Certificate 3 Guarantee Funding Policy and Procedure
Status | Needs review |
Classification* | PUBLIC |
Department | ACADEMY |
Review | Mar 11, 2024 |
Notes |
Eligibility Requirements
The eligibility criteria for the Certificate 3 Guarantee program is set by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET). To be eligible for government assistance, prospective students must meet and provide evidence for the following eligibility criteria:
Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or Australian permanent resident (including humanitarian entrants), or a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency*
Be a Queensland Resident
Aged 15 years of age or older
No longer at school
Not hold, or not be enrolled in a certificate III or higher level qualification** (not including qualifications completed at school and foundations skills training - e.g 10363NAT Certificate lll in Spoken and Written English foundation skills)***
*This may include some humanitarian entrant or temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permit on the pathway to permanent residency. Contact Strategix for visa checks.
**Certificate lll or higher regardless of whether it was under funding or fee for service
***A certificate III qualification completed at secondary school and/or a Certificate level I to Advanced Diploma qualification issued prior to 1995 has no impact on eligibility for funding. To determine which Foundation skills have no impact on eligibility see the blue and green table below in the AISS check section
Other Funding Options.
Where a student has completed a certificate III qualification previously and/or they do not meet the above criteria they could consider undertaking a certificate IV qualification under Higher Level Skills funding.
Refer to the Higher Level Skills Fact Sheet for eligibility requirements and a list of courses available under the funding.
Eligibility Evidence
Evidence | Can be used as proof of: | ||||||
Age | QLD Residency | Aust Citizenship | NZ Citizenship | Aust Permanent Residency | Aust Temporary Residency | Concession | |
Queensland Driver licence or receipt |
| * |
Queensland Adult Proof of Age Card or photo identification card |
| * |
Queensland Heavy vehicle or marine licence |
| * |
Pensioner Concession Card (both sides) |
| * |
| + |
Health Care Card (both sides) |
| † |
| + |
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (both sides) |
| † |
Department of Veterans’ Affairs Card (both sides) |
Medicare card (Green) |
Interim Medicare card (Blue) |
| ‡ |
Reciprocal Health Care card (Yellow) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Passport | ^ |
| § | § |
Australian citizenship certificate | ** |
ImmiCard (Australia Migration Status) | ** |
Birth certificate (not a commemorative cert.) or birth extract |
| § | § |
Adult proof of age card or photo identification card (any issuing state) |
Driver’s licence, heavy vehicle, or marine licence (any issuing State) |
First Nations self-declaration |
Pensioner Concession Card (both sides) |
Note : All forms of eligibility evidence must be valid at the point of enrolment unless otherwise specified above. ‘Enrolment’ in this context refers to the date the student completed the Enrolment Form as part of the signup process.
* | Front and Back of card required to be retained if being used as evidence of address |
** | Approved by contract management as acceptable evidence in addition to those listed in the PQS Audit Evidence Guide. |
† | Must display a QLD Address to be valid as evidence. |
‡ | Blue Medicare card must be accompanied by the necessary Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection / Department of Home Affairs documentation, visa and work permit on the pathway to permanent residency. |
§ | Must be an Australian Citizen or hold a New Zealand birth certificate, birth extract or passport if used as evidence of Australian or New Zealand citizenship. A commemorative birth certificate is not deemed as official proof of identity and cannot be used. |
+ | Including the partner or dependant of a health Care Car od COncession Card holder and is named on the card |
^ | Any issuing country |
Additional Evidence
Additional evidence to support Queensland residency, any of the following:
Australian Electoral Commission document (e.g. acknowledgement of electoral enrolment letter or electoral enrolment card), must be valid at time of enrolment
Contract of property purchase, lease / rental document, mortgage / land ownership certificate, must be valid at time of enrolment
Electricity, gas or telephone account issued the last six (6) months
Queensland local government rates notice, must be valid at time of enrolment
Bank statement issued within the last six (6) months
Official letter from Centrelink or the Australian Government Department of Human Services, must be valid at time of enrolment
Australian Taxation Office assessment / Tax-file number confirmation notice, must be valid at time of enrolment
Notice from the Court issued the last six (6) months (must contain seal/stamp).**
Concession card (both sides) or official letter from Centrelink noting “No Fixed Address”, as long as the State and/or Postcode is noted as Queensland
Cannot accept ‘Keypass in Digital ID ’ by Australia Post. Must use ID listed above for proof of age and proof of QLD residency
Certificate 3 Guarantee Funding Policy
The Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) provides funding to eligible students in Queensland. Students must provide evidence to support the following:
Proof of enrolment
Proof of age
Permanent residency in QLD
Citizenship/permanent residency status
AISS check conducted
No post-school cert III or above
Concession evidence. If it’s the concession card you must obtain both sides.
