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Table of Contents

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*See Information classification policy


Training and Assessment Procedure


Person Responsible


Prepare for Assessment



Release Assessment

Assessor, Admin


Complete Assessment

Assessor, Student


Assessing Outcomes




Assessor, Student


Award Assessment Outcome

Assessor, Assessment system

Prepare for Assessment

During the Assessment Process, several parties must ensure students are sufficiently prepared for the assessment and given every possible opportunity to achieve a result. These parties include:


  • Workplace – Paper and Strategix Assess App. or Strategix eLearning Portal

  • Campus – Strategix Assess App

  • Online – Strategix eLearning Portal

  • Schools – Strategix Assess App.

Delivery Method


Strategix Assess App

Students enrolled into Cloud Assess by admin and sent information on how to login via email. Trainers release assessment to student through assigned classes on Cloud Assess.

Strategix eLearning Portal

Students are enrolled into a course and sent information on how to login to Moodle via email. Students are given access to a set UoC of study. Assessment is only released to student after they agree to the assessment guidelines displayed on this platform.


Students given a paper copy of the assessment.

Complete Assessment

Assessors are responsible to ensure:


Prior to marking an assessment, assessors must check the following:



Enrolment status

  • Is the student’s Enrolment/status ‘In Progress’?

  • If the enrolment status is set to anything other than “In Progress”, the assessment must not be marked.

  • Is the enrolment current?

  • Enrolment has not expired, indicated by the ‘Expected Completion Date’.

Assessment Completion

Once an assessment has been received the assessor must validate the submission:

  • All assessment parts are completed,

  • All required evidence has been provided/received (attachments, templates, vocational placement record books, etc.),

  • Paper attachments are attached securely to the assessment tool and labelled with at least the student’s name and subject code,

  • All responses are recorded by the student,

  • Assessment conditions are recorded where appropriate (observations),

  • All areas requiring student or mentor/supervisor signatures have been signed,

  • Dates have been recorded correctly.


Correct Marking Guide available. These are either found in the Assessment App, online learning system or on aXcelerate dependent on the course being delivered.

When marking or determining competence the marker/assessor must consider all the methodology relating to each UoC and assessment part. Competence is only achieved when an individual meets all the assessment requirements in accordance with the following principles and methodologies:


  • Feedback can be both formal and informal:

    • Informal feedback includes discussions and the re-training process in practical or observation assessment types. It may be utilised for knowledge tests, or in Reasonable Adjustment situations as well, however, the assessment platforms provide the opportunity to provide written and more formal feedback in those situations

    • Formal Feedback may be provided via correspondence (SMS, email, telephone, online session) or by using the online assessment platforms capabilities (notes or comments sections). The feedback should be labelled by the attempt number the student has submitted.

  • Feedback should be used to:

    • Facilitate further learning

    • Relate to the topic and desired outcome (what are the benefits to this section)

    • Provide feedback to students concerning their own progress, clarifying for the student what he or she needs to do to improve, extend or enhance learning

    • Diagnose student's needs or barriers to learning and help inform necessary changes to the teaching/assessment process

  • When formulating feedback, assessors should ask themselves:

    • What is the desired outcome of the assessment and does the student understand that?

    • What is the experience and educational background of the learner?

    • How can the student correct their response or performance?

    • Does the student need to be retrained or just supplied directions to the correct information?

    • Can the student access the information, coaching or training independently or do you need to arrange a further time and access to materials and resources?

  • Feedback should be:




Give feedback as close as possible to the event. Marking standards dictate assessments should be marked within the specified timeframes, this is one reason why.


The first hurdle for the student is to understand the message. If they do not, feedback is almost certain to be ineffective. Address each question or assessment part individually and provide clear and concise information for the student.

For example: “Attempt 1, Q5 – Please review your response. Information is contained in the learner guide from P3-5.”

In an appropriate setting

Positive feedback can be effective when given in an open classroom in front of peers. Negative feedback (constructive criticism) should only be given in a private and confidential setting.


Don’t provide vague or generalised praise or criticism, it is difficult to act upon. Be specific and the student will know what to do. Adopt a straightforward manner, be clear and give examples where possible.

Remembering that if feedback is given in a language, they are not familiar with, they may not connect it. Because trainers and assessors have experience and knowledge which the student sometimes lacks, it can often be assumed that they have already developed an appropriate vocabulary and will be able to see where and how the message applies to their training and assessment.


Students are not to be given the required responses to assessments.


Provide feedback that focuses on the positive. Avoid dampening positive feedback by qualifying it with a negative statement (“You did well in choosing the correct responses for Q1 - 8, but ...”).

For constructive criticism, talk in terms of what can be improved, rather than what is wrong. Ask the supervisee for a self-assessment of their performance. Try to provide feedback in the form of solutions and advice. Also, if the student makes an error, feedback needs to clear.

Award Assessment Outcome

Once an assessment has been marked and determined as satisfactory, depending upon the assessment method, the outcome is to be awarded as follows:

Delivery Method


Strategix Assess App (Cloud Assess)

Once an assessment part/activity has been marked as satisfactory, the results are added to the UoC. Once all parts are un/successfully completed, the assessor will award and outcome at the UoC level. This outcome is then pushed through to the student’s profile on aXcelerate. Any assessments parts or UoC’s that do not pass the preset validation/s or are allocated as a Review are held to be manually reviewed. Examples of reviewable situations:

  • Assessment part marked as Satisfactory, but has incorrect or incomplete responses allocated

  • UoC marked as Competent, but have incomplete or unsatisfactory assessment parts.

Reviewable UoC outcomes include:

  • Not Competent

  • Withdrawn

  • Not Assessed

  • Cancelled.

Strategix eLearning Portal

When all the required assessments for a unit of competency have been marked as satisfactory by the assessor, the unit is awarded a Competent Outcome. This outcome is then pushed through to the student’s profile on aXcelerate.


Upon receiving the completed assessment, the administration assistant must ensure:

  • The student’s enrolment details are correct

  • There are no missing or unmarked responses

  • All areas requiring dates and signatures are complete

  • The subject being entered is correct

  • The result being entered is correct.

The administrative assistant enters the result in aXcelerate, once all the above points have been checked.

Records of assessment will be archived in line with legislative requirements as referenced and set out in the Student Records Management Policy.





  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • SNR 1.1, 1.3 - 1.5, 1.7 - 1.9, 1.13 - 1.16, 3.6, 5.2,

  • S&S 13.1, 14, 16, 17.8

  • SC 7

  • SAS 4

  • QLD U/C 4

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:
