Student Welfare Policy and Procedure

Student Welfare Policy and Procedure









Mar 11, 2024



*See Information classification policy


Student Information

Workplace Health and Safety

Strategix recognises its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for staff, students and guests and is committed to providing effective and ongoing workplace health and safety measures. To minimise risks and effectively deal with any hazard, Strategix:

  • Has regular inspections of its premises to ensure adequate fire and evacuation safety measures are in place

  • Ensures staff are trained to use emergency equipment and are subjected to regular fire and evacuation drills

  • Ensures staff and students are aware of emergency evacuation procedures

  • Has trained First Aid staff.

To help Strategix create a safe and secure environment, students are requested to follow all emergency, safety and security procedures and instructions relating to training facilities at all times.

Strategix attempts to provide training and assessment services in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. It is committed to the welfare of all course participants and complies with work health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation, and other RTO and industry-specific legislative requirements. Strategix expects mutual respect and the rights of others to be observed at all times.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC Insurance)

All international students studying in Australia must have Health Insurance Cover whilst they reside in Australia as part of their visa requirements. The cost of Health insurance in Australia will vary according to provider and the level of cover.

Once accepted into your course and provided with your Confirmation of Enrolment, you can speak with our staff members who will be able to provide you with the details of insurance companies that we regularly deal with who will help organise cover. If organised through our Strategix, the fees for this insurance cover can be added to your course fees, alternatively, you could investigate options yourself. A useful website that may help you is http://www.oshcaustralia.com.au. If you organise the insurance cover yourself then you will be responsible for the payments and you will be required to provide us with a certificate demonstrating cover prior to commencement of your studies.

OSHC insurance is designed to cover you for up to 100% of the fees for most medical services in Australian Hospitals and for an ambulance. Students may wish to take out additional insurance coverage for dental services, Chinese medicines or alternative therapies.


Student Welfare Policy


The purpose of the Student Welfare Policy is to foster an environment in which each student feels safe and supported. Strategix is committed to providing appropriate support and welfare services to enable students to contribute in a positive manner, to the learning environment.

Strategix will support students to make sure everyone has the opportunity to successfully complete their training and assessment program. Support is available to students who have language, literacy or numeracy support needs or any welfare issues. Students requiring counselling or welfare support services will be referred to an appropriate support service. This policy compliments Strategix’s other relevant policies and procedures, including the Health and Safety Policy and Procedure, and emphasises Strategix’s commitment to providing care and support for students, and promoting a positive learning environment for all involved.


Student Welfare Procedure


Legislative Context

Strategix acknowledges its obligation under various federal and local government acts and regulations including;

  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth)

  • Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000

  • Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986

  • Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992

  • Commonwealth Disability Standards for Education 2005

  • NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, 1977

Applicable Standards:

  • Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations (SNR) 16.3, 16.5

  • National Code 2007: Objective 3.1, 6.3







Means a learner, enterprise or organisation that uses or purchases the services provided by Strategix.

Student Support Services

Means the services provided by Strategix to students in order to assist and support the successful achievement of learning outcomes. Services may include (but are not limited to):

  • Pre-enrolment materials

  • Study support and tutoring

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) programs or referrals to these programs

  • Equipment, resources and/or programs to increase access for learners with disabilities

  • Mediation services or referrals to these services

  • Flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment

  • Counselling services or referrals to these services

  • Learning materials in alternative formats.

Welfare Related Services

Services which address the mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being of students. These services may include thought limited to, through direct provision or referral, information/advice about: accommodation, counselling, crisis services, disabilities and equity issues, financial matters, legal issues and stress-management


Student Support and Safety

Strategix is committed to providing and maintaining an environment that is without risks to the health, safety and security of Strategix employees and students. Strategix achieves this by:

  • Implementing the Health and Safety Policy

  • Developing and implementing policies or procedures to prevent and deal with any form of discrimination, harassment, or vilification of Strategix employees and students

  • Upholding the Student Code of Conduct

  • Appointing a WHS representative

  • Appointing a staff member to address welfare-related issues

  • Implementing the Child Safety and Protection Policy

  • Complying with mandatory reporting obligations under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Protection Act 1998

  • Providing referrals to external counselling services to students to deal with issues that are not within Strategix’s expertise, scope, or authority

  • Keeping students abreast of any general security issues or concerns

  • Monitoring student course progress and providing academic and administrative support to all the students within Strategix’s policy framework to enable them to achieve their academic objectives

Student Handbook

  1. All current and prospective students are provided with a Student Handbook detailing Strategix’s Learner Support Services.

