Status | CURRENT |
Classification* | INTERNAL |
Department | ALL STAFF |
Review | |
Notes |
*See /wiki/spaces/ISMS/pages/625377424
Guide on How to Fix Errors Procedure
This section is divided up into two main sections:
aXcelerate Validation Warnings/Errors – This section contains guidance with common errors or warnings which may appear in aXcelerate due to its built in validation rules. These rules are not as strict as those found in the national or state validation software, therefore there may be additional errors once the data has been extracted/downloaded from aXcelerate and uploaded to state or national reporting authorities.
State/National Validation Warnings/Errors – This section contains guidance with common errors or warnings which may appear on error reports from state or national reporting authorities.
aXcelerate Validation Warnings/Errors
When an AVETMISS report is run, aXcelerate runs the data through some validations to check the data for discrepancies and identify possible errors prior to the data being submitted to state or national authorities.
The errors relate to data contained in each NAT file and fixing one error for a student may fix another error in another NAT file that is directly related. For example, if a student’s address is incorrect there may be an error in both the NAT00080 file and the NAT00085 file as both files may contain some information that relies on or relates to each other.
The following tables are a list of common errors for all AVETMISS reports (all states except WA), and what may be done to fix them in aXcelerate before the NAT files are downloaded:
Error Example | Reason/Issue | Fix |
Activity End Date for TLIA2013 (DD/MM/YYYY) must not be in the future for final outcome 20 Or Activity End Date for CHCLEG001 (14/05/2020) must not be in the future for final outcome 60 | A final outcome (CT, Competent or RPL) has been awarded and the outcome date is in the future, this is not a possible combination. | The end date should be the actual date the outcome was determined. The coordinator must correct the date in aXcelerate. |
Mandatory field Funding source (national) must not be blank | Missing funding codes. These are required in order for the data to be submitted. Any enrolments not containing funding codes may not be reported. | Update the funding fields attached to the students’ enrolment. Refer to the Funding Source Codes |
Mandatory field USI must not be blank | The student who has been reported with accredited training is Missing USI. Important: A missing USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | Must obtain a USI, we cannot choose to not report competencies for VET accredited training. The only allowance for not reporting an outcome is where the Fees have not been paid. |
USI for this contact has not yet been verified in aXcelerate | A USI has not been verified. A USI must be verified to ensure that training data is not submitted against a USI which belongs to someone else. Important: An unverified USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | The USI must be verified prior to submitting the data. |
School Type is required for VET in Schools enrolments | School type field is blank | Click into the course link on aXcelerate/students enrolment - click update. School Type field will be visible and select from drop down |
Activity End Date for MSS402051 (12/12/2019) has elapsed for interim outcome 70 | The student has a CA outcome and it is dated in the past. | Either the subject:
Refer to the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037724913 |
Mandatory field Delivery mode identifier must not be blank and Mandatory field Predominant delivery mode must not be blank | The Subject is missing a Predominant delivery mode and/or delivery mode | The student has one or more subjects which are missing their delivery mode information and this needs to be updated. May be updated on either the enrolment level or the course level. Refer to: |
Activity Start Date for TLIB2008 (01/12/2019) must not be in the past for not-started outcome 85 | A subject which has an outcome of Not Yet Started has a date which is in the past, this is not a possible combination. | Either the subject:
Refer to the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037724913 |
Activity End Date for CHCCOM005 (22/11/2019) must not be before the Activity Start Date (26/12/2019) | Either:
| Update the end or start date to the correct date, both should match when either commencement activity or the outcome was awarded/occurred. Refer to the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037724913 |
Mandatory field Training organisation delivery location identifier must not be blank | In delivery locations section in aXc the identifier field is blank |
For Academy locations where we train regularly, we normally use the identifier AcademyXYZ. The XYZ is a numerical value and we just +1 for each additional location e.g. Have the identifier field as ‘Academy208 or whatever follows next in the delivery location ID number - could end up being Academy 209 but you will need to check |
The following tables are a list of common errors for the RAPT/TAMS report (WA only), and what may be done to fix them in aXcelerate before the NAT files are downloaded:
Error Example | Reason/Issue | Fix |
Outcome Code cannot be 105 if the enrolment start date has passed | Unit is currently set to NoSt - Not yet started (105), with the Activity Start Date set to a date in the past. | Check if student has commenced the unit - look on cloud assess or moodle.
