eLearning Portal Policy and Procedure (Moodle)



Needs review






Jun 26, 2023


Need to link in other procedures

To be updated with the Enrolment and funding procedures

Most likely re-name to eLearning (Moodle) Portal Policy and Procedure, and include more details instead of just access

*See Information classification policy


Content of policy. Use BOLD Headings 1, 2, 3 & 4 to break up content.


Intakes and Access Procedure



Person Responsible


Person Responsible

Add Access, and

Remove Credit Transfers

Administrative Assistant

Check Login Sent

Administrative Assistant

Re-send Login

Administrative Assistant

Check Access

Administrative Assistant

Moodle Groups

Administrative Assistant

Add Access and Remove Credit Transfers

  • Open enrolment in aXcelerate

  • Scroll down to the Enrol in linked E-Learning section

  • Tick the boxes for E-Learning Activities as well as Send Moodle Registration Details

  • If a student has Credit Transfer(s), untick the box for the specific subject(s)

  • Select Update enrolment

    • This is the stage in which the students will receive an automatic email with their Username and Password to the eLearning portal.

  • Students are provided with access to the subjects according to the Start and End Dates in aXcelerate

Remove Credit Transfer

If a Credit Transfer is applied after the point of enrolment, to remove the unit from the portal:

  • Open enrolment in aXcelerate

  • Click on the “m” symbol in the E-Learning

  • Select Actions, then Delete Enrolment from the drop-down menu

  • Select Ok

Check Login Sent

Login details (username and password) will only be sent automatically if it is the student’s first enrolment (in any Moodle course). Check eLearning portal login details have been sent:

  • Open student’s aXcelerate profile and refer to the Contact Notes

  • Check if the below note is recorded:

Re-send Login

If the login details do not send automatically, or if the student has previously been given access to the elearning portal (e.g. re-enrolment), the Administrative Assistant will need to reset their elearning portal password and send an email with the updated login details:

  1. Find student's profile on the elearning portal in the People - Participants section

  2. Select Edit Profile

  3. Generate new password via https://passwordsgenerator.net/, and copy this into the New password field

  4. Tick the box for Force password change

  5. Scroll to the bottom and select Update profile

  6. In aXcelerate, select Template

  7. Search for the Online Learning Registration Details template

  8. Copy and paste the username and new password into the fields

  9. Select Save and Email and follow the prompts to send

Check Access

  • Open enrolment in aXcelerate

  • Ensure the subjects in the qualification show the “m” symbol, unless the subject is a Credit Transfer. Clustered credit transfers should show “m” as students should have access to these subjects (as below)


Apply Credit Transfer

Moodle Groups

Groups in Moodle are to be set up according to the .



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • List here

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:
