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NSW - Smart and Skilled Fact Sheet Fee Information




Co-contribution Fees

Student fees cover all attempts at a unit while a student remains enrolled. When a student withdraws or is cancelled, and they re-enrol into the course, they may be required to pay additional student fees for any units which require training and assessment (this excludes units which are awarded Credit Transfers).


*Students who meet the conditions outlined in the following table may be able to access the Fee Exemptions or receive an adjustment to their fee.

Previous qualifications do not affect eligibility; however, they may affect the student fee. Students with post-school qualifications, will pay a higher fee for their Smart and Skilled training than someone who does not have any qualifications.

Fee Exemptions and Variations

Where students are required to pay a student fee, they may be eligible for a partial or full fee exemption. Fee exemptions must be supported with evidence from the student to be eligible. Fee exemptions include:


Fee Exemption


Details / Evidence Required


Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander


Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students prove their status and eligibility for a fee exemption through self-identification. Students will need to declare their status and be able to provide documentary evidence of community identification, if required.




Students who seek a fee exemption for a disability will need to provide one of the following:

  • A letter from Centrelink confirming receipt of the Disability Support Pension. The letter should show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

  • A current Disability Pensioner Concession Card that shows the CRN

  • A current Centrelink income statement for the Disability Support Pension, which clearly shows that income is for the disability pension and also shows the CRN

  • Any other evidence that shows the CRN and confirms receipt of the Disability Support Pension

  • Documentary evidence of support needs due to the student’s disability. This evidence must be a letter or statement from one of the following:

    • A medical practitioner

    • An appropriate government agency such as Veteran’s Affairs or a TAFE NSW teacher consultant (for students with a disability)

    • A school counsellor or special education coordinator

    • Centrelink

    • Disability Service Provider

    • Job Capacity Assessor

    • A specialist allied health professional (including a rehabilitation counsellor, psychologist, speech pathologist, or occupational therapist).


New Entrant


Under the NSW Government Fee Free Traineeship initiative, New Entrants who commence training on or after 1 January 2020 may be eligible for fee free training. Fee Free is limited to a maximum of commencing three fee free traineeships under this initiative.




The recipient of a specified Commonwealth benefit or allowance, must provide one of the following for proof of eligibility for a concession:

  • A letter from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink) confirming receipt of the benefit. The letter should clearly show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

  • A current concession card that shows the CRN

  • A current Centrelink income statement that clearly shows the benefit or allowance category and the CRN

  • Any other evidence that clearly shows the CRN and the benefit or allowance category

  • Documentary evidence from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs stating their pension/benefits status

  • For people applying for Austudy or Newstart allowance, an approval letter from Centrelink that shows the CRN and indicates that commencement date of their benefit is within two weeks of their enrolment or two weeks within the date of the first-class attendance or participation in training.

Those seeking concession as a dependent child, spouse or partner of someone who is receiving a specified Commonwealth benefit or allowance must provide documentary evidence that Centrelink recognises the individual as the dependant. Evidence must show the CRN of the benefit or welfare recipient.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)


Where student is granted CT or RPL, the qualification price will be adjusted and a new student fee determined. Refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.


Skilling for Recovery


Students who are undertaking a part or full qualification under Skilling for Recovery are eligible for fee free training for applicable qualifications.


Target Priority Part Qualifications


Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure
Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure
nameS&S Fees

SA - Skilled Careers Fact Sheet Fee Information


nameTPS - Student Handbook

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students and eligible domestic students accessing a VET Student Loan (VSL), FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP (HELP) loan, whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures that these students are able to either:

  • Complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or

  • Receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees (international students) or a re-credit of their loan for open units of study (VSL and HELP).

More information and assistance with the TPS can be found on their website

Fact Sheet

Excerpt in - ??? not sure where this is displayed

nameFact Sheet - Fees


Student fees cover all attempts at a unit while a student remains enrolled. When a student withdraws or is cancelled, and they re-enrol into the course, they may be required to pay additional student fees for any units which require training and assessment (this excludes units which are awarded Credit Transfers).





Students are informed during the engagement and enrolment process (up front) of all information, amounts and matters relating to the fees and charges for their Course of Study (CoS), including:
