Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Policy and Procedure

Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Policy and Procedure









Mar 11, 2026



*See Information classification policy


Delivery Location Info

Strategix delivers courses in regional and metro centres with permanent and temporary locations. When you select the enrolment form, it will be specific to the location of delivery. For example: An enrolment form for Individual Support will contain the start date, the delivery suburb and which delivery days the course will be. You will then receive a Tentative email outlining the specific delivery address for your course. Where the enrolment is in relation to a particular organisation, the class name will reflect the organisation's name. https://strategix.edu.au/courses/class-list/ lists all upcoming classes.


Training and Assessment Strategy Policy


This policy and subsequent procedure sets out the requirement(s) to develop training and assessment strategies (TAS) for each qualification within scope of registration in accordance with the RTO Standards for National Registration and to guide the provision of nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment practices.

Each training product on our Scope of Registration has a TAS that is developed for different delivery models or target groups. The TAS may consist of multiple documents; however, there is consistency between these documents so that the overall strategy is clearly described.

All training products will have a documented training and assessment strategy. These will be developed upon application of registration and for any request for extension of scope of registration.

Each TAS is regularly updated to take into account changes in industry technology and techniques, legislation, and the training package itself, as well as the availability of resources. The strategy is consistent with the advertising and other material provided to prospective learners. The TAS will be developed based upon the Strategix TAS template set out on the Scope Management MASTER sheet, and includes as a minimum:

  • Entry requirements as prescribed by training authorities

  • Licensing requirements as prescribed by regulatory authorities

  • Regulatory requirements as prescribed by state/territory authorities

  • Course prerequisites and license options

  • Proposed learner cohort such as workers, school leavers or mature learners

  • Required learning and physical resources – ensuring adequate ratios per learner are available

  • Delivery modes

  • Delivery methods.

Learning Resources

All training and assessment resources comply with the specific requirements in the training package or accredited course. Each TAS includes guidance on the resources needed per learner or per group, to enable students to meet the requirements for each unit of competency.

Strategix will provide training and assessment facilities, whether physical or virtual, and equipment to accommodate and support all learners. Our ‘simulated’ workplace environments, replicate the resources and environment that exist in the actual workplace. The development of simulated environments is informed by consultation with industry stakeholders to ensure relevance to real workplaces.

Amount of Training

The amount of training is determined for each training product considering the:

  • Learner cohort and needs

  • Learner styles

  • Industry standards and requirements

  • Regulatory and licensing requirements (where applicable)

  • Training package requirements

  • RTO experience and expertise

  • AQF and ACSF levels.

Students will be given appropriate time to:

  • Reflect and absorb the knowledge

  • Practise the skills in different contexts

  • Learn to apply the skills and knowledge in varied environments that the ’real world’ offers before being assessed.

Through this Training and Assessment Strategy, Strategix will develop specialised training and assessment plans to meet the needs of each learner cohort.

Delivery Modes

Strategix uses the following delivery modes to differentiate between different learner cohorts and needs:

Delivery Mode


Delivery Mode



Training and assessment is conducted face to face at a Strategix premises in a simulated work environment. Strategix will provide students with access to all practical facilities and training rooms (other than skills included in vocational placement activities). All work is carried out to comply with workplace procedures and Federal and State/Territory legislation that are relevant to the Training Program. Students will undertake additional activities, readings and knowledge-based assessments outside of class time.


Training and assessment is conducted online through the applicable learning management system (LMS - Cloud Assess or Moodle). Skills assessments are completed through vocational placement activities where relevant, on skills days scheduled throughout the year or via technology.


Training and assessment is conducted face-to-face in the workplace. Informal training will also be undertaken under the supevision and direction of the employer. The employer provides access to all required resources and facilities, as well as relevant procedures and legislation. Students may undertake additional activities, readings and knowledge based assessments outside of the formal training provided by Strategix. The regularity and duration of the training, as well as the number of training sessions is negotiated with the employer prior to enrolment, however, sessions should be held at least monthly.

Some courses are conducted soley online through the applicable learning management system (LMS - Cloud Assess or Moodle). Skills assessments are completed through vocational placement activities where relevant, third party verification or via technology.


Training and assessment is conducted face to face at a Strategix premises (CRICOS approved) in a simulated work environment. Strategix will provide students with access to all practical facilities and training rooms (other than skills included in vocational placement activities). All work is carried out to comply with workplace procedures and Federal and State/Territory legislation that are relevant to the Training Program. Students will undertake additional activities, readings and knowledge-based assessments outside of class time.


Training and assessment is conducted face-to-face at School premises or online through the LMS. Strategix, in conjunction with the School, will provide students with access to all practical facilities and training rooms (other than skills included in vocational placement activities). All work is carried out to comply with workplace procedures and Federal and State/Territory legislation that are relevant to the Training Program. Students will undertake additional activities, readings and knowledge-based assessments outside of class time

Structured Online

Training and assessment is conducted online through the applicable learning management system (LMS - Cloud Assess or Moodle) and daily Zoom sessions with their class and trainer. Skills assessments are completed through vocational placement activities where relevant, on skills days scheduled throughout the course or via technology.


Any combination of the above methods.

Where the Amount of Training and delivery time has been shortened from the suggested Volume of Learning, Strategix has employed various methods to ensure students are achieving the outcomes for each training product by:

  • Providing students with learner resources and activities prior to the commencement of the course

  • Recognising previous knowledge and experience of students

  • Employing intensive delivery methods

  • Clustering and scaffolding learning and assessments

  • Removing duplicated or similar training or assessment activities

  • Incorporating practical activities.

More information can be found in the Rationale for Amount of Training section below.

Target Group/Cohort

Strategix delivers training to the following student cohorts:

Target Group/ Cohort


Target Group/ Cohort


Job seeker

Student that is seeking work as an outcome of the training. Job seekers may be seeking an alternative outcome or pathway such as further education.

International student

International student studying in Australia on a student visa.

Existing worker

Student is currently employed.

School student

Student is attending and studying at high school.

Industry Relevance

Meaningful engagement with industry stakeholders (such as employers) is critical to ensuring our training and assessment practices align with current methods, products and performance expectations for the workplace, particularly in areas where technology and/or techniques change rapidly. Strong networks between Strategix and industry help maintain industry currency, credibility with learners and confidence in training and assessment methods.

We implement a range of strategies for industry engagement and systematically use the outcomes to ensure the industry relevance of the training and assessment we provide.

Strategix engages with companies/individuals/industry groups within the specific industry about relevant issues, including:

  • Selection of units of competency

  • Mode of delivery

  • Training & assessment methods

  • Potential target groups

  • Physical resources required

  • Appropriate professional development of staff and currency of staff (see HRIS and Professional Development and Currency Policy and Procedure).

Information gathered through the engagement process is used to:

  • Validate our Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS)

  • Select suitable resources, trainers and assessors

  • Validate assessment practices and judgements.

Strategix also engages with relevant Jobs and Skills Councils regarding training and assessment issues (registration, audit, training, assessment, human resources, materials etc). Evidence of all consultations conducted is documented on the consultation records and/or letters of support.

Learner Support

Learner support includes any educational and support services that students may need. Prior to enrolment or commencement, Strategix will identify any additional educational support required and make the support available to students to meet the requirements of the training product as specified in training packages or VET-accredited courses. This includes, but is not limited to contextualised and flexible assessment methods to meet the needs of participants who require language and literacy support. Refer to the Learner Support Policy and Procedure for further information.

Reasonable Adjustment of Training and Assessments

Characteristics and circumstances such as having a disability, carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, or having English as a Second Language may result in students requiring reasonable adjustments for some or all of their training and assessments. Strategix will take action or implement changes that will enable students to participate on the same basis as other learners.

Assessment Methods

Assessment of learners involves using a range of formative and summative methods to gather sufficient evidence to deem competence. No matter what assessment methods are used, the principles of fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability are adhered to. RPL, distance and online delivery methods may change the type of evidence considered, although the same requirements apply. Regardless of the mode of delivery, all assessments meet the same standards.

The following table outlines the types of assessment methods used to determine if a student can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package or VET accredited course:


Questions (tests, interviews, case studies, questionnaires, self-assessments, etc).


