Conduct Forklift Assessment (NSW) Policy and Procedure

Conduct Forklift Assessment (NSW) Policy and Procedure









Dec 1, 2024



*See Information classification policy


Conduct Forklift Assessment (NSW) Policy


When delivering the licensed units TLILIC0003 and TLICLIC0004 or its equivalent in NSW, Strategix must abide by the Conditions to the Agreement for RTOs to Conduct High Risk Work License (HWRL) Assessments in NSW under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW). We are also required to apply for registration/scope to deliver the unit in NSW by following the process listed on SafeWork NSW. Once registered, we can apply for additions of assessors and changes to scope.

The following represent the requirements relevant to maintaining registration with NSW to deliver these units:

  • Must maintain scope of registration with ASQA for the unit/course

  • Comply with the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (the NVR Act), including the fit and proper person requirements in that Act, the ASQA Standards and all related requirements and directives

  • Comply with all components of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework

  • Must notify the Regulator of any events which may compromise, or impact upon, the RTO’s ability to deliver the Services to the required standard. The RTO must immediately notify the Regulator:

    • If Strategix ceases or intends to cease business, approval as an RTO with ASQA or with any equivalent Australian state or territory authority is cancelled or suspended, or of any action taken or required to be taken by ASQA for the RTO to comply with the NVR Act

    • If Strategix, or any of its directors or Authorised Officers have or has had an approval to deliver WHS/occupational health and safety (OHS) authorisation services suspended, terminated or cancelled in another Australian jurisdiction

    • Of any Trainer who is identified as being suspended or cancelled as a WHS/OHS and/ or VET services provider in any Australian jurisdiction

    • Of any court conviction against the RTO, its directors, Authorised Officers or Trainers in Australia for a WHS/OHS offence or of any criminal offence of the RTO, its directors, Authorised Officers or Trainers

    • Of any suspected fraudulent or corrupt behaviour associated with the services as well as any reasonable suspicion or belief that the training and assessment process may be compromised by a Trainer, HRWL Assessor or Candidate

    • Of any attempted bribe or offer of a gift by any party in the delivery of the services

    • Of any identified breach of this Agreement by the RTO, its directors, Authorised Officers or Trainers.

  • The RTO must notify the Regulator in writing within 14 days of:

    • Any change of business ownership, change of address, contact details and/or registered business name or trading name, Authorised Officer(s)

    • Any RTO Personnel who is no longer approved by the RTO to use the Online Environment (OLE).

  • All UoC assessments must be coordinated by a trainer and conducted separately from the HRWL Assessments required by the Regulator

  • Provide trainers with a copy of the Conditions available at the time of delivery of HRW Training. The Conditions may be in electronic form provided they can be easily accessed and consulted.

Trainer Requirements

  • RTOs must only nominate a person for Regulator consideration as a Trainer who meets the minimum relevant Approved Training Course requirements and any other minimum requirements specified by the Regulator. RTOs must only use approved Trainers to deliver a course

  • Strategix must seek written approval from the Regulator for a person to be a Trainer and deliver HRW training, and must only use a Trainer approved by the Regulator

  • The Regulator must be notified in writing within 14 days of any Trainer who is no longer authorised by Strategix to deliver HRW Training; or any change to a Trainer’s contact details; and

  • Strategix must ensure that all Trainers, at all relevant times, satisfy all requirements set out in the Agreement.

Requirements for Students:

  • Be 18 years of age on the day they undertake a High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) Assessment

  • Complete an Evidence of Identity (EOI) check prior to training commencing and provide the necessary EOI documentation as set out below

Students must provide 100 points of EOI to commence training.

Within the combination of EOI documents, students must be able to show their:

  • Full name

  • Photo

  • Date of birth

  • Current NSW residential address (if the student doesn’t reside in NSW, written approval must be sought from the Regulator prior to enrolling the student in a specified VET course for HRW)

  • Signature.

All EOI documentation must:

  • Be originals (photocopied or certified documents can’t be accepted. If a document was issued to the student electronically, e.g. a utility bill, this can be accepted)

  • Be in the same name (unless accompanied by a document issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages verifying change of name)

  • Include the student’s full name

  • Be in English (unless accompanied by an English translation issued by a National Accreditation Authority for Translations and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translator).

*Bank statements, credit cards and savings account cards issued by an overseas institution can only be accepted if the:

  • Issuing institution has representation in Australia

  • Statement or card is in English.


Points for EOI documents

Document Type



Document Type



Primary documents (use only ONE)

  • Australian Birth Certificate


  • Passport - Australian or international (current or expired within last two years)


  • Australian citizenship certificate.


Secondary documents (a combination can be used)

*More than one credit and savings account card (up to two) can be used if they are from different financial institutions.

**Documents must contain the student’s full name, not initials.

  • Current Australian driver’s licence


  • Current Australian learner driver’s licence/permit


  • Current Australian boat operator’s photo licence (only the Personal Watercraft Licence (PWC) issued in NSW with a photo is acceptable)


  • Current NSW firearms photo licence


  • Current Australian high risk work photo licence


  • Current state/territory proof of age or photo card (e.g. a NSW RMS issued photo card)


  • Australian defence or Police photo ID card


  • Department of Veterans Affairs card


  • Current Centrelink card


  • Property (council) rates notice


  • Property lease agreement


  • Home insurance papers


  • Utility bills – e.g. water, electricity, gas


  • Telephone account


  • Current Medicare card


  • Current motor vehicle registration or insurance papers


  • Credit/savings cards/bank statements.


Correctional facility

(This additional EOI only applies to Correctional Centre inmates who are being assessed in a correctional facility under the High Risk Work Licence authorisation regime.)

  • Correctional centre inmate MIN photo card


  • Correctional centre inmate MIN card


  • Letter of verification from NSW Corrective Services



  • Complete a Student Declaration - see below.

Student Declaration

The declaration is included in the student enrolment form. - Prior to enrolment in HRW Training, RTOs must have the student declare if they:

  • Have had a WHS authorisation suspended or cancelled (expired authorisations are excluded) by any Australian certifying authority within the last five years

  • Have previously been convicted or entered into an enforceable undertaking under the WHS Act or WHS Regulation in NSW or a WHS law in another Australian jurisdiction

  • Have a residential address outside of NSW

  • Are hearing impaired and require a registered Auslan interpreter for an HRWL Assessment

  • Are an accredited HRWL Assessor.

If a student declares ‘Yes’ to any of the statements above, an exemption approval must be sought from the Regulator to enrol and/or assess the Candidate.

Exemption Requests

Requests are to be made in writing by email to tacs@safework.nsw.gov.au and must include the following information about the Candidate:

  • A WHS authorisation suspended or cancelled:

    • The authorisation that was suspended/ cancelled

    • The Australian jurisdiction in which the authorisation was suspended/cancelled.

  • WHS law conviction/enforceable undertaking:

    • The Australian jurisdiction; and

    • The law that was breached; and

    • If a conviction, the date of conviction; and/or

    • If an enforceable undertaking, the undertaking entered into.

  • Has a residential address outside of NSW:

    • The full name, date of birth and residential address as listed on the Candidate’s driver’s licence or other EOI document(s); and

    • The reason(s) why the Candidate should be trained/assessed in NSW.

  • Is hearing impaired – seek an exemption not less than 10 days prior to a HRWL Assessment occurring by providing:

    • The Candidate’s full name;

    • The proposed Auslan Interpreters name, and registration/certification number;

    • The date, time and class of the proposed HRWL Assessment; and

    • A statement as to whether the Candidate holds a driver’s licence.

  • Is an accredited HRWL Assessor – seek an exemption not less than 10 days prior to a HRWL Assessment occurring by providing:

    • The Candidate’s full name; and

    • The Candidate’s HRWL assessor number.

