VETiS Policy and Procedure

VETiS Policy and Procedure









Mar 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy



VETis Policy


This Policy and Procedure outlines the steps which must be taken from the first point of contact with the school, up to the point where the student commences their training with Strategix. All schools must have an MOU/Partnership Agreement with Strategix to articulate the roles, responsibilities and expectations of each party.

All VETiS students must meet eligibility requirements prior to enrolment in order to receive funding, including:

  • Evidence to support the student has not accessed VETiS funding previously, this is collected through:

    • Letter from the school and;

    • Confirmation from the Department (where a student has been identified as completing a previous qualification).

  • Letter from the Queensland school confirming:

    • Student name*, date of birth, and Australian or New Zealand citizenship

    • Confirmation that the student is currently enrolled at the school

    • School year currently enrolled

    • Statement from the school concerning all VET qualifications previously attempted and outcomes, i.e. statements of attainment or qualifications issued

    • If the previous qualification was completed, the letter from the school must include how it was funded

    • Correspondence where the authorised signatory uses an official stamp, detailing their position and name of school or detention centre, next to their printed name and signature.

*IMPORTANT: The names provided must be the student’s legal name (as shown on their birth certificate or legal ID). Their name must also match the name the student used to create their Unique Student Identifier. Any incorrect details provided may affect a student’s eligibility and or the enrolment process.

The Business Development Officer (BDO) is responsible for and will work with the school representative or Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) to explain and clarify all eligibility and enrolment requirements. To assist in this process Strategix has created a letter template (available on the resource library) which can be provided to the ILO for use. The letter template contains all the requirements stipulated by the department.

Students who do not meet eligibility requirements are not able to be enrolled under or commence the course through VETiS funding. Seek fee for service arrangements.

Parental consent must be provided/obtained from all students under the age of 18 unless they are an Independent Youth. Students who identify as an Independent Youth, must inform Strategix and supply evidence prior to commencing the enrolment process. Those who are unable to meet these requirements will not be able to be enrolled with Strategix or commence the course.


VETis Procedure


Person Responsible


Person Responsible

VETiS MOU Partnership Agreement

BDO, ILO, Management

Identify/Prepare Students

ILO, Students

Eligibility Checks

BDO, Course Coordinator

Enrol Students

BDO, ILO, Student


BDO, Trainer

Learner Needs Assessment

BDO, Trainer

Enrolment Finalised

Course Coordinator

Training Visits


Assessment Visits


Record/Report Competency Outcomes

Trainer, Course Coordinator


Trainer, Course Coordinator, BDO


Trainer, Course Coordinator

VETiS MOU Partnership Agreement

The Business Development Officer (BDO) meets with the Schools Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) to discuss and explain:

  1. The content and requirements contained within the MOU

  2. The eligibility and enrolment process/requirements

  3. What the ILO must provide Strategix with to identify who will enrol and how to fulfil the eligibility/ enrolment requirements and process.

After the initial meeting with the ILO, the BDO works with management to confirm the ability to provide the staff and resources required by the school. Management generates and sends the MOU to the ILO to be read, signed and returned. Upon return, the completed MOU is uploaded to the school's aXcelerate profile.

Identify/Prepare Students

ILO is responsible to:

  • Identify students and send through their details (legal names and their date of birth) in a list to the BDO as soon as possible. This is to enable Strategix to perform eligibility checks

  • Create/provide an official letter to Strategix containing the student's details and how they meet the eligibility requirements of the program (as outlined in the Policy in this document). This must be finalised and provided to Strategix prior to enrolment

  • Assist potential students in obtaining key items which will be submitted as part of the enrolment. These items include a guardian consent form, their USI and their LUI.

Eligibility Checks

The BDO will receive the list of students and the official letter from the school, these are to be passed onto the Course Coordinator as they come in. Upon receiving the list of students the Course Coordinator:

  1. Completes an AISS check for each. The AISS check is to be uploaded to the student’s profile once the student has completed an enrolment form and a profile exists on aXcelerate

  2. Forward names of students with prior qualification/s to compliance for Departmental determining eligibility*.

*If any Certificate I or II qualifications have been completed, send an email to the Quality Department listing the relevant students' details (Full Name, date of birth) and the course/s which are in question. Quality will communicate with the department to determine if the student has accessed VETiS. Enrolments for these students cannot continue until they are approved/cleared by the Department.

