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*See Information classification policy


Support and Progression

We love to see our students succeed, that is why we give all students the best support we possibly can. This section of the handbook will explain what support you can expect from us and how to work with us to resolve any concerns you may have.

Learner Support Services (Handbook and Fact Sheets)

Strategix Trainers and Support Officers provide students with real time assistance for any learner support needs. Students are required to disclose all needs that may impact their learning and participating prior to commencement of training.

During your induction or orientation, Strategix will assess your learner needs and you will be able to identify areas where assistance may be required. Our staff are always happy to help you whenever possible. If you are facing problems of any kind, please do not hesitate to contact an Administrative Assistant, Course Coordinator or your Trainer on 1300 872 464 or We encourage you to take advantage of the support facilities available before any problems become an issue.

Strategix can provide access to specialist support for students who may have special needs, including assistance for:

  • Language, literacy and numeracy

  • People from disadvantaged backgrounds

  • Persons from non-English speaking backgrounds

  • People with disabilities

  • People in rural or isolated locations.

Other services include:

  • Career assessment: Assessing the student's innate interests and personality to allow the student to make informed choices about their career plans and the course that is right for their needs

  • Flexible assessment procedures: Our strategies allow for students to demonstrate outcomes in appropriately diverse ways

  • Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assistance: We can assist with LLN barriers and/or help you to access appropriate specialised support.

Additional Support for International Students

Strategix understands that life can be difficult when you are away from home and in a foreign county, so In addition to the above, International Students have free access to our Counselling Advisors which provide confidential and appropriate counselling services, carried out by a qualified, trained professional located in the International Student Campus. During your time at Strategix, we will provide you will receive:

  • Academic support

  • Emergency and health related support

  • An orientation program and induction program to help you acclimatise to your new location

  • Career and further education pathway advice and support

  • Internal systems and technical support

  • Administration support

  • Cultural support and education including language and communication

  • Employment seeking advice and support.

As well as Strategix support services being available to you, in Brisbane there is a dedicated non-Government support agency for international students based in South Bank. The Brisbane Student Hub is a free, welcoming support service for international students offering independent advice on healthcare, employment, budget management, legal services and more as well as linking students to events and activities. Their contact details is located in the Emergency Services and Support Services section of the Student Handbook.

Grievances and Complaints

Strategix encourages students to informally resolve complaints/appeals as the majority of situations can be addressed and resolved at this level. In the event that a complaint/appeal arises, Strategix requests that students first speak to their Trainer/Assessor or Administrative Assistant.

If the issue cannot be resolved informally, a more formal Grievance Procedure can be undertaken. Please refer to Complaints and Appeals Information Sheet for further details.

If a student wishes to make an external appeal, they can do so but they must consider that in most cases, the purpose of the external appeals process is to consider whether Strategix has followed its policies and procedures, rather than make a decision in place of Strategix.


Learner Support Policy

This policy and procedure outline the process of identifying individual learner needs and providing further support. Strategix aims to provide fair and equal opportunity to all students who wish to enrol in a course of study*. Each person within Strategix has a responsibility to ensure that each student is given the opportunity and support to enrol into and attempt/complete any certified subject or qualification. See Support Personnel below for more information.

 Support Personnel

Support Personnel

Strategix team members are allocated roles and responsibilities to assist in the identification and application of learner special requirements and support needs. Team members are trained in responding to learner issues and will refer students to external professionals when not qualified or skilled to do so.

Job Title


Support Type

Enrolment Officer

  • Capture student information

  • Accurately enrol students into the right course and level

  • Identify any learner requirements or support needs

  • Record and report identified needs

  • Refer to external support services where required

  • Works with student to help them understand information around funding

  • Recording of Language, Literacy and Numeracy support from enrolment

  • Recording of and Referring for Study Support

  • Course preparedness

Administrative Assistants (Course Coordinator, Student Liaison Officer, Student Support Officer)

  • Confirms enrolment with student

  • Identify RPL and Credit Transfer Opportunities

  • Initiate a learner Support Plan

  • Refer to external support services where required

  • Enrolment Support

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy recommended services


  • Student Support

  • Handling of informal complaints and appeals

  • Initiate a learner Support Plan

  • Refer to external support services where required

  • Transition, Welfare and Study Support

  • Grievance Support

  • Course progress and attendance support

  • Accommodation issues


  • Training students

  • Assessing students work

  • Handling of Informal complaints

  • Organising of resources, equipment and training facilities in training locations

  • Industry currency/engagement

  • Educational and support services for Training and Assessment

  • Study Support

  • Skills for Employment

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy support

  • Grievance Support


  • Creating learner materials

  • Insuring educational and support services for training and assessments are in line with packaging rules

  • Study Support

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy recommended services

Department Manager

(Director of Studies)

  • Handling of formal complaints and appeals

  • Allocation of resources

  • Student Management

  • Approving Student Support

  • Grievance Support

  • Welfare Support, Study Support, Skills for Employment

*If a student has ingrained physical or LLN deficiencies and/or if the adjustments to either training or assessment resources or tools compromise Strategix or the subject Training Package, we shall not allow the student to participate in their course, and will direct them toward additional assistance or external programs. This may specifically apply to students undertaking High-Risk Work licencing assessments.

