Critical Incidents Policy and Procedure (International Students)

Critical Incidents Policy and Procedure (International Students)









Mar 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy



Critical Incident

A critical incident is ‘a traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury’. This does not include serious academic misconduct. Strategix will immediately take the steps required to action and resolve or address a critical incident.

Critical incidents are not limited to, but could include:

  • Serious physical injury or any threat of these

  • Missing students

  • Natural disaster

  • Death

  • Abuse issues such as domestic violence, physical, sexual or other

  • Severe verbal or psychological aggression

The requirements of this Policy and Procedure are set out in the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. Strategix will meet the requirements of the National Code of Practice while also considering the requirements of State and Federal Government, Workplace Health and Safety and Workplace Relations standards.

This following process must be followed for managing critical incidents that could affect the overseas student’s ability to undertake or complete a course, such as but not limited to incidents that may cause physical or psychological harm.

A written record of any critical incident and remedial action taken must be maintained for at least two years after the overseas student ceases to be an accepted student.

By following the procedures below Strategix ensures:

  • All reasonable steps are taken to provide a safe environment on campus and advise overseas students and staff on actions they can take to enhance their personal-security and safety

  • International students are provided with information about how to seek assistance for and report an incident that significantly impacts on their wellbeing, including critical incidents

  • International students are provided or referred to general information on safety and awareness relevant to life in Australia.

Procedures for Managing Critical Incidents


When a staff member has been informed, discovers or suspects the occurrence of a critical incident has occurred or is occurring, action should immediately take action to contain/limit the incident (if safe/possible). The following questions may help identify strategies to contain/limit the incident and determine the action which needs to occur:

  • How did the incident occur?

  • Is the individual still at risk?

  • Who can assist or request for help?

  • Are Emergency services required?

  • What can be done limit, or stop incident and reduce the risk of harm to affected individual/s?

During this preliminary stage, caution needs to be taken as to avoid increasing risk to the individual/s or Strategix. In situation of imitate injury, harm, threat, danger or life threatening events action is immediately taken. If the critical incident is of a Police nature or a workplace health and safety issue, staff must ensure the area or site is not disturbed.

Take Action

Strategix staff must ensure (were applicable) injured and/or traumatised employees, students or members of the public are provided with an appropriate emergency response. Depending on the nature of the incident this may include:

  • Contacting next of kin and/or family and friends (as appropriate) of the person involved in the incident. For overseas students this may include agents, consular staff, embassies, interpreter services, etc.

  • Encouraging employees and/or students to seek further assistance if necessary

  • Providing a professional post-trauma counselling service where required

  • Returning the worksite to normal operation as soon as practicable whilst continuously monitoring, communicating with, and supporting staff and students

  • Managing online communication of critical issue as necessary – particularly web site and social media response

  • Liaising with external bodies such as accommodation providers, carers, government agencies and foreign embassies, etc.

Incidents in the Student’s Home Country

If the incident which occurred may affect the student’s ability to participate in their studies the student will first be offered the opportunity to defer their studies until such time when they are able to undertake the studies.

Where the student does not wish to defer their studies or enrol into a similar course they will be removed from the course as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure and any refund of their fees will be actioned as per Strategix’s Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.

Where a student wishes to continue with their studies (as per the originally planned start date) Strategix will assess the situation in order to determine the support services that would be required and determine with the student, if it is feasible for them to study in the conditions available and or if Strategix is unable to meet the support requirements to the level required by the student.

Incidents on Strategix Facilities

In the event of an incident on a Strategix facility, Strategix will take appropriate action in line with the type of incident as follows.

Serious Injury

If an incident occurs within or on a Strategix facility, all applicable personnel must follow https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3059548460.

In order to keep a record of the incident, the student and/or involved staff member must complete an Incident/Accident Report as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

The report will be processed as per the procedures.

Threat of / Near Miss

If a near-miss incident occurs within or on a Strategix facility the student must complete an Incident and Accident Report, which will be processed as per Strategix policies and procedures. Where required, students have access to student support services and counselling as per the Learner Support Policy and Procedure.

Missing Student

“You do not have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing” – Refer to: missingpersons.gov.au/report

The first 24 hours following a disappearance are the most crucial. The sooner police are able to follow up on leads, such as the availability of CCTV footage, the more likely the person will be found safe and well.

It is important to give the police all the facts and circumstances related to the disappearance, including search efforts already made by student, staff and/or others. Relevant information may include intimate or private details regarding the missing person or their lifestyle.

Where there are concerns for someone’s safety and welfare, and their whereabouts are unknown a Strategix team member will:

  • First, inform and discuss the situation

  • Attempt to make contact with the student on all contact methods available

  • Make contact with and communicate with the student’s emergency contact

  • File a missing person’s report at the local police station*.

*Missing Person’s Report (in Australia)

When filing a missing person’s report, be prepared (where possible) with the following information about the person who is missing:

  • Name, age, home address, and employment information.

  • A recent, clear and coloured photograph of the person missing.

  • Their physical appearance, including any identifying features (tattoos, scars, etc.).

  • What they were wearing when last seen.

  • Their last known whereabouts or intended arrangements (travelling by bus to the local shopping centre, going to the gym, etc.).

  • Habits and places they may frequent.

  • Their social media accounts/use (think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat).

  • Telephone and banking information (Phone number, bank account details).

  • Any behavioural changes, personal, medical or emotional problems they may have experienced before they went missing.

  • Medication the person may use and what it is used to treat. (Do they have a medical condition police should be aware of?)

  • If the person has been reported missing before, the circumstances and where they were found.

  • Lists of friends, acquaintances, and anyone else who might have information or clues about the person’s whereabouts. (Try to include telephone numbers and home or work addresses.)

When filing a missing person report for an international student missing in Australia, the local police station will disseminate the report through INTERPOL channels to the relevant Australian police jurisdiction for further investigation.

The Australian local police station that takes carriage of the case will liaise with the Next of Kin (NOK) of the missing person, either by email or telephone in relation to the ongoing investigation.

If available any friends or family of loved ones who are in Australia may attend with the Strategix staff member to the local police station with the Strategix Staff member to assist with lodging the missing person’s report as described above.

Natural Disaster

In the event of a natural disaster, students and staff are required to follow https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3059712096

If the natural disaster affects the student’s ability to participate in their studies, the student will first be offered the opportunity to defer their studies until such time that they are able to undertake the studies.

Where the student does not take wish to defer their studies or enrol into a similar course they will be removed from the course as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure and any refund of their fees will be actioned as per Strategix’s Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.

Where a student wishes to continue with their studies (as per the original planned start date) Strategix will assess the situation in order to determine the support services that would be required and determine with the student, if it is feasible for them to study in the conditions available and or if Strategix is unable to meet the support requirements to the level required by the student.

Any support services will be actioned in line with Strategix’s Learner Support Policy and Procedure.

Any claims for psychological effects due to the disaster must be supported by official evidence, (i.e. psychiatrist report/letter). Physical effects also require evidence (i.e. medical certificate etc.). These will be kept as evidence on the student's file to support the outcome of a Deferral and or Withdrawal.

Abuse or Severe Verbal or Psychological Aggression

Any incident which involves a child or an adult with impaired capacity action must be taken in line with the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039068240.

In the event of abuse occurring on a Strategix facility, a Strategix team member will address the issue by performing the following tasks where applicable:

  • Perform a risk assessment

  • Investigate the conditions surrounding abuse

  • Meet with those involved

  • Involve emergency services (i.e. Police)

  • Contact emergency contact

  • Provide any support services or counselling to the student/s affected

  • Enforce the misconduct and/or withdrawal procedure, etc. (to the perpetrator)

In the event of abuse occurring in Australia but not at a Strategix facility or abuse in the student’s home country, action is taken in line with this policy.

Death of a Family Member

Where a death occurs a student should advise Strategix and if the student wishes to withdraw from or defer their course they must provide evidence (such as a copy of the Death Certificate).

Where evidence can be provided, the student will first be offered the opportunity to defer their studies until such time that they are able to undertake the studies.

Where a student does not wish to defer their studies or enrol into a similar course they have the opportunity to withdraw as per the Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure and any refund of their fees will be actioned as per Strategix’s Fee Refund Policy and Procedure.

