QLD - Certificate 3 Guarantee Fact Sheet

Funding Details

Strategix Training Group is an approved Skills Assure Supplier, this means you may be able to access funding while studying with us. The Certificate 3 Guarantee Program is one type of funding offered by the QLD Government.

In this document, you will find all the relevant information on funding and how it relates to eligible students. If you choose to enrol and apply for funding, you will receive both a tentative enrolment email and a confirmation of enrolment which will provide you with the specific times, locations, and requirements for your enrolment.

If you complete a course under the Certificate 3 Guarantee arrangements you will be no longer eligible to access further funding under the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program.

You will receive and be required to complete a student training and employment survey from the Department of Small Business and Training within three months of completing or discontinuing the qualification.

For independent information please access the department's Certificate 3 Guarantee student factsheet.



Fees and Charges

Refund Policy

Course Details

Training Timeline/s

Qualification Code

Qualification Name


Structured Online*




Cert III in Business

12 weeks

Not Available

12 months

12 months


Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care

21 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in School Based Education Support

22 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available


Cert III in Community Services

16 weeks

16 weeks

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Individual Support

20 weeks

20 weeks

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Individual Support

23 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Food Processing

12 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Process Manufacturing

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Retail

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available


Cert III in Hospitality

20 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available


Cert III in Supply Chain Operations

Enquire for Availability

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Driving Operations

12 weeks

Not Available

Not Available

12 months


Cert III in Health Services Assistance

TBD - Coming Soon

TBD - Coming Soon

TBD - Coming Soon

TBD - Coming Soon

*Students are afforded additional time and opportunities where required (assessed on a case-by-case basis).

Special Requirements

Qualification Code

Qualification Name


Special Requirements


Cert III in Business

Not required

Must have a computer and regular access to internet


Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care


Students are required to obtain a Blue Card prior to attending Vocational Placement.


Cert III in School Based Education Support


Students are required to obtain a Blue Card prior to attending Vocational Placement.


Cert III in Community Services


Students are required to obtain the site-specific clearances to participate in Vocational Placement, this may include Disability clearance, Blue card or police check.


Cert III in Individual Support


Students no longer require a federal police check to complete Individual Support. Instead this is covered in the Yellow Card application which is free for volunteers. Persons accessing NDIS clients will also require a Disability clearance, this is completed with the host or employer. Students can complete this course without a blue card provided the host service they are doing VP with does not require one


Cert III in Individual Support


Students no longer require a federal police check to complete Individual Support. Instead this is covered in the Yellow Card application which is free for volunteers. Persons accessing NDIS clients will also require a Disability clearance, this is completed with the host or employer. Students can complete this course without a blue card provided the host service they are doing VP with does not require one


Cert III in Hospitality

36 services

No special requirements

Delivery Locations

Learner Support Services