Student support needs include a variety of areas where students may require assistance, students may require assistance in the following areas:

  • Language, literacy and numeracy

  • Personal situation/status

  • Mental health

  • Disability and medical conditions

  • Learning

  • Financial.

Avenues for additional support include:


Contact Details

Support type


Emergency Services


Emergency - For emergency and life threatening situations

Local Police (non-urgent)

131 444

Police attendance for non-urgent matters

Poisons Information Centre

131 126

Emergency - Provides advice on the management, assessment and treatment of poisonous products.

Centrelink - Services Australia

132 850

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement Payments


13 11 14

24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention and mental health support services

Salvation Army

Welfare - Support in a wide range of services

Kids Help Line

1800 55 1800

Welfare - Offers 24/7 support support to individuals under 25 years old


1800 737 732

Welfare - Sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service

Translation Services

131 450

Translation and Interpreting

Reading Writing Hotline   

1300 655 506

Reading and writing support

International Student Hotline

1300 363 079

General support

Department of Human Services  

Skills for Employment

Job Active Provider

13 62 68  

Employment opportunities

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)

Free service to help eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants learn English

Future Unlimited, Study in Australia

Planning departure, accessing support services, remaining visa compliant, working while studying, living costs & finding accommodation, health and safety.

Commonwealth Ombudsman

1300 362 072
International: +61 2 6276 0111  

Arbitration, complaints and concerns support


Queensland Council for Adult Literacy

(07) 3878 9944

For adult members of the community to improve their literacy and numeracy skill

Brisbane Student Hub


International student support service

New South Wales

NSW Family Services

02 9692 9999

Family and Community Services


Public Transport



Public Transport

Western Australia

Adult Migrant English Program

1300 300 822

English language tuition

Career Centre

13 23 98

Employment Opportunity’s

Jobs WA


Library services

Study Support


Public Transport

Office of Multicultural Interests

(08) 6551 8700

Community Services

Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres

(08) 9277 4388

Youth Support

South Australia

Jobs SA

Employment Opportunity’s

Immigration South Australia

+61 (8) 8303 2420

Employment Opportunity’s, Information sessions

Community Support Services

Community Support Services

Child and Family Welfare Association of SA

08 8305 4213

Child and Family Welfare

Adelaide Metro

1300 555 727

Public Transport



Study Support

Community Services

Community Services

Belconnen Community Service

02 6207 2427

Housing, Disability support, Youth and Family Support, Childcare, Community Centre


Public Transport

Support for students will be identified individually and reasonable adjustments made where the situation permits. Reasonable adjustments include:

  • Look for opportunities to customise a unit of competency or a course with a view to allowing more flexibility

  • Provide learning materials, texts and handouts in an electronic format for greater accessibility.

  • Modify teaching tools/tasks:

    • Substitute alternative tasks where existing ones pose a problem for a learner

    • Modify the presentation medium; for example, use visual, oral, print, demonstration and provide practice opportunities

    • Adapt the physical environment and equipment; for example, use audio-visual aids, specific furniture

    • Provide access to information and communication through assistive technologies, sign language interpreters, etc.

    • Make time-related changes – extend or otherwise alter timeframes for teaching and learning.

  • Provide learning materials, texts and handouts ahead of the class so:

    • Learners and support workers can become familiar with them beforehand

    • Arrangements can be made to have them converted to a different format if needed.

  • Use generic, inclusive terms when constructing learning activities; for example, use communicate, present, create instead of speak, talk, listen, look, draw and write

Monitor the adjustments to ensure learner needs continue to be met.

Strategix has an obligation to all of its students to provide a safe and positive learning experience in an inclusive environment and will assist students to achieve their educational goals to the best of their ability.

In accordance with the Inclusive Practice Policy and Implementation, Strategix support staff, trainers and assessors must always consider the four principles of Inclusive Learning during the day-to-day delivery of a course. 

Foundation skills are fundamental to a person’s participation in the workplace and in education and training. They are a combination of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills and employability skills.

Foundation Skills

Foundation Skills in Unit of Competency

LLN Skills:

  • Listening

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Digital literacy

  • Use of mathematical ideas.

LLN Skills

  • Learning

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Oral communication

  • Numeracy.

Employability skills:

  • Collaboration

  • Problem solving

  • Self-management

  • Learning

  • Information and communication technology.