If the Regulator approves the request we will receive a written approval notification including an exemption number, which must be provided to the HRWL Assessor conducting the Candidate’s assessment prior to the assessment commencing.

For interstate Candidates, Strategix or the HRWL Assessor must provide a copy of the Regulator’s written approval to the Candidate. If the Regulator refuses the exemption request, Strategix will be notified in writing and must not commence training or assessment of the Candidate.

Confirmation of Resources and Materials

RTOs must undertake a series of “pre-assessment” activities to ensure that Candidates undertaking and Assessors conducting a HRWL Assessment are safe from risk and harm and that all tasks in the National Assessment Instrument (NAI) can be completed as per assessment requirements.

The RTO is responsible for ensuring and confirming that all resources required to conduct a HRWL Assessment are readily available, safe for use and compliant before the assessment begins. This responsibility cannot be delegated to the Assessor.

Compliance may be checked by SafeWork NSW via audit and/or verification activities.

Compliance action may include:

  • Educative Advice

  • Corrective Action

  • Directed Engagement

  • Suspension

  • Cancellation.

An RTO can ensure compliance by taking the actions detailed in the table below. The table outlines the SafeWork NSW expectations of RTOs for every HRWL Assessment, to meet the minimum plant and equipment requirements. (The Fact Sheet from SafeWork NSW at the bottom of this procedure outlines the full details.)

HRW RTO Condition

SafeWork NSW expectation of compliant action

HRW RTO Condition

SafeWork NSW expectation of compliant action

Condition 51

Prior to each HRWL Assessment, the RTO must confirm that the resources required to conduct the Assessment in the relevant HRWL class:

a. are readily available and safe for use, including, but not limited to, the site/venue, plant, equipment, and/or materials; and

b. are compliant and meet the full requirements to conduct the HRWL Assessment as prescribed for the relevant HRWL class in the Guide for Assessors and/ or the NAI

  • The RTO must carry out appropriate due diligence before every assessment

  • This means having a process that ensures an RTO staff member consistently checks everything is available for a safe, compliant, and full licence assessment before every assessment

  • Good practice would be to use a checklist so the required items can be marked off

  • If the RTO cannot confirm all required items for the assessment, the RTO must cancel the HRWL Assessment as it is unable to meet the requirements of Conditions 51 and 52.

Condition 52

Prior to each HRWL Assessment, the RTO must provide timely written notification to the Assessor including, but not limited to:

f. suitable evidence that the resources required to conduct the HRWL Assessment (see Conditions 51(a) and 51(b) above) have been determined as available, safe for use and compliant.

  • The RTO must have a process for providing the necessary written information to an Assessor before the assessment

  • This could occur via email, OLE notification or hard copy documents and must include either:

    • A written declaration by the RTO to the Assessor that confirms the resources have been checked and are readily available, safe for use, compliant and meet the full requirements OR

    • A copy of the checklist(s) used to confirm the resources have been checked and are readily available, safe for use, compliant and meet the full requirements.

  • If asked to produce this information, the RTO must be able to do so. This means you must be able to show evidence of the email, OLE notification or the hard copy document provided to the assessor.



Conduct Forklift Training and Assessment (NSW) Procedure


Required Actions


Required Actions



Confirm appropriate trainer and affiliated HRWL Assessor are available.



Schedule the assessment via the Online Environment (OLE) at least seven (7) calendar days before the assessment. Any changes to scheduled assessment must be made at least 48 hours prior to the assessment taking place.

Course coordinator


Complete checks:

  • No more than 20 Candidates in each training course

  • Confirm student will be 18 years of age, or older, on the day the assessment is conducted

  • Ensure the student has completed a Student/Candidate Declaration. (See notes on student’s file from enrolment.)

Course coordinator


Make an exemption request if required. - If student declares ‘Yes’ to any statements in the Candidate Declaration, seek an exemption approval from the Regulator to enrol and/or assess the candidate (see information above for making an exemption request).