Mandatory field Student Given Names must not be blank | The student only has one name | Okay to leave as is if the name is correct for the student. Okay as per AVETMISS requirements. However, Mandatory field Student Surname must not be blank is not ok as per AVETMISS requirements. If a surname is missing and the student only has one name, move the name to the surname, the USI will still verify in this format. |
Mandatory field Course Fee must not be blank | There is not currently the option in aXcelerate to put $0 per hour in the finance model. The coordinator has had to individually update each subject. | See instructions outlined in https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038642224/Scope+Management+Policy+and+Procedure#Finance-models---WA-Fee-Free-Coursesfor a work around. |
Mandatory field USI must not be blank | The student who has been reported with accredited training is Missing USI. Important: A missing USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | Must obtain a USI, we cannot choose to not report competencies for VET accredited training. The only allowance for not reporting an outcome is where the Fees have not been paid. |
USI for this contact has not yet been verified in aXcelerate | A USI has not been verified. A USI must be verified to ensure that training data is not submitted against a USI which belongs to someone else. Important: An unverified USI is a breach in reporting requirements. | The USI must be verified prior to submitting the data. |
State/National Validation Warnings/Errors
Once a report in aXcelerate is clear of errors and downloaded, the next areas where errors may arise depend on the state and format:
National, SA & NSW - the AVETMISS Report (NAT files) are then uploaded to NCVER to be validated. Once validated successfully, they are then uploaded to the state portal.
QLD - the AVETMISS Report (NAT files) are uploaded directly to the state portal.
WA - the TAMS/RAPT report (Enrolment and Student files) are uploaded directly to the state portal.
National (For Total Data submission)
NCVER Validation Report
See the following NCVER links for guidance on amending validation errors and warnings:
AVS Rules - This document lists all of the errors and warnings, as well as the field and the Business Rule it relates to. It also notes whether it is Lenient for the preliminary data run.
AVETMISS VET Provider Collection specifications: release 8.0 - This document describes the NAT files and which fields are collected within each, as well as the formats and overall rules for each field. It also outlines where the data can be found in the NAT files. The Position refers to “Col” number in the NAT file (see below image for reference). The Length refers to how many spaces the field will be.
AVETMISS data element definitions: edition 2.3 - This document has the data field definitions, context, rules, classifications, and formats. It will explain what the field is and the guidelines for using it.
Below is a list of the common errors and the potential fixes that have worked previously.
Errors | Fix |
Address - Suburb, Locality or Town and Postcode in combination (SUBURB, POSTCODE) must match the Australia Post postcode reference list. Please refer to http://auspost.com.au/postcode for the correct postcode for this address location. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Address Location and Postcode in combination (SUBURB, POSTCODE) must match the Australia Post postcode reference list | As above, generally appears along with the above error |
A Specific Funding Identifier has been entered, therefore Funding Source - National (11) should be '13' or the Specific Funding Identifier should be deleted | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Activity periods, for Nationally recognised training, cannot overlap where multiple instances exist for a combination of Training organisation identifier (31418), Unique student identifier (XXXXXXXXX), and Subject identifier (SUBJECT CODE) | This error will occur where:
To fix:
e.g. For SA - Individual Support and disability skill set. Student is enrolled in both intakes. Only the IS intake should have CA’s first and the skill set should have N.R until the IS intake is completed. |
Activity Start Date (XXXXXXXX) must not be more than 5 years before the Collection Period Start Date | This error will occur where: A student has been enrolled in the same qualification/unit for more than 5 years. Note: this information only applies to Fee For Service training, state funding rules may be different. To fix:
*Information sourced from email received from NCVER Support to Compliance on 15 Nov 2023. See information for student Ruth Taylor for more guidance. |
'Time between Activity End Date (XXXXXXXX) and Activity Start Date (XXXXXXXX) must not be greater than 5 years' |
The SAS Guide to Contract Errors lists the errors and information that may assist in correcting errors.
The DTET Data Management team can provide assistance to RTOs with any issues pertaining to the submission of compliant data and the interpreting and correction of validation errors.
Below is a list of the common errors and the potential fixes that have worked previously.
AVETMISS Error Validation Report
Common Errors | Fix |
Multiple claim – this Module/Competency has been claimed previously | Important* Look at the supporting details_2 column on the avetmiss spreadsheet. This will help you see what the unit in question is currently being reported as with start and end dates vs what this unit was previously reported as. This information will help you figure out if the unit is a false multiple or if a ct was missed. *rare situation: The unit is seen on the USI transcript and it was completed at an RTO in another state. For some reason interstate data doesn’t always record so our data doesn’t recognise it was completed even though the transcript says it was. In this case Coordinator is to email Compliance and they will email DTET to clear this error. This error will occur where:
To fix:
State funding not approved – Previously held qualification | This error will occur where:
Having previously completed a qualification in most instances deems the student ineligible for funding. Exemptions include:
How do I fix it?