In some situations students may be required to provide additional evidence to support their enrolment in relation to their personal situation or the specific course requirements, this evidence may include:
Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC), blue or yellow card*
Parent consent**
*Required, where a qualification requires a security clearance for the student to be deemed competent for vocational placement within an industry
**Required if the student is a minor and/or not an independent youth. Students who identify as Independent Youth, must inform Strategix and supply evidence prior to commencing the enrolment process (Not a funding eligibility requirement)
Supporting Evidence Requirements
Proof of Enrolment
The supplier is required to demonstrate their process and provide the evidence collected to support the student enrolment. Evidence that we must collect to support the student’s enrolment includes:
A completed, signed and dated enrolment form containing questions sufficient to identify:
The highest qualification completed, any partially completed qualifications, and any currently enrolled courses (evidence must be requested and retained)
Previous names
Age at the time of enrolment
Permanent residency in Queensland
Australian or New Zealand citizenship, permanent residency or visa status
Eligibility for concession
If the candidate is enrolled in secondary school
The highest level of schooling completed.
Student Declaration/s
All statements of attainment or copies of certificates (or USI Transcripts) for previously attempted or completed qualifications. Even when it does not impact eligibility. Can not accept a senior school statement to support a credit transfer. Must be SOA, Certificate or US transcript.
Note: All forms of eligibility evidence must be valid at the point of enrolment unless otherwise specified.
Proof of Age (15 years or over)
Retain evidence to show the student is 15 years or older at the time of commencement including:
Driver Licence, heavy vehicle or marine licence (any issuing State)
Adult Proof of Age Card or photo identification card (any issuing State)
ImmiCard (Australian Migration Status) - only can be used for proof of age
Passport (any issuing country)
Birth Certificate or birth extract
Australian Citizen Certificate*
Approved/advised by contract management as acceptable evidence in addition to those listed in the PQS Audit Evidence Guide.
For students enrolled in Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS), the supplier is not required to retain evidence the student was 15 years or over at the time of enrolment.
Permanent Residency in QLD
The copy retained as evidence must clearly show the prospective student’s current address, which should match any other address information provided by the student (i.e. enrolment form). Where the student’s address differs across information, the administrative assistant must retain a range of evidence to support the student’s eligibility as a Queensland resident.
Evidence to show the student’s permanent residency in Queensland includes:
Queensland Driver Licence
Queensland Adult Proof of Age Card or photo identification card
Queensland Heavy Vehicle or Marine Licence
Birth Certificate
Australian Citizen Certificate*
Pensioner Concession Card - both sides
Health Care Card - both sides
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card - both sides
Australian Electoral Commission document (e.g. acknowledgement of electoral enrolment letter or electoral enrolment card)
Contract of property purchase, lease / rental document, mortgage/land ownership certificate
Electricity, gas or telephone account issued in the last six (6) months
Queensland local government rates notice
Queensland Driver Licence or Queensland Driver Licence Receipt
Bank statement issued within the last six (6) months
Official letter from Centrelink or the Australian Government Department of Human Services
Australian Taxation Office assessment / Tax-file number confirmation notice
Notice from the Court issued the last six (6) months (must contain seal/stamp)*.
