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QLD - JobTrainer Fact Sheet Fee Information - no new enrolments as at 31/12/22
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Co-Contribution FeesThe JobTrainer program is designed to offer fee free training for Certificate III’s and Short Courses, and offer lower fee training for higher level qualification training to eligible students. Refer to the pricing table which details any fees due prior to any outcome being reported. Fees are always rounded down. If applicable not the course, the fee may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party (but not by Strategix). If you pay fees personally, you will be given a payment advice that details the total amount due and a payment schedule. Fees are calculated by Course Fee ÷ No Units – Credit Transfers and Gap units = Total due.
*Credit transfers must be supported by a copy of the certificate, statement of attainment or USI transcript. Students have the option of choosing multiple methods to pay for their course fees (i.e. eftpos, in person, over the phone), refer to the Fees and Charges Information Sheet for more details
*Please enquire for course availability |
EFTPOS: Students paying via EFTPOS can do so in person, over the phone or online
In-Person: If the student is completing the transaction in person, it is as simple as swiping their card or using payWave. The Strategix team member is to ensure the student is provided with an opportunity to receive a copy of their EFTPOS receipt
Over the Phone: For a transaction over the phone, the student must provide the Strategix team member with their Visa Debit or Credit Card details. These are entered into the machine as a “telephone order”. These details include:
16-digit card number
Expiry Date
CVC or CVV number
The Strategix team member saves a copy of the receipt from the EFTPOS machine in aXcelerate and generates a tax receipt in aXcelerate, the student is provided with a copy of this.
Online Payment: Where a student intends to pay through the online payment gateway the Strategix team member issues the student with an invoice. To make a payment, the student follows the link and enters their Visa Debit or Credit Card details
Payment Schedule: A payment schedule can be set up and established between Strategix and a student. Students must ensure payments are:
In full
On - time in line with the agreed schedule
Paid into Strategix’s designated bank account.
Payment Plan: Payment plans are a direct debit set up and fees will be automatically drawn directly from the student’s account when as per the agreed terms and timeframe. A student can work with Strategix to arrange a payment plan. Students on a payment plan must:
Provide their bank account details or credit card number for DebtSuccess or Strategix to collect scheduled payments
Ensure payments are made in line with the payment contract
Where applicable, give written approval if they wish to make credit card payments over $1,000 or Bank payments over $2,000
In the event of an unsuccessful payment attempt, students will be charged a reversal fee of $12.00.
Cash (may not be available or specific conditions may be set at some locations): When a student is paying via cash in person the Strategix team member:
Receives the cash
Issues the student with a tax receipt (white copy) from the trainer or site receipt book
Retains the Yellow receipt and provides it to the administrative assistant
The yellow copy is scanned and uploaded to the student's aXcelerate profile.
Bank Transfer: When a student is paying via Bank Transfer the Strategix team member issues the student with a “Notification - Fees/Payment Required” email. The email contains the details on how to pay the fee and a reference number for the student to include in the bank transfer.
The preferred method of payment for sales less than $500 are is collected via EFTPOS, credit card, or bank transfer. The administrative process for each of the fee collection methods are is outlined in /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038675188.
Debt Collection
Once a student has been withdrawn from the course they will be followed up for a period of time before being referred to an external debt collection agency as follows: