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| Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure |
| Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure |
name | S&S Fees |
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SA - Skilled Careers Fact Sheet Fee Information
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Fees and ChargesSkilled Careers students are required to contribute towards the cost of their training. The co-contribution fees may differ for each course of study. See the table below for pricing. Concessional and JobTrainer fees are calculated at $0.50 per nominal hour. Table here *Fees may be paid by a third party (ESP, JAP, Employer) but cannot be waived or paid by the training organisation. ConcessionsThe definition of a Concessional Participant below only applies when the Participant or Participant’s family or guardian or employer is responsible for the payment of any Student Contribution Fee. Under this Policy, Concessional Participants are defined as: The Participant holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card issued under Commonwealth law, or is the partner or a dependant of a person who holds a Health Care concession card or Pensioner concession card, and is named on the card; or The Participant issues Strategix with an official form under Commonwealth law confirming that the Participant, his or her partner or the person of whom the Participant is a dependant, is entitled to concessions under a Health Care or Pensioner concession card; or The Participant is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. Acceptable evidence is as stated on the AVETMISS VET Enrolment Form The student has a disability The student is an adult prisoner Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Card.
A Participant’s eligibility for concessional status must be identified by Strategix at the time of submission of the Participant’s AVETMISS data in order to attract the higher Government subsidy. South Australians of any age who have been or are under the Guardianship of the Minister (GOM) are eligible for fee-free courses delivered by training providers. The usual subsidised training eligibility rules apply. To apply for a fee exemption, complete this form. |
SA - JobTrainer Fact Sheet Fee Information
Excerpt |
Fees and ChargesSkilled Careers students are required to contribute towards the cost of their training. The co-contribution fees may differ for each course of study. See the table below for pricing. On-Campus (Full Time Study) table here *Students require a federal police check to complete Individual Support. Students are not required to pay the fee for the check. Fees may be paid by a third party (ESP, JAP, Employer) but cannot be waived or paid by the training organisation. |
Course Fees
Excerpt in: Student Handbook, Fees and Charges Information
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title | Specific Invoicing/Payment Requirements |
Funding/Payment Type | Requirement |
Queensland: | Co-contribution fees must be charged prior to commencement Concession must be valid at the time of enrolment/invoicing Students eligible for Credit Transfer or Transitional Gap Training must not be charges co-contribution fees for those specific units To ensure fees are paid by the student and / or a third party prior to the submission of claims for payment the following action is taken by Strategix: Where a student is personally paying their co-contribution fee they must ensure all payments are made prior to any competent outcomes are due. Where an employer or the students Job Active provider is covering the co-contribution fee, this must be invoiced prior to any competent outcomes being due (as approved by DESBT).Where a student has not paid their co-contribution fee and they are approaching an assessment date, they will be removed from there course and/or moved to another intake to recommence at a later date.
| Queensland User Choice | Partial/Full exemptions must be valid at the time of enrolment/invoicing Co-contribution fees must be charged prior to commencement Students eligible for Credit Transfer or Transitional Gap Training must not be charges co-contribution fees for those specific units When a student converts from a school-based trainee to a full-time or part-time traineeship, the student contribution fees will be charged for training and assessment for any Subjects not yet commenced.
| New South Wales Smart and Skilled | Invoices are to be generated following the use of the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator to determine the applicable student fee This includes entering/indicating any Credit Transfers that may apply to ensure accuracy in the invoice amount.
| National VET Student Loans (VSL) | Student invoices are raised prior to each census date and must have any adjustments applied at this time Those who receive CT must have their census amounts adjusted The individual who collects the payment for the student must ensure the correct amount is being obtained from the student The amount due is located in aXcelerate under the finance details at the bottom of the “Qualification Subjects Status & Enrolment” Collecting the incorrect fees from the student causes extra work for accounts and can cause a non-compliance during audit if not rectified.
| National Fee For Service | Student’s invoices will be calculated by determining the total cost of the course and must not exceed $1500. Students whom have Credit Transfers may be eligible for discounts on their course fees. See manager for confirmation on amount/s.
| International | For courses over 24 weeks in duration, Strategix will not invoice for more than 50% of the total tuition fees before course commencement. After commencement, Strategix will not require a further payment of tuition fees until 2 weeks before the start of the second study period. Short courses of 24 weeks or less may require up to 100% of prepaid tuition fees. Strategix will not accept course money from the student before there is a written agreement which has been signed or otherwise accepted (for example, through online acceptance). In the event payments being inadvertently received prior to the accepted written agreement reaching or being received by Strategix, the money received will not be processed and the student or agent will immediately be contacted and informed that the payment cannot be processed (and the enrolment cannot progress) until the provider receives the accepted written agreement. Monies are to be paid within 30 days of invoice being issued by Strategix or before period of study commences. All payments will be held in a designated account.
| South Australia Skilled Careers | | Western Australia PIT Work Readiness Program | Invoices are issued to students at the commencement of the course (these detail the full amount due as per each subject and Unit of Study invoice Invoice amounts are due before each Unit of Study Fee waivers must be assessed and applied prior to commencement.
Third-Party Paying
Where an Employer or Job Active Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider (JAPWAESP) is paying the course fee or co-contribution fee on behalf of a student:
The administrative assistant is responsible to provide a Quote for Service. This is emailed to the employer/JAPWAESP
When the employer/JAP WAESP accepts the quote, they send Strategix a Purchase Order
The administrative assistant must review and approves the Purchase order and informs the Accounts Department
The Accounts Department raise invoice*
Payments are made by the employer/JAP WAESP and they notify Strategix through a remittance advice.
*Invoices are issued to an employer or JAP WAESP must be issued prior to commencement and before a student is set to In Progress.