Workplace Observation (observed whilst doing job, set tasks, role play, scenarios or simulations)


Review of Products (samples of work, products, etc).


Portfolios demonstrating experience (workplace documents, journal/log books, etc)


Third Party Feedback (testimonials, supervisor reports/interviews, etc).


Structured Activities (projects, presentations, activity sheets, off-the-job role play, scenarios or simulations, etc)


Vocational Placement (mandated workplace placement for academy and college students to show skills and knowledge)


Workplace Application (mandated workplace application to show skills and knowledge)


To be assessed as competent, students must demonstrate:

  • Ability to perform relevant tasks in a variety of workplace situations, or simulated workplace situations

  • Understanding of what they are doing and why, when performing tasks

  • Ability to integrate performance with understanding, to show they are able to adapt to different contexts and environments.

All learners are assessed against all of the tasks identified in the elements of the unit or subject and demonstrate they are capable of performing these tasks to an acceptable level.

Where appropriate, constructive feedback is provided to enable students to determine how their work could be improved. Feedback will take the form of:

  • Positive aspect(s) of the training and assessment

  • Area(s) of improvement/directed guidance required to rectify to achieve competence.

When developing assessment materials, Strategix will use the information from the unit elements, performance and knowledge criteria, foundation skills and assessment conditions to determine what competence looks like. This information sets the benchmark for measuring student performance. If assessment tasks are undertaken as a group, each learner is assessed on each component of the task.

As similar requirements are often expressed in multiple units of competency, Strategix may ‘cluster’ a number of units together or cross-reference evidence for assessment to avoid repeating assessment of the same tasks. On these occasions, an analysis of each individual requirement across the cluster of units will be completed.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)

RPL is an assessment process that assesses the competency/s that a student may have acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which the student meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited course.

Where the assessment is completed via RPL, the requirements of the standards do not change, although the variety of evidence gathered and considered in making an assessment decision may be greater than when the assessment is completed through ‘traditional’ assessment activities.

CT will be granted where recognised units of competency or qualifications have been achieved from Australian RTOs. Evidence of verified statements of attainment and qualifications must be provided.

Where a Competency Achieved result is demonstrated in a unit of competency with the same code as being assessed a direct CT will be granted.

Where a unit of competency is from a superseded training package, equivalency will be determined using the transition information provided in the updated training package. CT can only be awarded where the training package mapping guide indicates an equivalent outcome.

Assessment Validation

Validation involves reviewing a sample of assessment tools, marking guides and other processes and outcomes to identify future improvements. It is generally conducted after an assessment is complete and undertaken in a systematic way in accordance with Standard 1.9 - 1.11.

Strategix engages in regular review practices, including:

  • At development

  • At implementation

  • Progressively in accordance with the validation plan.

The validation plan outlines:

  • When assessment validation will occur

  • Which training products will be the focus of the validation

  • Who will lead and participate in validation activities, and

  • How the outcomes of these activities will be documented and acted upon.

Trainers and Assessors

Training and assessment are only delivered by trainers and assessors who hold the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or equivalent. In addition, training and assessment are only delivered by persons who have:

  • The vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed

  • Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided, and

  • Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment.

It is a requirement that trainers and assessors:

  • Use only the training and assessment methodologies developed for each unit of competency

  • Undertake Training and Assessment administration tasks such as recording and reconciling results when sufficient evidence can lead to a result of competence, including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • Participate in validation of assessment practices and judgments as determined by the Validation Policy and Validation Schedule

  • Undertake professional development in the fields of:

    • Knowledge and practice of vocational training, and

    • Learning and assessment, including competency-based training and assessment.

Student Pathways

Students will be introduced to a variety of career pathways such as further qualifications or workplace opportunities to increase career potential. The training program includes a variety of employability skills such as teamwork and communication.

Amount of Training Rationale and Explanation


If the proposed total training and assessment detailed in a TAS varies from the AQF recommendation, Strategix ensures its delivery strategy maintains the integrity of the qualification outcomes by implementing the following approach:

  • Including a high component of formal activities including face-to-face, ‘trainer-led training’

  • Evaluating the complexity, depth and breadth and nature of the training product

  • Providing strong student support and progression

  • Ensuring students have the opportunity to practice and apply the skills

  • Ensuring students have time to fully absorb the required knowledge

  • Providing opportunities for students to develop skills over time in different contexts

  • Contextualising the program of study

  • Applying a systematic approach to validate and improve the training and assessment system

  • Managing class sizes with regard to the assessor-to-student ratio

  • Analysing common aspects of the units of competency to determine potential reductions in the volume of learning due to crossover of content

  • Consulting with industry to validate course duration, structure and graduate outcomes

  • Units of competencies with similar or complementary content are holistic, thus delivery of training and assessment is streamlined, reducing the overall volume of learning

  • Integrating similar learning and assessment activities together to ensure streamlined delivery of the course

  • Providing holistic assessment activities to replicate real-life contexts

  • Ensuring that students accepted into the course meet the basic learning, literacy and numeracy requirements to achieve the required rigour and depth of training

  • Ensuring that the blended mode of delivery provides students with sufficient opportunities to learn concepts and practice skills at their own pace in both social and solitary learning environments

  • Ensuring that trainers and assessors are suitably qualified, experienced and current to deliver training and facilitate assessments

  • Ensuring that resources and scenarios used for learning and assessment will prepare students for real-life contexts (supported by industry endorsements)

  • Analysis of student completion rates and outcomes, including the achievement of competence at the assessment and unit level, failure rates, and the number of attempts at assessment. High failure rates and high attempts at assessment may indicate duration should be increased

  • The amount of training indicated in this Strategy is the minimum amount required, students may attend multiple units of study in order to achieve competence (up to 12 months).

Principles of Assessment


  • Students are selected/screened prior to the commencement of the course to ensure that they have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience

  • Students receive sufficient training, resources and support to develop the required skills and knowledge in order to undertake the assessment

  • Assessments are based on the skills and knowledge that have been delivered and practised during training and are covered in the learning materials

  • Where students are assessed as; ‘not yet satisfactory’ they are provided with additional training, tuition and coaching and given the opportunity to be re-assessed

  • The complexity of assessments is aligned with the standards required to perform the role in a workplace.


  • An assessment task may be contextualised

  • Any contextualisation will not compromise the assessment outcome.


  • Assessment tasks address all of the performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge and critical aspects of assessment

  • The assessment tools are mapped to the training package. A mapping document is retained on file

  • Assessment tasks are based on current industry best practice and endorsed by multiple industry stakeholders

  • Assessment scenarios and case studies are based on real industry occurrences or scenarios that the student will reasonably encounter when they enter the workplace

  • Assessments are conducted by assessors who have significant experience in a broad range of industry sectors relevant to the assessment tasks.


  • Assessments are based on a standard assessment tool to be completed by all students

  • The assessor marking guides provide a standard range of benchmark responses and an acceptable range of variables for assessing the students’ responses or performance.

Rules of Evidence


  • Assessment tasks address all of the performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge and critical aspects of assessment

  • The assessment tools are mapped to the training package. A mapping document is retained on file

  • Assessment tasks are based on current industry best practice and endorsed by multiple industry stakeholders

  • Assessment scenarios and case studies are based on real industry occurrences or scenarios that the student will reasonably encounter when they enter the workplace

  • Assessments are conducted by assessors who have significant experience in a broad range of industry sectors relevant to the assessment tasks.


  • The assessment tools and processes collect a significant quantity of evidence.


  • Assessment of skills is observed directly by the assessor(s) therefore the evidence collected is confirmed to be authentic by the assessor

  • Students complete a declaration when submitting the assessments to confirm all work is their own.


  • All assessment tasks are to be completed prior to the course end date to ensure the currency of evidence.

TAS Develop and Release Procedure






Develop TAS based on training package requirements

  • Curriculum

  • Compliance

  • Topic or Subject Matter Expert



Consult with employers, industry, trainers and other relevant staff regarding but not limited to: the mode of delivery, assessment methods, and changes to training packages and/or licensing requirements.

  • Curriculum

  • Compliance

  • Trainer

  • Industry



All documentation must be reviewed prior to release. For existing documentation, an annual systematic review, or as required due to:

  • Package change

  • Legislative requirements

  • Licencing requirements.

