Certificate 3 Guarantee / Higher Level Skills (Queensland Workplace Only) - Terms and Conditions

1          Eligibility for Funding

Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills funding are accessed from the Queensland State Government and are available to an employee who is enrolled in a nationally recognised course of study regardless of their employment status.

To access this funding, the student must:

  • Be over 15 years of age

  • Not currently enrolled in or attending school, a Certificate III or higher qualification at a Private RTO, TAFE or any University or other online study

  • A Queensland Resident and Australian Citizen (including New Zealand permanent residents)

  • Not completed a Certificate III or above qualification (or a Cert IV if accessing Higher Level Skills)

  • Candidates that have completed Certificate I to Advanced Diploma prior to 1st January 1995 are eligible for funding.

2          Payments

Co-contribution fee invoices for students will be generated and sent to the Client after students are approved for funding. The Client agrees to pay the co-contribution fee within 30 days. If payment is not received by this time, the training will be suspended and no competencies will be awarded until the receipt of payment.


Refer to Section 7.4 of the Service Agreement for travel expenses.

3          Cancellation

Strategix must be notified of all cancellations in writing. The cancellation date is the date the student ceased employment with the company. Strategix will refund in full any course fees where notification of cancellation is received seven (7) days prior to course commencement or where the student has not commenced. No refund is due after training has commenced.

Strategix will provide negotiated refunds after commencement of a course in accordance with the special circumstances as outlined in the information sheet.

4        Certificate 3 Guarantee Co-Contribution Fee (Workplace only)

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Concessional Fee

Cost Per Unit


Cert III in Business*






Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care






Cert III in Individual Support**






Cert III in Individual Support**






Cert III Community Services






Cert III in Food Processing






Cert III in Process Manufacturing






Cert III in Driving Operations






Cert III in Supply Chain Operations





Please refer to the Certificate 3 Guarantee Fact Sheet for further information.

5        Higher Level Skills Co-Contribution Fee

Qualification Code

Qualification Name

Co-Contribution Fee

Cost Per Unit

Co-Contribution Concessional Fee

Cost Per Unit


Cert IV in Youth Work*^






Cert IV in Youth Work*^





Please refer to the Higher Level Skills Fact Sheet for further information.

*Delivered online only
**Students require a federal police check to complete Individual Support. Students are not required to pay the fee for the check.
^Blue card is required when working with children