Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure

Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure


Table of Contents

Table of Contents








Apr 30, 2024



*See Information classification policy



Smart and Skilled Information


To be eligible for government-subsidised training under Smart and Skilled, the following general elibility requirements must be met:

  • 15 years old or over

  • No longer at school or is home-schooled

  • Living or working in NSW

  • An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, New Zealand citizen, humanitarian visa holder** or partner visa holder whose sponsor is a humanitarian visa holder.

As a condition of eligibility, students must also:

  • Provide Strategix with their USI, and

  • Log into their USI Account and provide "Strategix Training Group" and "Training Services NSW" with access to their USI transcript. This enables Strategix and Training Services NSW to view a student’s USI Transcript to validate their eligibility for Smart and Skilled and determine any Credit Transfers and/or fees.

Specific Requirements -

Entitlement Apprenticeships and Traineeships Program (Full Qualifications)

To be eligible to receive funding under this program a person must also:

  • Be a NSW Apprentice or New Entrant Trainee* and have an approved Training Contract in NSW; and

  • Have the approved Qualification shown on their Training Contract and the qualification must be on the NSW Skills List.

*A New Entrant Trainee is an employee who is enrolled in a nationally recognised course of study, within three months of commencement of employment.

**If the student holds a Bridging Visa, the student must provide a document from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection acknowledging that the bridging visa is linked to an application for a humanitarian visa.

NSW Fee Free

Smart and Skilled eligible students that enrol in a Fee Free priority qualification between 13 November 2023 to the 30 June 2024 with a commencement date between 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 are eligible for a fee free place, subject to the availability of a training place and funding.

Fee free places are limited and therefore a place is not guaranteed.

Eligibility Evidence Guide

Students must provide at least ONE piece of evidence for EACH eligibility category that applies:

Evidence List

Date of Birth

Live or Work in NSW*

Aust/NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident




NSW Driver’s Licence


Australian Passport


New Zealand Passport


Photo Card (Proof of Age Card)


Australian Birth Certificate


Other Birth Certificate



Any Commonwealth or NSW Government issued document providing evidence of living location



Citizenship Certificate



Permanent Humanitarian Visa

AND a Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) check, which confirms current Visa and status



Current Medicare Card (green only)



Certificate of Evidence of Resident Status (CERS), which confirms status as Australian permanent resident



Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) check, which confirms status as Australian permanent resident



Current NSW Employer Letter



Current NSW Employment Payslip



*Additional requirement for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Person who lives in specific defined interstate NSW border areas - Must provide evidence of living location (Any Commonwealth or NSW Government issued document).

Notification of Enrolment

Once a student has completed an Enrolment Form, Strategix will notify the Department through the Notification of Enrolment Process (see below). Eligibility for funding can only be determined once a student has passed through the Notification of Enrolment Process. Please note: The Notification of Enrolment process must not be concurrently completed for the same qualification and/or the same units of competency for the same or other qualification(s).

Discontinuing Training

If at any stage you wish to discontinue your training, you must formally notify Strategix through:


Co-Contribution Fees

Students receiving funding under the Smart and Skilled program must contribute towards the cost of their course/training. The fees may differ for each course; refer to the following table for pricing.

Please note, pricing may be different for delivery methods (online, campus and workplace). The price tables detail the fees and charges which are collected by Strategix.

Fees may be adjusted if Credit Transfers are applied. Credit Transfers must be supported by a copy of the certificate, statement of attainment or USI Transcript.

Fees may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party (but not by Strategix). If you are required to pay fees personally you will be given a payment advice that details the total amount due and a payment schedule.

Student fees are collected during the enrolment process. When a student withdraws or is cancelled, and they re-enrol into the course, they may be required to pay additional student fees for any units which require training and assessment.

Entitlement Apprenticeships and Traineeships Program^


Delivery Method

Student Fee*

Fee Exemption**

BSB30120 Cert III in Business




BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management




CHC33021 Cert III in Individual Support (Ageing)




CHC33021 Cert III in Individual Support (Disability)




FBP30121 Cert III in Food Processing




MSM30116 Cert III in Process Manufacturing




TLI31222 Cert III in Driving Operations




TLI30321 Cert III in Supply Chain Operations




^eligibilty criteria apply

*Previous qualifications do not affect eligibility; however, they may affect the student fee. Students with a post-school qualification, will pay a higher fee for their Smart and Skilled training than someone who does not have any qualifications.

**Students who meet the conditions outlined in the following table may be able to access the Fee Exemptions or receive an adjustment to their fee.

NSW Fee Free Program


Delivery Method

Student Fee

TPFQ - Fee Exemption**

TBD - Coming Soon^^




^^Subject to availability

Fee Exemptions and Variations

Where students are required to pay a student fee, they may be eligible for a partial or full fee exemption. Fee exemptions must be supported with evidence from the student to be eligible. Fee exemptions include:

Fee Exemption

Details / Evidence Required

Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students prove their status and eligibility for a fee exemption through self-identification, descent or community identification. Students will need to declare their status and be able to provide documentary evidence of community identification, if required.

Disability or Dependant or partner of a Recipient of a Disability Support Pension

Students who seek a fee exemption for a disability will need to provide one of the following:

  • A letter from Centrelink confirming receipt of the Disability Support Pension. The letter should show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

  • A current Disability Pensioner Concession Card that shows the CRN

  • A current Centrelink income statement for the Disability Support Pension, which clearly shows that income is for the disability pension and shows the CRN

  • Any other evidence that shows the CRN and confirms receipt of the Disability Support Pension

  • Documentary evidence of support needs due to the student’s disability. This evidence must be a letter or statement from one of the following:

    • A medical practitioner

    • An appropriate government agency such as Veteran’s Affairs or a TAFE NSW teacher consultant (for students with a disability)

    • A school counsellor or special education coordinator

    • Centrelink

    • Disability Service Provider

    • Job Capacity Assessor

    • A specialist allied health professional (including a rehabilitation counsellor, psychologist, speech pathologist, or occupational therapist).

A student who is a dependent/partner of a person with disability will need to provide documentary evidence to show they are a dependant child, spouse or partner of someone who is receiving a Commonwealth Government Disability Support Pension.

New Entrant

Under the NSW Government Fee Free Traineeship initiative, New Entrants who commence training on or after 1 January 2020 may be eligible for fee-free training. Fee-free is limited to a maximum of three traineeships.

Concession or Dependant of said Person

The recipient of a specified Commonwealth benefit or allowance, must provide one of the following for proof of eligibility for a concession:

  • A letter from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink) confirming receipt of the benefit. The letter should clearly show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

  • A current concession card that shows the CRN

  • A current Centrelink income statement that clearly shows the benefit or allowance category and the CRN

  • Any other evidence that clearly shows the CRN and the benefit or allowance category

  • Documentary evidence from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs stating their pension/benefits status

  • For people applying for Austudy or Newstart allowance, an approval letter from Centrelink that shows the CRN and indicates that commencement date of their benefit is within two weeks of their enrolment or two weeks within the date of the first-class attendance or participation in training.

Those seeking concession as a dependent child, spouse or partner of someone who is receiving a specified Commonwealth benefit or allowance must provide documentary evidence that Centrelink recognises the individual as the dependant. Evidence must show the CRN of the benefit or welfare recipient.

Note: There are no concessions for a student enrolling in a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.

Live, work or train in the Lismore, Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, the Richmond Valley, Clarence Valley, and Tweed Local Government Areas

Fee waivers are available for all Smart and Skilled students that enrol in training between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023 and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • The student’s residential location is within the LGAs affected by flood

  • The student’s workplace location is within the LGAs affected by flood

  • The course delivery location is within the LGAs affected by flood (except if it is by online delivery mode only).

Refugee or Asylum seeker (and eligible partners)

A refugee or asylum seeker (and their eligible partners) will be eligible for a fee exemption for training up to and including Certificate IV provided they hold or held one of the visas listed in the Smart and Skilled Student Eligibility Policy. These students will need to provide evidence of their visa documentation, or documentation such as an ImmiCard where appropriate.

NSW Fee Free - Veteran

  • DVA White Card.

NSW Fee Free - Veteran’s Recognised Partner

  • Statutory declaration.

Fee-Free Scholarships

A student undertaking a full qualification up to and including Certificate IV may be eligible for a Smart and Skilled Fee-free Scholarship if they are:

  • Aged between 15 and 30 (inclusive) at the start date for training and eligible for a concession fee (i.e. a Commonwealth Government benefit recipient); or

  • Meet the Out-of-Home Care definition at the time of enrolment and are:

    • Aged 15-17 years and currently in out-of-home care; or

    • Aged 18-30 years and previously in out-of-home care; or

    • Aged 15 and over, and be able to disclose (self-declare) at enrolment that they meet the domestic and family violence definition in the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)

Where student is granted CT or RPL, the qualification price will be adjusted and a new student fee determined. Refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.

Targeted Priorities Part Qualifications

There are no fees attached to Targeted Priorities Part Qualifications.

Support Needs

Where additional support needs are identified from the enrolment form, additional evidence will be required:

Enrolment Question

Details / Evidence Required

Q5 - Disability status

If ‘I have a disability’ is selected, one of the following will need to be provided:

  • A letter from Centrelink confirming receipt of the Disability Support Pension. The letter should show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)

  • A current Disability Pensioner Concession Card that shows the CRN

  • A current Centrelink income statement for the Disability Support Pension, which clearly shows that income is for the disability pension and shows the CRN

  • Any other evidence that shows the CRN and confirms receipt of the Disability Support Pension

  • Documentary evidence of support needs due to the student’s disability. This evidence must be a letter or statement from one of the following:

    • A medical practitioner

    • An appropriate government agency such as Veteran’s Affairs or a TAFE NSW teacher consultant (for students with a disability)

    • A school counsellor or special education coordinator

    • Centrelink

    • Disability Service Provider

    • Job Capacity Assessor

    • A specialist allied health professional (including a rehabilitation counsellor, psychologist, speech pathologist, or occupational therapist).

Q8 - Have you been unemployed for 52 weeks or more?

If 'yes' is selected, a letter from the Employment Service Provider confirming unemployed status and timeframe is required.

Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy

The Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy for further information on fees.


Notification of Enrolment Process

This process outlines the steps that prospective students must take to access government funding.

Note: This process does not apply to the School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship Programs.

STEP 1: Complete Enrolment Form

The first step is to complete an enrolment form which provides us (Strategix) with the necessary information about you and obtains your consent for us to undertake the Department's “Notification of Enrolment Process”.

STEP 2: Notification of Enrolment

Once we receive an enrolment form and your consent*, we start the Notification of Enrolment Process with the Department to inform them that you wish to access funding and to determine your eligibility and entitlements. This includes:

  • Inputting your details and validating your eligibility

  • Inputting any details of Credit Transfer (CT) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Providing Strategix and the NSW department access to your online USI record is mandatory to help us to complete this step. Refer to the Providing USI Transcript Access for a guide.

  • Using the fee calculator to determine your student fees

  • Generating a quote which will be provided to you.

Successful completion of the Notification of Enrolment Process will result in the issue of a Commitment ID. This Notification of Enrolment Process must be completed before any training is delivered to you.

*Note: if you do not provide consent, we cannot proceed with the Notification of Enrolment Process.

STEP 3: Training Plan

Once the Notification of Enrolment Process is complete, we will:

  • Work with you to create a Training Plan. Where applicable, this also includes working with your employer to creating a Training Plan Proposal and Contract ID

  • Commence your training on the Planned Start Date*.

