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*See Information classification policy


nameFee Refund Information Sheet

This information applies to individual students and any organisation (employer etc.) or guarantor responsible for a student’s fees and charges. The availability of complaints and appeals processes does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. Strategix , must comply with relevant legislation provisions.

Fees and charges may not be refunded if a student withdraws after the course has commenced, except for in contractual situations and/or extenuating circumstances (see below for full details).

Requests Prior to Commencement

Students who withdraw prior to course commencement will be provided refunds under the following criteria:

Course / Funding

Refund Criteria

Strategix College (VFH/VSL)

Withdraws from on or before the Census Date of each semester are due a refund of the fees relating to that semester of study.

Queensland VET Investment Programs

Withdrawals (7) days prior to the course commencing, are due a refund. Withdrawals within seven (7) days forfeit their co-contribution fees.

Workplace Traineeships (QLD User Choice)

Withdrawn prior to the course commencing will receive a refund of fees paid. If withdrawn after course commencement and participated in some training, the student is due a refund for units not yet commenced.

Fee for service and Non-accredited

Withdrawals (7) days prior to the course commencing are due a refund.

International College

  • Withdrawals (28) days prior to the course commencing, are due a refund

  • Withdrawals inside (28) days of the course commencing will incur a cancellation fee of 25% of the tuition fees

  • Administrative and Enrolment fees are non-refundable.

  • Re-issue of CoE’s fees charged are non-refundable

  • If your refund application is denied you will be notified in writing and your funds will be held in credit for up to 12 months for you to return to study. Tuition Fees are not transferable to another person or institution but may be transferred to another course within Strategix. If the course has a higher fee, students must pay the difference.

Skilled Careers (Skills SA)

  • Withdrawals (7) days prior to the course commencing, are due a refund

  • Withdrawals within seven (7) days forfeit their co-contribution fees.

Priority Industry Training (WA)Jobs and Skills WA

Withdrawals must be prior to the census date (which is a minimum of 20% of a Unit of Study). A student is not given a place due to the maximum number of places being reached.

NSW Smart and Skilled (NSW)

Withdrawals (7) days prior to the course commencing, are due a refund. Withdrawals within seven (7) days forfeit their co-contribution fees.

Refund Requests After Course Commencement

Except for in extenuating circumstances, tuition fees may not be refunded if a student withdraws after the course has commenced:

Course / Funding

Refund Criteria

Strategix College (VFH/VSL)

  • Extenuating Circumstances once the student has passed the census date – VSL Re-credit Procedure

  • Additional credit transfers are identified (Higher Level Skills only)

  • Administrative and Enrolment fees are non-refundable.

Queensland VET Investment Programs

  • No refund is due after training has commenced

  • Strategix will provide negotiated refunds after the commencement of a course in accordance with the special circumstances as outlined in the information sheet.

Workplace Traineeships (QLD User Choice)

A pro-rata refund will be calculated based on the progress of the individual student.

Fee for service and Non-accredited

A pro-rata refund will be calculated based on the progress of the individual student. The pro-rata amount is based on units commenced or completed. Units that have been completed or commenced will be charged in full. Any units not commenced will be refunded.

International College

  • Refunds may only be due under extenuating circumstances

  • Administrative and enrolment fees are non-refundable

  • Re-issue of CoE’s fees charged are non-refundable

  • If your refund application is denied, you will be notified in writing and your funds will be held in credit for up to 12 months for you to return to study. Tuition Fees are not transferable to another person or institution but may be transferred to another course within Strategix

  • Pro-rata refunds of tuition fees will only be made after the commencement date of the course in special or extenuating circumstances (see below).

Skilled Careers (Skills SA)

  • Withdrawals (7) days prior to the course commencing, are due a refund

  • Withdrawals within seven (7) days forfeit their co-contribution fees.

Priority Industry Training (WA)Jobs and Skills WA

  • Extenuating circumstances once the student has passed the census date

  • Strategix will provide negotiated refunds after the commencement of a course in accordance with the special circumstances.

NSW Smart and Skilled

  • No refund is due after training has commenced

  • Strategix will provide negotiated refunds after the commencement of a course in accordance with the special circumstances as outlined in the information sheet.