The postcode/suburb combination is not a Delivery Area on the Australia Post list | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Invalid Tuition Fees Supplied | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Student’s residential postcode is not in Queensland | The first time this error appears the Coordinator will need to fix address/postcode in aXcelerate and mark off in green on avetmiss spreadsheet. This error is likely to occur the next few times the report is run - in this case Compliance need to email DTET (contractmanagement) along with the student’s ID that proves their address. The error will keep appearing unless Compliance email DTET with evidence |
AISS search not conducted | This error will occur where:
To fix:
At school flag of Y is inconsistent with Labour force status identifier of '01' | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Survey Contact Status ID must not be blank |
If nothing nothing is identified as mentioned above then try the fix below: In the enrolment, the field ‘Study reason’ should have an answer selected. Don’t leave as ‘not specified’. To check what the student answered for this go to their portfolio and look at the enrolment form application. Whatever the student answered for ‘What is your primary reason for wanting to study with us’ enter that answer in the study reason field on aXc |
Date of birth is invalid Gender must be F, M, X Country of birth ID is invalid Survey Contact Status ID must not be blank | If multiple errors like this show at the same time it’s because there’s a symbol incorrectly used in the students name (same as above). Once the symbol is corrected then these multiple errors will clear |
You have assigned a Queensland Subsidy Contract Number but the State Fund Source Code is not compatible. Please check the allocation of this Fund Source code. It may affect your payments. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Training Agreement status was not active for the end date supplied for module/competency. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Warning - Training Contract has been terminated and Training has not been finalised. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Note: This way around is not great, as we may not be able to claim and report outcomes (Withdrawns, Competencies etc) if the agreed date has already passed. There should be communication with the trainer/employer/AASN around what agreed date is required to allow time for processing on our end for reporting and claiming outcomes (withdrawns, comptencies, completions etc). We will not get paid if the dates are not suitable. |
Your organisation is not recorded as the SRTO for this Apprentice/Trainee for the duration of the training activity. | This error will occur where:
Withdrawn (40) outcome not supported - No record of Apprentice/Trainee training contract cancellation, withdrawal or change of SRTO. | This error will occur where:
Invalid Contract/Training Schedule number supplied. | This error will occur where:
Invalid Contract, qualification or Training contract registration number supplied (User Choice/traineeship) | Several reason why this error will occur:
All other errors |
Note: New Validations have been introduced October 2022, which may appear on the AVETMISS Validation Error Report:
Compares duplicate activity with overlapping start and end dates. Nationally recognised subjects will generate an error and all other subjects will generate a warning where duplicate records have overlapping activity dates. Record comparison is based on:
Training organisation identifier, Unique student identifier, Subject identifier; or
Training organisation identifier, Client identifier, Subject identifier (if USI is blank/INTOFF/INDIV).
Identifies duplicate activity where Outcome identifier = 20 (Competency) and/or 51 (RPL-G) for one or both of the reported records. Record comparison is based on:
Training organisation identifier, Unique student identifier, Subject identifier; or
Training organisation identifier, Client identifier, Subject identifier (if USI is blank/INTOFF/INDIV).
Example error received for student #10597336:
Duplicate record. A record already exists with this record's primary key.
Data Quality Errors
The AVETMISS data which Strategix submits to DTET is forwarded on by DTET to NCVER each quarter. During this process each quarter, there may be validation errors that arise, which are the Data Quality Errors received from stac@DTET.qld.gov.au.
When received, the errors are to be corrected and the data for the relevant collection year must be re-submitted. Note: Depending on the enrolment data, this may be more than one collection year. Once we respond to DTET, they will re-run the validation on their end and let us know if any further errors pop up.
Common Errors | Fix |
DQ_Overlaps | This error will occur where:
To fix:
DQ_Postcodes_StateID | This error will occur where:
To fix:
DQ_ProgramAudit | This error will occur where:
To fix:
All other errors |
New South Wales
When NSW data is downloaded from aXcelerate, it is then uploaded to NCVER for validation and formatting purposes before being uploaded into the STS portal.
Below is a list of the common errors that have appeared at each stage of the process, and the potential fixes that have worked previously.
