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*See Information classification policy


Student Enrolment Information


To help you make an informed decision about your option to study with us, we ensure transparency by providing you with all the important information multiple times prior to enrolment and commencement.

Strategix provides makes available and provides important information you through:

  • Marketing material

  • Website

  • Student Handbook

  • Policies and Procedures (available on the website)

  • Enrolment Form

  • Information and Fact Sheets

  • Enrolment Success email (notification upon completion of enrolment form)

  • Tentative enrolment email

  • Prospectus

  • Confirmation of enrolment email.

The information contained in this recruitment section will assist you with making an informed decision about your option to enrol with us and to ensure you understand the rights and responsibilities of those who do choose to study with us.


When enrolling with Strategix you will complete an enrolment form which:

  • Provides you with another opportunity to receive important information about your course. This is to allow you to make informed decision about your enrolment

  • Requests information from you which we use to:

    • Identify you and to ensure you receive recognition for your work

    • Determine your eligibility for funding (where applicable). For students wishing to access funding, if you limit or delay providing information to Strategix during the enrolment process, this may impact how quickly you can commence your chosen course

    • Determine your suitability for the course and if you require any additional support and

    • Identify if you will require any Credit transfers or recognition of prior learning once enrolled.

It is important to provide us with as much information as you can during the enrolment process as this will help us to help you. Strategix friendly staff are always ready to assist you through the enrolment process and to offer help if you have any questions or concerns about your requirements.


Enrolment Policy

Strategix provides all relevant information to prospective students prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first. Prospective learners/students are provided with current and accurate information that enables the learner to make informed decisions about undertaking training with Strategix, this includes:

  • The code, title and currency of the training product to which the learner is to be enrolled, as published on the national register

  • The training product is appropriate for meeting the learner’s needs

  • Individual’s existing skills and competencies (recognition of prior learning and credit transfers)

  • Estimated duration

  • Expected locations at which it will be provided

  • Expected modes of delivery

  • Any work placement arrangements

  • Costs, payment terms and conditions (including deposits and refunds)

  • Student rights and responsibilities as well as those of Strategix (including complaints and appeals)

  • Strategix’s obligations to the learner include:

    • That Strategix is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with the Standards for RTO’s

    • The issuance of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) certification documentation.

The learner’s obligations in relation to:

  • The repayment of any debt to be incurred under the VET Student Loans scheme arising from the provision of services

  • Any requirements that Strategix requires the learner to meet to enter and successfully complete their chosen training product

  • Any materials and equipment that the learner must provide

  • Information on the implications for the learner of government training entitlements and subsidy arrangements in relation to access to these services

  • Provision of individual information, including USI

  • Data reporting requirements and privacy of information.


Students are required to complete the re-enrolment process when they are changing courses or classes. If the student is returning to the same class and course, a re-enrolment is not required. Note: students accessing funding will require eligibility checks for every enrolment and re-enrolment.

Completing a secondary enrolment form may lead to duplicate profiles in the Student Management System and further administrative tasks to follow.

Diploma of Nursing

In addition to the above, it is our policy that all students have equal opportunity to meet the NMBA Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice. For this reason, we closely monitor the learning and assessment outcomes of all students, implement policies to ensure equal opportunity, and put in place procedures to support students identified as being at potential risk.


Enrolment Procedure


Person Responsible


Pre Enrolment Admin tasks

Administrative Assistant


Client Engagement

Sales, Business Development Officer, Client


Student Enrolment/Re-Enrolment

Sales, Business Development Officer, Student


Enrolment Admin Tasks

Administrative Assistant, Student Enrolment Administrator


Trainer Allocation

Department Manager, Administrative Assistant, Trainers, Assessors


Student Induction and Commencement

Sales, Business Development Officer


Status Update “In Progress”

Administrative Assistant

Pre-Enrolment Admin Tasks

Prior to students being able to enrol on a course, the “intake” must be created by the Administrative assistant. Once created it is displayed on the website for the potential student to enrol. Intakes are created using the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039133745.