*Approved by contract management as acceptable evidence in addition to those listed in the PQS Audit Evidence Guide
Note: All forms of eligibility evidence must be valid at the point of enrolment unless otherwise specified above.
Australian Citizenship/Permanent Residency Status
Retain evidence to show the student’s Australian citizenship, Australian permanent residency (includes humanitarian entrant), temporary residency status with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency, or New Zealand citizenship. Refer to the list of eligible visa subclasses to determine eligibility.
Evidence of visa status to be documented, recorded and retained could include:
Australian or New Zealand passport
Australian or New Zealand birth certificate or birth extract
Student’s permanent visa label on their passport and/or documents from the Department of Home Affairs showing approval of a permanent visa subclass (this includes a VEVO check)
Temporary residency visa and work permits with copies of correspondence to and from the Department of Home Affairs indicating progress toward permanent residency
Current Medicare card (usually green Medicare card – coloured copies required)
Australian residency documents, blue Medicare card (coloured copy) and required visa and work permits as set out in the Audit Evidence Requirements.
AISS Checks
Conduct a search prior to enrolment (no more than 30 days) on all variations of the student’s name using the Apprenticeships Info Self Service (AISS) tool/search facility refer to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038576779 for instructions on how to conduct an AISS check. Retain a screenshot as evidence.
The purpose of the AISS check is:
To help confirm whether prospective students have previously attained a certificate III or higher-level qualification; and/or
To help confirm that prospective students are not already enrolled in certificate III or higher qualification; and
To determine eligibility for applicable credit transfer/s (CT)
To help determine a VETiS student's eligibility for access to the program (Refer to the No Prior Access to VETiS - AISS Check Results).
Note: The AISS check is not sufficient evidence to apply CTs, a copy of the relevant AQF certification/s must be obtained. AISS checks must also be conducted in previous surnames. Where an AISS check shows a current enrolment steps must be taken to determine how it may affect a student’s eligibility. Refer to the following section “No Post School Certificates or Current Enrolments” for direction.
No Post-School Certificates or Current Enrolments
Retain evidence to confirm that prospective students do not hold a post-school certificate III qualification (Certificate 3 Guarantee) or higher-level qualification (Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills). And or, retain evidence to ensure prospective students are not already enrolled in certificate III or higher qualification.
When a student is identified as being currently enrolled with another RTO or University and/or they have completed a Certificate III, IV or higher, an assessment must be performed to determine if the student is eligible or not. There are a number of factors/indicators to assist with the decision or actions which must occur first.
The following sections stand as a guide for the following situations:
The AISS check shows a current enrolment (incomplete qualification)
The AISS check shows a completed Cert III or IV.
Current Enrolment (Incomplete Qualification) Identified on AISS
Where AISS indicates a student is currently enrolled or deferred in a certificate III or higher qualification, this renders the student ineligible unless the conditions are met for each of the applicable situations and supporting evidence is retained:
Guide to Table | Continue with checks | Collect cancellation evidence | |
A Green box indicates - The AISS check does not affect the student’s eligibility. Evidence must still be retained. | |||
A Blue box indicates - That the administrative assistant must collect complete the appropriate action/s, collect applicable evidence. | |||
1 | All outstanding units have a withdrawn status (in line with packaging rules) | Yes | No |
2 | The qualification has at least one core subject showing a cancellation or withdrawal status | Yes | No |
3 | The qualification has been superseded for at least 18 months (unless extended) | Yes | No |
4 | The qualification has been deleted for at least 24 months (unless extended) | Yes | No |
5 | The RTO’s registration is current | No | Yes |
6 | The RTO is only registered to deliver units (it has no full quals on scope). Generally reported as “Subject only” but not always the case. | Yes | No |
7 | It’s been over 24 months since the latest activity reported to AISS | Yes | No |
8 | Foundation Skills Training – Refer to the Spreadsheet for a list of confirmed course. If not listed on the spreadsheet, advise compliance for advice from DTE e.g. Certificate lll in Spoken and Written English foundation skills, Certificate III in Vocational and Study Pathways for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People | Yes | No |
9 | The traineeship/apprenticeship displayed on AISS is cancelled, and the student did not enrol with an RTO | Yes | No |
10 | Qualification withdrawn dates all fall inside the traineeship/apprenticeship cancellation date | Yes | No |
11 | An incomplete traineeship, of which it has been at least 24 months (full time) or 48 months (Part time) since the last date reported | Yes | No |
After all situations are reviewed and where a student encounters all green boxes or whose cancellation has been confirmed through supporting evidence, are to be deemed eligible. The administrative assistant must retain all evidence and upload it to the student’s profile with the supporting rationale for the outcome.