  • Curriculum

  • Compliance

  • Trainer

  • Industry



Documentation is released to staff.

  • Curriculum

  • Compliance

  • Department Managers



Record Keeping


TAS must be developed in accordance with this policy and procedure.

Record keeping and storage refers to:



Develop a Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) based on training package requirements. Following the template outlined in the Scope Management MASTER spreadsheet, add a new row for each TAS. Ensure each column on the spreadsheet has information added to it, as per below:


Action/ Details


Action/ Details

Qualification Code

As per http://training.gov.au

Add the link for Qualification Name

Qualification Name


Teach-Out Date

Only applicable for superseded qualifications

As per http://training.gov.au

Training Package

As per http://training.gov.au

Delivery Mode

Select from drop-down

Target Group

Select from drop-down

Delivery State

Select from drop-down

Delivery Status

Duration and Volume of Learning

In accordance with https://www.aqf.edu.au/framework/australian-qualifications-framework (AQF) and the ASQA Standards:

  • Cert II - 6 months-1 year / 600-1200 hours

  • Cert III - 1-2 years / 1200-2400 hours

  • Cert IV - 6 months-2 years / 600-2400 hours

  • Diploma - 1-2 years / 1200-2400 hours

Refer to formulas in spreadsheet for calculations, and adjust where required

Expected Duration (weeks)

Formula = Units of Study x Weeks per Unit of Study + VP/Workplace weeks

Units of Study

As per CD Projects

Weeks/ UOS

VP/Workplace weeks

Face to face days/ week

Face to face hours

  • Varies depending on state, cohort and delivery method. e.g. QLD Cert III campus course = 3 days/week

Hours formula = Units of Study x Weeks/Unit of Study x Face to face days per week x 7

Self paced hours

Self paced hours/ week

Hours formula = Self paced hours per week x Expected Duration

Adjust this column last if hours per week is more than 40

  • Campus courses = Generally around 15 per week

  • Online = all self-paced

VP/ Workplace hours


VP/ Workplace hours/ week

Hours formula = VP/ Workplace hours per week x VP/Workplace weeks


As per CD Projects and Course Release Schedule

Assessment hours

Hours formula = Number of units x hrs/subject:

  • Cert 1 = 1 hrs/subject

  • Cert 2 = 2 hrs/subject

  • Cert 3 = 3 hrs/subject

  • Cert 4 = 4 hrs/subject

  • Dip = 5 hrs/subject

Total hours

Hours formula =Total of all hours above

Number of units

As per http://training.gov.au

Average Hours/week

Hours formula = Total hours / ((Units of Study x Weeks per Unit of Study) + VP/Workplace weeks)

VOL Notes

Any notes affecting the Volume of Learning calculations, eg. 1 Face to Face visit each month (4 hours)


This section is only applicable for courses with durations less than expected according to the AQF


Link to the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Policy and Procedure | Amount of Training Rationale and Explanation

Holistic Delivery

Link to TAS - Mapping Summary, a spreadsheet outling the mapping of common content.

An analysis is to be conducted using the TAS - Clustering Mapping spreadsheet.

The percentage of common content is then calculated based on the number of common items and the number of total items.

These have been calculated by dividing the total volume of learning hours (eg. 1200) by the number of units in the qualification, and then applying a weighting (.8, 1 or 1.2) to determine and differentiate the time taken to learn that unit (acknowledging that some units take longer than others). eg. A weighting of 0.8 may be applied to units that required less time (e.g. “work”, “follow”), and a weighting of 1.2 may be applied to higher level units (e.g. “facilitate”, “provide”).