  2. A copy of the Student Handbook is available on Strategix’s website.

Student Support Officer

  1. Health and wellbeing are essential to students achieving successful learning outcomes. Strategix Student Liaison Officers/Course Coordinators can provide referrals to student welfare related services including (but not limited to) accommodation, counselling, crisis services, disabilities and equity issues, financial matters, legal issues, medical issues, mental health, and stress management.

  2. Urgent matters will be attended to promptly on the advice of the front desk (initiated by the student) or Strategix staff members.

Counselling services and other external referrals will be arranged if deemed appropriate by a Strategix Student Liaison Officers/Course Coordinator. There is no fee attached to this welfare support and referral service. Any cost charged by the external services will be the responsibility of the student.

Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities

  1. Staff owe a duty to take reasonable care under various state legislation, for the safety and welfare of students, under the age of 18 years, whilst these students are involved in college or academy activities. Staff are obligated to report suspected abuse and/or neglect of students under the age of 18.

  2. The duty is to take such measures as are reasonable to protect students from risks of harm that reasonably ought to be foreseen. This requires not only protection from known hazards but also protection from harm that could foreseeably arise and could have reasonably been prevented.

  3. In discharging their duty of care responsibilities, teaching staff must exercise their professional judgement to achieve a balance between ensuring that students do not face an unreasonable risk of harm and encouraging students' independence and maximising learning opportunities.

  4. Strategix considers all teaching staff to be mandated reporters and is committed to ensuring teaching staff are able to recognise evidence of neglect and/or abuse of students and how to make appropriate reports of abuse and/or neglect to the relevant authorities.

Ongoing Student Support

  1. Strategix will provide ongoing support to students in form of Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) programs or referrals to these programs if needed, course progress intervention and academic support if deemed at risk of not completing the course on time, reasonable adjustment to assessment methods and academic support for people with disability and learning difficulties.

  2. Students can access Strategix’s student support services by approaching either any staff member in their immediate contact. Students will also be provided with any forms and/or additional policy and procedure documents to deal with and report any issues of concern or welfare.

  3. All students will have an unequivocal access to Strategix resources and an equal opportunity to access Strategix programs, services and resources, including learning materials, access to academic and administrative staff members, avenues to lodge and resolve complaints, student welfare and student support services, and access to their administrative and academic records.

Students with Disability

  1. Strategix acknowledges its obligation as an education and training provider to support the rights of students with disability to participate in educational courses and programs on the same basis as students without disability.

  2. The Student Enrolment process is used to collect information about students with disabilities or impairments. This is information is used by Strategix to meet each student’s needs. Students who wish to apply for adjustments to teaching or assessment methods on the basis of a disability should contact the Course Coordinator and bring supporting documents for consideration of disability (e.g. a letter from a treating professional).

  3. Reasonable adjustments to training and assessment methods are made using the following principles (Ref: ACARA):

    • Students with disabilities are subject to the standard rules and policy on assessment and teaching methods, and assessment is only varied where a student can demonstrate with appropriate documentation that he/she is disadvantaged as a result of disability.

    • The nature of reasonable adjustments is such that they are designed to minimise the disadvantage experienced by students with disabilities, rather than provide students with a competitive advantage.

    • Any adjustments to assessment for a student with a disability are to be made in such a way as to ensure that the fundamental nature of the assessment remains the same i.e. students with disabilities are still required to demonstrate a pre-determined level of ability in relation to essential competency requirements.