Where a workshop is required for a particular course, it is created at the same time the intake is created in aXcelerate. Students are not linked to the workshop until later in the enrolment process.

Client Engagement

Prior to and while enrolling, potential students are provided with and have access to the following:

  • Student Handbook

  • Privacy Policy

  • Relevant Declarations

  • Any costs or funding requirements involved

Students will fall into one of the following cohorts:

  • Job seekers – Unemployed or seeking a change in career

  • New entrants – Newly entering the workforce

  • Existing worker – Currently employed

  • School students – Still in school

  • International – Students on a Student Visa.

For students wishing to apply for funding; prior to enrolment, the sales team member and/or Business Development Officer (BDO) is to assist with determining a student's eligibility and conduct student eligibility checks as per the appropriate Student Eligibility Procedure. For an overview of funding requirements/evidence, refer to the relevant Student Information Sheets.

Student Enrolment/Re-Enrolment


Enrolment Widget (aXcelerate):

  • Student completes enrolment form

  • Student receives confirmation of enrolment booking email or enrolment application success, containing the Student Handbook and privacy notices

  • An aXcelerate profile is automatically created

  • They are automatically enrolled as Tentative into an intake and qualification

  • The appropriate Strategix staff are informed of tentative enrolment through the Notification of Enrolment email.

WA students enrolling in the LFLS Diploma are to follow the WA LFLS Diploma Procedure.


Students are required to complete a re-enrolment process where they are changing course or class. If the student is returning to the same class and course, a re-enrolment is not required.

The enrolment officer must:



Identify student

  • Open student profile

  • Question the student as to their Full name, Date of Birth, address, previously attempted or completed qualification to ascertain their identity.

Update details and Identification

  • Check previous eligibility evidence (Identification etc.)

  • Complete fields to be checked actions (See AVETMISS Field Checks)

Course/funding details

  • Where a student is continuing with funded training, the student must be given and agree to all enrolment and funding specific declarations again and they must be sent a confirmation of their intent to re-enrol

  • Provide course/enrolment specific information (See Course/Enrolment Specific Information)

Generate Re-enrolment Template

  • Select 'Student Re-enrolment Notification' template from 'Actions'

  • Check re-enrolment checkboxes as process is completed

  • Fill in the details required around the course student is enrolling into

  • Identify and record the actions the student is required to take

Send Re-enrolment Template

  • Email template to the student using the 'checked' email address

  • Email template to the relevant course coordinator

 Re-Enrolment Requirements


Required Information (Questions)


Contact details

Has the student changed their:

  • Addresses?

  • Contact numbers?

  • Email contact?

Citizen Status

Has the student citizenship status changed?

Emergency Contact

Has the emergency contact changed?


Has the student’s employment status changed?


What is the student’s current English level?

English Assistance

Does the student require assistance?

Highest Education

Has the student completed any further studies before returning to Strategix?

Attending Other School/s

Are they enrolled and any other school?

Last Studied

Was the course at Strategix the last course they had completed/attended?

Concession status

Has the student’s concession status changed?


Residency status

As above.

State funding residency requirement

Has the student moved or changed address in the state where funding is being supplied?

Previous completed qualification

As above.

Currently enrolled

As Above.

Course/Enrolment Specific Information

Course details

Including, course name and code, duration, requirements or pre-requisites, vocational placement requirements, equipment or supply requirements.

Funding details

Specific details around the funding source (i.e. Student unable to access funding again etc.).


Co-contribution fees or any other charges incurred by the student.

RPL, CT and C-Gap

Any RPL, CT and C-Gap that may apply to student’s new enrolment.

Student information

Student Handbook and funding sheets (in Re-enrolment Notification template).


Provide link and copy to the enrolment and funding declaration (in Re-enrolment Notification template).

An enrolment fee may or may not be applicable for a re-enrolment, refer to the Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure for details.