Principles of Assessment &

Rules of Evidence

Link to ASQA’s Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Policy and Procedure | Principles of Assessment &

Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Policy and Procedure | Rules of Evidence

Industry Validation

Link to TAS - Industry Validation spreadsheet

In the Google Drive app, refer to the Quality shared drive > Training and Assessment Strategies folder > TAS Forms folder > Surveys VOL

The relevant Employer Survey (google form) is to be created/updated and sent to the course trainers to ensure completion. Results are recorded in the Employer Survey (Responses) spreadsheet

  • Form includes questions regarding the timeframe and delivery of the course, and asks the employer if this is suitable for the industry role

  • Any photos in the Employer Survey form are done in word and copied in

  • Qualification information is gathered from http://training.gov.au and CD Projects

  • We should aim to have at least 5 per qualification

To create a new form:

  • Go to Google Forms, find a previous form and select to open

  • Select the 3 dots in the top right corner, and select Make a copy from the drop-down

  • Open Quality shared drive > Training and Assessment Strategies folder > TAS Forms folder > Surveys

    • Open one of the “Employer Feedback” documents from a previously created form and Save As a new copy

    • This will be a template to use for the information needed for updating the Google form

    • Any photos in the Google form are done in this Word document

      • Be sure to remove any grammar suggestions, underlines etc from the text before screenshotting the section

      • After updating in Word, take a screenshot of the section and save as a jpeg file

      • Add into the Google form by selecting Add image

  • Review and edit all relevant sections on the Google form and Word doc according to the specific Duration and Volume of Learning details noted on the TAS

  • Select Responses at the top of the form to update where the responses will be recorded once submitted

    • Select Link to Sheets

    • Select existing spreadsheet

    • Search for Employer Survey (Responses), click on tile then press Select

    • Update new tab to qualification code eg. CHC33021

  • Select Send

    • Select the link symbol, and tick the box to Shorten URL

    • Copy and paste this link into an email and send to the industry trainers (an example of what to send can be found in the compliance inbox from previous ones)

Training Locations


Link relevant calendar/schedule:

Generally, the calendars are developed for each year. When a new calendar is created, the links are to be updated.

Entry Requirements

Link to Learner Support Policy and Procedure | Course Requirements

  • Specifically to the Course Requirements heading

  • Check/add Course Name and Delivery Mode

  • Check/add Specific Suitability Requirements. Examples include:

    • Access to and ability to operate suitable device and internet to complete both training and assessment activities

    • Access to Microsoft Office suite of software (provided as part of course inclusions)

    • Appropriate knowledge to navigate software and program requirements

    • Working with children check

    • Federal police check (where applicable)

    • Over 18 to apply for a forklift licence

    • An open drivers licence

    • Able to meet the weight requirements of vehicles

    • If none - “No additional requirements.”

Units of Competency

Link to TAS - Unit Lists spreadsheet

  • This sheet has a formula to import data from the CD Projects spreadheet

  • Duplicate a tab (copies formula over)

  • Update tab name to match CD Projects (course code and cohort)

  • Open qualification on CD Projects and note how far down the list the units appear (eg. up to row 16). Copy web address

  • Paste web address into formula on the new tab created on the TAS - Units list spreadsheet, and edit the number of rows

  • Double check all the units have come through, without any unneccesary information, such as notes etc

  • Update Index tab then link this to the TAS (Scope Management MASTER)

Course Duration

Link to TAS - Volume of Learning

  • This sheet has a formula to import data from the Scope Management MASTER spreadsheet

Course Schedule

Link to relevant Course Release Schedule:

Note: The course release schedules are developed by Curriculum and department managers. Double check the schedule matches the Duration and Volume of Learning requirements.

Student Support

Link to the Learner Support Policy and Procedure

Vocational Placement Details

Link to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037593727 and the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037593727/Vocational+Placement+Policy+and+Procedure#Course-Specific-Requirements section.

Human Resources

Link to the HRIS Matrix spreadsheet

  • Includes a list of all trainers, their experience and suitability assessments

Learning Resources

Link to TAS - Unit Lists spreadsheet

Assessment Resources

Link to https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037167658, and refer to Qualification Details

Physical Resources

Link to TAS - Resource Log

  • R = Required

  • O = Optional

The list of resources are also included in the assessment itself on the learning portal.

Industry Consultation

Link to Industry Currency Activities:

  • Industry Consultation Record form - Responses are recorded in Industry Currency Activities spreadsheet

  • Should be recent, within the last 2 years

  • Can use industry validation if we don’t have enough information from this form.

Date Reviewed/Prepared, Reviewed by, & Prepared by

Add the date reviewed/prepared and your name

Reviews are to be conducted for major changes only (eg. change of units, change of duration etc)



Regulatory Documents

  • RTO Standard 1, 2.2



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