Students with Language, Literacy and Numeracy(LLN) Needs

  1. For all learners, LLN are key underpinning skills that will support their vocational learning, the development of their employability skills and their workplace communication skills whatever level of course or training they are doing. Accordingly, Strategix will embed LLN principles within its delivery and learning and assessment tasks. Strategix uses Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) as a reference to assess current LLN skill levels.

  2. LLN needs may be identified through student’s self-assessment (pre-enrolment), during student orientation, and/or trainer/assessors’ recommendations. These needs will be addressed through classroom learning and assessment activities over the duration of the program. Strategix may refer students to appropriate levels of English language programs within the RTO or external providers depending on the specific needs/requirements of the student.


Student Safety and Security

  1. Strategix is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students and visitors. This means making sure people feel free from risk to their health and safety by creating an environment that is culturally accepting and conducive to learning. This includes the risk of threat, harassment, intimidation, robbery, bullying and violence.

  2. Students will be informed about safety and security as part of the student induction and enrolment process in accordance with the Student Handbook.

Workplace Health and Safety

  1. Government legislation provides a framework for the prevention of occupational injury and illness.

  2. Strategix does not expect students to work in any environment which is unsafe or detrimental to their health but sees safety as a partnership between the students, staff and the employer.

  3. Students have a responsibility for their own health and welfare and should comply with Strategix’s safety procedures and directions.

Inclusive Practice Policy

  1. Strategix recognises that Equal Opportunity is a matter of obligation, social justice and legal responsibility. It also recognises that prohibiting discriminatory policies and procedures is sound management practice.

  2. Every person will be given a fair and equitable chance to pursue their study as effectively as others. In all cases, performance and competence are to be used as the basis for performance assessment, training and development opportunities and promotions.

  3. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they treat all members of the VACSAL community with respect without regard to non-relevant criteria or distinctions.

Full copies of all our policies or procedures are available on our website or upon request.

Welfare Agencies and Services







Kids Helpline

1800 551 800


Department of Family & Community Services

132 111


Department of Health and Human Services

131 278 (after hours emergency)


Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

(07) 3235 9999 or 1800 177 135 (after hours and weekends)


Department for Child Protection

Tel. 1800 622 258

a/h: (08) 9223 1111 or 1800 199 008


Department for Education and Child Development

Tel. 131 478


Department of Health and Human Services

Tel. 1300 737 639


Community Services Directorate

Tel. 1300 556 729


Office of Children and Families

Tel. 1800 700 250


The following processes will be applied for students considered to be ”at risk”:

Strategix is at all times concerned with the welfare of our students. Personnel will counsel students as appropriate and/or refer them to qualified counsellors. Personnel are required to respond to and attempt to alleviate any signs of distress or discomfort by students and to actively render appropriate assistance.

If students require extra support or counselling, they are encouraged to make contact with a member of our team who will be eager to assist and refer them to the appropriate support services.

Counselling/Personal Support

  • Lifeline – 13 11 14 or www.lifeline.org.au

  • Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277 http://www.relationships.org.au

  • MensLine Australia – (For men of any age) 1300 78 99 78

  • Kids Helpline (For young people aged 5-25) – 1800 551 800

Mental Health Websites

  • Mindhealthconnect.org.au: Launched as part of the Australian Government’s National E-Mental Health Strategy, this site is a trusted gateway to issues surrounding mental health care and a first step to finding relevant support and resources to meet mental health needs

  • Beyondblue.org.au: Beyondblue’s work is aimed at achieving an Australian community that understands depression and anxiety, empowering all Australians, at any life stage, to seek help

  • Anxietyonline.org.au: Anxiety Online provides information, assessment, referral and treatment for Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Headspace.org.au: Headspace provides mental and health wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families

  • Reachout.com: ReachOut.com is Australia’s leading online youth mental health service. It’s a perfect place to start if not sure where to look. It’s got information on everything from finding motivation, to getting through really tough times.



See Funding

Regulatory Documents



Approved By


Details / Decisions:

  • Inclusive Practice Policy

  • Health and Safety Policy

  • Student Handbook

  • Student Code of Conduct

  • Inclusive Practice Policy

  • Student Complaints and Appeal Procedure

  • Mandatory Notification Procedure.

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