Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure

Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure


Table of Contents








May 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy


Student Fees and Charges Information

QLD - Certificate 3 Guarantee Fact Sheet Fee Information

Co-Contribution Fees

Students receiving funding under the Certificate 3 Guarantee program must contribute towards the cost of their course/training. The co-contribution fees differ for each course; refer to the following table/s for pricing.

Please note, pricing may be different for delivery methods (online, campus and workplace). The price tables detail the fees and charges due prior to any outcome being reported. Fees are always rounded down.

Fees are broken down to a unit level so students can calculate the cost of their course accurately when they have Credit Transfers* applied.

Fees may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party (but not by Strategix). If you are required to pay fees personally you will be given a payment advice that details the total amount due and a payment schedule.

Fees are calculated by Course Fee – Credit Transfers = Total due. The fee for a Credit Transferred unit is calculated by dividing the Course Fee by the number of units, to give the cost per unit (i.e. Course Fee ÷ No. of units = cost per unit).

Example: If a course fee is $20 and the qualification contains 13 units and the student has 3 Credit Transfers, the course fees will be calculated as follows:

Work out the Credit Transfers first:
Course Fee ÷ No. of units = cost per unit
$20 ÷ 13 = $1.53 per unit

There a 3 units that are being credit transferred:
$1.53 x 3 = $4.59

New Course Fee:
Original Course Fee – Credit Transfers = Course Fee
$20 – $4.59 = $15.41 

*Credit transfers must be supported by a copy of the certificate, statement of attainment or USI transcript.

Students have the option of choosing multiple methods to pay for their course fees (i.e. eftpos, in person, over the phone), refer to the Fees and Charges Information Sheet for more details.


A student may access concessional pricing as follows:

  • The Student holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card issued under Commonwealth law, or is the partner or a dependant of a person who holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card, and is named on the card; or

  • The Student issues Strategix with an official form under Commonwealth law confirming that the Student, his or her partner or the person of whom the Student is a dependant, is entitled to concessions under a Health Care or Pensioner concession card; or

  • The Student is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. Acceptable evidence is as stated on the AVETMISS VET Enrolment Form.

  • The student is a school student and is enrolled in a VETiS program (may include young people in Detention)

  • The Student has a disability, (documented evidence from a medical practitioner must be provided)

  • The Student is an adult prisoner (evidence to be provided)

  • The Student holds a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Card.

Delivery and Fee

Campus Delivery (Face-2-Face)

Students must attend the nominated days / weeks at a Strategix venue and Vocational Placement where required.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name



Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit


Cert III in Business






Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care






Cert III in Community Services






Cert III in Individual Support (Ageing and Disability)






Cert III in Food Processing






Cert lll in Hospitality






Cert III in Retail






Cert III in Supply Chain Operations






Cert III in Driving Operations






Cert III in Health Services Assistance






Cert III in Process Manufacturing*






Cert III in School Based Education Support





*Please enquire for course availability

Online Delivery

Course delivered online with face-to-face or online practical sessions and Vocational Placement where required.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name



Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit


Cert III in Business






Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care






Cert III in Community Services






Cert III in Retail





*Please enquire for course availability

Workplace Delivery

Course delivered on the job as face-2-face or online.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name



Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit


Cert III in Business






Cert III in Community Services






Cert III in Individual Support (Ageing)






Cert III in Individual Support (Disability)






Certificate III in Food Processing






Cert III in Process Manufacturing






Cert III in Driving Operations*






Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations*





*Please enquire for course availability

QLD - VETiS Funding Fact Sheet Fee Information

VETiS Funding Prices

Co-Contribution Fees

VETiS funded students are exempt from co-contribution fees for the following courses.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name



Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit


Certificate II in Community Services






Certificate II in Food Processing






Certificate II in Health Support Services






Certificate II in Hospitality






Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations





*Please enquire for course availability

VETiS Plus (Fee for service) prices

Course Fees

Students / Schools are responsible for paying the associated fees to participate in the VETiS Plus Program.

VETiS Plus (Certificate II)

For those who have previously completed a Certificate II Food Processing with Strategix under VETiS funding.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Course Fee


Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations

From $100

VETiS Plus (Certificate III)

For those who have previously completed a Certificate II with Strategix.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Course Fee


Certificate III in Community Services

From $350


Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

From $350


Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations

From $350

Fee for Service - (Certificate II)

For those who have not previously completed a Cert II or III with Strategix.

