International Enrolment Policy and Procedure

International Enrolment Policy and Procedure










Mar 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy



International Enrolment Policy


Strategix has implemented the following policy and procedure to be used in conjunction with the general Enrolment Policy and Procedure. The topics covered in this Policy will relate to several policies and procedures in the Strategix compliance system. Each procedure is directly linked for the ease of accessing information.

Strategix will not knowingly enrol students who cannot support their studies financially or manage their studies academically or anyone they believe is not a genuine student or has alternative reasons to come to Australia.

Strategix ensures students are provided with all applicable pre-enrolment information as stated in the above policy, Strategix does this by:

  • Ensuring education agents recruiting students have current information and documents at all times

  • Ensuring students not linked to or sourced through education agents are also provided information and documents.

Students are given access to information prior to enrolment and throughout the enrolment process via the following:

Enrolment Restrictions

Students may be refused entry into the college based on a number of criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Unsuitability to study in Australia or meet SOP (Statement of Purpose) requirements

  • Insufficient English Proficiency Levels

  • Insufficient financial support

  • Unpaid fees and charges

  • The applicant is under the age of 18

  • Transferring from another RTO under 6 months from the commencement of their course

  • Providing false or misleading information during the application process

  • Risk-based assessment of the application, and

  • Any reason/factor that will affect Strategix’s ability to deliver quality training and assessment to its students.

Students refused entry may appeal the decision by following the Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy and Procedure.

Students Under 18 Years of Age

Strategix will not accept applications for a potential student who is under the age of 18 at their course commencement date. If a potential student is under 18 at the time of their enrolment application but will be 18 at the course commencement date, a Parent/Guardian Consent Form must be provided along with the application. The student may then be accepted onto the course under the normal enrolment procedure.

Student Transfers

Students wishing to transfer to Strategix will be reviewed upon enrolment to ensure they meet the conditions outlined within the International Student Transfer Policy. Enrolment applications for students who fail to meet the conditions of the policy will be refused.

Entry Requirements

Students enrolling with Strategix International must ensure they meet the minimum requirements in order to be accepted into the college. These include, and are not limited to:

  • English language proficiency

  • Specific course requirements (pre-requisites)

  • SOP requirements. Click the link to access the document checklist tool- complete it to determine what documents are needed

  • Financial commitment and security

  • Course suitability.

English Language Proficiency

Strategix will identify that students meet the minimum proficiency level for their chosen course. Levels can be found in the English Language Proficiency Policy and Procedure.

Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement

Students must receive a Letter of Offer prior to the finalisation of their enrolment, as this agreement:

  • States the course(s) and any conditions of the enrolment

  • Provides an itemised list of tuition fees payable by the student

  • Provides information in regard to relevant policies and procedures

  • Outlines what and how information is shared about the student and who to

  • Advises the student of their obligations.

Payment of Fees

Strategix will not accept tuition or non-tuition fees until the overseas student has signed or otherwise accepted the written agreement. Strategix may accept tuition or non-tuition fees at the same time as the overseas student signs or accepts the agreement.

Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students have the option to apply for CT for previously completed studies in Australia. They are also able to apply for RPL based on their previous experience and study. All evidence must be verifiable otherwise Strategix will not accept the documentation and evidence. Students who choose not to complete the RPL Application at the time of enrolment will not be permitted to apply for RPL



International Student Enrolment Procedure



Responsible Person



Responsible Person


Information supply


Initial suitability assessment

Agent, Sales

Enrolment Process

Enrolment form

Student, Administrative Assistant

Statement of Purpose (SOP) questionnaire

Student, Administrative Assistant

Suitability check:

  • ELPL

  • Suitability check

Administrative Assistant

Learner Needs Assessment

Student, Administrative Assistant

Letter of Offer

Generate Letter of Offer

Student, Administrative Assistant

Email Letter of Offer

Administrative Assistant

Acceptance Agreement

Student, Administrative Assistant

Finalise Enrolment

Apply Credit Transfers

Administrative Assistant

Confirmation of enrolment

Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant

Fee Collection

Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant

Learner Needs Analysis

Administrative Assistant

Enrolment Status Update

Administrative Assistant

VEVO Check

Administrative Assistant


Prisms confirmation of commencement

Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant

Vivo Check

Administrative Assistant



Administrative Assistant

Fee Collection for re-issue of CoE

Administrative Assistant



Information Supply

To enable students to make informed decisions about studying with Strategix in Australia, Strategix will ensure all students are provided with information that is accurate, current and easy to understand.

Initial Suitability Assessment – Agent/Sales

Candidates are informally assessed prior to the enrolment process to eliminate those non-genuine students. Information is used to assess the students and determine suitability to study at Strategix via conversation. The following assessment can be used as a guide.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an internal Appendix, it is not to be released to the public under any circumstance.




Tips and Hints




Tips and Hints

English Language Proficiency Level (ELPL)

Sufficient ELPL via home country, previous study or ELPA

Insufficient ELPL

Students may seek to improve their ELPL by studying at appropriate English levels prior to applying for their vocational course.

Financial viability/ support

Sufficient and reliable source of financial support

Country economic state is sound

Insufficient financial resources available

Economic circumstances that would present as a significant incentive for the applicant not to return to their home country

Ensure sufficient financial support available.

Intent of Visa Application

Genuinely intends to stay temporary in Australia

Reasonable reasons for not undertaking the study in their home country or region if a similar course is already available there

Avoidance of military service commitments

Political and civil unrest in home country

Applicant’s ties with Australia which would present as a strong incentive to remain in Australia

Visa is being used to maintain ongoing residence

Amount of time the applicant has spent in Australia and whether the Student visa or Student Guardian visa may be used primarily for maintaining ongoing residence, including whether the applicant has undertaken a series of short, inexpensive courses, or has been onshore for some time without successfully completing a qualification

Find the value of the course to the applicant’s future, including the remuneration the applicant could expect to receive in the home country, the study pathway/s and betterment of the personal situation

Intent or Reason to Study

Student is seeking to undertake a course that is consistent with their current level of education and whether the course will assist the applicant to obtain employment or improve employment prospects in their home country

Relevance of the course to the student’s past or proposed future employment

Intends to study in a field unrelated to their previous studies or employment without justification or good reason


Enrol in more suitable course

Provide further detail as to why the change in industry/field of study

Course Suitability

Value of the course to the applicant’s future (suitable outcomes)

Course levels higher than previous study

Study level appropriate to student capabilities

Lack of career or study pathway link/s

Lower course levels than previous study

Course level above student capabilities

Apply for courses that have suitable outcomes at the appropriate level

Personal Circumstances

Relationship status – married with family staying in home country

Knowledge of living in Australia and their intended course of study and the associated education provider

Previous study and qualifications, what is a realistic level of knowledge an applicant

Knowledge of the proposed course of study and living arrangements

Research on relevant information

Promotion or job advancement

Pathway to further study

Betterment of personal situation

Personal ties to their home country

Inexplicable or extensive visa and travel history

Previous residency applications to Australia or other countries

Applying from overseas without a tie to the home country

Denied or cancelled visa’s in the past

Ensure the student is clear on their personal circumstances and are suitable prior to applying for a visa. If unsuitable, discourage the application process.

RTO Selection


Strategix International


Study location (College location and Residential planning)

No research

Assist the student by providing the prospectus and information about their chosen course, the location of the college and suggested residential information

Evidence to Support Application

Letters of reference from employers

Evidence the student can support themselves financially in Australia

Previous education documents

Enrolment or Application forms into another course

Evidence of property ownership in home country

Evidence of business ownership in home country

Return tickets out of Australia

Missing or no evidence

Work with immigration agent to collect appropriate evidence to support the visa application

Immigration Record

Clear application record

First time applying to Australia

Low risk country

Meet SOP requirements

Applicant has travelled to countries other than Australia, whether they complied with the migration laws of that country and the circumstances around any non-compliance

Unsuitable SOP requirements

Assess student for suitability as per procedure.


Once the potential student has received all applicable pre-enrolment information and the agent/sales team member have spoken with the potential student, they are able to apply for a position in their chosen course.

Enrolment Process

The applicant applies for a position in the course by completing the International Student Enrolment Pack and the SOP Questionnaire. The enrolment pack provides Strategix with all applicable information required to determine suitability and if accepted, to create a Student Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement. The Student Enrolment Pack can be completed as a hard copy or electronically.

The SOP Questionnaire assesses the student’s suitability to study in Australia. The SOP Questionnaire is a combined document with the Statement of Purpose (SOP), it is available online via a Google form and results are available to staff to peruse on the Strategix International - SOP Questionnaire (Responses) spreadsheet on Google drive. Results are assessed according to the Initial Suitability Assessment and where a student is deemed to not be suitable, their application will be denied and proceedings will cease at this point. Students who are assessed to be suitable will continue with this process.

Upon receiving the completed enrolment form and SOP questionnaire the administrative assistant will:

  • Check that all sections are completed

  • Check the Enrolment Pack and the SOP Questionnaire for suitability, including:

    • Correct visa type

    • Country of origin

    • Previous studies completed

    • English language proficiency level

    • Study motivations

    • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

    • Declaration/s signed.

  • Enter the student details into the student management system as per step 4 of the Enrolment Policy and Procedure. (Students do not receive a Confirmation of Enrolment through aXcelerate as this is provided through PRISMS at a later point of the International Student Enrolment process)

  • Enter the student details from the SOP Questionnaire and enter the following fields into aXcelerate as per Step 4 of the Enrolment Policy and Procedure:

    • Qualification details

    • School details

    • Employment status

    • Study reason.

  • Enter the completed form details into the CRICOS portfolio checklist.

The administration assistant then will check to see if the student is wishing to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or to have credit transfers applied. If requesting credit transfers, ensure previous qualifications are supplied with the application and/or if wishing to apply for RPL, an RPL Application form is to be set to the student for completion.


The student must have completed the Enrolment Form and SOP Questionnaire to have their application assessed.

Letter of Offer

Students who are determined to be suitable are offered a position in the course through the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement. The Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement provides the information specific to the course and will also provide the students with important information they require prior to completing their enrolment.

The administrative assistant will generate a Letter of Offer through Hubspot and update it with the necessary information.

Generate a LOO (Letter of Offer)

The following tabs will need to be opened on your computer:

  • aXcelerate

  • LOO Generator

  • Hubspot LOO

  • Google Drive

  • Go to the student’s profile on aXcelerate and copy over the following information to the LOO Generator:

    • Student’s D.O.B

    • Student’s aXcelerate ID

    • Student’s email address.

  • Now go to Hubspot:

    • When in HubSpot, go to the top of the page and click on the sales heading. Then select the ‘tasks' option

    • If LOO does not appear in the tasks then click on +add view option at the top of the page and click on LOO:

    • You will now see some student names, for example:

    • Hover over the student’s name so edit can appear beside the student's name, then click on edit.

    • Go to the ‘Notes’ section: This is located on the right-hand side of the screen where you will see task details. Scroll down until you get to the notes section. In the notes section, the following details should appear, for example:

    • Open the LOO Generator and enter the following details:

      • CoE deposit and Course details

      • Course name - copy this from the course enquiry list then paste

      • Cricos code - copy and paste

      • Start date

      • Pricing

      • Duration (see info section below)

      • Ensure that all the details you entered are correct. Once checked, then click on submit.

Course duration/weeks:

  • Certificate III/IV courses = 24 weeks

  • Diploma of CS / LAM / Business = 52 weeks

  • Diploma of ECEC = 78 weeks

  • Go to Google Drive>Shared drives>International College>Loo Generator - output https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fcZYxA6Lg5w_kq4AVw3uPZP0eshA5iuK

    • Once the document is open, click on ‘Last modified’ heading. You can click on the down arrow to show the latest file.

    • Open the student's file/LOO: Do this by double-clicking on the student’s file

    • Go to the top right-hand corner in Microsoft Word > click on File

    • From the drop-down > click on Download > Microsoft Word (.docx)

    • Name the file and save it.

  • Go to the student’s profile in aXcelerate, then add note:

    • Click the attach file checkbox to add the document to the note

    • Tick the email this note checkbox to send to Rizaldy Mutuc, Samuel Lobao and Christie Erb.

Note: Things to check before downloading the letter:

  • The 2nd enrolment figures calculate correctly - the rounding amounts are not always accurate

  • That the payment schedule dates line up (some adjustments may need to be made depending on when the LOO was generated).


Section one (1) includes the information required to be filled in by the Strategix International Administration Assistant. Once returned by the student refer to section TWO (2) regarding students supplied information.







Section 1 - Information for Strategix staff to enter into document

Student Details

  • Student ID

  • Student Name

  • Date of Birth

Ensure details are correct as per the student’s passport and are as reflected in axcelerate.

Course details

  • Course Code/Name

  • CRICOS Course Code

  • Credits Awarded

  • Course Duration

  • Course Start Date

  • Course End Date

  • Course Location

  • Study Mode

  • Vocational Placement

  • Entry Requirements

  • English Proficiency

Ensure course details are as stipulated in the course/class information on aXcelerate and course schedules.

Course charges and fees

  • Enrolment Fee

  • Material Fees

  • Tuition Fees

  • Deposit

Ensure all amounts are represented in Australian Dollars and are as per the agent’s agreement and any variations must be checked with Management.

Overseas Student Health Cover

  • OSHC Fees

  • OSHC Duration

Students may nominate to provide their own or access our supplier.

Offer Expiry Date

  • Enter date offer expires

The Letter of Offer has a life expectancy of 2 weeks, however, where details have not changed, the Letter of offer can be reused where times and details have not changed.

Payment Plan Schedule

  • Student Name

  • Student ID

  • Date of Birth

  • Course 1 and 2 name - Non Tuition Fees - Tuition Fees - Study Period – Unit of Study – Due Date and Payment amount

Ensure details are correct as per the student’s passport and are as reflected in axcelerate.

Payment plan/s dates must be within the Study Period date ranges. All payments must be finalised prior to the end of the Unit of Study.

Ensure course details are as stipulated in the course/class information on aXcelerate and course schedules.

Any variations must be checked with Management.

Section 2 – Area the Strategix staff will check and ensure is completed correctly

Payment Details

  • Payment type selected

  • Credit Card Type

  • Credit Card Number

  • Expiry Date

  • Name on Card

  • Cardholder’s signature

  • If this is not the student’s credit card, what is the cardholder’s relationship to the student?

Check the details against the student details in aXcelerate.

Student Declaration and Acceptance of Offer

  • Declaration checkboxes

  • Signature

  • Date

This section must be completed, if not, the enrolment process cannot continue till the returns the completed form.

Email a Letter of Offer

Students receive the letter of offer via email. A copy must be saved in the student’s portfolio.

Once the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement is received by the student, they:

  1. Print and read/review the Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement

  2. Complete the required fields (including payment details) and sign the Agreement

  3. Scan and return (via email) the signed agreement to Strategix.

The completed Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement is then saved in the student's portfolio checklist.

Finalise Enrolment

Once the completed Letter of Offer and Acceptance Agreement is received by Strategix, the administrative assistant completes the following tasks:

  • Apply Credit Transfers/RPL: Assess the validity of CT’s, verify their source and upload evidence as per Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure

  • Confirmation of Enrolment: Generates and sends the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) in PRISMS to the student and the education agent. If at this stage it is discovered that the student is currently enrolled with another RTO refer to the International Student Transfer Policy

  • Invoice: Invoicing and the payment of fees are carried out as per the Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure. Students will not secure a place until the fees are paid to date and in full as per the Letter of Offer

  • Visa: It is the responsibility of the student (and if applicable, their agent) to apply for a student visa and make travel arrangements to arrive in Australia in time to commence the course and attend the induction and orientation. The student must issue us with a notification on the success or denial of their application prior to the commencement date or as soon as practicable. If the student visa application is denied the student will be refunded their course fees as per the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure. The application fee is not refundable.

  • VEVO check: The administrative assistant confirms the students visa status by searching VEVO and downloading/screenshotting the report and uploading it to the portfolio

  • Fee collection: Fees paid prior to the commencement of the course by the student. Any fees collected re to be recorded in aXcelerate by linking the payment to the invoice. Invoicing and the payment of fees are carried out as per the Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure. Students will not secure a place until the fees are paid to date

  • Portfolio: The administrative assistant will enter the details of and save the below evidence in the student's portfolio checklist as per the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3038871683

  • Determine Learner Needs: Students will be assessed for individual learner needs prior to commencement. This includes a number of testing methods as outlined in the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039920142, including enrolment questions, declarations and LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) test (LLN Robot), as well as the responses from the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3310092289.

  • Enrolment Status Update: Once students have returned all necessary documentation and information, it has been uploaded and the portfolio checklist is complete, the student's Tentative enrolment status is updated to In Progress.

Note: On the first Monday of every month a template from aXcelerate titled "Confirmation/change of Student Details (auto)" is sent to all international students. This template has been updated to include a button that goes to the change of details google form. After students complete the form, the new details will automatically populate aXcelerate (up to 24 hour delay).


One (1) month out from the commencement date of an upcoming course, the administrative assistant:

  1. Runs a report on PRISMS to see which students have obtained a visa but not yet informed Strategix

  2. Sends an Induction and Orientation invitation to all the students who are commencing in the intake one (1) month out

  3. Updates the students' trainer allocation as per step 5 of the Enrolment Policy and Procedure.


Prior to commencing the course, the student will attend an Induction and Orientation to welcome them to Strategix and complete any final preparations for the duration of their course.

  • Induction: The induction covers the general information about Strategix, health and safety, the course etc. for both domestic and international students – Refer to step 6 of the Enrolment Policy and Procedure

  • Orientation: The orientation covers information that is specific to international students and provides an opportunity to complete any outstanding items which could not be completed until their arrival into the country (i.e. creating USIs etc.).

The completed checklists are to be saved in the student file.

Student Services Officer will complete the confirmation of the student’s commencement as follows:

  • Confirm student's commencement against COE in PRISMS

  • Collect and Update Australian contact details in PRISMS and aXcelerate

  • Review the student's agent feedback survey and upload it to aXcelerate.


Re-enrolment includes students who:

  • Transfer or change the course of study

  • Return to complete a previously commenced course.

Students wishing to change their course are considered to be transferring from one course to another (internally), therefore, they must ensure they meet the conditions outlined in International Student Transfer Policy. Furthermore, students re-enrolling and which requires re-issuing their CoE’s will incur a $50.00 charge for each CoE issued. These charges are non-refundable as outlined in the Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.

The re-enrolment process can be found in the Enrolment Policy and Procedure.



  • List here

See Funding

Regulatory Documents

  • List here

ESOS 1-3,6

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