Course Name | Delivery Mode | Specific Suitability Requirements Student must have/be: |
Certificate III in Business | Online | Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Access to Microsoft Office suite of software (provided as part of course inclusions) Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements.
Campus | Ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Access to Microsoft Office suite of software (provided as part of course inclusions) Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements.
Certificate IV in Leadership and Management | Workplace | |
Diploma of Business | Campus/ Schools/ Online/ Workplace | |
Diploma of Leadership and Management | Campus/ Online/ Workplace | |
Certificate II in Community Services | Schools | |
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care | Campus/ Schools | |
Structured Online/ Workplace | |
Certificate III in School Based Education Support | Online/ Structured Online | Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Working with children check Federal police nationally coordinated criminal history check (where applicable) Over 17 years old and not attending secondary school.
Campus | Working with children check Federal police nationally coordinated criminal history check (where applicable) Over 17 years old and not attending secondary school.
Certificate III in Community Services | Campus | |
Structured Online | Working with children checkFederal police nationally coordinated criminal history check Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.
Schools | Working with children checkFederal police nationally coordinated criminal history check Student must have completed the Certificate II in Community Services for required credit transfers
Certificate III in Individual Support | Campus | |
Online/ Structured Online/ Workplace | |
Certificate IV in Youth Work | Campus | |
Online/ Blended | |
Certificate IV in Disability | Workplace Online | Working with children check Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Must have previously completed the Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) (CHC33015 or CHC33021), or the Certificate III in Disability (CHC30408) PLUS the Entry to Certificate IV in Disability Support Skill Set (CHCSS00125).
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care | Campus | |
Online | Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements Working with children check Must have previously completed the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113 or CHC30121).
Diploma of Youth Work | Online | Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements Working with children check.
Diploma of Counselling | Online | |
Diploma of Community Services | Online | Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements Working with children check Federal police nationally coordinated criminal history check (where applicable).
Campus | |
Individual Support Disability Skill Set | Online | |
Campus | |
Certificate II in Food Processing | Schools/ Workplace | |
Certificate III in Food Processing | Campus/ Workplace | |
Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways | Campus/ Workplace | |
Certificate II in Health Support Services | Schools | |
Certificate III in Health Services Assistance | Campus/ Schools | |
Diploma of Nursing | Campus | Be 18 years old or older Have successfully completed an LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) test at or above exit level 3 of the ACSF National Police Clearance Relevant Working with Children Check NDIS check Immunisation record, including Hep B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Meningococcal, Varicella (Chicken Pox), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Pertussis (whooping cough), seasonal influenza, COVID-19 Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements
CRICOS applicants must provide evidence prior to enrolment that they have achieved (results must be achieved in one test sitting): A minimum band score of 7 in academic IELTS (with no individual band score less than 7.0) OR 65 in PTE academic (with no communicative score less than 65 in each skill i.e. listening, reading, writing and speaking) OR 237 in TOEFL.
First Aid Short Course | Campus | |
Certificate III in Process Manufacturing | Campus/ Workplace | |
Certificate III in Retail | Campus | |
Certificate II in Hospitality | Schools | |
Certificate III in Hospitality | Campus | |
Structured Online | |
Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations | Schools | |
Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations | Campus/ Schools/ Workplace | |
Certificate III in Driving Operations | Campus/ Workplace | |
Transport and Logistics Short Course | Campus/ Workplace | |
Hospitality Short Course | Campus | |
TAE Short Courses & Skill Sets | Workplace | |