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Course Fee


Certificate II in Community Services



Certificate II in Food Processing



Certificate II in Health Support Services



Certificate II in Hospitality



Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations



Concession rates do not apply.

QLD - User Choice Fact Sheet Fee Information

Student Fee

Strategix must collect a student contribution fee, it may be paid on behalf of the student by their employer or a third party unrelated to the Strategix, but cannot be paid or waived by Strategix, unless approved in writing by the department.

Invoices for students will be generated and sent to the client after students are approved for funding. The payment amount includes the compulsory Student Contribution Fees. Students will not be charged for individual subjects which are Credit Transferred or Transitional Gap trained.

When a student converts from a school-based trainee to a full-time or part-time traineeship, the student contribution fees will be charged for training and assessment for any units of competency not yet commenced. This does not apply when the student is under 21 and is undertaking a high priority qualification as identified by the department (refer to next page*).

Student Fees - Year

Price per Nominal Hour

2017 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2018 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2019 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2020 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2021 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2022 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2023 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

2024 Student Fees

$1.60 per Nominal Hour

Qual Code

Qual Name

Maximum Nominal Hours


Certificate III in Business

490 hrs


Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

1108 hrs


Certificate III in Community Services

475 hrs


Certificate IV in Youth Work

960 hrs


Certificate II in Food Processing*

440 hrs


Certificate III Driving Operations*

420 hrs


Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations

425 hrs


Certificate III in Individual Support - Ageing**

975 hrs


Certificate III in Individual Support - Disability***

925 hrs

** Students require a nationally coordinated criminal history check to complete Individual Support. Students are not required to pay the fee for the check.

*Please enquire for course availability

Partial Exemption — Tuition Fees

Strategix will only charge 40 percent of the student contribution fee where the participant falls into one or more of the following exemption categories:

  • The participant is not at school, has not completed year 12 and was or will be under 17 years of age at the end of February in the year in which Strategix provides training

  • The participant holds a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card issued under Commonwealth law, or is the partner or a dependant of a person who holds a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, and is named on the card

  • The participant issues Strategix with an official form under Commonwealth law confirming that the participant, his or her partner or the person of whom the participant is a dependant, is entitled to concessions under a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card

  • The participant is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

Full Exemption — Tuition Fees

Only trainees who fall under one of the following circumstances can a student receive a full exemption of student contribution fees for the entire qualification.

Financial Hardship – Where evidence indicates payment of the student contribution fee would cause the trainee extreme financial hardship. Strategix has process’ in place in order to explore further payment options to lessen the impact of a payment prior to applying for a fee exemption. Applications for financial hardship and relevant supporting documentation will be gathered and assessed on an individual basis.

School-Based – All School-based traineeships receive a full exemption for student contribution fees. 

Free Apprenticeships for Under 25s – The Free apprenticeships for under 25s initiative will cover the cost of training for Queensland apprentices or trainees who commenced or are undertaking one of the Priority Apprentichip and Traineeship Qualifications (see below) from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2024.

*Priority Apprenticeship and Traineeship Qualifications:

Qual Code

Qual Name


Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care


Certificate III in Individual Support


QLD - Higher Level Skills Fact Sheet Fee Information

Co-Contribution Fees

Students receiving funding under the Higher Level Skills program must contribute towards the cost of their course/training. The co-contribution fees differ for each course; refer to the following table/s for pricing.

Please note, pricing may be different for delivery methods (online, campus and workplace). The price tables detail the fees and charges due prior to any outcome being reported. Fees are always rounded down.

Fees are broken down to a unit level so students can calculate the cost of their course accurately when they have Credit Transfers* applied.

Fees may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party (but not by Strategix). If you are required to pay fees personally you will be given a payment advice that details the total amount due and a payment schedule.

Fees are calculated by Course Fee ÷ No Units – Credit Transfers and Gap units = Total due.

*Credit transfers must be supported by a copy of the certificate, statement of attainment or USI transcript.