Rationale for the Eligibility Determinations
No. | Rationale |
1 & 2 | As per the Standards for RTO’s, all courses must meet packaging rules. It is impossible for a student to complete a course where there is one or more withdrawn core subject. |
3 & 4 | The Standards for RTO’s (Clauses 1.26 to 1.27) - Students must then either be completed or transferred out before the end of the transition period. From that date no enrolments, training or issuance of new qualifications may occur. |
5 | As per the Standards for RTO’s, an RTO can only award AQF certification documentation while they hold a current registration. This is evidenced by the National Register |
6 | As per the Standards for RTO’s can only award AQF certification documentation according to its Scope of Registration. This is evidenced by the National Register |
7 | As per the Standards for RTO’s (1.1 to 1.4 and 2.2) - A student undertaking a Cert level III or IV qualification which is not linked to an traineeship/apprenticeship is expected to complete within 2 years. If no progress has been made/reported for 2 years, it is safe to assume that the maximum duration of the course has elapsed and the student is no longer enrolled. |
9 | A Student cannot complete or a traineeship/apprenticeship without an enrolment into the qualification. If traineeship/apprenticeship is cancelled and the student never enrolled with an RTO, there is no qualification or enrolment to go against their eligibility. |
10 | As per the process for cancellations for traineeship/apprenticeship, if the qualification is cancelled this affects the students traineeship/apprenticeship. |
11 | As per the requirements for traineeship/apprenticeships and the Standards for RTO’s (1.1 to 1.4 and 2.2) – A traineeship/apprenticeships is expected to be complete within 24 months (full time) or 48 months (part time). If no progress has been made/reported within those durations, it is safe to assume that the maximum duration of the course and the traineeship/apprenticeships has elapsed and the student is no longer enrolled. |
Evidence to show the student does not have a current enrolment includes:
Screenshots of the qualification and/or scope of the RTO from Training.gov showing, either:
The qualification has passed the teach-out period and there is no current enrolment into the new qualification
The withdrawn units are core units and the qualification cannot be completed without the completion of those subject/s
The RTO’s registration is no longer current
The RTO does not have the qualifying on scope.
A copy of the check to be uploaded:
A student enrolled into a traineeship or apprenticeship has not had data reported for over 2 years on their AISS check (unless extended)
The student never enrolled into a qualification for their apprenticeship or traineeship
Showing the amended data by the RTO.
Email/Letter from the RTO stating that the student is no longer enrolled or does not have a current enrolment
Email from the student to the RTO requesting to be withdrawn.