Extenuating Circumstances

A student may apply for consideration of a refund (full or proportionate) in situations of extenuating circumstances, such as:

  • If the student suffers an illness or injury preventing the student from completing the course

  • Circumstances beyond a student’s control*

  • On compelling or compassionate grounds

  • Visa refusal**

*Circumstances beyond your control do not include common changes to personal circumstances, such as moving house, changes in relationships or living arrangements, changes in the level of commitment to completing the study, short-term sickness or minor injury, etc. Please note: Being unwell for one (1) week does not justify being unable to complete the course. You must make every effort to complete the course including requesting an extension before consideration will be given regarding a refund. Any application for a refund based on medical grounds must include a doctor’s certificate that indicates it is reasonable to assume that the illness/injury prevented completion of the course and that the illness/injury was not a pre-existing condition.


**International Students (Visa Refusal):
Where a visa application is refused before the commencement of the course, Strategix will refund fees in full except for:

  • 5% of the amount of course fees received; or

  • $500; whichever is lesser and

  • The enrolment fee.

If a student’s current visa is expiring and a new visa was not granted and the course has commenced, Strategix will refund the unused portion of the prepaid tuition fees less the enrolment fee.

Evidence must be provided to Strategix any extenuating circumstances.

Non-Refundable Situations

A student is not eligible for a refund in the event of student default. Situations of student default include:

  • Where a student fails to start the course on the agreed start date or attend class and fails to inform the Strategix in writing*

  • Misbehaviour by the student that leads to removal from the course

  • Exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control do not include common changes to personal circumstances, such as moving house, change in a relationship or living arrangements, changing the level of commitment to completing the study, or short-term sickness or minor injury, etc**

  • A breach of student visa conditions by the student (international).

  • Charges incurred whilst the CoE has been re-issued in the event of cancellation

*Except for WA and VSL (Census Date applies)

**Please note: Being unwell for one (1) week does not justify being unable to complete the course. The student must make every effort to complete the course including requesting an extension before consideration will be given regarding a refund. Any application for a refund based on medical grounds must include a doctor’s certificate that indicates it is reasonable to assume that the illness/injury prevented completion of the course and that the illness/injury was not a pre-existing condition.

How to Apply for a Refund

Students can apply for a refund during the withdrawal process or at a later point through the Refund Request Form. Supporting documentation should be provided when applying for a refund. Failure to supply sufficient supporting documentation may delay the refund process.

When an application is approved, you will be notified of the approval and informed that the Accounts Department will be processing the refund shortly.

If approved, your refund will be processed within four (4) weeks from the point of Strategix receiving the completed application, not from the point of being notified of the refund approval. Generally, any monies to be refunded will be paid directly into the nominated bank account via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), all refunds are made in Australian Dollars.

The total refund amount may be affected by bank charges/fees made by bank draft or electronic transfer. Where possible, refunds into international bank accounts may be deposited by a local account through Cohort Go, this is to reduce transfer fees and any international exchange fees.

Processing Time - Refunds will be processed within four (4) weeks from the date of receiving the completed application. Supporting documentation should be provided when applying for a refund to be assessed. Failure to supply sufficient supporting documentation will delay the refund process.

When an application is refused, you will be provided with a written notice stating the reason for the refusal within seven (7) days of your application. When a refund has been refused, you can choose to appeal the decision as per Complaints, Appeals and Appeals Consumer Protection Information within thirty (30) days of receiving written notification.

Refunds Due to Provider Default or Cancellation

Strategix reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course prior to the scheduled commencement dates, should it be necessary. In such circumstances, if the course is postponed by more than 4 weeks, and if the student is unable to enrol into a similar course at Strategix, all fees will be refunded. If the course is cancelled and if a student is unable to enrol into a similar course at Strategix.

If in the unlikely event that Strategix is unable to provide the program or unable to deliver a course/program in full or an offer of a place is withdrawn, a student will be offered:

  • A refund:

    • Full (if not commenced) or pro-rata (if commenced) refund of tuition fees paid

    • Re-credit of the entire Tuition Fee paid to date where Strategix College assisted courses have passed the Census Date

  • A place in an upcoming course

  • Referral to another course of study

  • Referral to another provider.

How a Refund is Received

Generally, any monies to be refunded will be paid directly into the nominated bank account via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), all refunds are made in Australian Dollars.

The total refund amount may be affected by bank charges/fees made by bank draft or electronic transfer. Where possible refunds into international bank accounts may be deposited by a local account through Cohort Go, this is to reduce transfer fees and any international exchange fees.

