upon completion, Strategix must:
Close training account off 20 days after completion or withdrawal
Complete the student as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure
Survey students using prescribed template.
Authority |
| See Funding |
Regulatory Documents |
| List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document |
Approved By | Name here | Details / Decisions: |
Related Documents:
STG 1.066 - Create and Verify USI in aXcelerate Policy Procedure
Process map for establishing eligibility, entitlement and conducting the UAN (Word)
Sequence of Events - Commencement
Trainer/Induction Officer | Timing |
Information session / Induction | Induction Day |
Participant Agreement completed by student | After induction |
Enrolment form | When agreement signed |
Issue CSPA login | While doing enrolment form |
Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) | After agreement is complete |
Check/Create Participant Number/Training Account | During CSPA testing |
Student questionnaire | After CSPA test is complete |
Suitability interview Suitability and Support Needs Checklist | When students have completed the CSPA and Student questionnaire |
Email eligibility screenshots to coordinator | On induction day/after Suitability interviews |
Post Learner Support Record to head office | On induction day/after Suitability interviews |
Administration |
Create participant and training account on Skills and Employment Portal | Pre-induction |
Check and save a screen shot of History from Skills and Employment Portal | Pre-induction |
Source ESP/JAP referral | Pre-induction |
Save participant agreement to aXcelerate | Upon return of Learner Support Record |
Learning and Support Report (online) | Upon return of Learner Support Record |
FSK referral and assessment (if applicable) | Upon return of Learner Support Record |
Complete Part C ESP/JAP referral | Upon return of Learner Support Record |
Upload student documents to aXcelerate | Upon return of Learner Support Record |