Completed Qualification
Where AISS indicates a qualification (cert III or higher) has been previously attained, this renders the student ineligible, irrespective of the number of units of competency reported as being achieved. However, the student can be deemed eligible if the data reported was incorrect and/or one of the following conditions are met (where applicable):
Guide to Table | Continue with checks | Collect evidence | Request RTO to remove and amend data | |
A Green box indicates - The AISS check does not affect the student’s eligibility. Evidence must still be retained. | ||||
A Blue box indicates - That the administrative assistant must collect complete the appropriate action/s, collect applicable evidence. | ||||
1 | A “Date Completed” is displayed in the AISS (for a qualification that is not completed) | No | Yes | Yes |
2 | The RTO has reported sufficient subjects to meet packaging rules, however there is no completion date reported |
| Yes/No | Yes/No |
3 | The qualification was completed at School | Yes | No | No |
4 | Foundation Skills Training – Refer to the Spreadsheet for a list of confirmed course. If not listed on the spreadsheet, advise compliance for advice from DTET | Yes | No | No |
5 | The qualification was issued Prior to 1995 (Cert I to Advanced Diploma only) | Yes | No | No |
6 | The qualification was gained and awarded overseas (not an Australian qualification) | Yes | No | No |
7 | The qualification is cancelled by ASQA |
| Yes |
A green outcome or incorrectly reported data (which has been amended) and which includes supporting evidence, will provide sufficient demonstration of student eligibility. Please note, that in all situations, there must be supporting evidence.
Evidence that may need to be obtained to show the student does not hold a previous certificate includes:
QCE or Senior Statement (issued by QCAA) and a copy of the qualification showing that it was completed while in school
Email/Letter from the RTO stating that the student did not complete the qualification and complete another screenshot of AISS showing the amended data by the RTO
For foundation skills training – If the qualification is not listed on the spreadsheet, email compliance with the qualification in question stating that it needs to be checked by DTET. Compliance will be submitted to the department and once cleared it will be added to the spreadsheet
A copy of the qualification showing it was issued prior to 1995
Written notification from ASQA confirming that the qualification is cancelled or was not undertaken.
If a student has 10364NAT - Certificate III in Spoken and Written English shown on their AISS check then they are still eligible for funding and eligible for SFW (if this errors we just need to reference what the Certificate was in). This course is foundation skills training. Refer to spreadsheet link above again No.4
Note: Rare scenario - A student completed the business qualification recently/last year in high school through a different RTO. This student would now like to do the exact same qualification with Strategix because they noticed we had a couple of units different to the ones they completed. Is the student eligible for funding to do the exact same qualification?
Answer: Even though the Certificate lll in Business was completed in high school the student would NOT be eligible for funding to do the exact same qualification because all units from the qualification have already been reported as completed so no payment will be made for any units after this. The student CAN be eligible for funding if they choose a different Certificate lll to do but it cannot be the exact same qualification as this scenario has highlighted.
Best option: Student can do the different units (3) that Strategix offers under FFS (fee for service). To calculate this FFS price for the 3 units: Price of the full qual (divide) by total units in qual =? then x by 3 = the FFS amount
Retain evidence of the student’s eligibility for concession, if applicable. The student’s eligibility for concessional status must be confirmed at the time of the student’s enrolment.
The following may be accepted:
A Department of Veterans’ Affairs or Pensioner Concession Card; Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Evidence the candidate is the partner or a dependant of a Health Care Card or Concession Card holder and is named on the card. Obtain both sides of the card
Documentation verifying the candidate has a disability, e.g. Pensioner Concession Card (both sides) or other documentation verifying the holder has a disability
A First Nations self-declaration – a self-declaration on a signed enrolment form is sufficient
Formal signed confirmation from the place of incarceration where the candidate is an adult prisoner. Must retain the following forms from the correctional facility: Form 1 C3G Eligibility Evaluation and Form 2 Offender ID Letter
Please note: The concession card must be valid at the time of enrolment. Expired cards will not be accepted. You must also obtain both sides of the card.
Criminal history check, Blue or Yellow Card (where applicable)
Where a qualification requires a security clearance (e.g. criminal history check, blue card and/or yellow card) for the student to be deemed competent for vocational placement within an industry, that document must be retained by Strategix prior to the commencement of vocational placement for audit purposes.
Any of the following:
Letter from the relevant governing body approving the security clearance
Copy of the student’s criminal history check
Copy of the student’s blue card
Copy of the student’s yellow card.
Whilst the attainment of the security clearance, prior to or at the time of enrolment, is not mandatory, students must be made aware of this requirement accordingly. Should a supplier enrol a student who cannot obtain the relevant security clearance in order to achieve the qualification, recovery of funds for unit/s of competency claimed may occur.