Enrolment Admin Tasks

When notified of enrolment, the Enrolment Administrator accesses the student’s tentative enrolment in aXcelerate and:

  • Merges any duplicate profiles (if and where applicable) as per the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039133731

  • Checks the student's funding eligibility and/or payment options

    • For QLD funded students only, conducts AISS Check/s as per the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038576779

    • For WA LFLS Diploma enrolments – Refer to WA LFLS Procedure (below)

  • Contacts student – Welcome student and discuss outstanding requirements

  • Updates the National and State Funding Source fields – For applicable courses, this will trigger the tentative enrolment email to be sent to the student detailing any further action required by the student. For details on what courses receive an email automatically – Refer to the Email Triggers below

 Email Triggers

Throughout the enrolment process, students receive emails to provide them with:

  • Any applicable/relevant funding information

  • A copy of the student handbook

  • Any privacy notices and or declarations

  • Information/details about the course

  • Any outstanding requirements requiring attention prior to the completion of the enrolment process

  • Information to indicate the enrolment status.

Staff members responsible for performing specific tasks must ensure they do not leave out areas that affect Triggers or perform an action that will cause specific actions to occur earlier than planned milestones.

All triggers and automation are outlined in the following link and apply to the following (but not limited to):

  • Enrolment Booking Email

  • Tentative Enrolment Email

  • Confirmation of Enrolment Email.

The Admin Assistant:

  • Reviews and performs final funding checks and ensures all relevant documents or evidence have been collected and uploaded, this is tracked using the Portfolio Checklist

  • Ensure payment has been received or where appropriate a purchase order issued

  • Processes Credit Transfers etc. – as per the Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure

  • Adds the subjects to the enrolment

  • Links the student’s enrolment to the Workshop

  • Links the enrolment to the E-Learning portal

  • Ensures applicable fees are invoiced/paid

  • Set up subject delivery Modes – Refer to the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037724913

Trainer Allocation

It is the responsibility of the Department Manager to assign trainers to intakes on the relevant calendar. It is the responsibility of the Administrative Assistant to allocate the trainer to the intakes in aXcelerate and the assessment platform as per the calendar.

The Administrative Assistant organises the resources/materials/logins for students in the intake prior to the student commencing. Items such as:

  • Training and assessment materials (including assessment application/platform)

  • Record Book and Training Plan

  • E-Learning login

The Administrative Assistant must only hand over any student resources/materials/logins to the trainer prior to commencement for students who have progressed to In Progress. Trainers must not commence training for a student until the handover is received.

Student Induction

Prior to course commencement, students attend an induction, the induction includes:

  • Course duration

  • Course costs and Refund Policy

  • Details of qualification or units of competency

  • Learner support services

  • Training and assessment process

  • Training Plan/s

  • Codes of Practice

  • Privacy Policy

  • Complaints and Appeals Procedure

  • Any legislative requirements

  • Student Code of Conduct

  • LLN and Support Services.

Language Literacy & Numeracy (LNN) and Support Services

The LLN / Support Services are used to identify any additional opportunities for further LLN support to each individual learner. It is completed prior to the commencement of training. For more information refer to the .

Attendance is recorded by the Trainer on the induction day and throughout the rest of the course. Attendance is in line with the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037168259.

Course Commencement

Students attend the first day of their course only after they have completed the appropriate pre-commencement activities as per the course calendar. These activities include inductions, Learner needs testing etc.

Status Update “In Progress”

Students' enrolments are set to ‘In Progress’ after they have met the funding and course requirements in full. Only when a student’s enrolment is set to ‘In Progress’ and the student has attended the course can they be issued with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) that they can provide to their Job Active Provider, Centrelink or Employer as evidence they are actively enrolled in and attending a course.

Students who have not provided all required evidence are to remain as Tentative. A Tentative student is not to be provided with a Confirmation of Enrolment prior to their enrolment being completed and their enrolment being finalised.

At this stage, the administrative assistant must update any subjects which are yet to be commenced (which have future proposed start dates) to outcome 85 “Not Yet Started” (NYS).

The Administrative Assistant updates the aXcelerate triggers for the Confirmation of Enrolment to be sent. Some Domains may require the Confirmation of Enrolment email to be sent manually.


