Refunds are processed and assessed in line with the policy and a decision is made to either approve or refuse the refund.
User - Choice Funded Students ONLY
Where a student contribution fee has been charged, a pro-rated refund must be issued for withdrawn units. A student is eligible for a withdrawn unit when they have started an assessment part (note, this does not include commencement activities). Refer to the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure for more information. All user-choice students participate in a variety of training and activities prior to undertaking assessment, as such, for any units where Strategix has evidence of participation, i.e. a started assessment, Strategix will issue a pro-rated refund of 25% on student fees. This takes into consideration the training time spent with the student prior to assessment as well as the started assessment.
Refund calculation: 25% x cost of unit
Cost of unit = nominal hours x rate (i.e. $1.60)
Note: you will need to check the nominal hours for each unit in Axcelerate or at ncver
Example: A student withdraws from a course and they have 1 unit which has been started or partially completed and can be claimed as withdrawn and 1 unit that has not been started. The student was charged $1.60 per nominal hour. The withdrawn unit had nominal hours of 60. The cancelled unit had a nominal hours of 40.
Withdrawn unit = 25% x (1.60 x 60 hours) = $24
Cancelled unit = 100% x ($1.60 x 40 hours) = $64
TOTAL refund = $24 + $64 = $88.