*Note: If you do not commence on this date, your Commitment ID must be cancelled and we will need to go through the Notification of Enrolment Process again to create a new Commitment ID for the new start date.


Consent Wording

I understand and agree that, under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020, Strategix Training Group is required to collect personal information (information or an opinion about me), collected from me, my parent or guardian, such as my name, Unique Student Identifier, date of birth, contact details, training outcomes and performance, sensitive personal information (including my ethnicity or health information) and other enrolment and training activity-related information (together Personal Information) and disclose that Personal Information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

My Personal Information (including the personal information contained on my enrolment form and my training activity data) may be used or disclosed by Strategix Training Group for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. Strategix Training Group may disclose my personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

  • School – if I am a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;

  • Employer – if I am enrolled in training paid by my employer;

  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies, including the NSW Department of Education (Department);

  • NCVER;

  • Organisations (including the Department) conducting student surveys; and

  • Researchers.

Personal Information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

  • Issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;

  • Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;

  • Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and

  • Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

I may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor. I may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose my Personal Information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at http://www.ncver.edu.au).

The Department may disclose my Personal Information to other Australian government agencies, including those located in States and Territories outside New South Wales.

The above government agencies may use my Personal Information for any purpose relating to the exercise of their government functions, including but not limited to the evaluation and assessment of my training, the determination of my eligibility to receive subsidised training or for any Fee Exemptions or Concessions. My Personal Information may also be disclosed to other third parties if required by law.

I also acknowledge and agree that the Department may contact me by telephone, email or post, during or after I have ceased subsidised training with Strategix Training Group for the purposes of evaluating and assessing my subsidised training.

I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct.

I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my Personal Information in the manner outlined above.


Smart and Skilled Policy


To be eligible for government-subsidised training under Smart and Skilled, a student must meet the eligibility requirements.



Note, the Smart and Skilled Policies do not allow Strategix to charge the employer or student additional fees for travel or workplace visits.

Participated in Subsidised Training

Under the Smart and Skilled Terms and Conditions, Participated in Subsidised Training means:

  • The Enrolled Student has interacted and participated in the Subsidised Training with a trainer/assessor and/or student/learner management system in a manner that exceeds induction, mere attendance and/or accessing training materials; and

  • The Provider has documented this interaction and participation.

The key word above is exceeds, meaning that the interaction and participation in Subsidised Training with a trainer/assessor and/or student/learner management system must be more than induction, mere attendance and/or accessing training materials.

Examples include:

  • Workbook of an Enrolled Student containing relevant learning text for the UoC, with at least one written response to a question in that text by the Enrolled Student that is marked and/or contains feedback from a trainer/assessor

  • Quiz completed by an Enrolled Student in face-to-face training based on the UoC content delivered (e.g. to revise key points learned in the session) that is marked and/or contains feedback from a trainer/assessor

  • Recording of a training session that shows the Enrolled Student asking a question and being answered by the trainer, or the trainer asking a question and the Enrolled Student providing an answer, regarding the UoC content being delivered (includes questions asked and answered in the chat function of a lesson delivered via video-conferencing technology)

  • Record or document created by a trainer/assessor where the trainer/assessor has documented a verbal question asked and the answer provided in an interaction with the Enrolled Student regarding the UoC content in a training session

  • Extract from an online learning system that shows an Enrolled Student’s response to an online question asked in the course of the Enrolled Student’s progression through the UoC material; the online system should also capture other details such as date, time, duration of log in, and IP address of the computer

  • Record of the Enrolled Student’s completed assessment, such as:

    • Knowledge assessment for the UoC, e.g. written answers to written questions that have been marked by the assessor; or

    • Practical assessment for the UoC, e.g. observation report detailing the Enrolled Student’s performance marked by the assessor.


Smart and Skilled Procedure


The aim of this procedure is to ensure compliance with the Smart and Skilled contract between NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development and Strategix. This procedure outlines the process from the point of enrolment to the point of completion for students who will be completing their studies under the Smart and Skilled program.

Throughout this procedure, the term Client is used to refer to the employer of a student who will be undertaking a course as part of their employment (Traineeships and Existing Worker).


Person Responsible


Person Responsible


Client Engagement

Business Development Officer


Enrolment and Course Set Up

Administrative Assistant


Fee Collection

Administrative Assistant


Process/Finalise Enrolment

Administrative Assistant


Training and Assessment

Trainer, Assessor


Change to Status of Concession or Disability after Commencement

Administrative Assistant


Training Plan Review

Trainer, Assessor



Administrative Assistant



Administrative Assistant


Data Reporting



Industry Engagement

BDOs, Trainers

Client Engagement

New Clients and Part Qualifications

When an employer wishes to have their employee/s undertake a traineeship or part qualification, Strategix must work with the employer to gather information about the course and determine the employer’s and industry’s needs. The standard information that is discussed with the client is outlined in Strategix’s https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3043819619.

Where the client would like their employees to undertake a part qualification, a Training Needs Identification (TNI) Application needs to be submitted by Strategix to the Department for approval. The development of the TNI must be done during the consultation with the employer and the BDO. This is done as per the Smart and Skilled Policy and Procedure | TNI Procedure.

Where a TNI is required, no enrolments can occur until after the TNI application has been approved by the Department and the course has been developed by management and curriculum.

Enrolment and Course Set Up

The enrolment process is as follows:


Part or Full Qualifcation


Part or Full Qualifcation


Course Set Up

Course Set Up


Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form


Eligibility Checks

Eligibility Checks


Notification of Enrolment and Committment ID

Notification of Enrolment and Committment ID


Training Plan Proposal

Training Plan


Contract ID



Training Plan


The student must wait until after the enrolment process is completed before commencing their course. The https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3043819619 for more details surrounding the enrolment process for Traineeships.

Course Set Up

Prior to students being able to enrol on a course, the “intake” must be created by the Administrative assistant. Once created it is displayed on the website for the potential student to enrol. Intakes and Workshops for attendance are created using the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039133745, and following the Enrolment Policy and Procedure | Enrolment Procedure (specifically, the Enrolment Admin Tasks).

Where a workshop is required for a particular course, it is created at the same time the intake is created in aXcelerate. Students are not linked to the workshop until later in the enrolment process.

Enrolment Form

Students are to enrol via the enrolment links available on the Strategix website. The administrative assistant is responsible for creating the enrolment links as per the Enrolment Policy and Procedure.

Eligibility Checks

Ensure all student eligibility checks are completed. Including but not limited to:

  • Funding

  • Training contract is completed (if applicable)

  • Previous study and previous work history, credit transfers and recognition of prior learning

Eligibility documents are to be provided by the student and uploaded as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038904409.

Notification of Enrolment and Commitment ID

Students accessing funding in NSW must be taken through the Notification of Enrolment process on the department’s portal (STS Online). To undertake the Notification of Enrolment process, the administrative assistant logs onto STS Online, goes to Student Enrolment Notification and completes the following steps:

  1. Select Enquiry and notification - one at a time

  2. Select Next on the Preparatory information screen

  3. Select the activity period in which the student will commence their course

  4. Type the Qualification Code (for full qualifications) or select “PAS” for Part Qualifications and click search

  5. Select the qualification or course the student will be completing

  6. Fill out all mandatory fields (including the USI). All information is collected through the enrolment form and can be found on the student’s profile and within their enrolment file notes.

  7. If enrolled under a Waiver (eg. Fee Free Traineeship Initiative 01/01/2020-30/06/2024), select Yes to this question. Then select the name of the Waiver from the drop-down in Type of Waiver.

  8. If enrolled under a Strategy/Initiative, select Yes to this question. Then select the name of the Strategy/Initiative in Type of Strategy.

  9. Progress through the Provider Calculator following the department's Calculating the Fee and subsidy for RPL and CT procedure. Strategix must have access to the student's VET transcript to complete this step.
    The Provider Calculator will return one of four results:

    • Notified – for prospective students enrolling

    • Eligible – where the prospective student is eligible, and a fee and subsidy is quoted

    • Ineligible – where the student is ineligible

    • Rejected – data is invalid

      If there is an ineligible result, the uploaded data must be edited or have any additional information completed. The data will need to be resubmitted to complete the Notification of Enrolment process.

  10. The student is to be emailed the Student Copy of the quote and the Provider Copy is to be uploaded to the portfolio on their profile

  11. The NOE contains the student's Commitment ID, this is to be recorded against the student's enrolment on aXcelerate.

Fee Collection

Fees must be collected prior to completion of the course. Fees are to be collected as per the payment arrangement determined with the student and/or employer. The fees charged should match the price calculated during the creation of the Commitment ID, while also reflecting any concession or fee exemption status.

Process/ Finalise Enrolment

Students' enrolments are set to ‘In Progress’ after they have met the funding and course requirements in full. Only when a student’s enrolment is set to ‘In Progress’ and the student has attended the course can they be issued with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) that they can provide to their Job Active Provider, Centrelink or Employer as evidence they are actively enrolled in and attending a course.

Students who have not provided all required evidence are to remain as Tentative. A Tentative student is not to be provided with a Confirmation of Enrolment prior to their enrolment being completed and their enrolment being finalised.

After ensuring the following is completed, the enrolment is to be processed:

  • Performing any specific Enrolment Admin Tasks as per the Enrolment Policy and Procedure for each individual funding agreement via the specific procedure AND

  • Checking all evidence of eligibility is uploaded against the Student Portfolio Checklist, and the student’s Unique Student Identifier (USI) is obtained

The Administrative Assistant processes the enrolment by:

  • Updating all Enrolment Administration Details data, including but not limited to:

    • Traineeship details (if applicable)

    • Funding Source (National) = 11, Funding Source (State) = Blank, Contract/ Schedule = Blank

    • Commitment ID = As per the notification of enrolment/ STS online portal

    • Enrolment status = In Progress

  • Using the Set All Subjects tool:

  • Send the Confirmation of Enrolment, if it is not set to send automatically (refer to Email Triggers)

Training and Assessment

Training must commence within 10 weeks of the commitment ID being created.

Induction (Part and Full Qualifications ONLY)

Before starting training with Strategix, it is compulsory for all students to participate in induction to ensure they have all information supplied before the course commences. The individual conducting the induction will be referred to as the “Facilitator” throughout this Procedure.

Induction Steps

Person Responsible

Induction Steps

Person Responsible



Facilitator, Course Coordinator





Above the Line, Below the Line - Group Activity



Learner Needs Analysis



Learner Needs Review






Update aXcelerate, Send Training Plan

Facilitator, Course Coordinator


Commence Training


1. Preparation

Each Facilitator must ensure they have:

  • Sufficient devices and Wi-Fi access (1 per student with sufficient Wi-Fi connection availability)

  • Sent the “Academy Induction” email template (located in aXcelerate) to all students on the morning of the Induction before the students arrive. The email provides students with the links they need to complete their activities with the facilitator.

The Course Coordinator sets up the Course and Workshop as per https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039133745, which triggers the “Strategix assessapp – Account Confirmation” email to be sent to all students and releases the “Academy Induction - Induction Checklist” for students to complete after the induction.

2. Induction

During the induction, the facilitator marks attendance in the induction workshop on aXcelerate. If any students are in attendance but not in the workshop, please advise the course coordinator. This is to be done as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037168259.

The Facilitator performs the induction by covering the content in the induction:

This appendix outlines the content of the Induction. Note: Students complete a checklist and confirm where the information was covered by the Facilitator.