Students have the option of choosing multiple methods to pay for their course fees (i.e. eftpos, in person, over the phone), refer to the Fees and Charges Information Sheet for more details


A student may access concessional pricing as follows:

  • The Student holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card issued under Commonwealth law, or is the partner or a dependant of a person who holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card, and is named on the card; or

  • The Student issues Strategix with an official form under Commonwealth law confirming that the Student, his or her partner or the person of whom the Student is a dependant, is entitled to concessions under a Health Care or Pensioner concession card; or

  • The Student is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. Acceptable evidence is as stated on the AVETMISS VET Enrolment Form

  • The Student is a school student and is enrolled in a VETiS program (may include young people in Detention)

  • The Student has a disability (documented evidence from a medical practitioner must be provided)

  • The Student is an adult prisoner (evidence to be provided)

  • The Student holds a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Card.

Course Fees

Excerpt in: Student Handbook, Fees and Charges Information

Course fees and student contribution amounts are advised prior to the commencement of any course at Strategix. Payment amounts, methods and details can be found in the Fact Sheets attached to your enrolment documentation or on the Strategix website.

Fees and Charges Information Sheet

Payment Default

Where a student fails to pay any outstanding fees, Strategix reserves the right to cancel their enrolment and continue to seek payment for any outstanding debt. Reasonable opportunities will be afforded to students to pay outstanding fees.

Issuing of Qualifications

Strategix can and will withhold the issuance of a qualification until all fees are paid, this also includes any actions by students required to access and claim funding to pay for the students course of study.


Re-enrolments may incur a fee:

  • Domestic students: When a student re-enrols into a course where:

    • The training package release has been updated and the subject selection has changed

    • The course code has changed

    • The re-enrolment is outside of 12 months from the original commencement date.

  • International students: When an international student re-enrols into any course of study they will be charged the fees due for each enrolment.

Deferring Study

Where a student is on a payment plan and they defer their studies, the payments are also deferred until the date the student returns (the end date of the deferral). If payment is not received prior to commencement of further units of study, the student may be excluded from the course and have their studies deferred.

Extending Study

When a student requires an extension after the Academic Penalty Date (VET Student Loans) or expected completion date (all other students), the student will be required to pay an additional fee to cover the additional time and training/ assessment which must occur because of the course extension. Students are advised of the extension fee during the application process and prior to the extension being approved.

Tuition Protection Service

Excerpt in: Student Handbook, Fees and Charges Information

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to help international students and eligible domestic students accessing a VET Student Loan (VSL), FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP (HELP) loan, whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures that these students are able to either:

  • Complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or

  • Receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees (international students) or a re-credit of their loan for open units of study (VSL and HELP).

More information and assistance with the TPS can be found here: https://www.education.gov.au/tps.

Payment Methods

Payment can be collected/received by Strategix via the following methods:


  • Online Payment

  • Payment Plan

  • Cash Payments*

  • Bank Transfer.

*may not be available or specific conditions may apply at some locations.


Students paying via EFTPOS can do so in person, over the phone or online:

  • In Person - If the student is completing the transaction in person, it is as simple as swiping their card or using payWave. The Strategix team member is to ensure the student is provided with an opportunity to receive a copy of their EFTPOS receipt

  • Over the Phone - For a transaction over the phone, the student must provide the Strategix team member with their Visa Debit or Credit Card details. These are entered into the machine as a “telephone order”.

These details include:

  • 16-digit card number

  • Expiry Date

  • CVC or CVV number.

Online Payment

Where a student intends to pay through the online payment gateway the Strategix team member issues the student with an invoice. To make a payment, the student follows the link and enters their Visa Debit or Credit Card details.

Payment Schedule

A payment schedule can be setup established between Strategix and a student. Students must ensure payments are:

  • In full,

  • On time in line with agreed schedule,

  • Paid into Strategix’ designated bank account.

Payment Plan

  • Payment plans are a direct debit setup and fees will be automatic drawn directly from the students account when as per the agreed terms and timeframes. A student can work with Strategix to arrange a payment plan.

Fees and Charges Policy


Students are informed during the engagement and enrolment process (upfront) of all information, amounts and matters relating to the fees and charges for their Course of Study (CoS), including:

The information above is provided by one or more of the following methods:


Fact Sheet

Service Agreement

Quote for Service form

Tentative Enrolment email

Student Handbook

Course Schedules

Payment Contract (Payment Plan)

Payment Plan Agreement

Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement

Refund Policy and Procedure

Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)



Fact Sheet

Service Agreement

Quote for Service form

Tentative Enrolment email

Student Handbook

Course Schedules

Payment Contract (Payment Plan)

Payment Plan Agreement

Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement

Refund Policy and Procedure

Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)


Academy Funded Students













Academy Fee for Service Students













College Students













International Students



























Fee Collection Threshold Conditions ($1500)

Students will not be charged more than $1500* prior to the commencement of their course unless they are covered by the Tuition Protection Service (TPS).