WA LFLS Diploma Procedure

Data Checks


Required Information (Questions)


Contact Details

Has the student changed their:

  • Addresses

  • Contact Numbers

  • Email Contacts

Citizen Status

Has the student citizenship status changed?

Emergency Contact

Has the emergency contact changed?


Has the student’s employment status changed?


What is the student’s current English level?

English Assistance

Does the student require assistance?

Highest Education

Has the student completed any further studies before returning to Strategix?

Attending Other School/s

Are they enrolled at any other schools?

Last Studied

Was the course at Strategix the last course they had completed/attended?

Concession status

Has the student’s concession status changed?

Funding Fields

Residency status

As above.

State funding residency requirement

Has the student moved or changed address in the state where funding is being supplied?

Previous completed qualification

As above.

Currently enrolled

As above.

Entry Requirements

Using VSL Funding

BKSB exit level 3 in English and Numeracy

If not using VSL Funding

BKSB exit level 3 in English and exit level 2 Numeracy in some qualifications

Administration Enrolment Tasks

The following process is normally used after the student has met all the eligibility requirements to enrol in WA LFLS Diploma.

Generate USI and Upload to TCSI

After generating the USI in the usual manner, click “Upload to TCSI” under the VET Related Details tab on the contact profile. This is only required for students who are eligible for VSL based on their Australian Citizenship status.

Confirm Enrolment

These actions put the student in progress and gives them access to the eLearning portal. Can be done once all eligibility requirements have been met or on the first day of the course.

  1. Click the “Confirm Enrolment and Schedule” button.

  2. Change the Enrolment date to “Today’s Date”.

  3. Change all subject status’ from N.R to NoSt using the bulk set outcomes tool.

  4. A list of subjects in the course will appear, leave all the default checkboxes ticked

  5. Tick the ‘No Fund’ checkbox next to the Vocational Placement subject

  6. Tick ‘Send Moodle Registration Details

  7. Update the VET Student Loans (VSL) fields. These fields must be recorded even if the student is not accessing VSL. The student will have answered these questions at the time of enrolment, you can look at the notes on the students contact notes to find the answers to these questions

  8. Update the student’s funding source and concession type depending on the student's preferred payment method. The two standard options are as follows;

  9. If paying via VSL or upfront payment (not accessing LFLS):

  10. If using LFLS funding (can be with or without VSL)

  11. Update the Course Source and Sales Representative fields. Refer to the student’s contact notes at the time of enrolment to record the answer to these questions accurately

  12. Click “Confirm Enrolment”

Record the Finance Model

On the next screen:

  • Record the finance model (only required for LFLS funded students)

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, select the option “Update VET Student Loans Units of Study now” and click “Submit”


Correctly adjust the following fields for each Unit of Study in the qualification:

  • Student Status:

    • 507 if accessing funding and paying contributions out of pocket

    • 407 if accessing funding and paying contributions via VSL

    • 401 if only using VSL and not accessing funding

    • 501 if paying up front and not using VSL or funding

  • Completion Status: (usually 4 but refer to College – Student Liaison Officer Manual for more info)
    Unit of Study Cost: (Click “Set To $xxxx” this will be the price automatically calculated for the number of nominal hours in each unit of study)

  • Student Contribution:

    • If paying all contributions out of pocket this should be the full value of the Unit of Study

    • If deferring the contribution to VET Student Loans this amount should be $0

    • Adjusting the Student Contribution value will automatically adjust the deferred amount

  • After adjusting all Units of study, check “View the enrolment summary” and click “Submit”

Upload to TCSI

Click TCSI button – A green tick should appear to confirm upload. Should there be any issues with this after a couple of attempts please contact Calvin Young for further assistance.

Subject Start Dates, End Dates and Delivery Mode

In the enrolment, click “Set All Subjects”, update the following information for each subject (opening this screen in a new tab might make this process easier so that you can refer to the dates listed on the enrolment page):

  • Start Date (the start date of each subject should align with each subject workshop start dates)

  • End Date (the end date of each subject should align with unit of study end date)

  • Delivery Mode/Location **

    • *For Campus students, Delivery mode should have “C – Local Classroom”. Subjects that require students to complete Vocational Placement need to also include “A – Workplace Assessment” on the Delivery Mode.