Where a student wishes to continue with their studies (as per the original planned start date) Strategix will assess the situation in order to determine the support services that would be required and determine with the student, if it is feasible for them to study in the conditions available and or if Strategix is unable to meet the support requirements to the level required.

Death of Student

In the event that a student passes away, they will be removed from the course, any outstanding fees will be written off. Strategix will notify the Department of Home Affairs. Where applicable, management will communicate with and work with the student’s emergency contact.

In any applicable situation, Strategix will inform/update any relevant party of the incident, which may include:

  • Emergency Services (Police etc.)

  • The Department of Home Affairs

  • The student’s family

  • Any other relevant organisation/s that may be able to assist in such a situation (i.e. community organisations or phone counselling services).

Any personal information shared with the above-mentioned parties will be done so in line with Strategix’s Privacy Policy which has been developed in line with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Contact information for emergency and support services can be located in Strategix’s Learner Support Policy and Procedure.

Strategix maintains a written record of all critical incidents and remedial action taken on the student’s aXcelerate profile. This is kept on the student’s aXcelerate profile for at least two years after the student ceases to be an accepted student.

Reporting the Incident

As soon as possible staff members must notify their direct manager and within 24hrs complete an Incident/Accident Report and email it to the safety manager. It is important that the report includes as much information as possible. If a staff member has any additional evidence to support the critical incident (i.e. email advice from the student about the situation), this is to be included in the report / email to the safety manager.

The safety manager must notify the Director of Studies of all critical incidents. In accordance with the National Code the Director of Studies must notify the government as soon as practical after the incident and in the case of student death or other absence affecting student attendance, the incident will need to be reported via PRISMS.

Where the critical incident involves suspected criminal activity, the matter must be reported to the Queensland Police Service, regardless of any issues of consent or confidentiality.

Where the incident involves a child or an adult with impaired capacity there are mandatory reporting requirements. Refer to the https://team-1597131381081.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QD/pages/3039068240 for more details.

Remedial action

In line with the National Code, the Director of Studies must ensure:

  • Applicable staff and students receive counselling as necessary

  • Follow up with employees and/or students status as required.


As soon as possible the safety manager and / or the Director of Studies is required to:

  • Review the information about the Incident, including; what happened, the individuals affected

  • Determine likely impacts and any further attention required to the matter

At the first opportunity and when events have settled down a thorough investigation/evaluation should take place to assess how the incident occurred and how Strategix dealt with the events and its responses to those events. This will enable Strategix and our staff to learn from the incident and ensure that the chances of reoccurrence are minimised.

Any corrective actions arising out of the evaluation/investigation must be enacted as soon as is practicable and training and any physical resources necessary to support staff and students given. To do this the critical incident officer should:

  • Set in motion an action plan to manage any aspects arising out of the incident, including communication strategies and issuing of any press/media statements

  • Minute all meetings and document and file these notes.






Critical Incident

A traumatic event or situation, either accidental or deliberate, where there is risk of or actual serious harm, injury or death.


An unplanned or imminent event that affects or threatens the health, safety or welfare of people, property and infrastructure, and which requires a significant and coordinated response.

Emergency contact/next of kin

The person nominated by the student in aXcelerate as their emergency contact, or where that person is unavailable, next of kin, family, or other person if appropriate.



See Funding

Regulatory Documents

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

6.8 The registered provider must have and implement a documented policy and process for managing critical incidents that could affect the overseas student’s ability to undertake or complete a course, such as but not limited to incidents that may cause physical or psychological harm. The registered provider must maintain a written record of any critical incident and remedial action taken by the registered provider for at least two years after the overseas student ceases to be an accepted student.

6.9 The registered provider must:

  • 6.9.1 Take all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment on campus and advise overseas students and staff on actions they can take to enhance their personalsecurity and safety

  • 6.9.2 Provide information to overseas students about how to seek assistance for and report an incident that significantly impacts on their wellbeing, including critical incidents

  • 6.9.3 Provide overseas students with or refer them to (including electronically) general information on safety and awareness relevant to life in Australia.

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