NCVER Validation
Potential Errors | Fix |
Activity End Date (XXXXXXXX) must not be before the Collection Period Start Date | No fix required - This error must be ignored |
Record for this Client Identifier (C00XXXXXXX) contains publicly funded data. Please be aware that this data must be submitted via your state training authority and cannot be submitted via AVS. | No fix required - This error must be ignored |
Outcome ID - 70 should not be used for this Activity End Date (XXXXXXXX), unless reporting an Interim collection for future dated activity. | No fix required - This error must be ignored |
All other errors | Guidance on fixing all other errors is located on https://www.ncver.edu.au/rto-hub/rto-fact-sheets: |
STS Online Validation Report
The Smart and Skilled eReporting –Technical Specifications and Business Validations lists validation errors and information that may assist in correcting errors. If the link no longer works, this document is available in STS Online by clicking on the Supporting Documents page, under Smart and Skilled Contract Management.
Common Errors | Fix |
Training Activity Data has been finalised for Commitment Id [{0}]. No further data can be accepted | The final data for this student has been successfully submitted and the Commitment ID has a status of finalised. No further data will be accepted. More of a notification - The coordinator will need to tick the following box in the student enrolment on aXcelerate: “AVETMISS: Do NOT report AVETMISS for this Student” This will ensure the enrolment no longer reports and will not be included in the next submission. |
The required number of Core Units of Competency for this qualification as specified in the training package have not been submitted. (Error ID: 1113) | These errors generally appear together, and will occur where:
To fix:
The Units of Competency supplied are not in accordance with the Training Package rules for this Qualification [QUAL CODE]. (Error ID: 1110) | |
At least one Unit of Competency must be reported with an outcome code of 20, 30, 40, 41, 51 or 70 before enrolment data is accepted for subsidised training. (Error ID: 1132) | |
Earliest Unit of Competency Start Date cannot be changed after commencement of training | This error will occur where:
To fix:
No valid program identifiers found for client ID (Error ID: 1510) | This error will occur where: The course code has not been entered at the qualification setup level in aXcelerate. Compliance will need to fix this and add the course code |
Training Activity Data clarification required Email
Sometimes while data passes initial Smart and Skilled validations, on further review of the data by the department inaccuracies may be found and the data may be rejected. The following are some errors we have received via email to the Quality team previously:
Common Errors | Fix |
Incorrect training activity data has been reported | Quality team to follow instructions on email. They usually detail what was reported incorrectly. Example:
Action required: This means our data in aXcelerate collected from the enrolment form does not match what has been entered into the Commitment ID. This is to be reviewed and updated accordingly by the coordinator. Example:
Action required: Review start and end dates, rectify and submit updated training activity data for the noted student(s). This is generally either the start and end date being too close together (within 2 days) or more than 4-5 units with the same start date.
Student Fee Change | The fee adjustment(s) may be for one or more of the following reasons:
Action required:
Training Activity Data clarification required | Follow instructions on email to find what data need to be clarified, and how to respond. Email generally requests a response to be highlighted accordingly. Example 1:
Action required:
Example 2:
Action required:
IMPORTANT - If data is corrected or changed for any reason for a finalised enrolment (which has the “AVETMISS: Do NOT report AVETMISS for this Student” box ticked), this box must then be unticked.
If it is left ticked, it will not be included in the next submission and therefore the updated data will not be reported. This could result in non-payment.
South Australia
When SA data is downloaded from aXcelerate, it is then uploaded to NCVER for validation and formatting purposes before being uploaded into the STELA portal.
Below is a list of the common errors that have appeared at each stage of the process, and the potential fixes that have worked previously.
Pre-claim check - Training Account Data
These checks are to avoid as many Claims Errors/ loss of funding instances as possible. Checks for a comparison between data entered into aXcelerate and the Skills & Employment portal (where the training accounts are created). When found during our checks, these errors are put on the AVETMISS Errors - SA sheet.
Check | How | Why | Action |
Training Account Found | Checks if a Training Account has been created. Searches the Skills & Employment portal data (RTO Contact ID field) for the exact Contact ID from aXcelerate. Formula: =XLOOKUP(O3,'Paste All Data report here'!H:H,'Paste All Data report here'!V:V,"MISSING",0,-1) | To avoid Claims Error “Training Account not found”. Without a valid Training Account created, we will not receive funding for the enrolment. | Check:
Training Account Date Match | Checks if the Training Account Creation Date (SA) field in aXc enrolment exactly matches the date in the Skills & Employment portal (TA Create Date field). Formula: =IF(L3=M3,"Y","CHECK") | We refer to this field in the aXcelerate enrolment, so should keep it up to date for a reference point. | Check:
Training Account Date created is before the Activity Start Date | Checks if the Activity Start Date in aXcelerate is before the Training Account was created (TA Create Date field in Skills & Employment Portal). Formula: =IF(G3>=M3,"Y","CHECK") | To avoid Claims Error “Unit start date is before the Training Account create date”. Any training that commenced before the creation date of the training account is not eligible for funding. If the date is not updated, we will not receive payment. | Check:
NCVER Validation
Potential Errors | Fix |
Activity End Date (19072018) must not be before the Collection Period Start Date | No fix required - This error must be ignored |
Record for this Client Identifier (C0XXXXXXX) contains publicly funded data. Please be aware that this data must be submitted via your state training authority and cannot be submitted via AVS. | No fix required - This error must be ignored as the data is not being reported to NCVER, it is only being validated using this system then will be reported directly to SA. |
Outcome ID - 70 should not be used for this Activity End Date (30092019), unless reporting an Interim collection for future dated activity. | No fix required - This error must be ignored |
Survey contact status 'O' is inconsistent with Postcode (@@@@) for this Client identifier | Permanent Street Address Field: Postcode should be entered as OSPC State entered as OVS (Overseas) Street Number/Name as @@ then name of street |
All other errors | Guidance on fixing all other errors is located on https://www.ncver.edu.au/rto-hub/rto-fact-sheets: |
STELA Validation Report
The STELA NAT Upload User Guide lists validation errors and information that may assist in correcting errors during the submission.