  • Click Submit


Note: No invoice is required if the student is deferring their fees to VSL. If the student is using LFLS, the student should be invoiced after they have provided all of their LFLS eligibility documentation:

  • Click the edit icon in the Finance Details section at the bottom of the enrolment

  • Select “Set up the student invoice now”

  • Invoice for: Select Subjects with the value calculated by finance model and cap by calendar year (WA)

  • Select the relevant calendar year (all subjects with a start date in the selected calendar year will be selected by default) and then select “Create Invoice”

  • Select the checkbox that says “Issue Invoice Number” then click “Save”

  • To send the invoice, go back to the enrolment. You can do this by clicking one of the line items in the invoice

  • In the finance area, you will see an invoice has been generated for each subject in the enrolment for the relevant year. In the example below its one invoice but there is an icon for each line item. Click one of the template icons to the right of the invoice.

  • Select the template called “WA- Strategix College Invoice”

  • Enter the census date for each subject. The census date should be 2 weeks after the start date of each subject. One method for doing this is to copy the start dates from the invoice into a spreadsheet and then use a formula to calculate the census date and paste each census date next to the relevant subject

  • Once all census dates have been entered, click “Save and Email”

  • Change the following settings to match those as per the image below

    • From (

    • Format (Send Template as PDF Attachment)

    • Email Content (WA – LFLS email content)

  • Send invoice to student*

*Repeat these steps at the beginning of every new calendar year with all WA students enrolled and in progress.

WA LFLS Certificate – Administration Enrolment Tasks

The following process is normally used after the student has met all the eligibility requirements to enrol in WA LFLS Certificate.

Confirm Enrolment

These actions put the student in progress and give them access to the eLearning portal. Can be done once all eligibility requirements have been met or on the first day of the course.

  • Click the “Confirm Enrolment and Schedule” button

  • Change the Enrolment date to “Today’s Date”

  • Change all subject status’ from N.R to NoSt using the bulk set outcomes tool

  • A list of subjects in the course will appear, leave all the default checkboxes ticked

  • Tick the ‘No Fund’ checkbox next to the Vocational Placement subject

  • A list of subjects in the course will appear, leave all the default checkboxes ticked

  • Update the following VSL fields only:

    • Study Reason: Can be found in the notes of the student's contact profile when they enrolled

    • Full-Time status: Yes

  • Update the student’s funding source and concession type depending on the student's preferred payment method. The two standard options are as follows;

  • If paying upfront:

  • If using LFLS funding

  • Update the Course Source and Sales Representative fields. Refer to the student's contact notes at the time of enrolment to record the answer to these questions accurately

  • Click “Confirm Enrolment”

  • Change the enrolment status back to Tentative until the student has provided all of their eligibility evidence

Record the Finance Model

On the next screen:

  • Record the finance model (only required for funded students)

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, select the option “View the enrolment summary” and click “Submit”

Subject Start Dates, End Dates and Delivery Modes

In the enrolment, click “Set All Subjects”, update the following information for each subject (opening this screen in a new tab might make this process easier so that you can refer to the dates listed on the enrolment page):

  • Start Date (the start date of each subject should align with each subject workshop start dates)

  • End Date (the end date of each subject should align with unit of study end date)

  • Delivery Mode/Location **

    • *For Campus students, Delivery mode should have “C – Local Classroom”. Subjects that require students to complete Vocational Placement need to also include “A – Workplace Assessment” on the Delivery Mode.

  • Click Submit.


To be done once the student has provided all of their LFLS eligibility evidence. To send the invoice to the student:

  • Click the edit icon in the Finance Details section at the bottom of the enrolment

  • Select “Set up the student invoice now”

  • Invoice for: Select Subjects with the value calculated by finance model and cap by calendar year (WA)

  • Select the relevant calendar year (all subjects with a start date in the selected calendar year will be selected by default) and then select “Create Invoice”

  • Select the checkbox that says “Issue Invoice Number” and add an invoice comment for the student if you would like. When you’ve finished click “Save”

  • To send the invoice, go back to the enrolment. You can do this by clicking one of the line items in the invoice

  • In the finance area, you will see an invoice has been generated for each subject in the enrolment for the relevant year. In the example below its one invoice but there is an icon for each line item. Click one of the template icons to the right of the invoice.

