Extension Policy and Procedure

Extension Policy and Procedure









Nov 4, 2024


If the name of the “Complaints and Appeals Information Sheet” changes, this reference to it needs to be updated. A change to the name of that hinges on NSW requirements. Also need to update the standards section

*See Information classification policy


Extension Policy


Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the trainer/facilitator on a case-by-case basis. Requests for extensions are to be submitted in writing via email to your trainer/facilitator at least 48 hours prior to the assessment due date. If an assessment is not submitted by the due date, and no extension has been granted, a ‘Competency Not Achieved’ (CNA) result will be awarded for the assessment.

Students may be afforded additional time to complete assessments where they have not had sufficient time to adequately practise tasks as required.

Extension Information

There are two (2) types of extensions available to a student:

  1. Assessment Extension – To delay the submission date for an assessment in progress (where additional time is required to complete an assessment) and/or,

  2. Course Extension – To extend the duration of a course in order to receive additional time to study and complete assessments.

Assessment Extensions

Assessment tasks must be submitted by the due date or at the end of a Unit of Study. Strategix’ priority is to encourage and enable students to complete their assessments on time. It becomes increasingly difficult for both assessor and student alike to try and catch-up while maintaining normal progression through the course.

Assessment extensions may be granted at the discretion of the assessor on a case-by-case basis. An assessment extension is not to impact the duration or end date of a student’s course.

When an assessment extension is granted Students are expected to attend/maintain current progress and attend scheduled course contact hours in addition to working on their assessment extension. Where a student is unable to meet these requirements, they may need to apply for a course extension instead.

How to Apply - Requests should be submitted in writing via an email to the assessor at least 48 hours prior to the assessment due date.

Duration - Generally assessment extensions are for a maximum period of up to two weeks, in extreme or unusual circumstances, there is scope for a longer duration to be granted.

Course Extensions

Course extensions should be requested at least 14 days (unless specified as different for the funding/ student type) prior to the end of the course.

The duration for a course extension is a determined on a case-by-case basis. The following may be taken into consideration; the student’s situation/reasons for an extension, when the next available intake or training for the course will occur, the expiry date of a visa or traineeship, etc.

Course extensions may incur additional fees/charges to the course cost due to additional training and time being required for the course.

Where an extension is not appropriate or has been denied, students may have the option to defer (put on hold) their course or to withdraw from their course until such time where the student is able to meet attendance and or course progression requirements. This is especially ideal for students who have compassionate or compelling circumstances. Refer to the Deferral Information Sheet and the Student Withdrawal and Cancellation Information Sheet.

Students should participate in and attend their course as normal until a decision has been made on their application.

If Strategix was to deny an extension request, students have a right to appeal the decision. Whilst the appeal is in process the student is required to continue to maintain scheduled course progression. Refer to the Complaints and Appeals Information Sheet.

Specific conditions and procedures are applicable to various student/funding types, these conditions and their corresponding are located below as follows:

  • College Student Conditions

  • International Student Conditions

  • Apprenticeship and Traineeship Conditions

College Student Conditions

Academic Penalty Date

Students are automatically given an allowance called an academic penalty date. The Academic Penalty Date is 12 months after the expected completion date of the course. For example:

  • Qualification: Diploma of Community Services

  • Nominal Duration: 12 months

  • Commencement Date: 1st January 2017

  • Expected Completion Date: 31st December 2017

  • Academic Penalty Date: 31st December 2018

VET Student Loans (VSL) students are reviewed in order to determine what point the student will be withdrawn. Students who do not indicate they would like to extend their studies will be withdrawn.

Applying for Extensions Before the Academic Penalty Date

Nominal durations apply at both the course and unit of study level. Students unable to complete any assessment within the nominal duration can request via email or phone or in person any extension that falls before the academic penalty date. Extensions are only awarded upon request and you can request as many extensions (within the nominal time frame) as you need.

When applying for an extension we recommend choosing a specific and measurable date that is not too distant in the future. Our friendly staff will assist you with choosing this date and in setting goals that will help you reach your completion goals within the extension period.

Applying for Extensions After the Academic Penalty Date

If students have passed the academic penalty date and have not yet completed their course they may request for an additional extension. This request is a formalised process and students must apply by completing the online form (available by contacting Strategix).

When applying for an extension after the academic penalty date, students should provide as much evidence as possible to strengthen their application.

Extensions will be awarded based on the assessment of the following:

  • Reasons why the student was unable to complete prior to the academic penalty date

  • Evidence (or lack of) provided with the extension request

  • Amount of study undertaken during the academic penalty date

  • Current progress through the course

  • Length of requested extension

Upon receipt of an extension request, Strategix will make an assessment and respond within 28 days of the submission of the application.

Where Strategix awards an extension, Strategix also reserves the right to impose additional conditions. The conditions will be mandatory to maintain enrolment and will be related to course activity and assessment completion/submission.