Potential Errors | Fix |
Duplicate Enrolments | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Discontinued Studies | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Claims Errors Report
The Skills & Employment Portal User Guide lists the payment errors.
Potential Errors | Fix |
Qualification completion payment cannot be paid unless the Training Account status is set to Qualification Issued. | The Training Account for this Participant has not been updated to reflect that the Qualification is complete. Update the status of the Training Account to 'Qualification Issued'; |
Unit start date is before the Training Account create date | Provider is reporting units with training start date before the Any training activity that commenced before the date of the Participant’s Training Account is created is not eligible for subsidies. Check:
Participant has already passed this Unit | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Unit attempts overlap, this unit start date is within a previous unit attempt start and end date range for this unit. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Combination for same student: Participant has already passed this Unit & Unit attempts overlap | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Training Account Not Found | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Western Australia
TAMS Errors
When WA data is downloaded from aXcelerate, it is then uploaded directly to the TAMS portal.
The full list of errors is substantial and can be found in the department's “Text File Specifications” document. - View here: https://www.dtwd.wa.gov.au/vet-jswa#contracted-provider-resources (Previous version can be viewed here.)
fromRefer also to the
document for assistance with errors.Below is a list of the common errors that have appeared at each stage of the process, and the potential fixes that have worked previously.
When errors are found, they are put on the AVETMISS / RAPT Errors - WA sheet.
Student Text File Errors:
Potential Errors | Fix |
/ The same errors for Residential Address | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Mobile Phone No is invalid | Check number in Update Contact screen, and ensure correct number of digits are entered along with no “+61” etc |
Error raised when the Student ID has already been used for another student. | There has likely been a merge. Check the notes on the student’s profile. The merged Student Contact ID will appear in the notes. Check which Student ID number is showing in the Student and Enrolment txt files, then update the ID number in the files to the merged ID or the current ID (i.e. if the files show the current ID, update it to the merged ID and vice versa). |
Enrolment Text File Errors:
Potential Errors | Fix |
Duplicate Enrolment across RTO's | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Duplicate Enrolment within lodgement | This error will occur where:
To fix:
The Outcome Code is 05 or 105 and the enrolment end date has past but is less than 28 days before the lodgement date. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Out of Commencing Period Error | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Enrolment End Date is before the Enrolment Start Date | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Reported UoC End Date is greater than CPS Training Activity End Date | This error will occur where:
To fix:
UoC/Module Hours do not match the hours as defined by STARS | This error will occur where:
To fix:
NCVER nationally agreed nominal hours *STARS = Student Training Activity Reporting System |
Enrolment Text File Warnings:
Note: warnings do not affect the lodgement of data, the monthly claim can still proceed with warnings on the list. However, these should be checked over and monitored regularly. All new warnings should have a note.
Potential Errors | Fix |
Student is of school age and appropriate documentation must be obtained. | This error will occur where:
To fix:
UoC/Module is not a core or elective unit and does not belong to the same Training Package as the Contracted Program of Study | This error will occur where:
To fix:
A student must have the same Concession/Fee Type in a contract | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Enrolment Summary Checks
Potential Errors | Fix |
Start and End Dates the same for a Competent outcome | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Incorrect Fees - either more or less than expected | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Wrong CPS used | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Incorrect number of units | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Unsuccessful enrolments check (only have a combination of CT & W-N outcomes) | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Incorrect Hours - either more or less than expected | This error will occur where:
To fix:
Authority |
| See Funding |
Regulatory Documents |
| List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document |
Approved By | Name here | Details / Decisions: |