The following students are covered by the TPS arrangements and must pay invoices as issued:

  • International

  • VET Student Loan.

Fee collection thresholds apply to all other students, including:

  • Trainees

  • Funded students

  • Full fee paying students.

*Where a course fee is over the threshold of $1500, the remainder will be invoiced prior to the course completion date. The $1500 threshold does not apply to employers paying fees on behalf of the student.

Payment Default

Where a student fails to pay any outstanding fees, Strategix reserves the right to cancel their enrolment and continue to seek payment for any outstanding debt. Reasonable opportunities will be afforded to students to pay outstanding fees.

Where Strategix must engage the services of external parties (eg, solicitors, debt collection agencies) to recover unpaid invoices (after a final written notice has been given), all fees and charges relating to these services will be payable by the client (in addition to the original amounts invoiced). If such cases arise, the client agrees to the legal jurisdiction of Queensland.

Issuance of Qualifications

Strategix can and will withhold the issuance of a qualification until all student fees are paid, this also includes any actions by students required to access and claim funding to pay for the student's CoS.


Re-enrolments may incur a fee as per the following examples:

  • Domestic Students: When a student re-enrols into the same qualification (where the Subject selection and course code remains the same) and where the re-enrolment falls within 12 months of the original enrolment commencement date they will not be charged a second enrolment fee. A re-enrolment into a course where the training package release has been updated and the subject selection has changed or where the course code has changed or the re-enrolment is outside of 12 months from the original commencement date, is considered a different course and an enrolment fee applies

  • International Students: When an international student re-enrols into any CoS they will be charged the fees due for each enrolment.

Deferment of Studies

Where a student is on a payment plan and defers their studies, the payments are also deferred until the date the student returns (the end date of the deferral). If payment is not received prior to the commencement of further UoS, the student may be excluded from the course and have their studies deferred.

Extension of Studies

After the Academic Penalty Date (VET Student Loans) or Expected completion date (All other students) and where a student requires course extension if they wish to continue with their course. In these situations, the student will be required to pay an additional fee to cover the additional time and training/ assessment which must occur because of the course extension. The course extension cost = Full Course Fee ÷ Total Number of Subjects – Number of Competent Subjects.

Students are advised of the extension fee during the application process and prior to the extension being approved and additional training and/or assessment commencing.

Bad Debt

Debts will be written off only when the recovery procedures as specified above have proven unsuccessful and further action is either not cost-effective or highly unlikely to succeed. The decision to write off individual debts should include consideration of the cost of recovery action versus the amount of the debt being pursued.

For those debts which prove to be irrecoverable and require being written off, approval for such a write-off should be sought from senior management by email and a copy kept on file. All bad debts must be approved by Senior Management for write-off.


Fees and Charges Procedure


Person Responsible


Person Responsible



Accounts, Admin Assistant


Collecting Payments

Accounts, Admin Assistant, Trainers


Reminder Notices

Accounts, Admin Assistant


Enrolment Cancellation

Accounts, Admin Assistant


Debt Collection

Accounts, Admin Assistant


Fees may be paid by either a Third Party (Employer or Job Active Provider (JAP) etc.) or the student. Refer to Specific Invoicing/Payment Requirements (below) for specific fee requirements for each student cohort. The admin process on how to create an invoice is outlined in https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038675188.

Funding/Payment Type


Funding/Payment Type



  • Certificate 3 Guarantee

  • VETiS

  • Skilling Queenslanders for Work

  • Higher Level Skills (Payment Plans or VSL)

  • Co-contribution fees must be charged prior to commencement

  • Concession must be valid at the time of enrolment/invoicing

  • Students eligible for Credit Transfer or Transitional Gap Training must not be charges co-contribution fees for those specific units

  • To ensure fees are paid by the student and / or a third party prior to the submission of claims for payment the following action is taken by Strategix:

    • Where a student is personally paying their co-contribution fee they must ensure all payments are made prior to any competent outcomes are due

    • Where an employer or the students Job Active provider is covering the co-contribution fee, this must be invoiced prior to any competent outcomes being due (as approved by DESBT).Where a student has not paid their co-contribution fee and they are approaching an assessment date, they will be removed from there course and/or moved to another intake to recommence at a later date.