Course coordinator


Enrol student in course

Course coordinator


Perform induction:

  • Have student complete the LLN test and LNA

  • Confirm student meets the minimum course LLN levels and complete the LNA spreadsheet, noting any support required

  • Inform student of EOI requirements.



Deliver training as per course release schedule.



Notify course coordinator of students that are competent in TLILIC0003 or TLILIC0004.





Email the following details to the assessor and trainer 48 hours prior to the assessment:

  • A copy of the completed HRW Assessment Inspection Checklist

  • A copy of Application for Assessment Notification issued from the OLE

  • The total number of students to be assessed

  • The full name of each student

  • Evidence that each student is ready for assessment (copy of the student’s Statement of Training Completion), or alternate documentation that includes:

    • Evidence of enrolment and RTO name

    • Date of course enrolment

    • Candidate’s full residential address

    • RTO’s approval number (RTO800574) (this is issued by the Regulator) The approval document is in the Quality drive> Licensing information> NSW> Forklift Information folder (Approval Certificate)

    • Specified VET course (Unit of competency).

  • Date(s) training was completed and any competencies achieved

  • Copies of any Candidate exemptions approved by the Regulator

  • LLN or any other additional support required by the Candidate to undertake the HRWL Assessment.

Course coordinator


Assessment conducted:

  • Trainer confirms all resources are available and safe for use. E.g. site/venue, plant, equipment and/or materials

  • Assessor checks EOI for each student

  • Assessor conducts assessments and provides students with outcome.

Assessor and Trainer


Ask each Candidate to complete the training evaluation form when they receive it after training is delivered. The form will be sent to each candidate automatically upon completion of their training.



Complete and issue SOA.

Course coordinator


Retain Candidate’s assessment records, including:

  • Exemption requests and outcome (if applicable)

  • Candidate’s completed application form to undertake HRWL assessment

  • Candidate’s original completed National Assessment Instrument (NAI) papers

  • Candidate’s copy of an issued Notice of Satisfactory Assessment/Assessment Summary (NSA/AS) form

  • Copy of a Candidate’s AIAS form (if applicable).

These are to be scanned and maintained securely with student’s Strategix records for at least 5 years.

Trainer and Course Coordinator

Partial and Cumulative Assessments

All assessment components for Partial and Cumulative Assessments must be completed on no more than three occasions with the full assessment completed within 7 days of the first date of assessment. The RTO must notify a separate HRWL Assessment for each part of a Partial or Cumulative Assessment via the OLE, including to insert at least the following information in the assessment notification ‘Comments’ free text field:

  • The HRWL Assessment component (i.e. knowledge, and/or calculations and/or performance); and

  • Any other special arrangements made for that component of the HRWL Assessment.

If a Cumulative Assessment is required, the RTO must seek an exemption to vary the original HRWL Assessment notification within 48 hrs of the need being identified.

If a Partial or Cumulative Assessment cannot be completed within seven (7) days, the RTO must contact the Regulator, by email to tacs@safework.nsw.gov.au, to request an exemption to vary the relevant HRWL Assessment notification.


Prior to notifying a Reassessment, the RTO must confirm that:

  • At least 48 hours have passed since the original Assessment Summary (AS) form was issued by the HRWL Assessor; and

  • Not more than 90 days has passed since the original AS form was issued; and

  • The Candidate can provide the original AS form issued by the HRWL Assessor.

Access to NSW Forklift Portal


Department manager must email the Compliance Manager to organise access to the Online Learning Environment. The email must include the following for each authorised staff member:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email Address.

Compliance Manager send these details to the Authorised Officer (Jeremy Rota), who must authorise and request the access via email tacs@safework.nsw.gov.au.

Online Learning Environment is accessed via https://www.onegov.nsw.gov.au/GLS_Portal/public/Account.mvc/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2Fgls_portal%2FCourseManagement.mvc%2FIndex



SafeWork NSW


Regulatory Documents

Conditions to the Agreement for RTOs to Conduct High Risk Work License Assessments in NSW under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW)



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