Letter of Referral
Retain evidence of the student’s participation in a specific cohort-targeted initiative. A document/letter of referral for the student from the funded organisation/community-based organisation (or from the department), under the applicable strategic initiative/project.
This may include programs such as:
Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW)
Certificate 3 Guarantee Boost.
This document/letter must identify the student by first name, surname, and date of birth and identify the student as eligible under the initiative/project. The letter must be presented on the funded organisation’s letterhead and be signed and dated by a representative of the organisation.
Please note: All other aspects of eligibility, such as previously held qualifications, will have been addressed by the organisation accessing the strategic initiative. AISS checks must still be completed to identify the possibility of credit transfers.
Strategix must are not permitted to market the project or the additional support services.
Priority Skills List - Training Subsidy and Industry Requirements
Requirements to support eligibility are outlined in the Priority Skills List. See the Priority Skills List for specific requirements. Evidence may be required to show the candidate:
Is an existing worker within a specific industry
Is a business owner or self-employed; and if required
Holds the required qualification in the relevant industry. Where a candidate holds a qualification, the SAS must contact their Contract Manager to determine if the candidate has previously accessed funding.
For example, Cert IV in Disability - students must be existing workers in the industry.
Existing worker means a current employee who has a one-month or more employment relationship with their employer and has actively fulfilled work duties for this period. The one-month working relationship could be full-time or on a part-time/casual employment equivalent basis. Existing workers have access to employee entitlement and therefore do not include volunteers. Registration with a Labour Hire Company does not satisfy the ‘existing worker’ requirement, unless at the commencement of the training the prospective student has been engaged in employment for a period of one month or more and is currently employed.
Evidence includes:
An official letter or email (with signature block) from the employer listed within the student’s enrolment form. This letter or email must include statements confirming the student’s employment status (part-time, full-time, etc.), job role and duties, the length of current employment and confirmation the student has been actively fulfilling work duties for this period. This evidence from the nominated employer is able to be obtained by the Supplier up to 7 calendar days before or after the student’s enrolment into the qualification
Evidence of an Australian Business Number (ABN), invoicing and client list for self-employed candidates.
Certificate 3 Guarantee Funding Procedure
This procedure sets out instructions for dealing with processes relating to Certificate 3 Guarantee funding.
AISS check (Partner Portal)
Evidence collection.
Enrolment form
Student handbook
Student information/induction
Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Payment (concession/non concession)
Materials (TAS)
Verify training commencement
Withdrawal matrix.
Completed assessment materials
Dates & signatures
Marking guides
Feedback & comment
Record of results
Marking and awarding correct result.
Completed and signatures.
Completed assessment tasks
Signatures (student & trainer)
Date ranges (start/end) & attendance
Assessment outcomes
Assessment tools vs record of results dates.
File Checking
As per Audit Checklist
Return to Field required files.
Entering results
Axcelerate procedure (postcodes, AVETMISS reporting, delivery modes/outcomes)
Check each student individual aXcelerate record for Credit Transfer (CT) opportunity
Bulk resulting
Correct funding and contract codes applied
Correct concession/non-concession codes applied
Correct invoicing applied.
Check order of materials
Scan to C3G folder
Check pages/content.
Call students
Scan completed forms
Complete spreadsheet
Axcelerate recording.
Information that must be provided to students prior to enrolment:
Co-contribution fees (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1B)
Refund Policy (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1C)
Eligibility and funding requirements (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1D)
Department’s Fact Sheet (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1E)
May receive a survey from the Department (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1F)
Third-Party name and the training and/or assessment services they will provide to the student (SAS Policy, Performance standard 1G), where applicable
Student Handbook (SAS Audit Evidence Requirements, pg 24), including student acknowledgment of contents
Vocational placement fact sheet or information (SAS Audit Evidence Requirements, pg 28)
Authority |
| See Funding |
Regulatory Documents |
| List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document |
Approved By | Name here | Details / Decisions: |