Instruction / Information


Instruction / Information

General Topics

Strategix Training Group

Courses, funding, and pathways

Site Safety

First aid, evacuation, fire extinguishers, emergency procedures and facilities (including smoking areas and rest rooms)


Personal belongings

Student Handbook

This information is included within the Student Handbook. Before covering each point below, remind the students that they were provided a copy of the Student Handbook at multiple stages throughout the enrolment process.

Student Support

Learner support procedure and opportunities

Complaints and Appeals

Informal and formal procedure

Access to Student Information and Records

Student records and certification

Fees and Refund Policy

Funding specific processes


Privacy and confidentiality, Anti-discrimination and Access and equity

RPL and Credit Transfer

Eligibility and evidence requirements

Training and Assessment

The following information is accessible in your assessment tools and assessment books

Assessment Policy and Procedures

Assessment process, standards, and timeframes



Course Specific Requirements

This information is only covered for and is mandatory for courses with vocational placement.

Vocational Industry Placement

Workplace components of specific courses

Blue Card / Police Checks

Mandatory for all Community Services Sector courses. Students with concerns, must discuss them with their trainer and contact their course coordinator.

Student Acknowledgement

Students Indicate their acceptance to the agreements by checking the box and completing the signatory section.

Student Information

The students acknowledge that they have been provided with all the above information and supplied with their rights, roles and responsibilities as a student undertaking a course of study. They also agree to their responsibilities and terms and conditions outlined in the enrolment declaration.

Media Release Consent

Students have a choice to give their consent or not.


The induction may include a tour of the training facilities. After the induction is completed, the students complete the “Academy Induction - Induction Checklist” through Cloud Assess.

3. Above the Line, Below the Line – Group Activity

This step is a group activity for all campus-based students. It sets Strategix’s expectations for student behaviour, effort and attitude. The activity should relate to the disciplinary procedure, and it is suggested that the facilitator creates a list of options/ideas with the class. This activity and the list of options/ideas will be used to set the tone and assist the trainers in maintaining appropriate behaviours during the course.







“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself”

~ Jim Rohn

Victor / Results











“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you.”

~ Wayne Dyer

Victim / Reasons





4. Learner Needs Quiz

For campus-based students to complete the Learner Needs Quiz, the Facilitator:

  • Helps the students confirm their account on Cloud Assess by directing them to the “Strategix assessapp – Account Confirmation” email:

  • Troubleshoots issues: If a student has:

    • Not received the Account Confirmation email have the student check if their email on aXcelerate is correct. If not, contact the course coordinator immediately

    • Forgotten or lost their password to their email have them submit a ‘forgot password’ request using their secondary contact email or phone number

    • Forgotten their Assessment Platform password, ensure they can log into their email and submit the ‘Forgot Password’ request. It is advisable that the student is patient and waits for the email to reset the password and does not re-submit as it can create confusion.

  • Directs the students to complete the Learner Needs Analysis: Students are required to complete the Learner Needs Analysis form in full. This information will be accessed and discussed with the Facilitator during the interview stage of this process

  • Have the students complete LLN Quiz. The Facilitator must emphasise to the students that it is important for the LLN Quiz to be their own work completed in their own time. Results of the quiz will vary between participants and the results will assist in determining any additional support that may be required. Note: If a student has previously completed a LLN Quiz with Strategix, they may choose not to re-sit the test and use the results from their previous assessment.

5. Learner Needs Analysis Review

Access results of the LLN Quiz by logging into the LLN robot:

Once logged into LLN robot, the Facilitator:

  1. Locates the student's LLN Quiz results

  2. Navigate to the Form Responses tab of the NSW Student Questionnaire (Responses) spreadsheet and locate the student

  3. Enter the scores for LLN Reading, LLN Numeracy, LLN Writing and LLN Oral next to the student’s name. See below for the interpretation of the scores*

Results interpretation for the LLN Quiz - Cert II or III

ACSF Exit Level


ACSF Exit Level



Pre-level 1 in means they do not have the LLN skills to do a Cert III level course; (If Pre-level one in Numeracy only - refer to the course trainer for advice (ability to complete the course will depend upon the course they are enrolled in)


May require additional learner support in class


May require additional learner support in class


May require additional learner support in class, depending on units to be completed


May require additional learner support in class, depending on units to be completed

*Pre-level scores - refer the student to an FSK provider in their local area and re-enrol once foundation skills updated. You could also suggest they do the Quiz again as this might be due to nerves or just having a bad day. We do not want to exclude people; our goal is to assist them to get their Cert III. See the Learner Support Policy and Procedure for further details and instructions.

Results interpretation for the LLN Quiz - Cert IV

ACSF Exit Level


ACSF Exit Level



Pre-level 1 in means they do not have the LLN skills to do a Cert IV level course


Exit level 1 means they do not have the LLN Skills to do a Cert IV level course


May require additional learner support in class


May require additional learner support in class, depending on units to be completed


May require additional learner support in class, depending on units to be completed

*Pre-level scores and exit level 1 - refer the student to an FSK provider in their local area and re-enrol once foundation skills updated. You could also suggest they do the Quiz again as this might be due to nerves or just having a bad day. We do not want to exclude people; our goal is to assist them to get their Cert IV. See the Learner Support Policy and Procedure for further details and instructions.

6. Interview

The interviews can start to occur once the first student completes their LLN Quiz and Learner Needs Questionnaire.

At the beginning of the student interview, ensure that the student has submitted their eligibility evidence, where they have not, make the necessary arrangements before continuing with the interview.