Employability skills

  • Navigate the world of work

  • Interact with others

  • Get the work done

Strategix has implemented a variety of measures to assist students in their journey.

During the enrolment process team members will ensure that students have:

  • Enrolled in a course at the appropriate level

  • Enrolled in a course that matches their vocational aspirations

  • Received all information pertaining to the chosen course of study including the responsibilities of all parties involved in the training and assessment procedure.



Learner Support Procedure







Person Responsible


Enrolment Form





Enrolment Officer


GTE Questionnaire





Enrolment Officer, Trainer and Assessor


Language Literacy Numeracy Test





Enrolment Officer, Trainer and Assessor


Student Questionnaire





Enrolment Officer, Trainer and Assessor


Learner Needs Identification





Enrolment Officer


Training and Support Plan (formal)





Enrolment Officer


Training and Support Plan (informal)





Enrolment Officer


Support process





Trainer and Assessor


Milestones/ Monitoring





Trainer and Assessor


Students have the opportunity at enrolment to self-report their individual learner needs via the enrolment form. The enrolment form questions the student as to any required assistance needed to complete the course.

 After the enrolment form is complete, students are quizzed verbally about their suitability to complete studies in the relevant delivery mode (online, face to face etc). Students are asked a number of questions about the suitability including:

  • Suitability for the course (eg. Driver Operations and licencing limitations)

  • Suitability to participate in training and assessment activities. See Course Requirements.

International Students are required to complete the GTE questionnaire during the enrolment to assess their suitability to study in Australia and more specifically at Strategix. The GTE covers the assessment of the student’s current English Proficiency levels and determines if the student requires an English course prior to commencing the Vocational Education and Training (VET) course. Results can be found in the Strategix International - GTE Questionnaire (Responses). 

Learner Needs Assessment (LNA)

Students will participate in an LNA to identify their support requirements. Areas addressed in the LNA may include foundation skills such as:

 Employability Skills - Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework

Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework

Navigate the world of work

  • Manage career and work life

  • Work with roles, rights and protocols

Interact with others

  • Communicate in writing for work

  • Connect and work with others

  • Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives

  • Reading and writing

Get the work done

  • Plan and organise

  • Make decisions

  • Identify and solve problems

  • Create and innovate

  • Work in a digital world         


  • Numeracy


  • Disability

  • Counselling

  • Other

 LLN Skills - Australian Core Skills Framework

Core Skill

Indicator Number




Active awareness of self as a learner, planning and management of learning


Acquisition and application of practical strategies that facilitate learning



Audience, purpose and meaning-making


Reading strategies



Audience, purpose and meaning-making


The mechanics of writing

Oral Communication







Identifying mathematical information and meaning in activities and texts


Using and applying mathematical knowledge and problem solving processes


Communicating and representing mathematics

Students may also be required to meet specific course requirements - see Course Requirements section.

Each student must attempt to complete an LLN indicator included within the enrolment or induction process (online or hard copy assessment tool). 

LNA Tools


LNA Tool



LLN Robot or CSPA

Online or Induction


LLN Robot or CSPA

Training Materials, Online or Induction


Pre-requisites* and BKSB



Pre-requisites* and BKSB


*Detailed in individual procedure/s but may include minimum English study standards or English levels

The following actions may be selected after the student has attempted the LLN Indicator:

  • The student requires further LLN assistance from the school / LLN provider

  • The student requires assistance during the course to help them participate in training and assessment

  • The student requires reasonable adjustments to the training and assessment process

  • The student does not require any further assistance in the course at this stage.

Training and Support Plan

In instances where a student requires additional assistance to participate in the course, Strategix will develop a training and support plan to accommodate the student's individual requirements. The student cohort will determine the detail required in the Training and Support Plan.

For example, if the student is in the academy and requires assistance through Skills for Work a formal plan is developed. If a student in the workplace is identified as requiring assistance with LLN, the trainer will determine the actions and proceed with the training, reasonable adjustment or other action and continue the training (informal plan)

A training and support plan may contain the following:

  • Support needs

  • Attendance requirements

  • Delivery location

  • Qualification details

  • Unit selections.

Additional support options may include:

  • Enrolling into a foundation skills course where applicable units can be linked to the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework

  • Enrolling into a foundation skills course where applicable units can be linked to the Australian Core Skills Framework

  • Reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment process in order to assist the student

  • Internal assistance

  • Referral to an external assistance network (no referral charge/s to the student).

 If the registered provider refers the student to external support services, the registered provider must not charge for the referral.

In-Course Support and Monitoring

If sufficient skills have been demonstrated with minor deficiencies, in-course support may be provided to each student in the area to improve. Students should be monitored during the course and identify if any individual assistance may be required during the remaining training and assessment process.