  • Select the template called “WA”

  • Click “Save and Email”

  • Change the following settings to match those as per the image below

    • From

    • Format

    • Email Content

  • Send invoice to student*

*Repeat these steps at the beginning of every new calendar year with all WA students enrolled and in progress.

Refund of Monies

To qualify for a refund the student must identify the funding or payment agreement/type made with Strategix. Where there are specific requirements that affect the student’s eligibility for a refund, further information can be found under Fee Refund Policy and Information.

Students can apply for a refund through either the Withdrawal Form (as part of the withdrawal process) or the Refund Request Form, both can be found on Strategix’s website.

Application Decision

Refunds are to be processed and assessed in line with the policy in this document and a decision made to either approve or refuse the refund.

If approved, to determine the amount of refund payable refer to the invoice template created and the census date for every subject. The student is due a refund for any paid amounts greater than the sum of subjects with a past unit of study. For example;

  • Total value of student contribution is $400

  • Student withdraws on the 30 August

  • As of 30 August student has made $300 in payments

  • Sum value of all census dates prior to 30 August is $200

  • Student is due a refund of $100

  • Any direct debit plans must be cancelled as of 30 August.

If an application for a refund is approved it must be forwarded to the Accounts Department. The Accounts Department is responsible for actioning the refund in line with /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038675188.

Accounts will process the refund within four (4) weeks from the point of Strategix receiving the completed application from the student (not from the point of being notified of the refund approval).

Refund Method

Generally, any monies to be refunded will be paid directly into the nominated bank account via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), all refunds are made in Australian Dollars.

The total refund amount may be affected by Bank charges/fees made by bank draft or electronic transfer. Where possible refunds into international bank accounts may be deposited by a local account through Cohort Go, this is to reduce transfer fees and any international exchange fees.

Processing Time

Refunds will be processed within four (4) weeks from the date of receiving the completed application. Supporting documentation should be provided when applying for a refund to be assessed. Failure to supply sufficient supporting documentation will delay the refund process.


Diploma of Nursing Enrolment Procedure

Student Marketing and Pre-Enrolment Information

Potential students will be informed prior to their enrolment, via the Course Handbook, and pre-enrolment and marketing documentation, of the following:

  • They must provide evidence of having sufficient language, literacy and numeracy skills to successfully undertake the program’s academic and workplace experience requirements, prior to commencing the program

  • They will be required by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to provide a formal English language skills test when applying for registration. This will demonstrate that they have achieved the NMBA-specified level of English language skills, prior to commencing the program

  • Education providers will, under the National Law, register students with the NMBA and notify the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency if a student undertaking clinical training has an impairment that may place the public at substantial risk of harm

  • Specific requirements for right of entry to health services for workplace experience

  • The NMBA requirements for registration as an enrolled nurse, including, but not limited to, the registration standard on English language skills.

Enrolment Criteria

Admission criteria for selection to the program will be clear, justifiable and published in the student Prospectus, on the website and other supporting documentation (e.g. the Course Handbook).

Support Services and Students at Risk

Information to students on support services will be provided via the Course Handbook, website and course induction. See the /wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3197239354.

The early identification and support for students that are not achieving academic learning outcomes or with conduct issues will follow those outlined in Strategix’s policies and procedures, including the Student Misconduct Policy and Procedure, Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure, Student Intervention Policy and Procedure, Attendance Policy and Procedure and Student Progress Policy and Procedure.



  • List here

Regulatory Documents

  • SNR 1.7, 3.5, 5.1 - 5.3 and 7.3

  • CRICOS 1,2,3

  • SAS 1,3,4,5

  • U/C 2

  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards, 2017 Standard 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5.

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


  • No labels