Refund Information included in Fact Sheets

QLD - VET Investment Programs, VETiS Plus


nameRefund - VIP

Strategix will refund in full any course fees, where a request to withdraw is received seven (7) days prior to course commencement. No refund is due when a withdrawal is within seven (7) days prior to commencement or after training has commenced, except for extenuating circumstances. Refer to the Fee Refund Information Sheet for full details.




Fee Refund Procedure


Person Responsible


Refund Received / Identified

Student or Client


Refund Decision

Administrative Assistant, Director of Studies, Department Manager


Refund of Monies (if approved)

Accounts Department

Refund Received / Identified


Refunds are processed and assessed in line with the policy and a decision is made to either approve or refuse the refund.

User - Choice Funded Students ONLY

Where a student contribution fee has been charged, a pro-rated rata refund must be issued for withdrawn units. A student is eligible for a withdrawn unit when they have started an assessment part (note, this does not include commencement activities). Refer to the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure for more information. All user-choice students participate in a variety of training and activities prior to undertaking assessment, as such, for any units where Strategix has evidence of participation, a started assessment, Strategix will issue a pro-rated rata refund of 25% on student fees. This takes into consideration the training time spent with the student prior to assessment as well as the started assessment.

Refund calculation: 25% x cost per unit x number of units withdrawnExample: A student withdraws from of unit

Cost of unit = nominal hours x rate (e.g. $1.60)

Note: you will need to check the nominal hours for each unit in Axcelerate or at ncver

Example: A student withdraws from a course and they have 2 units 1 unit which have has been started or partially completed and can be claimed as withdrawn and 4 units 1 unit that have has not been started. The student was originally charged a fee of $50 per unitcharged $1.60 per nominal hour. The withdrawn unit had nominal hours of 60. The cancelled unit had a nominal hours of 40.


  • Withdrawn units = 25% x $50 x 2 units = $25

  • Cancelled units = 100% x $50 x 4 units = $200

  • TOTAL refund = $225.unit = 25% x (1.60 x 60 hours) = $24

  • Cancelled unit = 100% x ($1.60 x 40 hours) = $64

  • TOTAL refund = $24 + $64 = $88.


Fee for service and Non-accredited Students ONLY

Refund criteria: Where tuition fees have been paid, either by the student or a third party (e.g. employer), a refund will be calculated based on the progress of the individual student. Units that have been completed or commenced will be charged in full. Any units not commenced will be refunded.


Total cost of the course ÷ Total number of units in the course = Unit cost

Unit cost x number of units not yet commenced (NYS/NR) = Refund amount

Unit cost x number of units completed/commenced (CA, C) = Non refundable


A student withdraws from a course and they have completed 2 units, commenced 3, and have 7 that have not yet been started. The student was charged $2,000 for the total cost of the course, with 12 units in total. Refund processed as below:

  • $2,000 ÷ 12 = $166.67 (Cost per unit)

  • $166.67 x 7 = $1,666.65 (Refund amount)

  • $166.67 x 5 = $833.35 (Non refundable amount)


When an application is approved, the student is to be notified of the approval and informed that the Accounts Department will be processing the refund shortly. The individual who approved the decision must notify the accounts department of the approval. The refund is processed as per step 3 “Refund of Monies”.


When an application is refused, the student is provided with a written notice stating the reason for the refusal of a refund request within seven (7) days of their application. When a refund has been refused, a student may choose to appeal the decision as per Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure within thirty (30) days of receiving written notification.

Refund of Monies (if approved)

Once advised, the Accounts Department is responsible for actioning the refund. Accounts should process the refund within four (4) weeks from the point of Strategix receiving the completed application from the student (not from the point of being notified of the refund approval).

Generally, any monies to be refunded will be paid directly into the nominated bank account via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), all refunds are made in Australian Dollars.

The total refund amount may be affected by bank charges/fees made by bank draft or electronic transfer. Where possible, refunds into international bank accounts may be deposited by a local account through Cohort Go, this is to reduce transfer fees and any international exchange fees.





Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Australian Skills Qualilty Authority (ASQA)

State Authorities

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • NSW - Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy - 6.

3 & 6.
  • 5

  • WA - VET Fees and Charges Policy - 6.8

  • QLD - User Choice Policy - 2.6.6

  • QLD - Skills Assure Supplier Policy

- 1
  • CRICOS 3.1, 3.2

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:
