The RTO must not enrol a Candidate for HRW Training High Risk Work (HRW) training (includes forklift training) unless that person will be 18 years of age or over on the day the Candidate undertakes a High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) Assessment
The RTO must comply with the Evidence Of Identity (EOI) requirements, complete an EOI check for each Candidate prior to training commencing and confirm that the Candidate provides the necessary EOI documentation as set out at Appendix 2
The RTO must enter the EOI information in the OLE as required and/or complete and retain the EOI Form. The EOI form must be provided to the Regulator, if requested, during an audit or in response to a complaint or compliance related issue.
Prior to delivering HRW Training or coordinating a HRWL Assessment, the RTO must complete any Candidate Exemption requirements
The RTO must make any required Candidate exemption request in writing by email to tacs@safework.nsw.gov.au
The RTO Candidate exemption request must include the following information for the relevant Candidate exemption to be considered by the Regulator:
A WHS authorisation suspended or cancelled:
the authorisation that was suspended/ cancelled
the Australian jurisdiction in which the authorisation was suspended/cancelled.
WHS law conviction/enforceable undertaking:
the Australian jurisdiction; and
the law that was breached; and
if a conviction, the date of conviction; and/or
if an enforceable undertaking, the undertaking entered into.
Has a residential address outside of NSW:
the full name, date of birth and residential address as listed on the Candidate’s driver’s licence or other EOI document(s); and
the reason(s) why the Candidate should be trained/assessed in NSW.
Is hearing impaired – seek an exemption not less than 10 days prior to a HRWL Assessment occurring by providing:
the Candidate’s full name;
the proposed Auslan Interpreters name, and registration/certification number;
the date, time and class of the proposed HRWL Assessment; and
a statement as to whether the Candidate holds a driver’s licence.
Is an accredited HRWL Assessor – seek an exemption not less than 10 days prior to a HRWL Assessment occurring by providing:
the Candidate’s full name; and
the Candidate’s HRWL assessor number.
20. If the Regulator approves an RTO Candidate exemption request:
the Regulator will provide a written approval notification including an exemption number to the RTO; and
the RTO must provide the Regulator’s written approval to the HRWL Assessor conducting the Candidate’s assessment prior to the HRWL Assessment commencing; and
for interstate Candidates, the RTO/ HRWL Assessor must provide a copy of the Regulator’s written approval to the Candidate.
If the Regulator refuses the RTO exemption request, the RTO will be notified in writing and must not commence training or assessment of the Candidate.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
The RTO must determine if a Candidate meets the minimum course LLN levels and, if necessary, provide or refer the Candidate to appropriate LLN support services
A Candidate’s LLN competency must be assessed and any special needs identified prior to the commencement of training so that any LLN or special needs can be addressed and provided for during both the HRW Training and the HRWL Assessment.
Notification of Scheduled Training
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Prior to Conducting Forklift Assessment
Conduct appropriate checks to ensure the student/candidate will be 18 years of age, or over, on the day the assessment is conducted
Ensure an EOI check has been completed for the student and confirm the student has provided the necessary EOI documentation (see Appendix 2 in attached documentation which sets out the EOI requirements).
Ensure the student completed the candidate declaration
If a Candidate declares ‘Yes’ to any of the statements in Condition 14 of the candidate declaration, seek an exemption approval from the Regulator to enrol assess the Candidate (see section 5.3.3).
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