During the interview, ensure the following is addressed and completed:

  • Confirm student responses to the questionnaire and check/confirm learner support needs. If the spreadsheet has highlighted any areas of concern, discuss with student and select whether support is needed. Where support is needed, record the support needed in the relevant column of the spreadsheet

    • Navigate to the Mapping tab and if required, complete the “Other Comments / Additional Assistance Required” column

  • Reinforce the importance of attendance - this is a course that develops work and employability skills and is part of the course

  • Advise the student that they will receive a training plan outlining the dates they will need to class

  • Go through the questions and answers in the Learner Needs Questionnaire. Adjust answers as required based on your interview with the student

  • Discuss any potential learner difficulties with the student

  • Where needed, record any learner support needs the student may have and how these will be addressed

  • Tick the Induction and interview completed box.

7. Update aXcelerate, Send Training Plan

  • The Facilitator creates a note on Axcelerate with any special information regarding the student e.g., students’ special needs etc. and emails this information to the Course Trainer and Course Co-ordinator

  • The Facilitator sends eligibility evidence to Co-ordinator

  • The Facilitator returns money and receipts to head office

  • A Training Plan must be developed for each student and qualification. The Training Plan template is generated in aXcelerate, the appropriate template is to be selected depending upon the student type (Campus). The Training Plan template pulls information obtained during the enrolment to identify relevant steps to be taken with the student and if applicable, the employer, to create the Training Plan. Update the Training Plan with any additional information on student needs etc. Then send it to the student. The Training Plan must be signed by the student and Strategix and a copy uploaded to the student’s portfolio.

8. Commence Training

Training and assessment occur as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037167658

9. Record Attendance

Trainers/assessors are required to record attendance based on the student’s participation in all contact hours each week. The administrative process for recording attendance is outlined in the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037168259.

Attendance must be accurately recorded by:

  • 11am for Face to Face classes

  • 3pm for Blended classes

  • Within 24 hours for Workplace visits.

aXcelerate sends automated email notifications to a student if their attendance is unsatisfactory. If a trainer/assessor neglects to record attendance on time or incorrectly, a student may receive a notification where it is not due.

A student is to be marked as absent when:

  • The student missed contact hours for a day

  • The student attends minimal contact hours during a day

Change to Status of Concession or Disability After Commencement

If a student acquires a disability or concession status during their training, the administrative assistant must discontinue the enrolment against the current Commitment ID and create a new enrolment under a new Commitment ID and CT all applicable subjects. Refer to Smart and Skilled Declaring Students Status after Enrolment Policy (accessible through the documents area of STS Online). Note: the student may be due a refund, this will be identifiable by determining the difference in price between the old and new quote generated through STS online. Students must be provided with a refund of fees if applicable.

Training Plan Review (Traineeships only)

The Training Plan must be reviewed at least every 6 months. Refer to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3043623041.


  • Part and Full Qualifications: Upon completion, the student is awarded their qualification as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038150887

  • Traineeships: Upon completion:

    • The employer completes the “Employer Endorsement of Competence” section of the Training Plan. This must be done before the student's enrolment is set to complete or they are issued with a qualification

    • The trainer, student and employer complete the “Request for Competency-Based Completion” form. The form along with the final assessment/s and completed Training Plan, is handed into the administrative assistant to be entered into aXcelerate

    • The administrative assistant sets the qualification to Completed in aXcelerate

    • The student is awarded their qualification as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038150887.


Full withdrawal information is located in the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038281729. If applicable, refunds will be processed as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037364246.

  • Part and Full Qualification: Those undertaking training that is not a Traineeship, must advise Strategix if they wish to withdraw. This can be done through an email or by completing Strategix’s Withdrawal Form

  • Traineeships: For those who are undertaking a Traineeship, they must complete the Department's cancellation form. The form can be located on the department’s website

  • Enrolled students who discontinue or defer their training after commencement must be reported as TNC (training not completed) or D (Deferred).

Data Reporting & Financial Caps

Data is to be reported by the Compliance Team as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3053879297.

Financial caps will also need to be monitored regularly. Set in the Compliance calendar for a monthly check however Compliance will only need to send to Management when there are changes or concerns with the figures i.e getting close to the cap amount.

  • Login to STS NSW portal

  • Go to RTO Contract Services heading

  • Scroll down to 'Smart and Skilled eReporting' section (left hand menu)

  • Select Financial Information Files

  • Click ‘Regenerate File’ at bottom of the page

  • Click the FinCapEstimateFile (should be 2nd file link from the bottom of the page)

  • Download file

  • Open the previous/most recent report found in Quality> Funding Sources> NSW Smart and Skilled 23-24> Financial Cap Estimates. You will then need to Save as a new workbook and change the date to today’s date in the title. Your file should be saved something like this: NSW - Financial Cap Estimate 23-24 (today’s date).

  • Copy the new data from the downloaded file. Ensure you only copy up to the end of column (AO). If you copy past this column the data won’t paste correctly and will show with an error message (see screenshot below on where to copy to.)

  • Paste this date into your Saved Excel worksheet in the ‘Data and Calculations’ tab. Paste data in the current activity period column in cell B2. This will collate the data into the pivot table which is on the ‘Summary’ tab.

  • Once new data is pasted delete any existing data that is in the rows below.

  • Go to the Summary Tab. You will see the pivot table. Right click anywhere on the pivot table and select ‘Refresh’. It will now automatically pull over the data from the Data and Calculations tab. Below is a image of the pivot table.



  • Send email with up-to-date figures to management - Search for previous email that was sent to see what to say. In sent emails search: ‘Update on NSW financial cap’

Payment of Funding

Note, NSW pays funding in instalments:

  • Certificates, Prevocational & Part Qualifications:

    • 20% of subsidy payable - one UOC is reported with 20 (C), 30 (CNA), 40 (W), 51 (RPL) or 70 (CA)

    • 40% of subsidy payable - 50% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60 (CT) & at least one is 20, 30, 40 or 51

    • Remaining (40%) payable - 100% of the UOCs are reported with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60.