Where consistent with course requirements, students with concerns about having insufficient language, literacy and/or numeracy skills to complete the course, may be provided with adjusted course materials and assessment strategies that assist them in meeting qualification requirements through other methods.

 As part of providing in course support, trainers and administration team members must identify and monitor any additional problems that are not academic-related, including:

  • Attendance requirements

  • Accommodation issues

  • Personal situations.

Learners are afforded support via their trainers, but may also contact their counsellor, course coordinator, student liaison officer or the student support officer. Alternatively, they may contact the specific support service/s independently. These services are provided at no additional cost to the student.



Course Requirements

In addition to foundation skills and LLN, students may be required to meet additional suitability requirements to participate in training and assessment activities for different delivery modes and course requirements. 

Course Name

Delivery Method

Specific Suitability Requirements – Student must have/be:

Certificate III in Business


  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • Access to Microsoft Office suite of software (provided as part of course inclusions)

  • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements.

Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

Face to face OR online

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Diploma of Business

Face to face OR online

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Diploma of Leadership and Management

Face to Face OR online

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate II in Community Services

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check.

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check.

Structured online

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate III in Education Support /

Certificate III in School Based Education Support

Online and structured online

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check (where applicable).

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check (where applicable).

Certificate III in Community Services

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check.

Structured online

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate III in Individual Support

Face to face

  • Federal police check.

Online and structured online

  • Federal police check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate IV in Youth Work

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check.


  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate IV in Disability


  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check.


  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements

  • Working with children’ check.

Diploma of Youth Work


  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements

  • Working with children’ check.

Diploma of Counselling


  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements.

Diploma of Community Services


  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

  • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check (where applicable).

Face to face

  • ‘Working with children’ check

  • Federal police check (where applicable).

Individual Support Disability Skill Set


  • Federal police check

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate III in Cleaning Operations

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate II in Food Processing

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Food Processing

Face to face

  • Over 18 to apply for a forklift licence.

Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Face to Face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate II in Health Support Services

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

First Aid Short Course

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Process Manufacturing

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Retail

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate II in Hospitality

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Hospitality

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Structured online

  • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities.

Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations

Face to face

  • No additional requirements.

Certificate III in Driving Operations

Face to face

  • An open drivers licence (for 1 year under Certificate 3 Guarantee funding)

  • Able to meet the weight requirements of vehicles.

Transport and Logistics Short Course

Face to face

  • Over 18 to apply for a forklift licence (where applicable).


LNA Analysis of Results

LLN Robot Quiz Results - Certificate IV or lower

ACSF Exit Level



Oral Communication

Pre 1 (0)

Require assistance pre-course from external provider.

Require assistance pre-course from external provider

Require assistance pre-course from external provider


Require assistance during course

Require assistance during course

Require assistance during course


Require assistance during course

Require assistance during course

Require assistance during course

ACSF 3, 4 & 5

Does not require assistance as they are at or above the appropriate level

Does not require assistance as they are at or above the appropriate level

Does not require assistance as they are at or above the appropriate level

Note: Please refer to Skilled Careers Funding Procedure for an analysis of the CSPA.

Cert IV students ONLY: Where students score below an exit level of 2, the trainer must confirm that the student is suitable to study the proposed qualification with support, e.g. Cert IV Youth Work. This can be confirmed by asking questions during the interview regarding their LLN abilities, observing interactions on induction day or re-sitting the LLN test. This would include (but is not limited to) an evaluation of their ability to complete paperwork and communicate clearly, as well as a review of their previous employment and education history.



Skill Level


Band 9

Expert user

You have a full operational command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and you show complete understanding.

Band 8

Very good user

You have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. You may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. You handle complex detailed argumentation well.

Band 7

Good user

You have an operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally you handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.

Band 6

Competent user

Generally you have an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. You can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

Band 5

Modest user

You have a partial command of the language, and cope with overall meaning in most situations, although you are likely to make many mistakes. You should be able to handle basic communication in your own field.

Band 4

Limited user

Your basic competence is limited to familiar situations. You frequently show problems in understanding and expression. You are not able to use complex language.

Band 3

Extremely limited user

You convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are frequent breakdowns in communication.

Band 2

Intermittent user

You have great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

Band 1


You have no ability to use the language except a few isolated words.

Band 0

Did not attempt the test

You did not answer the questions.



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • SNR 1.7, 4.1, 5.4, 6.1-6

  • CRICOS 2.1, 2.2, 6.1-3, 6.5-6

  • S&S 7.F

  • PQS 4, 5

  • U/C 2.1.1

  • AQF 1.3, 1.7, 5.2

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


  • Student Handbook

  • Enrolment Form

  • GTE Questionnaire

  • Learner Support Record

  • LLN – Internal

  • Induction Checklist

  • No labels