Queensland User Choice

  • Partial/Full exemptions must be valid at the time of enrolment/invoicing

  • Co-contribution fees must be charged prior to commencement

  • Students eligible for Credit Transfer or Transitional Gap Training must not be charges co-contribution fees for those specific units

  • When a student converts from a school-based trainee to a full-time or part-time traineeship, the student contribution fees will be charged for training and assessment for any Subjects not yet commenced.

New South Wales Smart and Skilled

  • Invoices are to be generated following the use of the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator to determine the applicable student fee

  • This includes entering/indicating any Credit Transfers that may apply to ensure accuracy in the invoice amount.

National VET Student Loans (VSL)

  • Student invoices are raised prior to each census date and must have any adjustments applied at this time

  • Those who receive CT must have their census amounts adjusted

  • The individual who collects the payment for the student must ensure the correct amount is being obtained from the student

  • The amount due is located in aXcelerate under the finance details at the bottom of the “Qualification Subjects Status & Enrolment”

  • Collecting the incorrect fees from the student causes extra work for accounts and can cause a non-compliance during audit if not rectified.

National Fee For Service

  • Student’s invoices will be calculated by determining the total cost of the course and must not exceed $1500

  • Students whom have Credit Transfers may be eligible for discounts on their course fees. See manager for confirmation on amount/s.





  • For courses over 24 weeks in duration, Strategix will not invoice for more than 50% of the total tuition fees before course commencement. After commencement, Strategix will not require a further payment of tuition fees until 2 weeks before the start of the second study period

  • Short courses of 24 weeks or less may require up to 100% of prepaid tuition fees

  • Strategix will not accept course money from the student before there is a written agreement which has been signed or otherwise accepted (for example, through online acceptance). In the event payments being inadvertently received prior to the accepted written agreement reaching or being received by Strategix, the money received will not be processed and the student or agent will immediately be contacted and informed that the payment cannot be processed (and the enrolment cannot progress) until the provider receives the accepted written agreement

  • Monies are to be paid within 30 days of invoice being issued by Strategix or before period of study commences

  • All payments will be held in a designated account.

South Australia Skilled Careers

  • Co-contribution fees must be charged prior to commencement

  • Guardianship of the Minister (GOM) are eligible for fee-free.

Jobs and Skills WA Training Program

  • Invoices are issued to students at the commencement of the course (these detail the full amount due as per each subject and Unit of Study

  • Invoice amounts are due before each Unit of Study

  • Fee waivers must be assessed and applied prior to commencement.

Third-Party Paying

Where an Employer or Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider (WAESP) is paying the course fee or co-contribution fee on behalf of a student:

  • The administrative assistant is responsible to provide a Quote for Service. This is emailed to the employer/WAESP

  • When the employer/WAESP accepts the quote, they send Strategix a Purchase Order

  • The administrative assistant must review and approves the Purchase order and informs the Accounts Department

  • The Accounts Department raise invoice*

  • Payments are made by the employer/WAESP and they notify Strategix through remittance advice.

*Invoices are issued to an employer or WAESP must be issued prior to commencement and before a student is set to In Progress.

Student Paying

Where the student is paying for the course the invoice may be issued before or after payment has been received:

Timing of Invoice


Timing of Invoice


Issued after payment

Where a student pays prior to induction

Issued prior to payment

Where a student has not paid prior to induction and/or in a fee for service arrangement

Collecting Payments

Payment can be collected/received by Strategix via the following methods:

  • EFTPOS: Students paying via EFTPOS can do so in person, over the phone or online

  • In-Person: If the student is completing the transaction in person, it is as simple as swiping their card or using payWave. The Strategix team member is to ensure the student is provided with an opportunity to receive a copy of their EFTPOS receipt

  • Over the Phone: For a transaction over the phone, the student must provide the Strategix team member with their Visa Debit or Credit Card details. These are entered into the machine as a “telephone order”. These details include:

    • 16-digit card number

    • Expiry Date

    • CVC or CVV number

    The Strategix team member saves a copy of the receipt from the EFTPOS machine in aXcelerate and generates a tax receipt in aXcelerate, the student is provided with a copy of this.