  • Diploma or Advanced Diplomas:

    • 10% of subsidy payable - one UOC is reported with 20 (C), 30 (CNA), 40 (W), 51 (RPL) or 70 (CA)

    • 20% of subsidy payable - 25% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60 (CT) & at least one is 20, 30, 40 or 51

    • 25% of subsidy payable - 50% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60 (CT)

    • 20% of subsidy payable - 75% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60 (CT)

    • Remaining (25%) payable - 100% of the UOCs are reported with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60.

  • Apprenticeships:

    • 10% of subsidy payable - one UOC is reported with 20 (C), 30 (CNA), 40 (W), 51 (RPL) or 70 (CA)

    • 10% of subsidy payable - 16% of the UOC are reported with 20 (C), 30 (CNA), 40 (W), 51 (RPL) or 60 & at least one is 20, 30, 40 or 51

    • 16% of subsidy payable - 33% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60

    • 16% of subsidy payable - 49% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60

    • 16% of subsidy payable - 66% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60

    • 16% of subsidy payable - 83% of the UOC are reporting with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60

    • Remaining (16%) payable - 100% of the UOCs are reported with 20, 30, 40, 51 or 60.

Refer to the Smart and Skilled Contract Terms and Conditions (Section 17.3) for further information on payment of subsidies.

Industry Engagement and Assessment Validation

Strategix is expected to engage with industry, which includes engaging with employers industry associations and/or specific enterprises. Engagement:

  • Confirms training and assessment are current and relevant

  • Supports vocational competence and complies with the RTO Standards.

It is expected that Strategix participate actively in industry networks and partnerships. Evidence must be retained to demonstrate engagement with industry. Engagement and evidence are covered in Strategix’s Professional Development Program, specifically in the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038543876.

As part of Strategix’s Professional Development Program, Strategix also engages employers to independently validate assessments through Industry Consultation.


TNI Procedure


Person Responsible


Person Responsible

Find Employer

Business Development Officer

Complete TNI Details Collection Form and Include Supporting Evidence

Business Development Officer

Submission of TNI Application

Administrative Assistant, Senior Management or Compliance

Department Review and Approval or Denial

Training Services NSW

Course Development and Course Creation

Management, Compliance and Administrative Assistant

Enrolment Process

Administrative Assistant

Find Employer

The Business Development Officer (BDO) is responsible for:

  • Finding and identifying employers who wish to employ individuals who meet specific knowledge and skill levels (the employers need, AKA the industry need);

  • Consulting with the employer/s to identify how Strategix can meet the employer/industry need through running a course that will provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required to make them prime candidates for the employer to hire.

The discussion with the employer should include:

  • Reasons for the need for the course

  • If the training is targeting a specific industry

  • How the potential student(s) have been identified

  • The proposed enrolment and completion period/dates

  • The number of potential students

  • The delivery mode

  • The delivery location

  • The name and contact details for the organisation and any partner organisation

  • How the training will enable the potential student(s) to transition to a higher qualification or employment

  • The intended outcome of the training, i.e. employment opportunities, traineeships, further training

  • If there any special needs or requirements of the students

  • What the intended outcome of the training is (Apprenticeship, traineeship, employment, upskilled work and/or further training).

Do not promise enrolments at this stage - there is no guarantee that the course will happen until after the TNI has been assessed and approved by the department.

Complete TNI Application and Include Supporting Evidence

The BDO must record the discussed information in the TNI Application and collect and collate any supporting evidence. All fields/areas in the TNI Application are mandatory and an application cannot be submitted to the department if it is not fully completed. Supporting evidence must be obtained to be included in the application, if an application does not have supporting evidence it will be denied by the department. Supporting evidence includes:

To complete the TNI Application:

  • Log in to the portal using a personal MyGov login

  • Click on Training Needs Identification Search

  • Click on New TNI Application

  • Fill out all required fields using the information obtained during the consultation stage and the TNI Application Questions (below) and the TNI Admin Details (below)

  • Attach applicable documents (this should include evidence of conversations or support letters with/from the organisation/employer/industry)

  • Complete the Declaration

  • Click Save Progress and notify the Course Coordinator, Workplace Manager and Quality and Compliance Manager that it is ready for review.

Program Details


Program Details



Select the relevant program:

  • Targeted priorities prevocational and Part Qualifications

Program Stream

  • Targeted priorities prevocational and Part Qualifications (Part Qualifications Targeted Skills

What is the employment status of the student(s)?

Select one:

  • Job Seekers

  • Existing Workers

  • Both

Target Group Type

Specific Target Group or Mixed group

Is this training targeting a specific industry?

Yes – Select Target Industry

Training Details


Training Details


Proposed Training Enrolment Period

In our terms, the Enrolment Time Period is the Enrolment and Commencement period. The End Date must be one (1) week past the commencement day.

Example: If the course was due to commence on the 1st then the Enrolment End Date should be the 7th.

No. of Places

Estimated student numbers

Proposed Training Completion Date

This is the date the program is to be completed by. This date must be one (1) month after the allocated target date.

What occupational outcome is this training targeting?

As per TNI Admin Details


As per TNI Admin Details

Delivery Mode


  • Classroom

  • Work based

  • Online/Correspondence

  • Mixed Mode

Delivery Address

New or Existing site?


TNI Details Collection Form

Training Rationale


Training Rationale


Training need identified by

Select relevant party

Is there an employer associated with this training need

Select yes or no and provide details where requested

Partner Organisation? Yes or no

Is any other partner organisation associated with this identified training need? E.g.: Industry body, Jobactive service provider, etc.

Q1. Who was involved in developing the identified training need?

Local employer to support job seekers wishing to pursue a career in …

Job Active providers who have been working with employers and job seekers.

Strategix Training Group (converting the needs of employers into units of competency, designing the course).

Q2. How have the student(s) been identified?