Upon receiving the official letter from the BDO, the Course Coordinator:

  1. Uploads it to the school's aXcelerate profile (“Accounts – School Name”)

  2. Ensures eligibility has been determined for all students on the letter

  3. Creates the class in aXcelerate for the students to be enrolled into

  4. Enters a file note against the school's accounts aXcelerate profile stating the class has been created

  5. Send a note to the aXcelerate Administrator and the BDO informing about the creation of the class.

Enrol Students

When the aXcelerate Administrator is informed of the creation of the class, they create (for new clients) an aXcelerate client portal login or prepare the portal for the new students (for existing clients) and notify the BDI and ILO. At this stage, the students are now able to begin enrolling into the course.

The students complete the online enrolment form and provide their guardian consent form. Students complete the online enrolment form during the induction/information session. Once complete the student’s details are entered into the system and they are tentatively enrolled into the course automatically.

The Course Coordinator:

  1. Reviews the student’s details profile and the tentative enrolment to ensure students are enrolling into the correct course and their details are correct, i.e. the student must be listed on the school's eligibility letter* (which is uploaded to the student's portfolio/checklists) and verifies the USI etc.

  2. Pulls the enrolments through to Cloud Assess.

  3. Sends the “Tentative Enrolment” aXcelerate template from the student’s enrolment.
    Note: If the training and/or assessment is being delivered by a third party (the student’s school), the aXcelerate template “Strategix Third Party - Tentative Enrolment” must be sent.

*When a student is not listed on the eligibility letter, the Course Coordinator sends the name and details of the situation to the BDO, who enquires about the student’s enrolment with the ILO. If the student enrolment is not to progress past tentative until an eligibility letter is provided by the school.


The following sections are completed in Cloud Assess before the student commences:

  • Induction checklist

  • Vocational placement obligations (where applicable)

  • Training and assessment plan.

Learner Needs Assessment

All students must complete the Learner Needs Assessment. This assessment includes an LLN assessment (Cloud Assess) and support needs assessment (as per enrolment questions).

The trainer will make an assessment of the student’s needs and take appropriate actions.

Enrolment Finalised

Once a student has passed through all of the previous steps will the enrolment process be complete and the student’s enrolment status is updated to In Progress by the Course Coordinator. At this stage, the student will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment email.

Training Visits

Students may attend class only once they are enrolled or their enrolment status is set to In Progress in aXcelerate. Trainers must ensure that attendance is marked in aXcelerate on a daily basis. Attendance must be marked for each student according to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3037168259.

Trainer and BDO ensure the class matrix is completed and follow up with the student and the ILO on any outstanding evidence. Training may occur in multiple venues including the Schools, Workplaces and Strategix facilities. Training should be structured, meaningful, relevant and allow sufficient time for students to practice the skills and apply the knowledge included in the course. Trainers must ensure the relevant materials and equipment are available according to the Training and Assessment Strategy.

Students are required to complete learner activities outside of class times according to the Training and Assessment Strategy.

Assessment Visits

Assessments are released to students progressively throughout the course in accordance with the Assessment Release Schedule and Training Plan. Students are given set timeframes (individually issued) to complete assessments. Assessments are administered in accordance with the Conducting Assessment Policy and Procedure.

Record/Report Competency Outcomes

Subject outcomes are automatically pushed through to aXcelerate on a progressive basis in accordance with the Unit of Studies, Training Plan and the student completion or withdrawal.


The Course Coordinator finalises the enrolment and awards certificates as per the Issuance Policy and Procedure. Students complete the Trainer evaluation/Student survey emailed to the student after each Unit of Study.


Students wishing to cancel or withdraw can do so by following the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038281729. Ask the trainer to award the correct outcomes in Cloud Assess. VETiS students do not pay a co-contribution fee, so no refund is required.



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • PQS 1,3,4,5

List the Contract, audit evidence requirements, standards etc. and the applicable section or clause from each document

Approved By

Name here

Details / Decisions:


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