  • Online Payment: Where a student intends to pay through the online payment gateway the Strategix team member issues the student with an invoice. To make a payment, the student follows the link and enters their Visa Debit or Credit Card details

  • Payment Schedule: A payment schedule can be set up and established between Strategix and a student. Students must ensure payments are:

    • In full

    • On time in line with the agreed schedule

    • Paid into Strategix’s designated bank account.

  • Payment Plan: Payment plans are a direct debit set up and fees will be automatically drawn directly from the student’s account when as per the agreed terms and timeframe. A student can work with Strategix to arrange a payment plan. Students on a payment plan must:

    • Provide their bank account details or credit card number for DebtSuccess or Strategix to collect scheduled payments

    • Ensure payments are made in line with the payment contract

    • Where applicable, give written approval if they wish to make credit card payments over $1,000 or Bank payments over $2,000

    • In the event of an unsuccessful payment attempt, students will be charged a reversal fee of $12.00.

  • Cash (may not be available or specific conditions may be set at some locations): When a student is paying via cash in person the Strategix team member:

    • Receives the cash

    • Issues the student with a tax receipt (white copy) from the trainer or site receipt book

    • Retains the Yellow receipt and provides it to the administrative assistant

    • The yellow copy is scanned and uploaded to the student's aXcelerate profile.

  • Bank Transfer: When a student is paying via Bank Transfer the Strategix team member issues the student with a “Notification - Fees/Payment Required” email. The email contains the details on how to pay the fee and a reference number for the student to include in the bank transfer.

The preferred method of payment for sales less than $500 is collected via EFTPOS, credit card or bank transfer. The administrative process for each of the fee collection methods is outlined in https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038675188.

Reminder Notices

Students are notified when they fall behind in their payments and are provided with an opportunity to pay any outstanding fees prior to being withdrawn from the course.

Student Payment Type

Notified by

Student Payment Type

Notified by

Payment Schedule

Accounts department

Payment Plan

The Party whom the payment plan has been established with

All other students

Administrative assistant

Records of all contact must be noted in aXcelerate.

Enrolment Cancellation

Once a reminder notice has been issued and it is determined that a student cannot or does not intend to pay the outstanding fees, Strategix will:

  • Withdraw the student from the course and issue the student with a Confirmation of Withdrawal as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

  • Notify any relevant parties (Employer, The Department of Home Affairs, Australian Apprenticeships Support Network etc.)

  • Follow up with any outstanding fees as per step 5 debt collection.

Debt Collection

Once a student has withdrawn from the course they will be followed up for a period of time before being referred to an external debt collection agency as follows:

Student Payment Type

Notified by / Timing

Student Payment Type

Notified by / Timing

Payment Schedule

Students with a Payment Schedule are bound to the conditions in the contract, if after taking all reasonable steps to attempt to collect an overdue amount Strategix is unsuccessful in obtaining payment the student will be referred to an external Debt Collection Agency to follow up with outstanding debit.

Payment Plan

Students with a Payment Plan are bound to the conditions in the contract. After all reasonable attempt to collect any overdue amount students will be referred to an external debt collection agency.

All other students

The administrative assistant is responsible for securing the payment of overdue invoices, until they are outstanding for more than 60 days. After 60 days outstanding, the administrative assistant is to provide Accounts with a summary of collection action to date.

Fee Collection Threshold Conditions


The following sets out the information regarding fees under and above $1500:

Student Type

Threshold Conditions


Student Type

Threshold Conditions



  • State Funded

  • Academy

  • School Based

  • Existing Worker

  • Fee for Service

Where total fees are above $1500, students are not charged more than $1500 prior to the commencement of their course.

If the course cost to the student is more than $1500, the remainder is to be invoiced prior to the course completion date.


Domestic College (VET Student Loans)

The Department of Education has been managing the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) arrangements for students with a VET Student Loan (VSL), VET FEE-HELP loan or a FEE-HELP load through a private or TAFE higher education provider.

Both providers and students can find out more information about tuition assurance and provider closure on the Department’s website.


International Students

International course costs can be more than $1500 and are covered by the Tuition Protection Service.

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) will assist international students if Strategix was unable to fully deliver their course of study.

The TPS ensures that international students are able to either:

  • Complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or

  • Receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees.



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents


Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:

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