International Student Conditions

Strategix will notify the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) through PRISMS of any change to the conditions of a student’s enrolment.

Limitations to extensions for international students are set by National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

In line with these requirements Strategix will not extend the duration of an international student’s enrolment if the international student is unable to complete the course within the expected duration, unless:

  • There are compassionate or compelling circumstances(see below), as assessed by Strategix on the basis of demonstrable evidence, or

  • Strategix has implemented, or is in the process of implementing, an intervention strategy for the student because the overseas student is at risk of not meeting course progress requirements, or

  • An approved deferral or suspension of the student’s enrolment has occurred under Standard 9 (Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student’s enrolment) and as per Deferral Information Sheet.

If Strategix extends the duration of a student’s enrolment and the student’s visa will expire prior to completion of the course, the student will need to apply for a new Student visa (subclass 500) to complete their study. More information about the Student visa (subclass 500) is available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Evidence of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances

Applications must be submitted writing via email and include all applicable information and supporting evidence. Supporting documents/evidence (must be originals or certified copies) such as:

  • Medical certificate or supporting documentation from registered psychologist/medical practitioner

  • Death certificate (of family close member)

  • Police or psychologist’s report

  • Letters from an authentic source (translated) supporting the extension request.

Apprenticeship and Traineeship Conditions

Where a student is undertaking an Apprenticeship or Traineeship they must complete the applicable state variation/extension form in order for their course to be extended.

The forms are required to be completed by the Apprentice/Trainee, the Employer and Strategix.

New South Wales

Application to vary an apprenticeship or traineeship by consent” under the heading “Contract variations”.


ATF-014 Extension of nominal term of a registered training contract


International Student Extension Procedure


Person Responsible


Person Responsible


Extension Request

Student, Trainer


Administrative Tasks

Student, Trainer


Monitoring Progression

Student, Trainer

Extension Request

Extensions may be initiated by:

Administrative Tasks

Trainers are to approve assessment extensions and managers are to approve a course extension. When an extension has been approved, the trainer is responsible for:

  • Advising the administrative assistant whenever an extension has been approved

  • Generating and completing the Extension Approval/Plan template in aXcelerate.

Administrative assistants are responsible for transferring students who are on a course extension into a course/class/intake and workshop that matches the timeframe of the extension. If an assessment is not submitted by the due date, and no extension has been granted, a ‘Competency Not Achieved’ (CNA) result may be awarded for the subject. Students may be withdrawn as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure.

Monitoring Progression

The student is responsible for ensuring they complete the tasks required in the appropriate timeframes. The trainer is responsible for monitoring progression. Each time the template is updated it is to be saved and emailed to the student, this will record the student's progression through the extension in aXcelerate and count towards their attendance where appropriate.


Apprenticeship and Traineeship Procedure



Person Responsible


Person Responsible


Extension Request

Student, Trainer


Administrative Tasks

Student, Trainer


Monitoring Progression

Student, Trainer

Extension Request

Extensions may be initiated by:

  • A student who requests an extension via an email to the trainer or,

  • A Staff member, generally after a student has received additional support. This is initiated through theIntervention Policy and Procedurearchived.

Administrative Tasks

Trainers are to approve assessment extensions and managers are to approve a course extension. When an extension has been approved, the Coordinator is responsible to:

  • Advise the trainer whenever an extension has been approved

  • Generate and complete the Extension Approval/Plan template in aXcelerate.

  • Generate and complete the ‘QLD Traineeship Extension Support Plan’ (found in templates). This is required when the student is on a traineeship. This template includes a ‘support measures implemented’ section so the Coordinator can enter the specific support measures (see below for options ) as well as liaising with the trainer on what to say:

    • Regular Check-ins: Weekly or fortnightly progress meetings to monitor

    • Trainer Support: Increased access to one-on-one guidance from the trainer/assessor to ensure they remain on track.

    • Flexible Learning Options: Adjustments to deadlines and scheduling to accommodate the individual needs

    • Regular Progress Review: Frequent check-ins to monitor progress, address concerns, and set achievable short-term goals

    • Frequent Employer Engagement: Regular communication with the employer

  • On the template the ‘New Proposed Nominal Completion Date’ automatically pulls from the nominal completion date field. Below is what the template looks like



Administrative assistants are responsible for transferring students who are on a course extension into a course/class/intake and workshop that matches the timeframe of the extension. If an assessment is not submitted by the due date, and/or no extension has been granted, a student may be withdrawn as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure.

Monitoring Progression

The student is responsible for ensuring they complete the tasks required in the appropriate timeframes. The trainer is responsible for monitoring progression.

Each time the template is updated it is to be saved and emailed to the student, this will record the student's progression through the extension in aXcelerate and count towards their attendance where appropriate.



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • CRICOS 8.16

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


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