The potential students have been identified through:

  • Potential employer/s – The employer/s mentioned above (refer to Q1) will be willing to employ individuals with the skills and knowledge which this course will provide

  • Job Active Provider/s – Who have employers asking for individuals with the knowledge and skills outlined within this document.

  • General public – Individuals have advised our staff, during our Employability Skills Training and/or marketing efforts, that they need the skills and knowledge outlined within this document. Their comments match those of potential employers.

Q3 How will this training enable the student to transition to a higher qualification or employment?

Employers are requesting students be trained in the core skills prior to commencement of employment.

The subjects included in this training were selected based on feedback from local employers who identified several basic skills that they want from new candidates for employment. After completing the training candidates will hold the knowledge and skills that employers are seeking in potential employees.

The selected units open a pathway for students to upskill and to complete … Independently or preferably, complete it through Traineeship with their employer. Traineeships have been spoken about with potential employers and are something which they will consider with student who do this course.

Q4. How will you address any special needs or requirements of students undertaking this training?

We work closely with referring organisations to ensure the appropriate job seekers are referred into the course, including suitability to work in the sector.

Students requiring additional assistance will be identified during enrolment and at the commencement of the course through the enrolment form and during the induction.

We adjust our training and support provided based on the results of the enrolment and induction. Strategies may include after class support, reasonable adjustment in assessment, one on one sessions, assistance with LLN barriers.

Question 5. What is the intended outcome of this training? (Select all applicable)

Apprenticeship Traineeship Employment Upskilled Work Further Training

Q6. What will be the benefits for the specified industry and/or employer?

Course content will assist the students in meeting pre-employment requirements and employers will gain access to candidates who are work-ready and equipped with the basic skills and knowledge of the industry.

There may be Quantity or more possible positions to be filled at Company, post course.

Employers have identified that knowledge and skills within this course are things which are lacking within the industry, the training would also complement the industry by increasing employment standards.

Check TNI Application

The Course Coordinator logs into STS Online (the department's portal) and reviews the TNI application.

Submit Application

The Quality and Compliance Manager reviews the TNI Application and submits, where appropriate:

  • Review course details

  • Confirm correct cohorts and regions have been selected

  • Confirm correct letter of support has been uploaded

  • Read the paragraphs on consultation and partnerships etc to confirm is correct for submission

  • Check dates - should try to give leeway with dates - i.e. give 4-8 weeks between enrolments and finishing to provide options for completing more students or to do another intake during that time

  • Ensure it meets the requirements for TNI/part qualifications - refer to most recent Part Qualifications Guidelines on the STS portal.

Department Approval

The department will either approve or deny the TNI application. The BDO may need to obtain more information from the STS agent and adjust the TNI or collect supporting evidence to strengthen the application. Ideally, by submitting as much detail and information the first-time round will eliminate the need to take this extra step.

Strategix Acceptance

After the Department has reviewed it, the Authorised Representative on STS Online must accept the Application on the STS portal (Quality and Compliance Manager will need to email the request for approval to the Authorised Representative).

Following this, the approved TNI will be available on STS online for download and sent to the Quality and Compliance Manager. The Quality and Compliance Manager will forward the approved TNI to the relevant Course Coordinator, Manager and BDO for their reference.

Course Development and Course Creation

Once approved, a Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) is to be created for the course, and it is taken through the development stages on the Scope Management Checklist.

Enrolment Process

After the development stage has been completed, the administrative assistant creates the course in aXcelerate and obtains the enrolment link. Enrolments are processed by following the full https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038576677/Smart+and+Skilled+Policy+and+Procedure#Smart-and-Skilled-Procedure above and https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3043819619 (if applicable).

Induction Process

Add the Induction subject to enrolment. - The enrolment status is to be updated to ‘In Progress’ (only for the purpose of adding the Induction, and then put back to tentative). Send relevant Induction email template from aXcelerate. If enrolment is on Cloud Assess, Integrate and Pull Enrolments to bring in the Induction unit.

As part of the induction each student must participate in a Learner Needs Analysis (LNA).

For short courses, the LNA consists of the LLN Short Answer Questions assessment within the induction unit on Cloud Assess. This assessment must be completed by all students. Depending on the outcome, trainers may make recommendations for further support for a student.

TNI Outcomes

Once the course is completed, the TNI Outcomes forms needs to be filled in to provide feedback and employment outcomes. The completed form must be submitted within 6 weeks from the course completion. Failure to submit this may delay or impact future applications for funding.

After the approval email, there will be a separate email received with the subject “Mandatory Reporting Outcomes”. This will have the TNI Outcomes form attached, with the relevant TNI number and dates etc. pre-filled. Once the form is completed, submit it as per the instructions in the email.

An example TNI Outcomes form can be viewed here: .

Quality then updates the TNI Outcomes Spreadsheet with the details. This information can be used for future tenders to provide information on our outcomes.


Marketing Guidelines for Smart and Skilled


Marketing Material:

  • Must display our legal name and RTO code

  • Must include subsidies

  • Must use the statement “This training is subsidised by the NSW Government”

  • Cannot use the words ‘free of charge’, discounted, or subsidised by Strategix*

  • Cannot use logos etc without permission from NSW.


  • Homepage must contain a direct link to the Smart and Skilled Website

  • List our approved Qualifications

  • Outline the Notification of Enrolment Process and provider’s enrolment process (inc consents, declarations the student must make) and when info is required. This is included in the Smart and Skilled Fact Sheet

  • Provide information on how to get a USI. This is included in the Student Handbook

  • Student information – i.e. fees, RPL, VSL, Consumer protection, withdrawals, support, contact details, etc. This is included in the Student Handbook

  • Additional support – i.e. learner support. This is included in the Student Handbook.


  • NSW Smart and Skilled


Regulatory Documents

  • Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines

  • Smart and Skilled Contract Terms and Conditions

  • 1.1 Marketing of Smart and Skilled




  • Promotion and Marketing Section

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


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